14 research outputs found

    Action recognition using single-pixel time-of-flight detection

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    Action recognition is a challenging task that plays an important role in many robotic systems, which highly depend on visual input feeds. However, due to privacy concerns, it is important to find a method which can recognise actions without using visual feed. In this paper, we propose a concept for detecting actions while preserving the test subject's privacy. Our proposed method relies only on recording the temporal evolution of light pulses scattered back from the scene. Such data trace to record one action contains a sequence of one-dimensional arrays of voltage values acquired by a single-pixel detector at 1 GHz repetition rate. Information about both the distance to the object and its shape are embedded in the traces. We apply machine learning in the form of recurrent neural networks for data analysis and demonstrate successful action recognition. The experimental results show that our proposed method could achieve on average 96.47 % accuracy on the actions walking forward, walking backwards, sitting down, standing up and waving hand, using recurrent neural network

    Superluminaalselt levivad lokaliseeritud valgusimpulsid

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    Käesolev uurimistöö kuulub füüsikalise optika valdkonda ja tegeleb ülilühikeste optiliste ehk valgusimpulsside levi uurimisega. 1983. aastal avaldas ameerika teadlane James Neill Brittingham uurimistöö, mille tihedasse ja keerukasse valemirägasse oli sügavale peidetud info, et elektromagnetlained võivad moodustada ülilühikesi impulsse (ehk ‘lainepakette’), mis on võimelised läbima pikki vahemaid ilma kuju muutmata ehk levi-invariantselt ning mille intensiivsusmaksimumi ruumilised mõõtmed on samas suurusjärgus lainepikkusega, ehk kümme korda väiksemad juuksekarva ristlõikest. See on märkimisväärne eriti seetõttu, et üldreeglina kõik lainepaketid, nagu ka näiteks laseri fokuseeritud kiirtekimp, valguvad levides laiali seda rohkem, mida väiksemad olid nende algsed mõõtmed. Levi-invariantsed laineväljad ehk lokaliseeritud lained leiavad rakendust näiteks mikroosakestega ning -organismidega manipuleerimise metoodikais, fluorestsentsmikroskoopias, mittelineaarses ja ülikiires optikas, plasmakanali juhtimiseks mööda kindlat trajektoori aga ka aatomite optiliseks lõksustamiseks ning nii optilise kui ultraheli kujutise edasikandmiseks. Märkimisväärne ja kirjanduses diskussiooni põhjustanud on ka asjaolu, et teatavat tüüpi lokaliseeritud lainete rühmakiirus on suurem valguse kiirusest (samas keskkonnas) ehk superluminaalne. Nii nagu levi-invariantsus, ei ole superluminaalne rühmakiirus vastuolus fundamentaalsete füüsikaseadustega, vaid vastupidi – sügavamal analüüsil ikkagi kooskõlas nendega. Doktoritöös on uuritud ülevalgusekiirusega levivaid lokaliseeritud laineid, välja on töötatud meetod nende eksperimentaalseks moodustamiseks ning läbi viidud nn Bessel-X impulsi ja selle kiirenevalt ja aeglustuvalt levivate analoogide kõrgrlahutusega ajalis-ruumilised mõõtmised. Muuhulgas on otseste katsete ja mõõtmistega demonstreeritud, et ülilühikese valgusimpulsi difrageerumisel ümmarguselt avalt, kettalt või pilult moodustub tõkke taga superluminaalselt, aeglustuvalt liikuv Besseli-tüüpi lainepakett, mis on klassikalises optikas tuntud Arago-Poissoni täpi impulss-versioon.The thesis belongs to the field of physical optics. In the thesis the propagation of ultrashort optical pulses has been studied. In year 1983 an American scientist James Neill Brittingham published a very theoretical paper announcing three-dimensional classical electromagnetic pulses, which propagate invariantly without any distortion or spread over long distances. The intensity maximum of the novel pulses was tightly localized to a “bulletlike” core which dimensions are in order of a wavelength, hence remain smaller than a cross-section of a human hair. The result was startling because in general all wave packets, among those also a focused laser beam, spread out in the course of propagation. The smaller the initial spatial dimensions of the wave packet, the larger the spread will be. The propagation-invariant pulses or the localized waves have applications in optical trapping and particle micromanipulation, in fluorescence microscopy, in nonlinear and ultrafast optics, for guiding plasma channel, as optical atom guide and for transfer of optical or ultrasound images. The fact that the group velocity of localized waves of certain type is superluminal, has started debates among scientific community. Similar to the propagation invariance, the superluminal group velocity is not in contradiction with fundamental laws of physics. Instead, the deeper analysis proves otherwise. In the thesis the superluminally propagating localized waves have been studied. A method for their experimental implementation has been proposed and analyzed. A localized wave called Bessel-X pulse and accelerating and decelerating Bessel-type waves have been generated experimentally and measured spatiotemporally with high resolution. Moreover, formation of superluminally propagating and decelerating Bessel-type pulses in the diffraction process was explicitly demonstrated by propagating ultrashort pulses through circular apertures, disks and slits. These Bessel-type pulses are in that case pulsed versions of the well-known Arago-Poisson spot

    Graphologues: image sociale et statut professionnel. La graphologie

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    The social image and occupational status of the graphologist are investigated by examining published data. Three occupational groups are cited to show that image building is complex. These groups are detectives, psychologists and graphoanalysts. Such examples illustrate how status can be modified by unexpected people (e.g. writers of fiction and politicians). They also show that the occupation itself can help to shape reputation. There are obstacles to measuring image in graphology, but an attempt is made to identify countries where graphology is likely to be most well known. The calculation is based on the assumption that the level of awareness is related to the number of practitioners operating in a given country. Important countries are identified as Switzerland, France, Israel, Italy and the Netherlands. It is concluded that the image of the graphologist is fragmented and inconsistent. Part of the population is unaware of its nature or its existence. When it is known it is associated with such diverse groups as psychologists, questioned document examiners and "occult" practitioners. These facts do not imply that graphology has a good image. This implication should be a major concern to the graphological community. Without a good image, clients will be hard to find and new students will also think carefully before committing themselves to a training programme. In this situation a major image-building exercise is necessary

    Measuring the spatiotemporal field of ultrashort Bessel-X pulses

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    We present direct measurements of the spatiotemporal electric field of an ultrashort Bessel-X pulse generated using a conical lens (axicon). These measurements were made using the linear-optical interferometric technique SEA TADPOLE, which has micrometer spatial resolution and femtosecond temporal resolution. From our measurements, both the superluminal velocity of the Bessel pulse and the propagation invariance of the central spot are apparent. We verified our measurements with simulations. . Their three-dimensional intensity profile I͑x , y , z͒ or I͑x , y , t͒ consists of a bright central spot surrounded by weaker interference rings all inside of two cones that start at the origin, and one extends forwards and the other backwards in time (or z). Therefore, an x -t or x -z slice of the field resembles the letter X. In principle Bessel-X pulses can propagate over an infinite distance without any spread. But in practice, owing to finite aperture sizes and aberrations in the Bessel beam generators, the propagation invariant zone is restricted, though this is still usually several orders of magnitude larger than the Rayleigh range of a Gaussian beam with the same focal spot size. Interestingly, the field of a Bessel-X pulse propagates along the z axis with equal phase and group velocities that are greater than c in vacuum. It is important to measure these pulses, not only to observe their interesting and useful properties but also to aid in their generation and application. But Bessel-X pulses have a complex spatiotemporal shape, so a spatiotemporal measurement technique with simultaneous femtosecond temporal resolution and micrometer spatial resolution is needed. Several previous publications have reported experimental studies of Bessel-X pulses. The propagation invariance of the small central spot of a Bessel-X pulse in a dispersive medium was first shown in In this Letter we do so, reporting "snapshots in flight," or measurements of the spatiotemporal X-like profile of a femtosecond Bessel-X pulse, including the phase versus time. Our results show propagation invariance over 8 cm, as well as the superluminal velocity of the Bessel-X pulse. To generate the Bessel-X pulse, we propagated ϳ37 nm bandwidth, ϳ30 fs pulses from a KM Labs Ti:Sa oscillator through a fused-silica axicon with an apex angle of 176°. The spot size of the beam at the axicon's front surface was 4 mm. For the measurements we used the linear-optical spectral interferometric technique, SEA TADPOLE A detailed description of SEA TADPOLE can be found in 2276 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 34, No. 15