66 research outputs found

    Bioactive phenolic compounds, metabolism and properties : a review on valuable chemical compounds in Scots pine and Norway spruce

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    Phenolics and extracted phenolic compounds of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) show antibacterial activity against several bacteria. The majority of phenolic compounds are stilbenes, flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, phenolic acids, and lignans that are biosynthesized in the wood through the phenylpropanoid pathway. In Scots pine (P. sylvestris), the most abundant phenolic and antibacterial compounds are pinosylvin-type stilbenes and flavonol- and dihydroflavonol-type flavonoids, such as kaempferol, quercetin, and taxifolin and their derivatives. In Norway spruce (P. abies) on the other hand, the main stilbene is resveratrol and the major flavonoids are quercetin and myricetin. In general, when the results from the literature regarding the activities of flavonoid glycosides and their aglycones against a total of twenty-one microorganisms are summarized, it was found that phenolic glycosides are less active than the corresponding aglycones, although a number of exceptions are also known. The aglycones in plants respond to various kinds of biotic stress. Synergistic effects between aglycones and their glycosides have been observed. Minimum inhibition concentrations of below 10 mg L−1 against bacteria have been reported for gallic acid, apigenin, and several methylated and acylated flavonols present in these industrially important trees. In general, the phenolic compounds are more active against Gram-positive bacteria, but apigenin is reported to exhibit strong activity against Gram-negative bacteria. The present review lists some of the biosynthesis pathways for the antibacterial phenolic metabolites found in Scots pine (P. sylvestris) and Norway spruce (P. abies). The antimicrobial activity of the compounds is collected and compared to gather information about the most effective secondary metabolites.Peer reviewe

    Androgens, oestrogens, and progesterone concentrations in wastewater purification processes measured with capillary electrophoresis

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    A novel analytical-scale concept to improve reliability of detection and analysis of natural and processed wastewater samples from a purification plant was developed. A sequential sample clean-up system of polymer-based octadecyl and silane-based quaternary amine sorbents were used for concentrating human based steroid hormones and their metabolites and detecting them by UVabsorption with capillary electrophoresis (CE). The water samples were collected from influent and effluent processes of the water purification plant in Helsinki, Finland. TheCEmethodswerepartial-fillingmicellarelectrokinetic chromatographyand capillary zoneelectrophoresis.Theanalysis times and method concentration levels were optimized with eight steroids at the range of 0.5–10 mg/L. Since in CE the detectable quantities were higher than the existing amountsintheprocesswaters,therealsamplesneededmatrix removalcombinedwithsteroidenrichment.After20,000-fold concentration testosterone-glucoside, androstenedione, progesterone, and estradiol-glucoside could be determined in theprocesswatersamples.Theamountsofindividualsteroids in influent and effluent waters were 0–429 and 0–207 ng/L, respectively. Correspondently, their total amounts were 735 and212ng/Lwithexcellentindayandinter-dayrepeatability.Peer reviewe

    Baristamaidon säilyvyys sekä baristamaidon ja kaurajuomien toimivuus kahvijuomissa

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    Maitovaahto on olennainen osa kahvijuomia, kuten cappuccinoja. Kahvimaidoissa suositaan rasvaa sisältäviä maitoja. Rasvainen maito kuitenkin vaahtoaa huonommin kuin rasvaton maito. Myös maidon lämpökäsittely, kuten UHT – käsittely, voi heikentää maidon vaahtoutumisominaisuuksia. UHT – käsittely ja aseptinen pakkaaminen kuitenkin takaavat maidolle pitkän, jopa 6-9 kuukauden, säilyvyysajan huoneenlämmössä. UHT-käsitellyn maidon ominaisuudet voivat säilytyksen aikana muuttua niin, että ne eivät enää sovellu kahvijuomiin. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kahvimaitona käytetyn UHT – käsitellyn baristamaidon ominaisuuksien muutosta säilytyksen aikana. Baristamaito on kaupallinen laktoositon, homogenoitu, kahviin tarkoitettu maitojuoma, jossa on 2,0 % rasvaa ja 3,5 % proteiinia. Baristamaitoa säilytettiin huoneenlämmössä sekä jääkaapissa ja arvioinnit toteutettiin 4, 5, 6 ja 7,5 kuukauden kohdilla säilytyksen aikana. Vaahtoutumiskykyä ja vaahdon pysyvyyttä tutkittiin automatisoidulla vaahdotusmenetelmällä. Vaahdon määrää ja kestävyyttä mitattiin seuraamalla tilavuuden muutosta mittalaseissa. Lisäksi vaahdon rakennetta kuvattiin. Nykyään myös kasvipohjaiset maidonkaltaiset juomat, kuten kaurajuomat, ovat vaihtoehtona kahvijuomia valmistettaessa. Maitojen lisäksi tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin kahviin tarkoitettujen kaurajuomien vaahtoutuvuutta. Valikoituja kaurajuomia säilytettiin huoneenlämmössä, jääkaapissa sekä + 30 °C. Testit toteutettiin 4, 8 ja 10 kuukauden kohdalla säilytyksen aikana. Kaurajuomien vaahtoutumiskykyä tutkittiin samalla automatisoidulla vaahdotusmenetelmällä kuin baristamaidon vaahtoutumista. Aistinvaraisia ominaisuuksia mitattiin vertaamalla säilyvyyskokeessa olevaa maitoa tuoreeseen vertailumaitoon. Maidosta sekä maidosta valmistetusta kahvijuomasta arvioitiin makeutta, karvautta, keitetyn makua sekä täyteläisyyttä verrattuna vertailunäytteeseen. Lisäksi ammattimainen barista valmisti maidoista cappuccinot ja nämä juomat arvioitiin. Maidon tai kaurajuoman säilytysajalla ei ollut vaikutusta vaahdon määrään tai pysyvyyteen. Kaurajuomilla vaahdon määrä oli suurempi kuin maidoilla. Vaahdotuslämpötilalla oli suurempi merkitys maidon vaahtoutumiseen sekä vaahdon pysyvyyteen kuin säilytysajalla. Kaurajuomilla tämä vaikutus oli hieman pienempi kuin maidolla. Vaahdon kuplarakenne muuttui vähemmän tasaiseksi maidon säilytyksen edetessä. Maidon aistittavissa ominaisuuksissa ei tapahtunut tilastollisesti merkittäviä muutoksia. Keitetyn maku hieman heikkeni maidon säilytyksen aikana. Baristan valmistamissa cappuccinoissa maidon karvauden arvioitiin lisääntyneen 6 kuukauden säilytyksen kohdalla. Tulosten perusteella baristamaidon säilyvyysaikaa voidaan nostaa 4 kuukaudesta 5 kuukauteen.Milk foam is an essential part of coffee drinks such as cappuccinos. The foaming properties of milk can change during its shelf life. Milk used in coffee usually contains at least 2 % fat which can deteriorate its foaming properties. UHT milk can lose its sensory and foaming properties during its shelf life. In this thesis the change of properties of UHT-treated coffee milk called Barista milk were investigated. Barista milk is a commercial lactose free, homogenized milk meant to use with coffee. It has 2,0 % of fats and 3,5 % of proteins. The preservation of UHT barista milk was studied when milk was 4, 5, 6 and 7,5 months old. The foaming properties of barista milk were evaluated with automated foaming system. The volume of foam and its stability were measured as volume in a measuring glass. The structure of foams was also photographed and analyzed from photos. Nowadays plant-based drinks are important options for milk. Selected oat drinks for coffees were studied with same foaming methods as milk samples. The oat drink samples were kept in room temperature, fridge (+6 °C) and + 30 °C storage conditions. The tests were made when samples were 4, 8 and 10 months old. Barista milk as evaluated also with sensory evaluations. The sensory properties of barista milk were measured by tasting the milks referred to a fresh reference milk. Sweetness, bitterness, intensity of cooked flavor and fullness were evaluated from milks and cappuccino drinks made from the studied milks. In addition, a professional barista foamed the milks to makes cappuccinos and the drinks were evaluated. The preservation of milk did not affect its foaming properties or foam stability significantly. The foaming temperature affected the volume of foam more than the age of the milk. There was a slight change in the bubble structure of milk. The bubble structure was more uneven with older milk than fresh milk. Oat drinks foamed more, and the foams were more stable in all samples compared to milks of same age. The effect of foaming temperature was less meaningful with oat drinks than with milks. The sensory properties of milk did not change significantly during the study. The biggest change was the decline of cooked flavor in samples tasted as milk. The same decline was not detected when the milks were tasted as cappuccino drinks. An increase of bitterness was detected in the cappuccinos made by a barista when the milk was 6 months old. According to these results the shelf life of barista milk can be lengthened from 4 months to 5 months

    Capillary zone electrophoresis of lipoarabinomannan by multi-layered concentration

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    Abstract The present paper describes a capillary zone electrophoresis method which relies on a multi-layered water-alkali solvent stacking with on-line ionization to enhance detection of mannose, arabinose, and their oligosaccharides, which are used as the migration profile standards but are also the distinctive structural components of lipoarabinomannan. Lipoarabinomannan is detected in patients having tuberculosis. The CE method with ionization of the whole saccharides without degradation in alkaline solution inside the capillary is based structural deprotonation of the molecules under ultrahigh pH conditions. The validation of the CE parameters revealed that the 15-fold electrolyte - water -injection plug allowed detection of one third lower concentrations than detected without on-line concentration. For the first time, the better detectability was seen especially for highly polymerized, but otherwise poorly ionized, arabino-octaose. The applicability of the method for detecting whole large biological saccharide complexes was confirmed by the glycolipid lipoarabinomannan. For the first time also, the migration of the indestructible lipoarabinomannan was detected together with oligosaccharides used representing the capping units, namely mannose, mannobiose and mannotriose. The myo-inositol-phosphate-lipid unit was seen to migrate separately from the arabinomannan, since it was hydrolyzed from one lipoarabinomannan product under alkaline conditions in CE. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reservedThe present article describes a capillary zone electrophoresis method which relies on a multilayered water-alkali solvent stacking with online ionization to enhance detection of mannose, arabinose, and their oligosaccharides, which are used as the migration profile standards but are also the distinctive structural components of lipoarabinomannan. Lipoarabinomannan is detected in patients having tuberculosis. The capillary electrophoresis method with ionization of the whole saccharides without degradation in alkaline solution inside the capillary is based on the structural deprotonation of the molecules under ultrahigh pH conditions. The validation of the capillary electrophoresis parameters revealed that the 15-fold electrolyte–water-injection plug allowed detection of one-third lower concentrations than detected without online concentration. For the first time, the better detectability was seen especially for highly polymerized, but otherwise poorly ionized, arabinooctaose. The applicability of the method for detecting whole large biological saccharide complexes was confirmed by the glycolipid lipoarabinomannan. For the first time also, the migration of the indestructible lipoarabinomannan was detected together with oligosaccharides used representing the capping units, namely mannose, mannobiose, and mannotriose. The myo-inositol-phosphate-lipid unit was seen to migrate separately from the arabinomannan, since it was hydrolyzed from one lipoarabinomannan product under alkaline conditions in capillary electrophoresis.Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of organic and inorganic compounds levels of red wines processed from Pinot Noir grapes

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    Pinot Noir red wines made by malolactic fermentation were studied for studying differences in their chemical profiles with help of a wide spectrum of grape -based and other chemical compounds used in winemaking. Determinations were made with capillary electrophoresis, liquid chromatography, and spectrometry to investigate carbohydrates, organic acids, aldehydes, anthocyanins, phenolic compounds, inorganic anions, and metals. In addition, tot-N, tot-S, and tot-P in the wines were examined. The wine products showed different profiles of carbohydrates, organic acids, phenolic compounds, and minerals. Especially, saccharose (max. 0.21 g/L), rhamnose (max. 0.45 g/L), fructose (max. 1.9 g/L), phosphate (max 1.4 g/L), and potassium (max 1.1 g/L) quantities were extremely high in some wines. The results also showed that yeast fermentation in winemaking agitated high production of lactic (max 5.7 g/L) and tartaric (max 1.7 g/L) acids. The red wines processed by cold maceration and natural fermentation gave similar profiles. Only one of the Pinot Noir wines entirely differentiated from the others with comparison of carbohydrates and organic acids.Peer reviewe

    Thermodynamic and kinetic approaches for evaluation of monoclonal antibody - Lipoprotein interactions

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    Two complementary instrumental techniques were used, and the data generated was processed with advanced numerical tools to investigate the interactions between anti-human apoB-100 monoclonal antibody (anti-apoB-100 Mab) and apoB-100 containing lipoproteins. Partial Filling Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis (PF-ACE) combined with Adsorption Energy Distribution (AED) calculations provided information on the heterogeneity of the interactions without any a priori model assumptions. The AED calculations evidenced a homogenous binding site distribution for the interactions. Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) studies were used to evaluate thermodynamics and kinetics of the Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and anti-apoB-100 Mab interactions. High affinity and selectivity were observed, and the emerging data sets were analysed with so called Interaction Maps. In thermodynamic studies, the interaction between LDL and anti-apoB-100 Mab was found to be predominantly enthalpy driven. Both techniques were also used to study antibody interactions with Intermediate-Density (IDL) and Very Low Density (VLDL) Lipoproteins. By screening affinity constants for IDL-VLDL sample in a single injection we were able to distinguish affinity constants for both subpopulations using the numerical Interaction Map tool. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Terminology of bioanalytical methods (IUPAC Recommendations 2018)

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    Recommendations are given concerning the terminology of methods of bioanalytical chemistry. With respect to dynamic development particularly in the analysis and investigation of biomacromolecules, terms related to bioanalytical samples, enzymatic methods, immunoanalytical methods, methods used in genomics and nucleic acid analysis, proteomics, metabolomics, glycomics, lipidomics, and biomolecules interaction studies are introduced

    Pornaisten kunnan ympäristöohjelma

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    Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu Tiivistelmä Laurea Hyvinkää Luonnonvara- ja ympäristöala Kestävä kehitys Heli Sirén Pornaisten ympäristöohjelma Vuosi 2010 Sivumäärä 47 Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli päivittää Pornaisten kunnan paikallisagenda ympäristöohjelmaksi. Paikallisagenda on valmistunut 2001, joten sen sisältöön kaivattiin päivitystä. Tavoitteena oli tarkistaa, mitkä paikallisagendaan kirjatut tavoitteet ja toimenpiteet on jo toteutettu ja asettaa uusia tavoitteita sekä niihin sopivia toimenpiteitä. Lisäksi ympäristöohjelmaan on koottu Pornaisten erityiset ympäristönäkökohdat sekä tietoa Pornaisten kunnan ympäristön tilasta. Projektin toteutusta varten koottiin ohjausryhmä, joka ohjasi ja kommentoi sisältöä ympäristöohjelman edistyessä. Ohjausryhmän puheenjohtajana toimi kunnanjohtaja Hannu Haukkasalo ja siihen kuului lisäkseni yhdeksän kunnan eri hallintoalueiden viran- ja toimenhaltijaa. Ympäristöohjelman tekeminen eteni osissa ja jokaista vaihetta varten ohjausryhmä kokoontui arvioimaan työtä ja esittämään kommentteja ja ehdotuksia jatkoa varten. Paikallisagendan toteutuneet tavoitteet ja toimenpiteet selvitettiin haastattelemalla kunkin hallintoalan työntekijöitä. Haastatteluissa kysyttiin lisäksi, mitä uusia tavoitteita ympäristöohjelmaan pitäisi heidän mielestään asettaa. Uudet tavoitteet ja toimenpiteet tehtiin tekijän selvitystyön, haastattelujen sekä ohjausryhmän mielipiteiden perusteella. Ohjelmaan on kirjattu myös uusiin tavoitteisiin sopivia indikaattoreita, joiden avulla tavoitteiden toteutumista voidaan seurata. Indikaattorit muokattiin ohjelmaan sopiviksi käyttäen apuna Suomen kestävän kehityksen indikaattoreita. Pornaisissa on paikallisagendan ansiosta jo tehty paljon työtä kunnan toimintojen ympäristömyönteisyyden parantamiseksi. Seuranta on kuitenkin jäänyt puuttumaan, joten ympäristöohjelmaa tehdessä päätettiin, että kunnan johtoryhmä seuraa ympäristöohjelman tavoitteiden toteutumista. Lisäksi ympäristöohjelma tarkistetaan ja tarvittaessa päivitetään neljän vuoden välein kunnanvaltuustossa. Asiasanat: ympäristöohjelma, kunnat, paikallisagenda, indikaattori, kestävä kehitysLaurea University of Applied Sciences Abstract Laurea Hyvinkää Natural Resources and the Environment Sustainable development Heli Sirén The environmental programme of Pornainen municipality Year 2010 Pages 47 The purpose of this thesis was to update the Local Agenda of the municipality of Pornainen into an Environmental Programme. The goal was to check which objectives and steps set in the Local Agenda have been achieved and then set new ones. In addition the Environmental Programme includes information about the state of the environment in Pornainen and the important environmental considerations that Pornainen has. A group of Pornainen municipality officials and employees was gathered to help and monitor the progress of the work. The municipal manager Hannu Haukkasalo acted as a chairman of the group which consisted of nine municipal officials end employees from administrative territories. The work proceeded in sections and after every meeting the support group made comments and suggestions on how to proceed. Several municipal employees were interviewed to find out which objectives and steps set in the Local Agenda had been achieved. The interviewees were also asked which new objectives they would like to see in the environmental programme. The new objectives and steps made were based on the interviews, comments from the support group and my own research. Indicators were also added to the environmental programme. The indicators will help to follow if the objectives set in the programme have come true. The Finnish sustainable development indicators were used as a basis when making indicators suitable for the objectives in the environmental programme. In Pornainen a lot has been done for the environment thanks to the Local Agenda. However, the Local Agenda does not include any means for follow-up. The support group decided that the management of Pornainen municipality will do the follow-up for the environmental programme. It was also decided that the municipal council will check and if necessary update the programme every four years. Key words: environmental programme, municipalities, Local Agenda, indicator, sustainable developmen

    Partial filling micellar electrokinetic chromatography analysis of androgens and testosterone derivatives using two sequential pseudostationary phases

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    Separation of anabolic and androgenic steroids by micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) has been little studied. Simultaneous separation of the endogenous α-epimers testosterone and epitestosterone has not been achieved with any electroseparation technique. Here, a partial filling micellar electrokinetic chromatographic (PF-MEKC) method is described for the analysis of three endogenous steroid hormones (androstenedione, testosterone, epitestosterone) and two synthetic anabolic steroids (fluoxymesterone, methyltestosterone). The resolution efficiency of single-isomer sulphated γ-cyclodextrins and the surfactants sodium dodecyl sulphate and sodium taurocholate was exploited. The method is based on the sequential introduction of short plugs of two different pseudostationary phases into the capillary. The separation was completed in less than 10 min. The method can be used in quantitative analysis. Linear correlation was obtained between concentration and peak area of 0.996 or better. The repeatability (RSD) of the compound peak areas ranged from 3.6% (methyltestosterone) to 6.2% (androstenedione). Limits of detection were between 73 μg/L (testosterone) and 160 μg/L (fluoxymesterone). As a demonstration of the method, androstenedione, testosterone and epitestosterone were determined in a spiked urine sample