Análise da prevalência de sobrepeso, obesidade e risco cardíaco nos escolares da rede municipal de ensino


To analyze the prevalence of overweight and obesity and cardiac risk among schoolchildren in the municipal network, differentiating groups from rural and urban schools. Methods: The present study is characterized as descriptive, of a quantitative character, having a cross section. The current study used a random sample by listing the sample in a population of 3,547 students, the sample selected was 11.76% (482 students), of students aged between 7 and 12 years. The hypothesis raised is that there is no significant difference between schoolchildren in rural and urban areas. For the sample selection, Kazmier's statistical calculation was applied, respecting a margin of error of 0.05%. Results: Of the 482 students, 230 were males and 252 females. The prevalence of normal, overweight and obesity was 69%, 19% and 11%, respectively, in males, and 77%, 10% and 13%, respectively. urban area giving a total of 111 students divided into 52 males and 59 females. Conclusion: In the current study there was no significant difference in the variables that indicate a tendency to overweight and obesity. In the variable that indicates cardiac risk there was a difference in the male and female groups, with an emphasis on increase in school children in the rural area

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