737 research outputs found

    Computational Methods in Modeling Fusion Plasmas

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    Fusion provides an attractive potential alternative to using fossil fuels for energy. Fusion requires vastly less fuel resources than does current non-renewable energy processes (virtually a 100% reduction in the required mass of fuel needed). The fuel sources needed (mainly deuterium and lithium) are also highly abundant on the Earth and fusion generates minimal waste products. One of the biggest obstacles to practical fusion energy is how to contain the reactants long enough for energy output to significantly exceed energy input. The equations governing plasma dynamics and confinement are highly nonlinear and do not admit simple analytic solutions in realistic situations. To obtain predictions of various plasma confinement scenarios, it is often necessary to turn to other means, such as computational modeling, to simulate the relevant plasma dynamics. Evaluating the effectiveness and reliability of the computational methods used for simulation then becomes extremely important, especially when subsequently using your code to predict new physics to the scientific community. In this work, we present an effort to analyze the effectiveness of one of the computational techniques used in the NIMROD code, which code Eric Held (USU) and others in the scientific community have helped to develop. This method involves resolving something called the Grad-Shafranov equation, which governs the potential plasma equilibria that can exist in tokamak plasmas. Here we evaluate the effectiveness of the method and discuss the potential implications resulting from this analysis


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    A recent survey indicated that many procedures view risk in a safety-first context. Traditional methods used to impose safety-first constraints in optimization models have often been difficult to implement. This is particularly true when endogenous decisions affect the distribution of the chance-constrained random variable. This paper presents a method whereby probabilistic constraints can be easily imposed upon finitely discrete random variables. The procedure uses a linear version of the lower partial moment stochastic inequality. The resulting solutions are somewhat conservative but are less so than the results using the previously published mean income-absolute deviation stochastic inequality.Production Economics, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,


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    Selected risk programming solutions (i.e., profit maximization, Target-MOTAD, and MOTAD) are tested in an economic environment outside the data set from which they were developed. Specifically, solutions are derived from either a longer 10-year (1965-74) or shorter 6-year estimation period (1969-74), and then, they are tested for consistent risk-income characteristics over a later 10-year period (1975-84). Risk solutions estimated from earlier periods perform well in the later test period in spite of different economic conditions between time periods. However, favorable performance may be related to the specific example used in this analysis. Further testing for other farm situations is needed before general conclusions can be reached.Risk and Uncertainty,

    Closed-Shell Hartree-Fock: an Efficient Implementation Based on the Contraction of Integrals in the Primitive Basis

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    In this work a highly efficient, closed-shell restricted Hartree-Fock self-consistent-field (SCF) program has been developed. It has been written as a part of the ``Quantum Objects Library'' (QOL), which is developed at the Institute for Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Cologne. In the implementation presented here, the explicit transformation of the two-electron integrals from the primitive to the radial contracted, angularly transformed basis is avoided. The density matrix is obtained by diagonalizing the Fock matrix in the radial-angular-transformed basis. It is transformed to the primitive basis, and contracted with the integrals to give the Fock matrix, also in the primitive basis. To assure that solutions of the Fock equations are obtained in the transformed basis, the Fock matrix is transformed back to the radial contracted, angularly transformed basis after the density contraction step. Both one- and two-electron integrals are calculated using the ansatz of Obara-Saika (OS). For the evaluation of the two-electron integrals a code-generating ansatz is used. At compile time optimized code is generated, to be called at runtime. Numerical instabilities inherent in the Obara-Saika scheme were analyzed and eliminated. The code-generating ansatz was also used for the implementation of the density contraction. Contraction codes for both primitive and radial-angular-transformed bases were developed. Both two-electron integral evaluation and density contraction implementations have been optimized by explicit use of streaming single instruction multiple data (SIMD) extensions (SSE). Integral prescreening has been implemented on basis of the Schwarz inequality, and the differential density scheme is used. Convergence acceleration has been realized by implementing the direct inversion of the iterative subspace (DIIS) method. The developed SCF program has been parallelized using the open multi-processing (OMP) application programming interface (API). In final performance comparisons to commercially available programs competitive results were obtained

    Simulation of the Recent Multidecadal Increase of Atlantic Hurricane Activity Using an 18-km-Grid Regional Model

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    In this study, a new modeling framework for simulating Atlantic hurricane activity is introduced. The model is an 18-km-grid nonhydrostatic regional model, run over observed specified SSTs and nudged toward observed time-varying large-scale atmospheric conditions (Atlantic domain wavenumbers 0-2) derived from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalyses. Using this perfect large-scale model approach for 27 recent August-October seasons (1980-2006), it is found that the model successfully reproduces the observed multidecadal increase in numbers of Atlantic hurricanes and several other tropical cyclone (TC) indices over this period. The correlation of simulated versus observed hurricane activity by year varies from 0.87 for basin-wide hurricane counts to 0.41 for U.S. landfalling hurricanes. For tropical storm count, accumulated cyclone energy, and TC power dissipation indices the correlation is similar to 0.75, for major hurricanes the correlation is 0.69, and for U.S. landfalling tropical storms, the correlation is 0.57. The model occasionally simulates hurricanes intensities of up to category 4 (similar to 942 mb) in terms of central pressure, although the surface winds (\u3c 47 in s-1) do not exceed category-2 intensity. On interannual time scales, the model reproduces the observed ENSO-Atlantic hurricane covariation reasonably well. Some notable aspects of the highly contrasting 2005 and 2006 seasons are well reproduced, although the simulated activity during the 2006 core season was excessive. The authors conclude that the model appears to be a useful tool for exploring mechanisms of hurricane variability in the Atlantic (e.g., shear versus potential intensity contributions). The model may be capable of making useful simulations/projections of pre-1980 or twentieth-century Atlantic hurricane activity. However, the reliability of these projections will depend on obtaining reliable large-scale atmospheric and SST conditions from sources external to the model

    Lateral coupling in baroclinically unstable flows

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 38 (2008): 1267-1277, doi:10.1175/2007JPO3906.1.A two-layer quasigeostrophic model in a channel is used to study the influence of lateral displacements of regions of different sign mean potential vorticity gradient (Πy) on the growth rate and structure of linearly unstable waves. The mean state is very idealized, with a region of positive Πy in the upper layer and a region of negative Πy in the lower layer; elsewhere Πy is zero. The growth rate and structure of the model’s unstable waves are quite sensitive to the amount of overlap between the two regions. For large amounts of overlap (more than several internal deformation radii), the channel modes described by Phillips’ model are recovered. The growth rate decreases abruptly as the amount of overlap decreases below the internal deformation radius. However, unstable modes are also found for cases in which the two nonzero Πy regions are separated far apart. In these cases, the wavenumber of the unstable waves decreases such that the aspect ratio of the wave remains O(1). The waves are characterized by a large-scale barotropic component that has maximum amplitude near one boundary but extends all the way across the channel to the opposite boundary. Near the boundaries, the wave is of mixed barotropic–baroclinic structure with cross-front scales on the order of the internal deformation radius. The perturbation heat flux is concentrated near the nonzero Πy regions, but the perturbation momentum flux extends all the way across the channel. The perturbation fluxes act to reduce the isopycnal slopes near the channel boundaries and to transmit zonal momentum from the region of Πy > 0 to the region on the opposite side of the channel where Πy < 0. These nonzero perturbation momentum fluxes are found even for a mean state that has no lateral shear in the velocity field.This work was supported by NSF Grants OPP-0421904, OCE-0423975 (MAS), and OCE- 85108600 (JP)

    The melting properties of D-α-glucose, D-β-fructose, D-sucrose, D-α-galactose, and D-α-xylose and their solubility in water: a revision

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    Saccharides are still commonly isolated from biological feedstock by crystallization from aqueous solutions. Precise thermodynamic data on solubility are essential to optimize the downstream crystallization process. Solubility modeling, in turn, requires knowledge of melting properties. In the first part of this work, following our previous work on amino acids and peptides, D-α-glucose, D-β-fructose, D-sucrose, D-α-galactose, and D-α-xylose were investigated with Fast Scanning Calorimetry (FSC) in a wide scanning rate range (2000 K·s−1 to 10000 K·s−1). Using the experimental melting properties of saccharides from FSC allowed successfully modeling aqueous solubility for D-sucrose and D-α-galactose with the equation of state PC-SAFT. This provides cross-validation of the measurement methods to determine accurate experimental melting properties with FSC. Unexpectedly, the experimental FSC melting temperatures, extrapolated to zero scanning rates for thermal lag correction, were higher than results determined with DSC and available literature data. To clarify this inconsistency, FSC measurements towards low scanning rates from 10000 K·s−1 to 1 K·s−1 (D-α-glucose, D-β-fructose, D-sucrose) overlapping with the scanning rates of DSC and literature data were combined. At scanning rates below 1000 K·s−1, the melting properties followed a consistent non-linear trend, observed in both the FSC and the literature data. In order to understand the non-linear decrease of apparent melting temperatures with decreasing heating rate, the endothermic peaks were investigated in terms of isoconversional kinetics. The activation energies in the non-linear dependency region are in the range of 300<EA<600kJ∙mol−1. These values are higher than the enthalpy of sublimation for D-α-glucose, indicating that the non-linear behavior does not have a physical nature but attributes to chemical processes corresponding to the decomposition of molecular compounds within the crystal lattice before melting. The melting properties reported in the literature, commonly determined with conventional methods such as DSC, lead to inaccurate results due to the decomposition of these biomolecules at low heating rates. In addition, the FSC results at lower scanning rates coincide with results from DSC and literature in the overlapping scanning rate range, further validating the accuracy of FSC measurements to determine reliable melting properties of thermally labile biomolecules. The experimental FSC melting properties determined at higher scanning rates are considered as the correct equilibrium melting properties, which are not influenced by any chemical processes. The combination of FSC and PC-SAFT opens the door to model solubility of solid compounds that commonly decompose before melting

    Novel method for high-throughput colony PCR screening in nanoliter-reactors

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    We introduce a technology for the rapid identification and sequencing of conserved DNA elements employing a novel suspension array based on nanoliter (nl)-reactors made from alginate. The reactors have a volume of 35 nl and serve as reaction compartments during monoseptic growth of microbial library clones, colony lysis, thermocycling and screening for sequence motifs via semi-quantitative fluorescence analyses. nl-Reactors were kept in suspension during all high-throughput steps which allowed performing the protocol in a highly space-effective fashion and at negligible expenses of consumables and reagents. As a first application, 11 high-quality microsatellites for polymorphism studies in cassava were isolated and sequenced out of a library of 20 000 clones in 2 days. The technology is widely scalable and we envision that throughputs for nl-reactor based screenings can be increased up to 100 000 and more samples per day thereby efficiently complementing protocols based on established deep-sequencing technologie

    The problem of globalization

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    There is a general consensus that the contemporary world is best under-stood through the prism of globalization. This view is shared by most social scientists, politicians, journalists, businesses, and indeed broad sectors of the general population. Opinions differ as to whether global-ization is a positive or a negative development, but there is general agreement that whatever is going on is either a symptom or a consequence of globalization. There are many good reasons for this view. The number of passengers on scheduled international flights has risen by a factor of six between 1975 and 2000. The number of international tourist arrivals rose by three and a half times during the same period. Much less happily, the number of internationally displaced refugees rose by around 50 percent in the 20 years before 2000. During the quarter of a century after 1975, the duration of international voice telephone calls rose by around 25 times. We could go on multiplying such striking figures i
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