153 research outputs found


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    Resumo Esse estudo tem por objetivo fazer uma breve discussão sobre a prática profissional do Assistente Social na área da Educação, no município de Parintins. Esse profissional atua na Coordenadoria Regional de Educação de Parintins- CREP/Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Estado do Amazonas. Foram realizadas observações e debates acerca da prática profissional e os desafios postos diante de uma ampla demanda posta pelas 21 escolas estaduais do município. Os achados da pesquisa indicaram uma sobrecarga de trabalho para o Assistente Social, visto serem inúmeros as problemáticas sociais apontadas nas escolas e o pouco tempo e condições de trabalho para atendê-las. Observamos um compromisso da equipe técnica pedagógica e administrativa para possibilitar uma educação de qualidade, contudo seus esforços não tem dado conta de atender a grande demanda das escolas, que hoje vivem sobre os riscos da violência, das drogas e principalmente da total dissociação entre a família e a escola

    Portugal and Brazil: How much of ‘Our’ past is ‘Theirs’ too?

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    Political and cultural changes in the 1980s have had deep effects on Portuguese and Brazilian educational systems. In 1991, the Portuguese primary and secondary national curricula were defined and these statutory requirements are still in place. In Brazil, political open-mindedness in the 1990s allowed a curricular flexibility within national curricula parameters leading to a decision that primary and secondary curricula should have a common basis which would be complemented in each Brazilian state according to regional and local aims and features. As regards history, the curriculum documents recommended that teachers approach topics with a critical stance on ‘identity’ in order to make the old perception of the ‘us’ and the ‘others’ more inclusive, and to update a traditional perspective on history teaching. Some qualitative research studies carried out in Portugal and Brazil have been focusing on historical consciousness, aiming to understand students’ ideas on significance and empathy towards ‘the other’ in the context of ‘Discoveries’.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mapeamento Geológico-Geotécnico Preliminar, Utilizando Geoprocessamento, no Município de Campos dos Goytacazes, Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

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    Campos dos Goytacazes County is located on the north coast of Rio de Janeiro State. The city of Camposdos Goytacazes was developed on a fl ooding plain and due to the fragility of the physical environment; the cityhas been suffering serious environmental problems. The methodology used base in acquisition of data bank,remote sensoring techniques, Field Information and application of SIG ArcGis9. In a fi rst step, the themesgeology, pedology and geomorphology units was overlaying, where could obtain a Geological-GeotechnicalUnits Map, with lowed and elevated units, the which had been defi ned in accordance with its characteristics.The purpose of this map, as well as the objective of the work is to plan the territory for the future generations

    Boas práticas para a produção de documentos de texto acessíveis

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    Eleven years experience of being under external quality assessment for the molecular genetic diagnosis of hereditary haemochromatosis HFE-associated and accreditation under ISO 15189

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    Laboratory quality is continuously present in our daily practice of molecular diagnosis in human genetics. Our participation in external quality assessment (EQA), specially with EMQN, gave us the opportunity to improve the reports of our genetic tests, to compare our performance/scores with other European laboratories, and to be permanently updated with the most recent recommendations for best practice in human molecular diagnosis. Since 2005, our lab has been participating in the EMQN external quality assessment program for the molecular diagnosis of hereditary haemochromatosis HFE-associated (HH-HFE). Since then, our score regarding the genotyping category has achieved every year the highest marks (2.0), while for the interpretation category, in two years, the mean score was 1.75. These scores lead us to improve the “interpretation section” of our reports in order to give the best result to the physicians and patients. In addition of a correct genotyping, the report “interpretation section” is particularly important, it should include the main suggestions for the best patient’s clinical management: i) immediate impact of the result for the patient, ii) patient’s clinical follow-up and other diagnostic options, iii) long term-impact (specially in predictive tests), iv) relevance of the result for relatives and, v) recommendations of genetic counselling. In accordance with OCDE disease specific guidelines for quality assurance in molecular genetic testing, and with the requirements of ISO 15189, in 2014 we were the first Portuguese laboratory accredited by IPAC, for HH-HFE - variants p.H63D and p.C282Y, and other genetic tests (http://www.ipac.pt/pesquisa/ ficha_15189.asp?id=E0015). Accreditation under the International Standard ISO 15189 is challenging but contributes to introduce improvements in our current practice because it comprises “management requirements” (e.g. quality management system, external services and supplies, preventive and corrective actions, control of records) and “technical requirements” (e.g. accommodation and environmental conditions, laboratory equipment, reagents and consumables, training and qualifications of personnel, examination processes, results reporting). Accreditation enhances laboratory quality at different levels, gives credibility, competency and confidence, but primarily contributes to a better patient’s clinical diagnosis reducing the turnaround time, patient management and treatment, and genetic counselling.N/

    Matriz-técnico pedagógica para a Plataforma Nau: relatório final

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    Este relatório corresponde ao trabalho realizado pela Universidade Aberta no âmbito do contrato estabelecido com a FCT/FCCN para a elaboração de uma proposta de Matriz Técnico-Pedagógica inicial para a plataforma NAU, destinada a cursos online, massivos e abertos (MOOC). Segue a estrutura apresentada no caderno de encargos da entidade adjudicante.FCT/FCCNN/

    Didáctica das línguas estrangeiras : tronco comum : as línguas estrangeiras no contexto curricular : a perspectiva dos professores

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    Formação - ProfessoresEntrevistas a professores de língua estrangeira sobre o papel e a importância do ensino de línguas na escola. Participação de Rosário Oliveira, professora de inglês da Escola Secundária Anselmo de Andrade, de Maria José Leitão, professora de francês da Escola Secundária de Benfica, de Natália Coelho, professora de inglês da Escola Secundária de Benfica, de Maria Augusta Alves, professora de Alemão na Escola Secundária da Cidade Universitária e de Maria Helena Carvalho, professora de Alemão na Escola Secundária de Belém, Algés

    Didáctica das línguas estrangeiras: tronco comum : as línguas estrangeiras no contexto curricular : a perspectiva dos alunos

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    Formação - ProfessoresEntrevistas a alunos sobre o papel e a importância da aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras. Participação dos alunos António Ribeiro e Margarida Correia, da Escola Secundária Anselmo de Andrade, de Ana Matilde Castro, Sara Vieira, Maria Cândida Coelho, Ana Matilde Castro, Rute Baptista e Luís Soares, da Escola Secundária de Benfica, de Filipa Miguel e Nuno Castelão, da Escola Secundária da Cidade Universitária, de Maria José Felgueira e Paulo Marcelo, da Escola Secundária de Belém, Algés

    Integração do agente de combate às endemias na Estratégia Saúde da Família, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, em 2017

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    Objective. To describe the process of integrating the Agent to Combat Endemic Diseases (ACE) in the Family Health Strategy (ESF). Methods. Cross-sectional descriptive study. Data were collected through a self-administered semi-structured questionnaire, from February to May 2017, in four Family Health Units in the urban region of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Results. 57 Community Health Agents (ACS) and eight ACE participated. All participants reported providing guidance to the resident and 58 carried out mechanical control during the inspection of properties, to avoid and eliminate possible Aedes aegypti breeding sites. As for the integration of ACEs in the ESF, 18 participants highlighted teamwork as a positive aspect; and 15, the lack of autonomy for legal interventions as a negative aspect. Conclusion. The integration of ACE in the ESF is feasible, however, adjustments must be made to enhance the activities in the perspective of shared work on the same territorial basis.Objetivo. Descrever o processo de integração do agente de combate às endemias (ACE) na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF). Métodos. Estudo transversal descritivo. Os dados foram coletados por questionário semiestruturado autoaplicável, de fevereiro a maio de 2017, em quatro unidades de Saúde da Família na região urbana de Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Resultados. Participaram 57 agentes comunitários de saúde (ACS) e 8 ACE. Todos os participantes informaram realizar orientações ao morador e 58 realizavam controle mecânico durante a vistoria de imóveis, visando evitar e eliminar possíveis criadouros do Aedes aegypti. Quanto à integração dos ACEs na ESF, 18 participantes destacaram o trabalho em equipe como aspecto positivo, enquanto 15 referiram falta de autonomia para intervenções legais como aspecto negativo. Conclusão. A integração do ACE na ESF é viável; contudo, ajustes devem ser realizados para potencializar as atividades, na perspectiva do trabalho compartilhado em uma mesma base territorial