7 research outputs found

    Palauan Fish Names

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    Palauans have names for most fishes of importance to them. Three hundred thirty-six vernacular fish names and their 312 scientific equivalents are listed. Palauan names show little similarity to Yapese and Guamanian names. Different native names exist for different life stages and sexes of many fishes, and some variation in names occurs between northern and southern Palau. Earlier publications of Palauan fish names are discussed

    Attacks on Humans by the Blacktip Reef Shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus)

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    The blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus me/anopterus) occurs in shallow waters throughout most of the tropical Indo-Pacific. Its classification, distribution, and biology are reviewed. Ten attacks by this shark at Palau, Phoenix, Line, and Marshall islands, Caroline Atoll, and Tuamotu Archipelago are summarized. Only three attacks resulted in injuries. Eight of the 10 attacks occurred during the afternoon; nine, in water less than waist deep. All but one victim were wading, and dead or injured fishes were present prior to only three incidents. Contrary to previous reports, the blacktip reef shark should be considered dangerous

    Effects of Riparian Forest Removal on Fish Assemblages in Southern Appalachian Streams

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    Abstract: Deforestation of riparian zones is known to influence the numbers and kinds of organisms that inhabit adjoining streams, but little quantitative information is available on how much deforestation mus