9 research outputs found

    Peran Kebijakan Fiskal dalam Mengatasi Resesi Ekonomi di Indonesia

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     In line with the objectives of the national economic system, fiscal policy can be used as a major instrument in addition to monetary policy to achieve national goals, especially those that are more of an economic purpose. In this era of democracy the role of fiscal policy in influencing the economy in Indonesia has brought about massive changes in Indonesia's development system. The previously very centralized policy pattern has also gained reform through decentralized policies. Basically this change in fiscal policy is largely determined by the government's involvement in economic activity, this is in accordance with the role of the government to realize the welfare of its people, one of which is by using an appropriate fiscal policy instrument. But in its implementation, fiscal policies that have been carried out tend to be incidental without proper planning and not in accordance with the main guidelines, namely the constitution of the 1945 Constitution. In connection with the above, this research will describe the objectives of fiscal policy in the development of democracy and how the role of policy fiscal in the overcome the economic recession in Indonesia. This study uses a normative juridical approach. It is said to be normative juridical because this study uses only secondary data sources, namely legislation, theories and opinions of leading scholars and experts. In addition, this study also uses a qualitative Qualitative approach because it is a process of analyzing data without using formulas and numbers derived from information from the literature study, namely data taken from relevant agencies and observations in research conducted with the problems discussed. that. The results of the study show that fiscal policy in democratic development in Indonesia aims to increase employment opportunities, increase and distribute national income, increase the rate of investment, and improve economic stability, in addition  in the overcome the economic recession in Indonesia Fiscal policies play a role in encouraging the achievement of development targets which have been set. This role is in line with one of the APBN functions as a means of maintaining stability and accelerating economic performance so that economic growth can be achieved, creating jobs, alleviating poverty, organizing government programs or plans effectively, efficiently, and effectively and avoiding corruption

    Wonderful Digital Tourism Indonesia Dan Peran Revolusi Industri Dalam Menghadapi Era Ekonomi Digital 5.0

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    The rapid development of information technology in the past two decades has changed the various settings of human life. The appearance of the 5.0 industrial revolution in Japan had an impact in all fields, including in the tourism sector. This era was marked by the ease of access to information through digital media. In this regard, Indonesia also does not want to be defeated, but in Indonesia the new Industrial Revolution era in the Era 4.0. This is the reason for the emergence of the phenomenon of cultural shifts from manual systems to cyber and visual, as well as in the tourism sector, especially Indonesian tourists who are millennial generations.Therefore the government program after Indonesia's independence until now, continues to try to improve industrial development with various policies, especially the tourism industry which is a mainstay at this time. The research discusses whether the program used in order to improve the development of Indonesian tourism in the face of tourist destinations with the concept of "contemporary" through a digital approach and what is the role of tourism in facing the industrial revolution in the digital economy era.The research method used is a qualitative method. The results of the study were found to face current tourist destinations with 3 programs, namely Wonderful Startup Academy, Nomadic Digital Tourism and Destinations and the role of tourism in facing the digital era can be seen in marketing activities that can easily be accessed through internet media such as: websites, social media, online advertising, direct marketing e-mail, discussion forums and mobile applications. With the presence of digital marketing tourism, it is difficult to increase the country's foreign exchange earnings


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    Menurut  Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2017 Tentang Pemilihan Umum dinyatakan bahwa pemilihan umum selanjutnya disebut Pemilu adalah sarana pelaksanaan kedaulatan rakyat yang dilaksanakan secara langsung, umum, bebas, rahasia, jujur, dan adil dalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Dalam penyelenggaraan pemilu banyak sekali ditemukan pelanggaran.Tak heran jika Bawaslu Pusat maupun Panwaslu di daerah-daerah memiliki segudang bukti pelanggaran baik yang dilakukan oleh penyelenggara, peserta,dan  pelaksana pemilu. Salah satunya adalah mengenai kasus Partai Perindo yang telah melakukan kampanye di luar jadwal yang sudah ditetapkan atau bisa dikatakan telah “mencuri start”. Berkaitan dengan keterangan diatas maka penelitian ini akan menguraikan tentangbagaimanakah peran Bawaslu terhadap pelanggaran kampanye yang dilakukan oleh partai Perindo serta bagaimana penerapan sanksi pidana terhadap partai yang telah melakukan pelanggaran kampanye berdasarkan Undang-undang Pemilu. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan yuridis normatif, spesifikasi penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif. Penarikan kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian yang sudah dikumpulkan dilakukan dengan metode analisis normatif kualitatif. Normatif yaitu mempergunakan sumber-sumber data sekunder saja yaitu peraturan perundang-undangan, teori-teori hukum dan pendapat-pendapat para sarjana hukum terkemuka. Dalam penelitian ini sebagaimana pasal 93,94,95 UU Pemilu diketahui bahwa Bawaslu berperan untuk menerima laporan dan menindak lanjutinya, sehingga didapati bahwa Perindo sudah melakukan pelanggaran pemilu hal ini merupakan laporan dari KPI, karena Perindo telah berkampanye, dengan cara menayangkan Mars Perindo di stasiun TV milik HTS . Terkait pelanggaran yang dilakukan Perindo, maka HTS dikenakan pasal 492 Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemilihan Umum


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    Ketika hari-hari kita di isi untuk menyaksikan kasus-kasus korupsi yang  kian marak, meluas dan beragam, serta perilaku saling tidak percaya, saling menyalahkan, lepas tanggungjawab, mencari jalan pintas, arogan, inkonsisten, dan rupa-rupa perilaku tak pantas lainnya kian menyesakkan dada, kita sadar budaya antikorupsi kita menghilang.Kemanakah budaya antikorupsi kita? Di satu sisi Bangsa kita memiliki kelemahan perilaku yang diwariskan sebagai hasil penjajahan. Sejak lama kita sadari kelemahan ini. Mental menerabas, tidak menghargai waktu, meremehkan mutu, tidak percaya diri, dan banyak lagi.Sementara di sisi lain, dunia pendidikan yang diharapkan menjadi penguat budaya antikorupsi makin dirasakan tidak konsisten dalam menjalankan fungsinya. Proses pendidikan seperti mementingkan penguasaan pengetahuan semata ketimbang membiasakan perilaku baik. Sekalipun sekolah mengimplementasikan berbagai kegiatan sejenis, akan tetapi hal tersebut dilaksanakan seolah terpisah dari proses pembelajaran yang utuh. Kenyataan ini menunjukkan masih ada celah  bagi pemberantasan korupsi melalui sektor pendidikan apabila kita bersungguh-sungguh bertekad memberantas korupsi tidak hanya di tingkat lembaga atau organisasi yang besar tetapi pada tingkat interaktif sesama manusia termasuk di dalam proses belajar pada generasi muda. Berdasarkan paparan diatas penulis tertarik untuk membahas mengenai upaya preventif apakah yang akan digunakan untuk menumbuhkan pendidikan anti korupsi bagi generasi muda ? Adapun upaya preventif  yang akan digunakan untuk menumbuhkan pendidikan anti korupsi bagi generasi muda yakni Mengasuh Antikorupsi di Rumah dan Sekolah Antikorupsi di Sekolah


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    To reduce corruption in the future, of course, it is necessary to provide anti-corruption education from now on, because education and public awareness are also important components in fighting corruption. The purpose of this paper is to analyze corruption education in combating corruption crimes in the future and handling corruption and anti-corruption education in various countries. The type of research used in this research is normative juridical. Normative juridical research is research that uses the legis positivist conception. Anti-corruption education in the future must be instilled in an integrated manner from primary to tertiary education Anti-corruption education in the future must be instilled in an integrated manner from primary to tertiary education. It is hoped that through education about anti-corruption from an early age, it can create a person who has a more introspective personality, so that when it is time to enter society, children are no longer easily influenced and have sufficient and correct knowledge about anti-corruption. Learning from China, Indonesia should also be able to fight corruption and eradicate this chronic disease from the country. In addition to a strong commitment from the country's leaders and law enforcers, China-style corruption eradication may be applicable in Indonesia. The preventing corruption through education in Indonesia and Malaysia is almost the same, namely through the internalization of anti-corruption values into certain subjects, while Singapore emphasizes more on character education


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    Kejahatan merupakan suatu tindakan kriminal yang dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja tanpa memandang umur maupun status sosialhal ini, ketika seseorang mealakukan kejahatan maka ia akan mendapat hukuman di penjara. Selama di dalam penjara narapidana diberikan pembinaan, pembinaan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan sistem kepenjaraan yaitu sebuah sistem yang mempergunakan prinsip balas dendam dari negara terhadap mereka.Tetapi pada kenyataannya hal tersebut tidak berjalan dengan mulus, sehingga Sahardjo, dalam Konferensi Dinas Kepenjaraan di Lembang pada tanggal 27 April 1964  melontarkan gagasan perubahan tujuan pembinaan dari sistem kepenjaraan ke sistem pemasyarakatan. Menurut Sahardjo untuk memperlakukan narapidana diperlukan landasan sistem pemasyarakatan. Mengingat adanya sebuah perubahan dari Sistem Kepenjaraan menjadi Sistem Pemasyarakatan tersebut diatas, maka peneliti sangat tertarik sekali untuk melakukan sebuah penelitian tentang bagaimanakah implementasi pembinaan dalam sistem pemasyarakatan yang ada di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas I Cipinang ditinjau dari Undang-undang No 12 Tahun 1995 Tentang Pemasyarakatan ?. adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan metode yuridis normatif yakni metode yang metode yang digunakan dengan menguasai hukumnya bagi suatu persoalan tertentu serta bagaimana melaksanakan atau menerapkan peraturan-peraturan hukum tersebut.Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa Implementasi Pembinaan yang diperoleh peneliti dari Bidang Bimbingan Kemasyarakatan (Bim Kemasy) Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas I Cipinang pada dasarnya WBP (Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan) diberikan dua jenis pembinaan yaitu Pembinaan kepribadian dan pembinaan kemandirian. Pembinaan kepribadian meliputi antara lain:Pembinaan kesadaran beragama Pembinaan Kesadaran berbangsa dan bernegara Pembinaan Kemampuan intelektual Pembinaan Kesadaran HukumPembinaan Sosial Kemasyarakatan (integrasi). Sedangkan pembinaan kemandirian meliputi berbagai macam keterampilan yang dikembangkan sesuai dengan bakatnya masing – masing


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    Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are generally interpreted as an organization established by individuals or groups of people who voluntarily provide services to the general public without involving to obtain benefits from their activities. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to reach their interests. The research method used is a qualitative method that uses a normative juridical method, namely the method used with legal complaints about any particular conversation and how to regulate or implement these laws and regulations. From the results of the discussion, the role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Indonesia is due to several factors: there is a motive for seeking profits, the absence of financial resources and low professionalism, a diverse professional background, ideological concepts that are not well explained and questionable. Therefore efforts are needed to re-establish the role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as a pillar of civil society which can be done through internal and external repositioning

    Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Perkara Pembunuhan yang direncanakan oleh Anak (Studi kasus No. 45/Pen/Pid /2004 /PNBKS)

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    Kesimpulan yang didapat adalah bahwa secara umum prosedur persidangan dalam proses peradilan anak yang dilakukan oleh Pengadilan Negeri Bekasi telah mengacu dan sesuai dengan Undang-Undang No. 3 Tahun 1997 Tentang Pengadilan Anak. Saran dari penulis sebaiknya para penegak hukum (polisi, jaksa dan petugas kemasyarakatan, selayaknya memiliki rasa kepedulian yang tinggi dalam menangani anak yang bermc:isalah, sehingga ketika mereka menangani proses hukum bagi anak-anak, mereka akan berpendapat bahwa anak-anak merupakan aset bangsa di masa yang akan datang, sehingga anak harus mendapatkan perlindungan dan pelayanan hukum yang memadai


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    Children are a gift from the trust at the same time the Almighty God, which always must be maintained because in her inherent dignity, dignity and rights as human beings who must be upheld. In the growth and development often arise various problems of delinquency. If it is observed that many children's rights are violated from the examination process until the judge's decision and still found that the judge tends to impose the criminal body and deprivation of independence in deciding the case of children. Based on this matter, in this study will be described whether the factors of criminal individualization considered by judges in deciding cases of children, especially for children in conflict with the law and how the implementation of legal process that should be used against children in conflict with the law in Indonesia. The research method used is normative legal research, using statue approach method based on Law Number 11 Year 2012 on Children Criminal Justice System, case approach and comparative approach. As contained in Law Number 11 Year 2012 on Children Criminal Justice System especially Article 43. In the law also contains the rights of children contained in Article 3, Article 4 and Article 65 so that in the process of conducting the trial against the child does not exist the rights of the child who are violated in this case are in accordance with the Beijing Rules, the standard rules established by the United Nations relating to the child