491 research outputs found

    Universities in the regional economy. Evidence from Swedish employer-employee linked data.

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    This study uses employer-employee linked data on all Swedish firms to analyze the impact of a college on the local economy. It focuses on colleges established in the 1970s and measures the effects 20 years after the establishment. The results show that there are no significant effects on survival rate of establishments, overall employment growth, overall growth of college graduates or employment growth in OECD defined high-tech industries. The results do not support the political motives behind the establishment and they reject the hypothesis of large regional spillovers from a college. But it is also possible that it takes more than 20 years before a university has a significant impact on regional development.college education; labour demand; regional employment

    The importance of age for the reallocation of labor. Evidence from Swedish linked employer-employee data 1986-2002

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    Using employer-employee data covering the whole Swedish economy over a uniquely long time period from 1986 to 2002, we examine how job and worker flows have been distributed across age groups. We find that job and worker flows vary by age groups, not only with respect to magnitude and variation, but with respect to direction as well. The differences between the age groups are mainly driven by the job creation rates. Further, estimating a multinomial logistic model, we investigate the importance of age for leaving, changing or entering a new employment. Even though controlling for a number of factors, estimated age effects are substantial.Linked employer-employee data; job and worker flows; cyclicality; age

    The importance of education for the reallocation of labor. Evidence from Swedish linked employer-employee data 1986-2002

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    Using employer-employee data covering the whole Swedish economy over a uniquely long time period from 1986 to 2002, we examine how job flows and worker flows have been distributed both on an aggregate level and across educational levels. We find that job and worker flows vary by educational level, not only with respect to magnitude and variation, but with respect to direction as well. Our results show that analyses that do not account for the educational level of workers can be very misleading.Linked employer-employee data; job and worker flows; education

    The importance of education for the reallocation of labor: evidence from Swedish linked employer-employee data 1986-2002

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    Using employer-employee data covering the whole Swedish economy over a uniquely long time period from 1986 to 2002, we examine how job flows and worker flows have been distributed both on an aggregate level and across educational levels. We find that job and worker flows vary by educational level, not only with respect to magnitude and variation, but with respect to direction as well. Our results show that analyses that do not account for the educational level of workers can be very misleading.Linked employer-employee data; job and worker flows; education

    Att lÀra sig agera

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    Ämnet för detta arbete Ă€r landskapsarkitektstudenters erfarenheter och förvĂ€ntningar av att lĂ€ra sig rollen som professionell landskapsarkitekt. Syftet Ă€r att skapa förstĂ„else för de externa och interna drivkrafter som pĂ„verkar studenters beteende och inlĂ€rning samt att belysa uppenbara men bitvis dolda strukturer som ligger till grund för samtida landskapsarkitekturutbildning. Arbetet fokuserar pĂ„ landskapsarkitekturprogrammet pĂ„ SLU och relaterar till annat publicerat material inom Ă€mnet. Metoden för arbetet inkluderar en mindre serie av semistrukturerade intervjuer med nyexaminerade landskapsarkitekter. Kortfattat pekar resultaten pĂ„ tydliga motsĂ€ttningar dĂ€r studenternas egna förvĂ€ntningar inte gĂ„r i linje med det utrymme de upplever sig ha att tillgodose dessa. De-ras i mĂ„ngt och mycket liknande förvĂ€ntningar, sĂ„ vĂ€l innan som efter, Ă€r tydligt pĂ„verka-de av yttre och informella riktlinjer som stĂ€lls i opposition till universitetets förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt. Det indikerar pĂ„ en struktur som göds och stĂ€ndigt pĂ„verkar studenterna. Dessa strukturella motsĂ€ttningar har en tendens att skapa inre sĂ„ kallade rollkonflikter som i sig kan agera som blockerande faktorer för studenternas inlĂ€rning och möjlighet att i ett lĂ€ngre led pĂ„ver-ka sin framtida yrkesroll. Vidare relaterar deltagarnas erfarenheter till teori skrivet i Ă€mnet som pĂ„visar ett kollektivt nedvĂ€rderande av yrkesrollen samtidigt som det rĂ„der en stark tro pĂ„ yrkets vikt och potential. Det uppdagas hĂ€r en tydlig ambivalens hos landskapsarkitekten. Det hĂ€r arbetet belyser strukturella tendenser med förhoppning om en breddad och fortsatt levande diskussion kring yrkesrollen som landskapsarkitekt. En diskussion som ut-vecklad och i ett senare skede med fördel skulle kunna inkluderas i utbildningen. Det för att skapa förutsĂ€ttningar för medvetna och trygga studenter. IstĂ€llet för att ödsla omedveten energi pĂ„ motsĂ€ttningar, oppositionella beteenden och identitetssökande kan mer fokus landa pĂ„ kunskapsinlĂ€rning och skapandeprocesser vilket bör gynna sĂ„ vĂ€l individerna som institutionen och i ett sista led hela branschen. Vidare diskuteras Ă€ven hur den oppositionella strukturen Ă€r nĂ„got fast och givet landskapsarkitekturutbildning eller om det gĂ„r att uttyda indikationer pĂ„ hur dessa kan mötas bĂ€ttre eller till och med skapa synergistiska effekter.The subject of this thesis is landscape architecture student’s expectations and experiences of learning how to act ‘professional’ during their education. The purpose is to understand better the external and internal drivers of standards of behavior in nascent landscape architecture, and to shed light on obvious but often hidden structures that underlie contemporary landscape architecture curricula. The focus of the project is the program at SLU but its implications relates to other published material in the same subject. This project was ïŹrst born from a personal point of view. In search of a theme for a thesis and my last project before obtaining a professional title I was looking for ways and methods to do this that clearly proved to be difïŹcult within the institutional frames. I was mainly looking for intuitive and more freely ways and methods to investigate a design matter in the name om landscape architecture. I had a strong belief that the methods and the ways of doing I had learned was often too formal and did not encourage a more free and artistic approach which I was convinced should be an obvious part of landscape architecture education. Despite ïŹve years of studies I found myself surprised ïŹnding out how hard this would be. Instead I started to look for ways to design but at the same time be able to frame it scientiïŹcally so that it would ïŹt the formal requirements. I was clearly not alone in this matter. Even though I and other students had formally been taught landscape architecture and its belonging professional role at a certain institution we had also somehow learned how to oppositional claim the winning of doing it differently. I was able to see how I as an emerging professional had learned how to act which was not directly linked to the institutionÂŽs overall approach. I could not any longer avoid asking myself - how and where did I learn to act the way I did? Instead of forcing a design matter into the frames I had set my self opposed to I was now determined to investigate what all this meant. I wanted to understand the role of a professional landscape architect by focusing on how to learn to become one. What experiences do students have of learning the role as landscape architect? That became the general question of this project. To investigate that a method was set based on a comprehensive literature study together with a series of semi-structured interviews of recent 8 landscape architecture graduates. The students were asked a couple of open questions within three major categories in witch they were able to discuss and talk freely. These category’s were: - Expectations and perceptions of the education and the professional role - Landscape architecture program and curricula - Personal experiences of the role These interviews were then analyzed together and presented as a so called “narrative collage”. They are not meant to be representative for all students at the institution at that time and they are nevertheless meant to be presented as individual portraits. By analyzing their answers and experiences major similarities that could indicate behavioral and social structures were tracked down. These hypothetical structures was then analyzed together with my personal background, that is to say my personal purpose of doing this, and the overall theory studied in the matter. The results shows contradictions among the students where their expectations doesn’t align with the perceived capacity to fulïŹll these. Their expectations resemble each other and are affected on outer and informal guidelines which is opposed to the general approach of the university. This indicates a hidden structure that constantly affects the students. These structural contradictions tend to create internal so-called role conïŹ‚icts that act as blocking factors for the student’s learning processes and in the long term their ability to inïŹ‚uence their own future professional role. Furthermore, the participant’s experiences relate to theory that implicate a collective downgrading of the professional role, while it seems at the same time to be a common strong belief in the importance and the potential of the profession. It manifests a widespread ambivalence among landscape architects. This work makes an attempt to shed light on these tendencies with the hope of a broader and continued discussion about the professional role as a landscape architect. A discussion that as developed and at a later stage could advantageously be included in the program. This to create good conditions for conscious and conïŹdent students. Instead of wasting unconscious energy on contradictions, oppositional behavior and identity-seeking, more focus can be placed on learning and creating processes, which should beneïŹt both the individuals and the institution in the ïŹeld as the entire industry. At last there is a discussion presented regarding the shown oppositional structure and whether it is just something set and self-evidential belonging to landscape architecture education or if there are any indications how these opponents could meet more smoothly or even create synergistic relations

    Consumer attitudes and beliefs towards plant-based food in different degrees of processing - The case of Sweden

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    The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of consumer attitudes and beliefs on three different types of plant-based meat alternatives (covering two highly processed Plant Based Meat Alternatives (PBMA) products: a. vegetarian nuggets and b. soy mince, and pulses: c. pre-cooked beans). The analysis was based on data obtained from a questionnaire-based survey (N = 483) conducted in Sweden in November 2020. Consumers were separated into four food preference groups (all of whom consume meat): 1. flexitarians (meat reducers), 2. omnivores (mixed diet), 3. consumers who prefer meat and fish (avoid vegetarian food) and 4. consumers who explicitly prefer to only eat meat (avoid vegetarian food and fish). Products were chosen with the intention that they represent products from a scale ranging from a less processed product (pre-cooked beans), via soy mince (a processed PBMA product) to vegetarian nuggets (ready-to eat processed PBMA). The two PBMA products were also chosen to represent one convenience product (vegetarian nuggets) and one product mainly used as an ingredient (soy mince). Gender, age, education, consumption frequencies, food neophobia, health concern, ranking of qualities, awareness of climate change, and the link between food and climate were explored. The results illustrate differences and similarities between the four groups in attitudes and beliefs as well as the three products. Flexitarians represent the group that expresses the most positive and sustainably connected attitudes and beliefs. Results also show that for all groups, PBMA products are perceived as more modern, artificial and expensive compared to pulses, which, in turn, are perceived as healthier and a better climate choice compared to PBMA products. Meat and "meat and fish" eaters attach much importance to taste, perceived protein content, satiety and domestic origin (from Sweden), whereas omnivores are guided by taste, ease of cooking, health, climate change, and the link between food and climate. The outcome is expected to support policymakers and market actors in developing target group applied strategies addressing differences among the four food preference groups, thereby increasing consumers' intake of sustainable plant-based protein-rich products

    The use of IPR Strategies in Competition Law Conflicts, a Practial Approach

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    Intellectual assets and their protection have become increasingly important for the businesses of companies. At the same time the competition law is there to maintain a sufficient balance, in order for big companies not to abuse the competitive advantage of IPR or marketing law. This thesis makes an examination of how this balance is maintained in practice. The contribution of the thesis is an investigation of the different legal and commercial tools, which are used on the business arena by established actors and retailers, in relation to distribution agreements. An established actor has had a business relationship with a retailer for several years and has suddenly received new competition from a new actor. The legal, practical and commercial considerations of the established actor and the retailer will be examined in context of competition law, IPR regulations, marketing law and contract law. Furthermore there is a mix of different tools on the business arena where a competition law problem might be solved through IPR, marketing law or contract law. Another issue is hence whether it is a satisfaction or a disappointment that other tools on the business arena solve an original problem of competition law. However the important task for the lawyer is to give the most cost efficient and successful tools to their client. Therefore the solution of the problem through other legal tools than competition law is not a problem on the business arena, as long as the balance between competition law and IP is kept. However, this is obviously difficult to ensure since the actors themselves make the solutions on the business arena

    Trygghetsskapande design av Mörby stadspark

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    The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how to design a urban space so that it is experienced safe and how to implement this at an actual site. Knowledge on the subject has been gathered through litterature studies and interviews with experts. Through an analysis of the site with surroundings and studies of projects with similar problems, practical actions have been observed. Part taking in the municipalities planning process has given insight in the projekt as an whole and the interests of different parties. There are many different opinions about what the word safety means. It is a feeling depending on situation, that is affecting our daily behaviour. Safety can be divided into the actual safety and the perceived safety. The actual safety is the lack of or protection against risks, while the perceived safety is the personally experienced feeling of safety. My definition of the word safety is described with the "Safety Concept". It consists of three aspects: Control, Constant and Contact. For the experience of safety there needs to be a balance between these three. Social and situational prevention is mentioned within the field of crime prevention. In this thesis I focus on the situational prevention, which means the physical form of a place and the maintenance of it. The City Beautiful movement wanted to create a beautiful city center, make the citizens proud of it and thereby get a sense of belonging. The ambition was to achieve a common moral and social control. Jane Jacobs advocates variety and multiplicity in both the built environment, efficacies and people. According to her it shapes a living urban environment and a safe society. The CPTED-theory explains that criminal behaviour is depending more on the environmental conditions than the character of the individual. Therefore are both social and environmental actions needed. Oscar Newman's theory about Defensible Space is focusing on urban residential areas and aims to prevent crime through an physical expression of the social structure. The Broken Windows theory is about the importance of maintenance in an area. The idea is to take action as soon as a minor crime is comitted and thereby prevent serious crime. Space Syntax is a analysismethod that investigates how spatial networks interact seen in the users perspective. Since the movements in a city is generated by its form, a good urban environment should have segregated local streets inside an integrated road network. The Swedish Police Authority has produced the handbook "BoTryggt05" that is focusing on the situational crime prevention. It's aim is both to build out crime and to build in safety. "BrĂ„" is a research center within the justice department that is assigned by the Swedish government to reduce crime and increase safety in the society. It is also supporting local crime prevention. At the "Östra Ågatan" in Uppsala, Sweden, an open urban space has been created with room for everyone, and thereby a safer environment. After consultation with the citizens "Högdalens Centrum" was made car-free and got flower pots, and thereby became a safer environment. In central Stockholm the "SergelgĂ„ngen" has been renewed and privatized to gain control over the problems with drug users at the site. The work has also been supported with social actions. A workgroup in Sundbyberg has formulated a plan of action to improve the safety. The plan includes lighting, maintenance, surveillance and house protection. A tunnel has also been transformed to become brighter and more lucid. The discussion leads to the conclusions: * Democracy is depending on the respect of the citizens that is created by safety, and the citizens safety is essential for a democratic society. * The integrating method should be used to create a democratic society and the isolating method should be allowed to protect the individuals right to integrity close to the residense. * The presense of other people creates a sense of safety. * A place should be associated with positive memories and a sense of belonging. * It is important to clearly communicate what is public and what is private. * Management and maintenance is essential to uphold the actions for safety. * Physical design can effect peoples actions and experience of a place. When the studied theories and investigations are related to the Safety Concept, it reveals that most theories are focusing on Controlling and Constant actions. My ambition is to balance the three aspects. I have formulated six "Safety Factors" that are important for design of a safe urban space. They are Presence, Activity, Clearness, Visibility, Caretaking and Consideration. It is all about being at the site, seing the place and the people there, taking care of it and feel for it. Then I've applied these six Safety Factors on the proposal for Mörby Stadspark. From the drawn conclusions and the wishes of the municipality an ideaprogram has been formulated for the park. It is including a site analysis, a situation plan, sections, perspectives, a lightingplan and a schematic designprogram. The ideaprogram can be used as a base for the future planning to achieve a safe urban space.att det upplevs tryggt och hur det kan tillĂ€mpas vid planeringen av en verklig plats. Kunskap inom Ă€mnesomrĂ„det har inhĂ€mtats genom litteraturstudier samt intervjuer med sakkunniga. En platsanalys har genomförts bĂ„de i det aktuella parkomrĂ„det och i dess omgivning. Studier av referensobjekt i liknande stadsrum med liknande problematik har gjorts för att se Ă„tgĂ€rder i praktiken. Medverkan i kommunens planeringsprocess har gett insikt i projektets helhet och aktörernas olika intressen. Det finns mĂ„nga olika uppfattningar om vad man menar med ordet trygghet. Det Ă€r en situationsberoende kĂ€nsla som pĂ„verkar vĂ„rt dagliga beteende. Trygghet kan delas upp i den faktiska tryggheten och den upplevda tryggheten. Den faktiska tryggheten syftar pĂ„ avsaknad av eller skydd mot risker medan den upplevda tryggheten Ă€r den personligt upplevda kĂ€nslan. Min definition av ordet trygghet beskrivs med figuren av Trygghetsbegreppet som bestĂ„r av tre aspekter: Kontroll, Konstant och Kontakt. För en upplevelse av trygghet bör det vara balans mellan aspekternas egenskaper. Inom brottsförebyggande arbete talar man om social prevention och situationell prevention. I detta arbete Ă€r det den situationella preventionen jag fokuserar pĂ„, de Ă„tgĂ€rder man utför pĂ„ plats sĂ„som utformning av den fysiska miljön och förvaltning av den. Inom City Beautiful-rörelsen ville man skapa en vacker stad och ingjuta en stolthet i medborgarna som dĂ€rigenom förenas i sin kĂ€nsla av tillhörighet till staden. Man ville uppnĂ„ en gemensam moral och social kontroll. Jane Jacobs föresprĂ„kar variation och mĂ„ngfald bĂ„de uttryckt i byggd miljö, verksamheter och folkgrupper. Det formar, enligt henne, den levande stadsmiljö som skapar ett tryggt samhĂ€lle. CPTED -teorin förklarar att kriminellas beteende styrs mer av omgivningens villkor Ă€n av individens karaktĂ€r. DĂ€rför krĂ€vs bĂ„de sociala och situationella Ă„tgĂ€rder. Oscar Newmans teori Defensible Space fokuserar pĂ„ bostadsomrĂ„den i stadsmiljö och syftar till att förebygga brott med ett fysiskt uttryck av den sjĂ€lvförsvarande sociala strukturen. Teorin om Broken Windows handlar om vikten av att underhĂ„lla ett omrĂ„de. Tanken Ă€r att man ska ingripa redan vid mindre brott och dĂ€rmed förhindra att större brott uppstĂ„r. Space Syntax Ă€r en metod som analyserar rumsliga nĂ€tverk sett ur anvĂ€ndarens perspektiv. DĂ„ rörelserna i stadsrummet genereras av dess utformning bör en bra stadsmiljö ha segregerade lokala gator inbakade i ett integrerat vĂ€gnĂ€t. Polismyndigheten har framstĂ€llt skriften BoTryggt05 som fokuserar pĂ„ situationell prevention. Den syftar bĂ„de till att bygga bort brott samt att bygga in trygghet. BrĂ„ arbetar pĂ„ uppdrag av Sveriges regering för att minska brottsligheten och öka tryggheten i samhĂ€llet. Det Ă€r ett centrum för forskning och utveckling inom rĂ€ttsvĂ€sendet som stödjer lokalt brottsförebyggande arbete. I Uppsala har man vid Östra Ågatan lyckats skapa ett öppet stadsrum med plats för alla och dĂ€rmed uppnĂ„tt trygghet. Vid Högdalens Centrum har man efter samrĂ„d med invĂ„nare beslutat att förhindra infart av motorfordon och skapa fler blomsterplanteringar för att skapa en tryggare miljö. I centrala Stockholm har man upprustat en del av SergelgĂ„ngen och skapat en inomhusmiljö som tillhör de anslutande butikerna. Arbetet har kompletterats med sociala Ă„tgĂ€rder dĂ„ man har stora problem med missbrukare pĂ„ platsen. En arbetsgrupp har formulerat en handlingsplan för att öka tryggheten i Sundbybergs Centrum. I det ingĂ„r förbĂ€ttrad belysning, klottersanering, samordning av förvaltningen, ökad bevakning och ett program för bĂ€ttre skalskydd. En tunnel har ocksĂ„ byggts om för att bli ljusare samt mer överskĂ„dlig. Diskussionen leder till slutsatserna: * Demokratin Ă€r beroende av medborgarnas respekt som skapas genom trygghet, och medborgarnas trygghet Ă€r grundlĂ€ggande för ett demokratiskt samhĂ€lle. * Den integrerande metoden bör anvĂ€ndas för att skapa ett demokratiskt samhĂ€lle och den isolerande metoden bör tillĂ„tas för att skydda individens rĂ€tt till integritet nĂ€rmast bostaden. * NĂ€rvaron av andra mĂ€nniskor ger en kĂ€nsla av trygghet. * För att en plats ska kĂ€nnas trygg bör den kopplas till positiva minnen och en kĂ€nsla av tillhörighet. * Det Ă€r viktigt att tydligt visa vad som Ă€r offentligt och vad som Ă€r privat. * Drift och underhĂ„ll Ă€r vĂ€sentligt för att trygghetsskapande Ă„tgĂ€rder ska fungera. * Fysisk utformning kan pĂ„verka mĂ€nniskors beteende och upplevelse av en plats. DĂ„ de studerade teorierna och utredningarna relateras till trygghetsbegreppet kan man se att de flesta teorierna fokuserar mest pĂ„ kontrollerande och konstanta Ă„tgĂ€rder. Min ambition Ă€r att istĂ€llet balansera alla de tre aspekterna. UtifrĂ„n kĂ€llstudierna och egna funderingar har jag formulerat sex stycken trygghetsfaktorer som man bör tĂ€nka dĂ„ man vill Ă„stadkomma en trygghetsskapande design. De Ă€r NĂ€rvaro, Aktivitet, Tydlighet, Synlighet, OmvĂ„rdnad och Omtanke. Det handlar om att vara pĂ„ platsen, se miljön och varandra, samt att sköta om platsen och kĂ€nna för den. Dessa sex trygghetsfaktorer har sedan applicerats pĂ„ ett förslag till ny utformning av Mörby Stadspark. UtifrĂ„n dragna slutsatser och kommunens önskemĂ„l har ett idĂ©program utformats för parken. Det innehĂ„ller en platsanalys, situationsplan, sektioner, perspektiv, belysningsplan samt ett övergripande gestaltningsprogram. IdĂ©programmet kan anvĂ€ndas som ett underlag inför framtida planeringsarbete för att skapa ett tryggt stadsrum

    Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Fescue Populations from the Highlands of Bolivia Using EST-SSR Markers

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    In the highlands of Bolivia, native Festuca species are an important source of feed for animals due to their high tolerance to low temperatures and drought. Using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers developed from expressed sequence tags (ESTs), the genetic diversity of 43 populations of Festuca species from Oruro, La Paz, Potosi and Cochabamba departments was evaluated for the purpose of providing information for effective conservation and breeding. In total, 64 alleles were detected across the 43 populations. SSR locus NFA 142 (with 12 alleles) had the highest number of detected alleles, while locus FES 13 (with eight alleles) had the highest polymorphism information content (PIC) at 0.55. Based on Nei’s genetic distance between populations, the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) cluster analysis revealed two major clusters, each consisting of populations from the four departments. However, the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that only 5% of the total variation separated these two groups, indicating low genetic differentiation between the populations. It was also found that there was a low but significant differentiation (0.08%) between the population groups of the four departments (p = 0.01). The newly developed EST-SSR markers are highly valuable for evaluating the genetic diversity of Bolivian fescues and other related species
