105 research outputs found

    The long-run behaviour of the terms of trade between primary commodities and manufactures : a panel data approach

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    This paper examines the Prebisch and Singer hypothesis using a panel of twenty-four commodity prices from 1900 to 2010. The modelling approach stems from the need to meet two key concerns: (i) the presence of cross-sectional dependence among commodity prices; and (ii) the identification of potential structural breaks. To address these concerns, the Hadri and Rao (Oxf Bull Econ Stat 70:245–269, 2008) test is employed. The findings suggest that all commodity prices exhibit a structural break whose location differs across series, and that support for the Prebisch and Singer hypothesis is mixed. Once the breaks are removed from the underlying series, the persistence of commodity price shocks is shorter than that obtained in other studies using alternative methodologies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Long-term complete responses after 131I-tositumomab therapy for relapsed or refractory indolent non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

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    We present the long-term results of 18 chemotherapy relapsed indolent (N=12) or transformed (N=6) NHL patients of a phase II anti-CD20 131I-tositumomab (Bexxar®) therapy study. The biphasic therapy included two injections of 450 mg unlabelled antibody combined with 131I-tositumomab once as dosimetric and once as therapeutic activity delivering 75 or 65 cGy whole-body radiation dose to patients with normal or reduced platelet counts, respectively. Two patients were not treated due to disease progression during dosimetry. The overall response rate was 81% in the 16 patients treated, including 50% CR/CRu and 31% PR. Median progression free survival of the 16 patients was 22.5 months. Median overall survival has not been reached after a median observation of 48 months. Median PFS of complete responders (CR/CRu) has not been reached and will be greater than 51 months. Short-term side effects were mainly haematological and transient. Among the relevant long-term side effects, one patient previously treated with CHOP chemotherapy died from secondary myelodysplasia. Four patients developed HAMA. In conclusion, 131I-tositumomab RIT demonstrated durable responses especially in those patients who achieved a complete response. Six of eight CR/CRu are ongoing after 46–70 months

    Jeje: repensando nações e transnacionalismo

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    Davvero! La Pompei di fine '800 nella pittura di Luigi Bazzani

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    La mostra, maturata nell\u2019ambito della lunga attivit\ue0 archeologica dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Bologna a Pompei ed Ercolano, presenta un importantepittore bolognese, Luigi Bazzani (1836-1927), che ha dedicato gran partedella sua attivit\ue0 alla rappresentazione degli scavi di Pompei. Gli oli e gli acquerelli, in gran parte inediti, ne rivelano le straordinariequalit\ue0 pittoriche e insieme l\u2019altissima fedelt\ue0 al dato reale (\u201cDavvero!\u201d), che ne fanno una fonte documentaria preziosa per gli archeologi, per recuperare un patrimonio, unico e fragilissimo, di architetture e decorazioni, oggi deteriorato o addirittura scomparso

    Davvero! La Pompei di fine '800 nella pittura di Luigi Bazzani

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    Il progetto, tappa finale di un percorso di ricerca pluriennale condotto dall'Università di Bologna, ripercorre la produzione pompeiana del pittore bolognese Luigi Bazzani (1836-1927), soffermandosi in particolare sullo straordinario contributo che i suoi acquerelli, caratterizzati da una grande qualità artistica e da una prodigiosa abilità tecnica, rappresentano ancora oggi per lo studio dell'antica città e della sua storia, restituendo con assoluta precisione edifici e pitture oggi gravemente danneggiati o scomparsi. Progetto scientifico Università di Bologna - Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà Realizzazione Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna In collaborazione con Soprintendenza speciale per i beni Archeologici di Napoli e Pompei Con il contributo di Istituto Banco di Napoli - Fondazion

    Glossario per la schedatura delle decorazioni pittoriche

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    Il volume \ue8 dedicato alle testimonianze pittoriche di et\ue0 romana rinvenute in Italia settentrionale, non ancora sottoposte ad una raccolta sistematica e analitica. La ricerca archeologica si scontra infatti con i limiti imposti dallo stato di conservazione e dalla scarsa accessibilit\ue0 dei reperti: normalmente si tratta di frammenti di piccole dimensioni, sottovalutati nello studio e nella pubblicazione degli scavi archeologici, il pi\uf9 delle volte conservati nei magazzini delle Soprintendenze e dei Musei. Sulla base di questi dati ha preso l'avvio il progetto TECT - nome derivato dall'abbreviazione del termine tectorium (intonaco) - nato dalla sinergia di un gruppo di ricerca delle Universit\ue0 di Padova e Bologna, che si propone di creare una banca dati della documentazione pittorica dell'area della Cisalpina, che consenta attraverso un approccio sistematico la gestione di testimonianze che diventano nel tempo sempre pi\uf9 ampie. La possibilit\ue0 offerta dall'informatica di raccogliere e mettere in sistema le numerose attestazioni pittoriche rinvenute nel territorio in esame costituisce il presupposto indispensabile per passare ad una fase interpretativa.The subject of this book is Roman wall-painting from northern Italy, with a focus on materials not yet collected and analysed comprehensively. The general poor preservation of the evidence is a strong limit for archaeological researches, as paintings are commonly found in small fragments, understudied, partially published and usually kept in storage by Soprintendenze and museums. Starting from these premises, TECT project -from the term tectorium (plaster)is generated by the close connections between Padua and Bologna universities, with the aim of creating a database for recording systematically the evidence of wall-painting from Cisalpine Gaul. This will allow, in the future, to manage efficiently a constantly growing evidence. The digital resource, allowing to file and systematize the huge number of occurrences from the region, is the necessary premise for starting a phase of interpretation. This second phase will have the potential to yield important considerations on different art historian, social and cultural aspects linked to Roman wallpainting in Cisalpine Gaul. The book illustrates the philosophy of TECT database, structured in opened and closed descriptive fields, completed by photos, drawings and plans. Follows the presentation, to the scientific community, of an attempt to normalize the technical lexicon, experienced to implement TECT database, completed by a proposal of visual glossary, hoping to raise a discussion for laying the foundations of a future common sharing

    Domus Herculanensis Rationes. Dal rilievo archeologico alla cultura dell\u2019abitare. Il Progetto DHER dell'Universit\ue0 di Bologna

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    Il contributo, progettato e coordinato da Antonella Coralini, responsabile scientifico del Programma Vesuviana e e dei suoi progetti a Pompei ed Ercolano, presenta le scelte di metodo e il risultato dei primi anni di attivit\ue0 del progetto DHER. Domus Herculanensis Rationes

    Importing jobs and exporting firms? : on the wage and employment implications of italian trade and foreign direct investment flows

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    International economie integration is often blamed for the deteriorating fortunes of unskilled workers in industriai countries. We look at the labor market impact of trade and foreign direct investment in the case of Italy. Our empirical framework allows for trade, technology and factor supply effects. We find that international trade did not contribute to Italian labor market problems. Indeed, given that Italy holds quite a di stinct pattern of trade specialization, compared to other industrialized countries, in ternational integration as reflected in falling import prices may have boosted the de mand for labor there. We also argue that the inability of the Mezzogiorno's economy to adjust to the changing international environment is one of the main stumbling blocks in Italian economy. Finally, we find that greater firms' mobility may have wea kened the power of trade unions and contributed to wage