13 research outputs found

    Empowerment of HIV-positive individuals - possible through microfinance? A Case Study Of Microfinance And HIV Affected Households In Tuan Giao District In Dien Bien Province, Vietnam

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    The prevalence of HIV has caused adverse impacts on rural households, not least in the northern Vietnam where the problem has become a development issue. Despite a rapid economic growth leading to donor withdrawal, huge income disparities still exists. As a result, a person facing the additional burden of HIV has to cope with an even greater distress than before. The aim of this research was therefore to gain a better understanding of the impact microfinance and the training programmes have on the empowerment on households with HIV positive member(s). The study employed a single-case study design and was conducted in Tuan Giao district in Dien Bien province. Using empowerment theory sourced from Kabeer and power theory from Lukes as a foundation for the questions, data was collected through semi-structured interviews with HIV-positive households who had been members of the programmes for at least 1 year. The results points towards that microfinance can be used as a catalyst to an already started empowerment process, but cannot start it itself. Instead, the provision of ARVs together with an increase of the social status through trainings and building of human resources play a key role in enabling HIV-positive households to become empowered

    Guidelines for estimation of biochar durability : Background report

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    Biochar is produced by heating biomass in the total or partial absence of oxygen. This report addresses the long-term persistence of biochar in soil and how this can be managed in climate calculations and reporting. The report consists of this summary and four chapters, which can be read independently.Different terms have been used to describe the durability of biochar carbon storage, but also the physical presence of biochar in soils, e.g. persistence, permanence, recalcitrance, residence times, stability. Today, the term “durability of carbon storage” is preferred in policy contexts, but various academic disciplines such as soil science have other established terms like “persistence”. Here, both durability and persistence are used, rather interchangeably. It is important to be aware of differences in meaning that exist between disciplines.The purpose of this report is to present the state of knowledge regarding the proportion of carbon in biochar that remains in the soil over time and provide recommendations for calculating this. There is a need to calculate the persistence of biochar in soil for national climate reporting, corporate climate reporting, carbon credit trading, and life cycle assessments for various purposes.On the persistence of biocharThe amount of biochar remaining after a certain time depends on the properties of the biochar and the environment in which it is located. Nearly all research on biochar persistence has focused on its application in agricultural soils.The main reason for the high durability of biochar carbon storage is the formation of fused aromatic stable structures during biomass pyrolysis. A high degree of fused aromatic structures makes biochar much less prone to microbial decomposition than fresh biomass.Different biochars have different properties, and this influences how long they persist in the soil. To achieve biochar with properties that provide higher persistence, it should be produced at higher temperatures for a sufficient duration.Measuring and calculating biochar persistenceEstablished quantification methods of 100-year biochar persistence (e.g. referenced in IPCC inventory guidelines and used in voluntary carbon markets, to date) extrapolate short-term soil decomposition processes, and do not fully consider the processes that may explain millennial persistence.Calculations regarding biochar persistence have traditionally used a time span of 100 years to describe the amount of remaining carbon after a certain time. The use of specifically 100 years lacks a well founded scientific reason, but has been regarded as “far enough” into the future from a climate perspective and close enough for modelling to be meaningful.An active area of research relevant for the understanding biochar carbon storage durability is the development of advanced analytical characterisation methods of biochar that will enable measurement of the physicochemical heterogeneity in carbon structures present in biochar.Another area of continued research is biochar incubation, with a focus on field conditions, to elucidate both differences from laboratory conditions, and how transport processes affect biochar in the field.Recommendation and conclusionIn the project, available research data has been aggregated into a functional model that calculates how much of the carbon in biochar remains after a given number of years. The model is based on the H/C ratio of the biochar placed in the soil and the annual average temperature at the location.The model is made freely accessible to provide biochar market actors with the best available knowledge for estimating the durability of biochar carbon.Existing research results provide a sufficient foundation for estimation of the amount of biochar expected to remain over time. Future research results are expected to lead to increased knowledge regarding the decomposition properties of biochar, in particular biochars with a very low H/C ratio. Therefore, this recommendation will be revised by the end of the project in 2025

    Kolstabilitet i biokol : Metoder för vÀrdering och indication

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    Biochar can reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and is acknowledged as one feasible technology for negative carbon emissions. The stability of carbon in biochar is of major importance for the carbon sequestration value. A method for confident estimation of the stability is needed to make efficient priorities for the climate. The aim of this study is to identify the best available method that can be used to indicate the stability and quantify the carbon sequestration potential of biochar. The result builds on a literature review of the current state of scientific knowledge and the proposed method is tested with data from previous studies and then applied to the case of Stockholm Exergi. Biochar has a stable carbon structure, always more recalcitrant than the biomass that it derives from. However, estimations of how stable the carbon are varying a lot in the literature. Biochar is not unambiguously defined, there is rather a range of materials with different stability and the degradationis context dependent. Further discrepancy in the estimated stability derives from different experimental design and approaches to modeling the data. There is a challenge to do a proper estimation of the actual degradation, due to the long time perspective and the complexity of observation of behavior in a naturalsystem. A functional method to indicate the stability of carbon in biochar is needed because a biochar producer cannot conduct a long term trial to prove the carbon sequestration potential. Several methods have in theory the ability to indicate stability. However, the H/Corg model with the expression BC+100 emerging to be the best suited method due to its connection to measured degradation, accessibility and acceptance. The H/Corg model could be further improved by calibration and validation by collecting existing data from previous assessments. Communication of the carbon sequestration after hundred years compared to other carbon sinks should be improved to better reflect the long term carbon sequestration value of biochar. Stockholm Exergi is planning for a biochar production of 5 000 ton/year. The H/Corg method estimate that this corresponds to 9 000 – 11 500 ton CO2 per year, stable for at least hundred years. The widerange in the result derives from the different interpretations on the H/Corg method, where the different interpretations derive from the variation that previous research result shows. This is an incentive to support further development of the method. The sequestered carbon in biochar must be protected in its application to ensure the carbon sink in a trade system. Biochar in soil, green areas and concrete face the risk of being dis/re-located. However, that is not a threat to the carbon sequestration value. Biochar and biochar in a soil product sold in bags cannot account for the biochar sequestration value detached from the product, because of the risk of incineration. The future development of biochar stability assessment should in a short term assemble the existing knowledge of conducted trials and use that with knowledge of what approaches that best corresponds to the real stability of biochar. This could decrease the observed variations in the stability assessments and be used to calibrate and validate methods that could indicate stability. In the long perspective field trials and incubation trials should be done in a standardized way to assess the degradation, designed according to best practice with long trial times and consciously extrapolated data.Biokol kan minska halten av CO2 i atmosfĂ€ren och Ă€r identifierad som en möjlig teknologi för negativa CO2 utslĂ€pp. Biokolets stabilitet har stor betydelse för dess potential. MĂ„let med denna studie Ă€r att identifiera den bĂ€sta tillgĂ€ngliga metoden för att indikera kolets stabilitet. Resultatet bygger pĂ„ en litteraturgenomgĂ„ng av befintligt kunskapslĂ€ge. Den föreslagna metoden testas med biokolsdata ifrĂ„n tidigare gjorda mĂ€tningar. Kolinbindningspotentialen i Stockholm Exergi’s biokolsprojekt berĂ€knas genom att applicera metoden pĂ„ förvĂ€ntad biokolsproduktion. Biokol har en stabil kolstruktur, alltid mer stabil Ă€n den biomassa den hĂ€rstammar ifrĂ„n. Uppskattningar av hur stabilt biokol Ă€r varierar mycket i litteraturen. Biokol Ă€r inte entydigt definierat utan Ă€r ett spann av olika material och dessutom Ă€r stabiliteten kontext beroende. Ytterligare variationer hĂ€rstammar ifrĂ„n varierande experimentdesign och olika metoder som anvĂ€nds för extrapolation av mĂ€tdata. För att berĂ€kna kolinbindning i biokol som produceras behövs en metod som kan visa hur stabilt kolet Ă€r.MĂ€tmetoden Ă€r resurskrĂ€vande och dĂ€rför behövs istĂ€llet ett samband mellan kolets innehĂ„ll/struktur och uppvisad stabilitet som kan anvĂ€ndas i kombination med en enklare analys av det producerade biokolet för att indikera stabilitet. I teorin finns det mĂ„nga metoder som kan vara funktionella men enligt denna studie Ă€r H/Corg metoden i kombination med BC+100 index mest lĂ€mpligt att anvĂ€nda pĂ„grund av metodens uppvisade koppling till uppmĂ€tt stabilitet, tillgĂ€nglighet och acceptans. Stockholm Exergi planerar för en biokolsproduktion pĂ„ 5000 ton/Ă„r och H/Corg metoden uppskattar att detta Ă„rligen motsvarar 9 000 – 11 500 ton CO2 stabilt i minst 100 Ă„r. Spannet som resultatet uppvisar beror av den variation av uppskattad stabilitet i litteraturen och Ă€r ett incitament för att stödja en vidareutveckling av metoden. I applikationen av biokol mĂ„ste kolsĂ€nkan skyddas för att kunna ingĂ„ i ett handelssystem. För biokol till jordförbĂ€ttring, grönomrĂ„den i staden samt biokol i betong föreligger en möjlighet att biokolet blir omflyttat eller förloras ifrĂ„n den ursprungliga applikationen, detta medför dock inte att kolsĂ€nkan gĂ„r förlorad och Ă€r dĂ€rför inte ett problem för vĂ€rdet av kolsĂ€nkan. DĂ€remot bör vĂ€rdet av kolsĂ€nkan av biokol som sĂ€ljs i konsumentförpackningar inte frikopplas ifrĂ„n biokolsprodukten eftersom det dĂ„ saknas kontroll över att kolet inte brĂ€nns. Vidare studier av stabilitet av biokol bör pĂ„ kort sikt innefatta insamling av befintlig data ifrĂ„n genomförda försök. Genom kunskap om hur olika faktorer inverkar pĂ„ verklig och uppskattad stabilitet kan spannet av variation bĂ€ttre accepteras och minska. Vidare kan insamlad data anvĂ€ndas för att kalibrera och validera indikationsmetoder. Kommunikationen av kolsĂ€nkan av biokol och det lĂ„ngsiktiga vĂ€rde som skiljer biokol ifrĂ„n andra mer kortsiktiga kolsĂ€nkor bör förbĂ€ttras. LĂ„ngsiktiga fĂ€lt och inkubationsförsök bör etableras enligt kunskap om experimentell design och hantering av data för att pĂ„ ett sĂ„ korrekt sĂ€tt som möjligt spegla verklig stabilitet och kolsĂ€nka

    Kolstabilitet i biokol : Metoder för vÀrdering och indication

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    Biochar can reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and is acknowledged as one feasible technology for negative carbon emissions. The stability of carbon in biochar is of major importance for the carbon sequestration value. A method for confident estimation of the stability is needed to make efficient priorities for the climate. The aim of this study is to identify the best available method that can be used to indicate the stability and quantify the carbon sequestration potential of biochar. The result builds on a literature review of the current state of scientific knowledge and the proposed method is tested with data from previous studies and then applied to the case of Stockholm Exergi. Biochar has a stable carbon structure, always more recalcitrant than the biomass that it derives from. However, estimations of how stable the carbon are varying a lot in the literature. Biochar is not unambiguously defined, there is rather a range of materials with different stability and the degradationis context dependent. Further discrepancy in the estimated stability derives from different experimental design and approaches to modeling the data. There is a challenge to do a proper estimation of the actual degradation, due to the long time perspective and the complexity of observation of behavior in a naturalsystem. A functional method to indicate the stability of carbon in biochar is needed because a biochar producer cannot conduct a long term trial to prove the carbon sequestration potential. Several methods have in theory the ability to indicate stability. However, the H/Corg model with the expression BC+100 emerging to be the best suited method due to its connection to measured degradation, accessibility and acceptance. The H/Corg model could be further improved by calibration and validation by collecting existing data from previous assessments. Communication of the carbon sequestration after hundred years compared to other carbon sinks should be improved to better reflect the long term carbon sequestration value of biochar. Stockholm Exergi is planning for a biochar production of 5 000 ton/year. The H/Corg method estimate that this corresponds to 9 000 – 11 500 ton CO2 per year, stable for at least hundred years. The widerange in the result derives from the different interpretations on the H/Corg method, where the different interpretations derive from the variation that previous research result shows. This is an incentive to support further development of the method. The sequestered carbon in biochar must be protected in its application to ensure the carbon sink in a trade system. Biochar in soil, green areas and concrete face the risk of being dis/re-located. However, that is not a threat to the carbon sequestration value. Biochar and biochar in a soil product sold in bags cannot account for the biochar sequestration value detached from the product, because of the risk of incineration. The future development of biochar stability assessment should in a short term assemble the existing knowledge of conducted trials and use that with knowledge of what approaches that best corresponds to the real stability of biochar. This could decrease the observed variations in the stability assessments and be used to calibrate and validate methods that could indicate stability. In the long perspective field trials and incubation trials should be done in a standardized way to assess the degradation, designed according to best practice with long trial times and consciously extrapolated data.Biokol kan minska halten av CO2 i atmosfĂ€ren och Ă€r identifierad som en möjlig teknologi för negativa CO2 utslĂ€pp. Biokolets stabilitet har stor betydelse för dess potential. MĂ„let med denna studie Ă€r att identifiera den bĂ€sta tillgĂ€ngliga metoden för att indikera kolets stabilitet. Resultatet bygger pĂ„ en litteraturgenomgĂ„ng av befintligt kunskapslĂ€ge. Den föreslagna metoden testas med biokolsdata ifrĂ„n tidigare gjorda mĂ€tningar. Kolinbindningspotentialen i Stockholm Exergi’s biokolsprojekt berĂ€knas genom att applicera metoden pĂ„ förvĂ€ntad biokolsproduktion. Biokol har en stabil kolstruktur, alltid mer stabil Ă€n den biomassa den hĂ€rstammar ifrĂ„n. Uppskattningar av hur stabilt biokol Ă€r varierar mycket i litteraturen. Biokol Ă€r inte entydigt definierat utan Ă€r ett spann av olika material och dessutom Ă€r stabiliteten kontext beroende. Ytterligare variationer hĂ€rstammar ifrĂ„n varierande experimentdesign och olika metoder som anvĂ€nds för extrapolation av mĂ€tdata. För att berĂ€kna kolinbindning i biokol som produceras behövs en metod som kan visa hur stabilt kolet Ă€r.MĂ€tmetoden Ă€r resurskrĂ€vande och dĂ€rför behövs istĂ€llet ett samband mellan kolets innehĂ„ll/struktur och uppvisad stabilitet som kan anvĂ€ndas i kombination med en enklare analys av det producerade biokolet för att indikera stabilitet. I teorin finns det mĂ„nga metoder som kan vara funktionella men enligt denna studie Ă€r H/Corg metoden i kombination med BC+100 index mest lĂ€mpligt att anvĂ€nda pĂ„grund av metodens uppvisade koppling till uppmĂ€tt stabilitet, tillgĂ€nglighet och acceptans. Stockholm Exergi planerar för en biokolsproduktion pĂ„ 5000 ton/Ă„r och H/Corg metoden uppskattar att detta Ă„rligen motsvarar 9 000 – 11 500 ton CO2 stabilt i minst 100 Ă„r. Spannet som resultatet uppvisar beror av den variation av uppskattad stabilitet i litteraturen och Ă€r ett incitament för att stödja en vidareutveckling av metoden. I applikationen av biokol mĂ„ste kolsĂ€nkan skyddas för att kunna ingĂ„ i ett handelssystem. För biokol till jordförbĂ€ttring, grönomrĂ„den i staden samt biokol i betong föreligger en möjlighet att biokolet blir omflyttat eller förloras ifrĂ„n den ursprungliga applikationen, detta medför dock inte att kolsĂ€nkan gĂ„r förlorad och Ă€r dĂ€rför inte ett problem för vĂ€rdet av kolsĂ€nkan. DĂ€remot bör vĂ€rdet av kolsĂ€nkan av biokol som sĂ€ljs i konsumentförpackningar inte frikopplas ifrĂ„n biokolsprodukten eftersom det dĂ„ saknas kontroll över att kolet inte brĂ€nns. Vidare studier av stabilitet av biokol bör pĂ„ kort sikt innefatta insamling av befintlig data ifrĂ„n genomförda försök. Genom kunskap om hur olika faktorer inverkar pĂ„ verklig och uppskattad stabilitet kan spannet av variation bĂ€ttre accepteras och minska. Vidare kan insamlad data anvĂ€ndas för att kalibrera och validera indikationsmetoder. Kommunikationen av kolsĂ€nkan av biokol och det lĂ„ngsiktiga vĂ€rde som skiljer biokol ifrĂ„n andra mer kortsiktiga kolsĂ€nkor bör förbĂ€ttras. LĂ„ngsiktiga fĂ€lt och inkubationsförsök bör etableras enligt kunskap om experimentell design och hantering av data för att pĂ„ ett sĂ„ korrekt sĂ€tt som möjligt spegla verklig stabilitet och kolsĂ€nka

    Biochar for the city and the earth : Fuel use in a new biochar plant

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    Biokol har potential att vÀnda trenden med ökande halter av koldioxid i atmosfÀren. Genom pyrolys formeras kolet i biomassan i stabil form i hundratals till tusentals Är. Ett positivt klimatavtryck skapas genom att avskilja kol ifrÄn den snabba omsÀttning som förbrÀnning och kompostering innebÀr. Biokolet har Àven jordförbÀttrande egenskaper genom sin porösa struktur och stora aktiva yta vilket kan nyttjas av bÄde jordbruk, hobbyodling och urban grönstruktur. Stockholm har i ett innovativt projekt satt upp en pilotanlÀggning för biokolsproduktion införlivat i ett urbant flöde. TrÀdgÄrdsavfall ifrÄn villatrÀdgÄrdar matas in i biokolsanlÀggningen, vÀrmen som alstras under processen vÀxlas mot fjÀrrvÀrmenÀtet och biokolet delas ut till boende i staden samt anvÀnds i stadens planteringar. Syftet med  denna undersökning Àr att utvÀrdera betydelsen av biomassans bearbetning eftersom mÀngden energi och resurser som investeras i förbehandlingen pÄverkar projektets totala hÄllbarhetspotential. Genom att praktiskt testa detta kan anvÀndbar kunskap gagna biokolsprojektet och liknande projekt samt agera förstudie till vidare forskning och utveckling. TvÄ olika bearbetade fraktioner av biomassa undersöktes empiriskt i anlÀggningen under driftens första mÄnader. Analyser av biobrÀnslen och  producerat biokol utfördes av ett ackrediterat laboratorium och driftsfunktionen observerades. Fraktionerna bearbetades med olika metoder vilket medförde olika egenskaper. Den ena var av krossat biomassa dÀr stor andel oorganiskt material följt med och den andra var huggen flis i dimensionen 30mm. Ingen av de testade fraktionerna fungerade tillfredstÀllande i drift. Den krossade biomassan innehöll för mycket smÄ partiklar vilket gav problem med valvning och matning. Hög askhalt och lÄgt vÀrmevÀrde gjorde att mycket extern energi behövde tillföras. Den flisade fraktionen innehöll för mÄnga bitar som översteg 30mm vilket orsakade mÄnga driftstopp. Analysen visade pÄ hög askhalt i den andra fraktionens biokol vilket kan tyda pÄ att förbrÀnning förekommit. Företeelsen bör undersökas nÀrmare.  PÄ grund av ojÀmn drift och andra osÀkerheter bör inte de resultat som balansrÀkningarna för kol och energi visar betraktas som representativa tal för utbyten i anlÀggningen, utan endast ligga till grund för diskussion, jÀmförelse och planering av fortsatta försök.  Första prioritet för biokolsprojektet bör vara att finna en fungerande fraktion, exempelvis genom att sÄlla bort de minsta partiklarna ur krossat material eller att hugga fliset i mindre dimensioner. DÀrefter kan vidare undersökningar göras i syfte att justera systemet för att förbÀttra egenskaper hos biokolet och dess produktionsprocess. Biochar has the potential to reverse the trend of increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Biochar has soil&improving properties through its porous structure and large active area which can be used by agriculture, hobby cultivation and urban green structure. In an innovative project, Stockholm has set up a pilot plant for biochar&production incorporated into an urban flow that combines waste management, energy production, soil improvement and climate change mitigation. The purpose of this survey is to evaluate the importance of biomass processing because the amount of energy and resources invested in pre&treatment affects the overall sustainability potential of the project. Two different processed fractions of biomass were empirically investigated in the plant during the first months of operation. None of the tested fractions worked satisfactorily in operation. One contained too many small particles which caused problems with tunnel formation and feeding. The other fraction contained too many large pieces which caused repeated shutdowns. The analysis showed disproportionately high ash content in the second fraction's biochar. That may indicate combustion, which should be investigated further.

    Kolstabilitet i biokol : Metoder för vÀrdering och indication

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    Biochar can reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and is acknowledged as one feasible technology for negative carbon emissions. The stability of carbon in biochar is of major importance for the carbon sequestration value. A method for confident estimation of the stability is needed to make efficient priorities for the climate. The aim of this study is to identify the best available method that can be used to indicate the stability and quantify the carbon sequestration potential of biochar. The result builds on a literature review of the current state of scientific knowledge and the proposed method is tested with data from previous studies and then applied to the case of Stockholm Exergi. Biochar has a stable carbon structure, always more recalcitrant than the biomass that it derives from. However, estimations of how stable the carbon are varying a lot in the literature. Biochar is not unambiguously defined, there is rather a range of materials with different stability and the degradationis context dependent. Further discrepancy in the estimated stability derives from different experimental design and approaches to modeling the data. There is a challenge to do a proper estimation of the actual degradation, due to the long time perspective and the complexity of observation of behavior in a naturalsystem. A functional method to indicate the stability of carbon in biochar is needed because a biochar producer cannot conduct a long term trial to prove the carbon sequestration potential. Several methods have in theory the ability to indicate stability. However, the H/Corg model with the expression BC+100 emerging to be the best suited method due to its connection to measured degradation, accessibility and acceptance. The H/Corg model could be further improved by calibration and validation by collecting existing data from previous assessments. Communication of the carbon sequestration after hundred years compared to other carbon sinks should be improved to better reflect the long term carbon sequestration value of biochar. Stockholm Exergi is planning for a biochar production of 5 000 ton/year. The H/Corg method estimate that this corresponds to 9 000 – 11 500 ton CO2 per year, stable for at least hundred years. The widerange in the result derives from the different interpretations on the H/Corg method, where the different interpretations derive from the variation that previous research result shows. This is an incentive to support further development of the method. The sequestered carbon in biochar must be protected in its application to ensure the carbon sink in a trade system. Biochar in soil, green areas and concrete face the risk of being dis/re-located. However, that is not a threat to the carbon sequestration value. Biochar and biochar in a soil product sold in bags cannot account for the biochar sequestration value detached from the product, because of the risk of incineration. The future development of biochar stability assessment should in a short term assemble the existing knowledge of conducted trials and use that with knowledge of what approaches that best corresponds to the real stability of biochar. This could decrease the observed variations in the stability assessments and be used to calibrate and validate methods that could indicate stability. In the long perspective field trials and incubation trials should be done in a standardized way to assess the degradation, designed according to best practice with long trial times and consciously extrapolated data.Biokol kan minska halten av CO2 i atmosfĂ€ren och Ă€r identifierad som en möjlig teknologi för negativa CO2 utslĂ€pp. Biokolets stabilitet har stor betydelse för dess potential. MĂ„let med denna studie Ă€r att identifiera den bĂ€sta tillgĂ€ngliga metoden för att indikera kolets stabilitet. Resultatet bygger pĂ„ en litteraturgenomgĂ„ng av befintligt kunskapslĂ€ge. Den föreslagna metoden testas med biokolsdata ifrĂ„n tidigare gjorda mĂ€tningar. Kolinbindningspotentialen i Stockholm Exergi’s biokolsprojekt berĂ€knas genom att applicera metoden pĂ„ förvĂ€ntad biokolsproduktion. Biokol har en stabil kolstruktur, alltid mer stabil Ă€n den biomassa den hĂ€rstammar ifrĂ„n. Uppskattningar av hur stabilt biokol Ă€r varierar mycket i litteraturen. Biokol Ă€r inte entydigt definierat utan Ă€r ett spann av olika material och dessutom Ă€r stabiliteten kontext beroende. Ytterligare variationer hĂ€rstammar ifrĂ„n varierande experimentdesign och olika metoder som anvĂ€nds för extrapolation av mĂ€tdata. För att berĂ€kna kolinbindning i biokol som produceras behövs en metod som kan visa hur stabilt kolet Ă€r.MĂ€tmetoden Ă€r resurskrĂ€vande och dĂ€rför behövs istĂ€llet ett samband mellan kolets innehĂ„ll/struktur och uppvisad stabilitet som kan anvĂ€ndas i kombination med en enklare analys av det producerade biokolet för att indikera stabilitet. I teorin finns det mĂ„nga metoder som kan vara funktionella men enligt denna studie Ă€r H/Corg metoden i kombination med BC+100 index mest lĂ€mpligt att anvĂ€nda pĂ„grund av metodens uppvisade koppling till uppmĂ€tt stabilitet, tillgĂ€nglighet och acceptans. Stockholm Exergi planerar för en biokolsproduktion pĂ„ 5000 ton/Ă„r och H/Corg metoden uppskattar att detta Ă„rligen motsvarar 9 000 – 11 500 ton CO2 stabilt i minst 100 Ă„r. Spannet som resultatet uppvisar beror av den variation av uppskattad stabilitet i litteraturen och Ă€r ett incitament för att stödja en vidareutveckling av metoden. I applikationen av biokol mĂ„ste kolsĂ€nkan skyddas för att kunna ingĂ„ i ett handelssystem. För biokol till jordförbĂ€ttring, grönomrĂ„den i staden samt biokol i betong föreligger en möjlighet att biokolet blir omflyttat eller förloras ifrĂ„n den ursprungliga applikationen, detta medför dock inte att kolsĂ€nkan gĂ„r förlorad och Ă€r dĂ€rför inte ett problem för vĂ€rdet av kolsĂ€nkan. DĂ€remot bör vĂ€rdet av kolsĂ€nkan av biokol som sĂ€ljs i konsumentförpackningar inte frikopplas ifrĂ„n biokolsprodukten eftersom det dĂ„ saknas kontroll över att kolet inte brĂ€nns. Vidare studier av stabilitet av biokol bör pĂ„ kort sikt innefatta insamling av befintlig data ifrĂ„n genomförda försök. Genom kunskap om hur olika faktorer inverkar pĂ„ verklig och uppskattad stabilitet kan spannet av variation bĂ€ttre accepteras och minska. Vidare kan insamlad data anvĂ€ndas för att kalibrera och validera indikationsmetoder. Kommunikationen av kolsĂ€nkan av biokol och det lĂ„ngsiktiga vĂ€rde som skiljer biokol ifrĂ„n andra mer kortsiktiga kolsĂ€nkor bör förbĂ€ttras. LĂ„ngsiktiga fĂ€lt och inkubationsförsök bör etableras enligt kunskap om experimentell design och hantering av data för att pĂ„ ett sĂ„ korrekt sĂ€tt som möjligt spegla verklig stabilitet och kolsĂ€nka

    Hierarki i förskolan : en kvantitativ studie om tabuns pÄföljder

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    Att höja statusen pÄ förskollÀraryrket Àr en pÄgÄende debatt, likasÄ sker för nÀrvarande revideringar av förskolans styrdokument för att sÀkra förskolans kvalitet. Trots detta tycks en tabubelagd hierarki rÄda dÀr kÀnsligheten i att göra skillnad pÄ kompetenser stÄr i vÀgen för en tydlig arbets- och ansvarsfördelning. Studiens syfte Àr att belysa komplexiteten i hierarkin mellan förskollÀrare och barnskötare. Genom en kvantitativ forskningsansats framstÀlls ett resultat som visar pÄ att en stark tabu upplevs av att skilja pÄ kompetenser mellan yrkeskategorierna och att hierarki existerar i förskolan pÄ olika sÀtt. Slutsatsen av studien Àr att tabun och de dolda maktstrukturer som rÄder riskerar att pÄverka förskolans kvalitet om inte diskussionen gÀllande arbetsfördelning utifrÄn skilda kompetenser lyfts fram i ljuset

    Metrics for environmental compensation : A comparative analysis of Swedish municipalities

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    Environmental compensation (EC) aims at addressing environmental losses due to development projects and involves a need to compare development losses with compensation gains using relevant metrics. A conceptual procedure for computing no net loss is formulated and used as a point of departure for a comparative analysis of metrics used by five Swedish municipalities as a part of their EC implementation in the spatial planning context of detailed development plans. While Swedish law does not require EC in this context, these municipalities have still decided to introduce EC requirements for development projects that occur on municipality-owned land and to promote voluntary EC among private actors in development projects on private land. There is substantial variation across the municipalities studied with respect to both metrics and attributes subject to measurement, but there are also similarities: The attributes considered when assessing the need for EC in conjunction with development are not only about nature per se, but also about recreational opportunities and other types ecosystem services; semi-quantitative metrics such as scores are common while quantitative or monetary metrics are rare; and metrics are rarely applied to assess compensatory gains, focusing instead on losses from development. Streamlining across municipalities might be warranted for increasing predictability and transparency for developers and citizens, but it also introduces considerable challenges such as a need for developing consistent guidelines for semi-quantitative metrics, and to handle substitutability issues if metrics are not only applied on individual attributes but also on groups of attributes. The broad scope of attributes used by the municipalities is in line with an international tendency to broaden EC to include not only biodiversity aspects but also ecosystem services. Moreover, the EC systems applied by the municipalities are of particular importance for highlighting the crucial role of environmental management for maintaining and enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services not only in areas having formal protection status but also in the everyday landscape. The municipalities’ experience and strengths and weaknesses associated with their EC systems are therefore relevant also in an international perspective.MuniCom

    Ekologisk kompensation som styrmedel i kommunal planering

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    Projektet har undersökt erfarenheter av och förutsĂ€ttningar för att tillĂ€mpa ekologisk kompensation inom ramen för den kommunala planeringen. Inom olika delstudier har projektet undersökt ekologisk kompensation som styrmedel, tillĂ€mpningen av skadelindringshierarkin, utformningen av kompensationsmodeller och rutiner, anvĂ€ndningen av olika modeller för berĂ€kning av förluster och vinster inom kompensationsprojekt, samt allmĂ€nhetens preferenser för olika kompensationsalternativ. Projektet har genomförts i nĂ€ra samarbete med Helsingborgs och Lomma kommun, och Kommunförbundet SkĂ„ne har varit projektets kommunikationspartner och arrangör av flera större möten och workshopar med tjĂ€nstemĂ€n frĂ„n mĂ„nga kommuner i SkĂ„ne. ...The project has investigated experiences of and prerequisites for applying environmental compensation within a municipal planning context. The project has examined environmental compensation as a policy instrument, the application of the mitigation hierarchy, the design of compensation models and procedures, the use of different frameworks for assessing losses and gains, and the public’s preferences for different compensation options. The project has been carried out in close co-operation with Helsingborg and Lomma municipalities. Kommunförbundet SkĂ„ne has been the project’s communication partner and organizer of several major meetings and workshops with officials from many municipalities in SkĂ„ne. ...Ekologisk kompensation som styrmedel – ett kommunperspektiv (MuniComp