15 research outputs found

    Saúde da criança: uma revisão sobre o desenvolvimento humano da criança

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    Artigo de Especialização apresentado à Faculdade de Ciências Biomédica de Cacoal – FACIMED para obtenção do título de Especialista em Saúde da Família. Orientadora: Prof.ª Esp. Angela Antunes de Morais LimaThe process of growth and development is a remarkable aspect of childhood that should direct the attention of health professionals. The quality of life of children's health through the development and growth and identify solutions is expected the guiding principle of professional conduct of this attention. The Program for Integral Attention to Children's Health - PAISC is inserted into the ESF, and aims to adopt strategies of basic comprehensive care in the child's health, involving the monitoring of growth and development, family health team should be the point and strategic gateway to the child's health system and ensure accessibility in the program of growth and development in the catchment area, and the primary care team and the PSF resolvable responsible for the health problems of the child. Bibliographical study, exploratory qualitative, where the source data collection sites were search as: bireme, and scielo diretory of open acces journals and books in the library of Facimed. The objective of this research was to investigate the literature the authors' opinions regarding the growth and development of children. Data were collected from January to June 2012. It was used as an inclusion criterion, references the past 25 years. For data analysis we used descriptive statistics, and used the program microssoft Word 2007. This study concludes that there are various opinions of the authors regarding the growth and development of children, where some authors mention that growth and development is directed only to the calculation of BMI and other authors reported that growth suffers direct influences must be taken into account other factors, namely genetic, metabolic, lifestyle, housing and care to cognitive and psychological level. But it is worth noting that the PSF team must see the child as a whole, identifying possible hazards that it may be affected, thus creating strategies that will prevent or treat diseases that affect the child's development, providing better quality of life

    Evaluation on body weight and its relation with abdominal circumference in the diagnosis of obesity in school students in Cacoal municipality, RO, Brazil

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    Obesity in school-aged children has reached epidemic levels, which is considered a chronic disease. Researchers have been on alert, given the rising prevalence of obesity in the last few decades. The objective of this study is to evaluate the relation between body weight and abdominal circumference as a predictor for nutritional status in school students from 7 to 12 years of age in the municipality of Cacoal, RO, Brazil. The current study is of a descriptive nature, with cross-sectional and quantitative analysis. The study sample had 482 school students, of both genders, 230 male ones and 252 female ones, divided into school students from the urban and teaching rural teaching areas. Body Mass Index (BMI), abdominal circumference, and body weight were the variants analyzed. Reading with general comprehension strategies. It was possible to notice that 13% of the school students from the rural area were obese. On the other hand, 25% of the school students from the urban area, including both genders, were obese. There was a significant relation in body weight variant versus abdominal circumference in both genders, in the two areas studied. The body weight variant showed a significant relation with abdominal circumference and with body weight index in both genders

    Análise da prevalência de sobrepeso, obesidade e risco cardíaco nos escolares da rede municipal de ensino

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    To analyze the prevalence of overweight and obesity and cardiac risk among schoolchildren in the municipal network, differentiating groups from rural and urban schools. Methods: The present study is characterized as descriptive, of a quantitative character, having a cross section. The current study used a random sample by listing the sample in a population of 3,547 students, the sample selected was 11.76% (482 students), of students aged between 7 and 12 years. The hypothesis raised is that there is no significant difference between schoolchildren in rural and urban areas. For the sample selection, Kazmier's statistical calculation was applied, respecting a margin of error of 0.05%. Results: Of the 482 students, 230 were males and 252 females. The prevalence of normal, overweight and obesity was 69%, 19% and 11%, respectively, in males, and 77%, 10% and 13%, respectively. urban area giving a total of 111 students divided into 52 males and 59 females. Conclusion: In the current study there was no significant difference in the variables that indicate a tendency to overweight and obesity. In the variable that indicates cardiac risk there was a difference in the male and female groups, with an emphasis on increase in school children in the rural area

    Perfil epidemiológico e clínico dos pacientes diagnosticados com Hanseníase através de exame de contato no município de Cacoal no período de 2009 a 2013

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    Leprosy is still a significant problem in public health. Transmitted through the respiratory tract, it primarily affects the skin and the peripheral nerves. The current study deals with a documentary, cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative research, which used data from SINAN in the period between 2009 and 2013, and made up of 13 patients. The aim of this study was to identify the epidemiological and clinical profiles of these patients who were diagnosed with leprosy through the contact examination in Cacoal-RO. The results showed that 69,2% were female, prevailing the white and brown-skinned races with 46,2%. Regarding education 61,5% did not finished elementary school. Regarding occupation, 30,8% were domestic workers. The urban area had 76,9% of the cases. Teixeirão and Riozinho had 15,4%. The average age was 36,8 years old with a standard deviation of 13,8. In the operational classification, 61,5% were paucibacillary, in the clinical form, 61,5% was undetermined. When assessing the degree of disability, 84,6% was diagnosed with grade zero and in high grade of 92,3%. Diagnosing skin lesions, 84,6% had five or fewer lesions. About the impairment of the nerve trunks, 76,9% had one or less affected trunk. Upon examination of smear, 23,1% resulted as positive cases. The proportion of contacts in relation to the total registered in the period was 4,6%. It is concluded that the active search, contact examination and the continuity of monitoring, is the opportunity to early diagnose new cases, reduce the number of permanent sequelae and reduce the outbreaks of transmission

    Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics with Minimal Length Uncertainty

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    We study non-Hermitian quantum mechanics in the presence of a minimal length. In particular we obtain exact solutions of a non-Hermitian displaced harmonic oscillator and the Swanson model with minimal length uncertainty. The spectrum in both the cases are found to be real. It is also shown that the models are η pseudo-Hermitian and the metric operator is found explicitly in both the cases

    A enfermagem na prevenção de úlceras por pressão por fatores extrínsecos eu um hospital público no município de Espigão do Oeste-RO

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    It's field research, exploratory and descriptive, quantitative and qualitative, by collecting data through a questionnaire containing 17 open and closed questions with the nursing staff of the Mixed Unit of Espigao d'Oeste / RO, aiming to identify whether nurses perform techniques that prevent the formation of pressure ulcers by extrinsic factors in bedridden patients to identify if the nurses know how to develop techniques that prevent the formation of pressure ulcers by extrinsic factors in bedridden patients; check the techniques used by professionals in the prevention of pressure ulcers by extrinsic factors in bedridden patients and identify if nursing professionals advice the family in the hospital to perform the prevention of pressure ulcers by extrinsic factors at home. We interviewed 29 nurses, 25 nursing technicians and 04 nurses during the month of August 2010 in that hospital. The research showed that the position change is the prevention of pressure ulcers more commonly known as 28 (96.55%) professionals, held by 27 (93.10%) and professional guidance at discharge for 16 (55.17 %) professionals in the hospital. We conclude that the nursing staff is knowledgeable about preventive measures, however, some were improperly adopted, and identified that the position change, the use of improvised pads, moisturizing and massage are the preventive measures most used by the team nursing and that the majority of nurses held in the hospital guidelines on how to prevent the UPP by extrinsic factors in bedridden patients, but a significant number of professionals do not realize these guidelines, this is a negative factor because it is the nursing staff perform these guidelines

    Poisoning by parental pq: case report in a city of Amazonia/Brazil

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    This study aimed to present a case and propose the major labels nursing diagnoses in intensive care in victim parenteral Paraquat poisoning. We used the descriptive qualitative case study method with retrospective approach in medical records of a patient admitted to the intensive care unit. The data analyzed resulted in 35 nursing diagnoses, hepatorenal involvement on post intoxication day with PQ, and the third day manifestations severe respiratory clinics. Concludes that intoxication with PQ via parenteral cause 100% mortality

    Surveillance of intradomiciliary contacts of leprosy cases: perspective of the client in a hyperendemic municipality

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    Objective: To characterize approach methods for intradomiciliary contacts (IdC) of leprosy cases resident in Northern Brazil, during 2001-2012. Method: A cross-sectional and descriptive study in the state of Rondônia. Included IdC of leprosy cases diagnosed/ reported in SINAN-Ministry of Health (MS), 2001-2012. A semi-structured instrument was applied to the IdCs, with six interventions: complete dermatological examination; complete neurological examination; BCG vaccination; instructions for return to the health unit; BCG guidance; and guidance to mobilize other contacts. Results: From a total of 459 IdCs included, failure to perform the dermatological examination was reported by 191 people (41.6%) and the neurological examination, by 252 (54.9%); 138 (30.1%) did not have BCG indicated and 122 (26.6%) did not receive guidelines; 257 (56.0%) were not advised to return for a new evaluation/follow-up and 186 (40.5%) were not asked to mobilize other contacts. Conclusion: Despite the favorable indicators of IdC examination coverage in the state, the evaluation process presents patterns that indicate operational quality failures

    Preparo dos policiais do Grupo de Operações Especiais - GOE/Cacoal em atendimento de primeiros socorros

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    This is descriptive research, from the field, it ́s of a qualitative and quantitative nature and transversal, developed with the Special Opera- tions Group - GOE - Military Police / RO, the headquartered being in Cacoal. The officers were selected by convenience, consisted of 22 officers. This study aimed to evaluate whether the police GOE / Cacoal are prepared to provide first aid to members of their team in a situation of urgency / emergency. The survey took place in July 2013 a ques- tionnaire was prepared by the researchers, containing 14 questions, with 09 closed questions and 05 open questions. It was observed that 63.63 % of the officers questioned did not receive first aid training to work in the GOE. In the group of the officers interviewed, 68.18% claim not to have been updated on first aid after entering the GOE; 50% reported that first aid training only occurred every four years or more; 18.18% reported training every two years; 9.09 % reported training every three years; and only 22.72% reported training as annu- ally; 63.63% of the military officers claim that the GOE did not feel prepared to help injured members of their team, because of the first aid equipment in the vehicles of the GOE; 95.45% of the interviewed claim not to have first aid material available to them. Most of the mili- tary officers mentioned situations where they witnessed injuries by gunshot fire, automobile accident and stab wounds. Considering the statistical data presented above, it is concluded that the majority of officers interviewed are not prepared to provide first aid care to injured members of thei

    Preparation of the police's special operations group GOE/CACOAL in firstaid care

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    This is descriptive research, from the field, it´s of a qualitative and quantitative nature and transversal, developed with the Special Operations Group - GOE - Military Police / RO, the headquartered being in Cacoal. The officers were selected by convenience, consisted of 22 officers. This study aimed to evaluate whether the police GOE / Cacoal are prepared to provide first aid to members of their team in a situation of urgency / emergency. The survey took place in July 2013 a questionnaire was prepared by the researchers, containing 14 questions, with 09 closed questions and 05 open questions. It was observed that 63.63 % of the officers questioned did not receive first aid training to work in the GOE. In the group of the officers interviewed, 68.18% claim not to have been updated on first aid after entering the GOE; 50% reported that first aid training only occurred every four years or more; 18.18% reported training every two years; 9.09 % reported training every three years; and only 22.72% reported training as annu- ally; 63.63% of the military officers claim that the GOE did not feel prepared to help injured members of their team, because of the first aid equipment in the vehicles of the GOE; 95.45% of the interviewed claim not to have first aid material available to them. Most of the military officers mentioned situations where they witnessed injuries by gunshot fire, automobile accident and stab wounds. Considering the statistical data presented above, it is concluded that the majority of officers interviewed are not prepared to provide first aid care to injured members of their team