44 research outputs found

    Knee extensor muscle function after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy

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    Erratum p. 5 and 20 written „2.3.2. Rehabilitation...“ right: „2.3.3. Rehabilitation...“ p. 65 last sentence written „…vigastatud jäseme külgmisel pakslihasel kulges aeglasemalt võrreldes reiesirglihase ja keskmise pakslihasega…” right: „…vigastatud jäseme keskmisel pakslihasel kulges aeglasemalt võrreldes reiesirglihase ja külgmise pakslihasega…”http://www.ester.ee/record=b4339573~S1*es

    Activity of Scapular Muscles : Comparison of Open and Closed Kinetic Chain Exercises

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    The function of the shoulder region and cervical spine are regulated by the motor control of the scapula. It is important to selectively activate weak muscles and minimally involve tense muscles to improve scapular motor control. The objective of this study was to compare the activity of scapular muscles and the intramuscular balance during various open and closed kinetic chain exercises. Methods: This study included 20 female sedentary office workers. A surface electromyography was used to analyze the activity of the scapular muscle in the correct exercise starting position and during 6 different exercises. Additionally, the optimal intramuscular balance was examined. Results and conclusions: Open kinetic chain exercises is more suitable than closed kinetic chain exercises for training scapular active stability. Horizontal shoulder abduction with external rotation (scapula retraction and internal rotation) while in the prone position was optimal and could be recommended (as well as its modifications with a resistance band) for training programs to improve scapula active stability.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Influence of 3-month therapy using the neuro-orthopaedic suit Atlant on gait characteristics in preschool children with spastic cerebral palsy

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    Different kinds of physical therapy are used in medical rehabilitation of neurological patients with motor deficiency: partial body weight-supported treadmill training, driven gait orthosis, neuromuscular electrical stimulation and neuro-orthopaedic suit therapies. Neuro-orthopaedic pneumosuit (NOPS) Atlant (Dynaforce, Russia) creates a muscle framework by dynamic proprioceptive stimulation, stabilizing the trunk and the extremities, reducing pathological synergies and normalizing patient’s motor activity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of 3-month therapy using the NOPS Atlant on gait characteristics in preschool children with spastic form of cerebral palsy (CP). Six CP children with spasticity of lower extremities with (mean±SE) age of 5.2±0.8 years participated in the present study. Children had NOPS Atlant therapy sessions during three months, supervised by an experienced physiotherapist. The kinematic and kinetic characteristics of gait were measured using 3-D movement analysis system Elite Clinic (BTS S.p.A., Italy). After 3-month therapy using the NOPS Atlant, significant increase (7.9%) of the stride length of gait was found as compared with the initial data. Children with spastic CP demonstrated significant improvement of range of motion of hip joint abduction, decrease of knee joint external rotation, as well as positive changes in foot progression angle during gait. In conclusion, motor function re-activation during gait in preschool children with spasticity caused by cerebral palsy was noted after 3-month therapy using the NOPS Atlant. However, future research is needed to elucidate mechanisms of neurodynamic therapy effect on motor ability in children with CP

    Altersbedingte änderungen in kontraktilen Eigenschaften der plantar Flexor Muskeln bei physisch aktiven Frauen

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    Twitch contractile properties of the plantar flexor muscles were compared between the groups of women of the 3rd, 5th, 6th and 8th decade participating in regular recreational physical activity. An isometric twitch was evoked by supramaximal electrical stimulation of the tibial nerve in the popliteal fossa by a rectangular pulse of 1 millisecond duration. A significant decrease was found in the twitch peak force, the maximal rates of force development and relaxation from the 6th decade onwards. A significant prolongation in twitch contraction time was observed from the 5th decade onwards. The 3rd decade group showed a significant postactivation potentiation, while the three older groups did not. No significant age-related changes were observed in the isometric twitch peak force and voluntary strength ratio, and the twitch half-relaxation time in women participating in regular recreational physical activity. It was concluded that the marked decrease in twitch force-potentiation and prolongation of the contraction time of the plantar flexor muscles in physically active women seem to begin after 40 years of age, while a reduction in the maximal voluntary and twitch force-generating capacity, and twitch contraction kinetics occurs after 50 years of age.Uvod Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je izmjeriti učinak starenja na trzajna kontraktilna svojstva skeletnih mišića kod žena uključenih u redovitu rekreacijsku tjelesnu aktivnost. Mjereni su mišići potkoljenice, plantarni fleksori stopala, koji su važni za držanje tijela i kretanje, a aktivni su u mnogobrojnim radnim i sportskim aktivnostima. Metode Ukupno je 49 žena pristalo sudjelovati u ovom istraživanju. Raspoređene su u 4 dobne skupine: skupina u 3. desetljeću života (u dobi od 20 do 25 godina, n=13), skupina u 5. desetljeću života (u dobi od 40 do 49 godina, n=12), skupina u 6. desetljeću života (u dobi od 50 do 59 godina, n=11) i skupina u 8. desetljeću života (u dobi od 70 do 77 godina, n=13). Sve su mlađe ispitanice bile fizički zdrave studentice uključene u redovitu tjelovježbu dva do tri puta tjedno u skupinama odbojke, košarke ili aerobike. Ispitanice srednje dobi vježbale su u skupinama odbojke ili aerobike dva puta tjedno, a starije ispitanice također su vježbale u skupinama aerobike dva puta tjedno. Tijekom mjerenja, ispitanice su sjedile na posebno dizajniranoj stolici, s dominantnom nogom savijenom u koljenom zglobu pod kutom od 90° i smještenom unutar metalnog okvira. Da bi se utvrdila kontraktilna svojstva mišića plantarnih fleksora tijekom izometričkog trzaja, parom samoljepljivih elektroda podraživali smo stražnji tibijalni živac. Katoda je postavljena iznad tibijalnog živca u poplitealnoj jami, a anoda je postavljena ispod stražnje medijalne strane natkoljenice. Izolirani voltažni stimulator bio je izvor supramaksimalnih pravokutnih podražaja od 1 ms. Nakon bilježenja mišićne kontrakcije u mirovanju, ispitanice su dobile uputu da 5 sekundi zadrže mišić u maksimalnoj voljnoj kontrakciji (MVC), a zatim da ga opuste. Drugi (potencirani) trzajni podražaj nastupio je unutar 1 s nakon početka relaksacije. Izračunate su sljedeće karakteristike izometričkog trzaja: vršna sila trzaja (PT) – najveća vrijednost izometričke sile, vrijeme kontrakcije (CT) – vrijeme do vršne sile trzaja, poluvrijeme relaksacije (HRT) – vrijeme polovičnog opadanja vršne sile trzaja, maksimalna brzina razvoja sile (RFD) – prva derivacija razvoja sile (dF/dt) i maksimalna brzina relaksacije (RR) kao prva derivacija opadanja sile (-dF/dt). Postotak porasta potencirane vršne sile trzaja (PT) u odnosu na vrijednost u mirovanju uzet je kao pokazatelj postaktivacijske potencijacije (PAP). Vršna sila trzaja u mirovanju izražena je kao omjer s izometričkom voljnom jakosti. Rezultati Prosječna vrijednost vršne sile trzaja u skupini žena u 3. desetljeću života bila je veća (p<0.05) od prosječnih vrijednosti u skupinama žena u 6. i 8. desetljeću. Skupina u 5. desetljeću pokazala je veću (p<0.05) vršnu silu trzaja od skupine u 8. desetljeću. Razlike u vršnoj sili trzaja između dvije mlađe i dvije starije skupine nisu bile značajne. Među skupinama nisu uočene značajne razlike u omjeru između vršne sile trzaja i voljne jakosti. Uočeno je produljenje vremena kontrakcije (CT) izometričkog trzaja s porastom dobi. Prosječna vrijednost vremena kontrakcije (CT) trzaja u najmlađoj skupini bila je manja (p<0.05) od vrijednosti triju starijih skupina. Razlike u CT trzaja između skupina u 5., 6. i 8. desetljeću nisu bile značajne. Nije bilo značajnih razlika među izmjerenim dobnim skupinama u prosječnim vrijednostima poluvremena relaksacije (HRT) trzaja. Vrijednosti maksimalne RFD i RR izometričkog trzaja smanjile su se s dobi. Vrijednost aritmetičke sredine maksimalne brzine razvoja sile trzaja (RFD) u skupini u 3. desetljeću bila je veća (p<0.05) od vrijednosti u skupinama žena u 6. i 8. desetljeću. Razlike u maksimalnoj RFD trzaja između dviju mlađih i dviju starijih skupina nisu bile značajne. Prosječna vrijednost maksimalne brzine relaksacije (RR) trzaja u skupini u 8. desetljeću bila je manja (p<0.05) od vrijednosti u dvije mlađe skupine. Maksimalna RR trzaja u skupini u 3. desetljeću bila je veća (p<0.05) u usporedbi s vrijednosti skupine u 6. desetljeću. Razlike u maksimalnoj RR trzaja između dvije mlađe skupine i dvije starije skupine nisu bile značajne. Nisu uočene značajne razlike u RR trzaja u usporedbi skupina u 6. i 5. desetljeću. Postaktivacijska potencijacija (PAP) bila je značajno izražena (p<0.05) samo u najmlađoj skupini, dok za tri starije skupine postaktivacijska potencijacija nije bila značajna. Skupina u 3. desetljeću imala je veće vrijednosti (p<0.05) PAP od skupine u 8. desetljeću, dok razlike u PAP između skupina u 3., 5. i 6. desetljeću nisu bile značajne. Vrijednost PAP u skupini u 8. desetljeću nije se značajno razlikovala od vrijednosti PAP u skupinama u 5. i 6. desetljeću. Rasprava i zaključak Ovo je istraživanje pokazalo da je značajno, s dobi povezano opadanje izometričkog maksimalnog voljnog i električno izazvanog kapaciteta stvaranja sile trzaja, kao i opadanje kinetike trzajne kontrakcije, ocijenjeno brzinama razvoja sile i relaksacije mišića plantarnih fleksora stopala, kod žena uključenih u redovitu tjelesnu aktivnost započelo nakon 50. godine. Suprotno prijašnjim istraživanjima, nisu uočene značajne promjene povezane s dobi u omjeru između vršne sile trzaja i voljne jakosti ni u poluvremenu relaksacije trzaja kod žena uključenih u redovitu rekreacijsku tjelesnu aktivnost. Mehanizmi odgovorni za trzajnu potencijaciju nakon kratke izometričke maksimalne voljne kontrakcije značajno su pod utjecajem starenja. Opadanje kapaciteta trzajne potencijacije i produljenje vremena kontrakcije mišića plantarnih fleksora stopala kod tjelesno aktivnih žena započelo je nakon 40. godine.Einzelkontraktile Eigenschaften von M. triceps surae wurden zwischen den Frauengruppen der 3., 5., 6. und 8. Lebensdekade, die regelmäßig physisch aktiv waren, verglichen. Die isometrische Einzelkontraktion wurde mit supramaximaler elektrischer Stimulation des N. tibialis in der Fossa Poplitea bei Rechteckim-pulse von 1 ms Dauerhaftigkeit erreicht. Der wesentliche Fall der Einzelkontraktion bei Maximalkraft im maximalen Kraftgradient und im Relaxiongradient wurde ab 6. Dekade und die Erscheinung der Kontrak-tionszeitverlängerung ab 5. Dekade gefunden. Bei der Gruppe der 3. Dekade erschien die wesentliche post-aktive Potensierung, bei den 3 älteren Gruppen wurde diese Erscheinung nicht gefunden. Bei körperlich aktiven Frauen wurden keine wesentlichen Alterserscheinungen sowohl bei maximaler Kraft der Einzelkon-traktionen und bei willkürlicher Kraft als auch bei Einzelkontraktion in der Halbentspannungszeit gefunden. Zusammengefasst ergibt sich daraus, dass der wesentliche Fall bei der Fähigkeit des Kraftgenerierens und die Verlängerung der Kontraktionszeit bei physisch aktiven Frauen nach dem 40. Lebensjahr erschienen, wobei der Fall der willkürlichen maximalen Kraft und bei der postaktiven Potensierung der Einzelkontrak-tion erst nach dem 50. Lebensjahr erscheint

    Effect of home exercise programme on thigh muscle strength before total knee arthroplasty

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effect of home exercise programme (HEP) on thigh muscle strength in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) before unilateral total knee arthroplasty (TKA).Five female OA patients with mean age 67.8±5.9 years participated in the study. Isometric maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force of the quadriceps femoris (QF) and hamstring (HM) muscles was measured by hand-held dynamometry. Knee active range of motion (aROM) in flexion was measured by goniometer. Knee pain score was evaluated by knee pain scale before and after HEP.A significant reduction (p&lt;0.05) in MVC force of the QF and HM muscles and aROM in flexion were noted before HEP, comparing the involved and uninvolved leg. After HEP, MVC force of the QF muscle increased significantly (p&lt;0.05) for the involved and uninvolved leg, whereas no significant differences (p&gt;0.05) were observed between the limbs. MVC force of the HM muscle and aROM in flexion remained significantly lower (p&lt;0.05) for the involved leg as compared with the uninvolved leg after HEP. Knee pain score was significantly (p&lt;0.05) higher for the involved leg before and after HEP as compared with the uninvolved leg.Two months before the operation, HEP was an effective therapeutic procedure for increasing QF muscle strength in patients who underwent TKA

    Skeletal muscle tone and motor performance characteristics in dentists as compared to controls

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    ArticleThe daily work tasks of dentists are associated with repeated movements and static load during the treatment of patients. Dentists’ profession includes manual dexterity and maintaining the occupational posture for a long time. Previously it has been noted that dentists have increased muscle stress in neck, shoulder and lower back regions. The aim of the present study was to compare the muscle tone and motor performance characteristics of neck and shoulder region in dentists and representatives of other professions who do not have similar static load of long-time duration (as controls). Twenty women aged 34–55 years participated in the study: ten dentists with the age (mean and SE) of 40.2 ± 3.9 years and ten controls (bookkeepers, security guards, office workers, printing house workers, laundry and dry cleaning workers) with the age of 40.9 ± 2.4 years; working period was on the average 14 years in both groups. The tone characteristics of m. trapezius and m. extensor carpi radialis were investigated by device Myoton- 2 (Müomeetria Ltd, Estonia) at rest and at maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) in sitting position at the workplace of participants. The cervical range of motion (CROM) and the handgrip strength were measured. Significantly higher (P < 0.05) tone and elasticity characteristics of m. extensor carpi radialis and lower (P < 0.05) tone and elasticity characteristics of m. trapezius at rest were noted in dentists compared to controls. At MVC, no significant differences were found in the studied characteristics between body sides in the measured groups. Dentists had lower (P < 0.05) CROM of flexion and rotation than controls. In dentists emerged significant difference in muscle elasticity characteristics for the right body side, this is related with stretching for dentistry instruments

    Postural control and vertical jumping performance in adolescent and adult male basketball players

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    The purpose of this study was to compare postural control and vertical jumping performance characteristics in adolescent and adult male basketball players. Forty nine male basketball players participated in this study. They were distributed into three groups: (1) young adolescents (YA; with mean age 15.4±0.7 yrs), (2) old adolescents (OA; 17.9±1.2 yrs), and (3) adults (AD; 25.9±3.7 yrs). Static standing balance during bi- and unipedal standing and vertical jumping characteristics were measured on a force platform. AD basketball players had significantly (p&lt;0.05) higher vertical jumping height and power development per unit of body mass as compared to YA and OA group; OA group outperformed YA group as well. Static standing stability was better in AD group than YA and OA group. There were no significant differences between YA and OA groups in static standing balance test. Age and sports participation were significantly (p&lt;0.05) positively correlated with vertical jumping height and power. Anthropometrical characteristics and sports participation were all significantly (p&lt;0.05) negatively correlated with centre of pressure trace length during bi- and unipedal standing. No significant correlation was observed between balance and vertical jumping characteristics. It was concluded that in male basketball players the improvement in vertical jumping performance and static standing balance during bipedal stance are influenced by sports participation and maturation, whereas static standing balance during unipedal stance is not affected by aforementioned factors