46 research outputs found

    A shock recovery experiment and its implications for Mercury's surface : The effect of high pressure on porous olivine powder as a regolith analog

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    We conducted classic dynamic high - pressure experiments on porous San Carlos (SC) olivine powder to examine if and how different shock stages modify corresponding reflectance mid – infrared (MIR) spectra. Microscopic investigation of the thin sections produced of our shocked samples indicates local peak pressures of >60 GPa along with all lower grade shock stages. Spectral analyses of optically identified shock areas were documented and compared in terms of Christiansen Feature (CF) and the position of olivine – diagnostic Reststrahlenbands (RBs). We found that one RB (fundamental vibrations of the orthosilicate - ion) of olivine occurring at 980 cm−1 (corresponding to ≈ 10.2 μm) shows the least energetic shift in the investigated MIR spectra and could therefore serve as a proxy for the presence of olivine in remote sensing application. Furthermore, a peak located at ≈ 1060 cm−1 (≈ 9.4 μm) shows a significant intensity change probably related to the degree of shock exposure or grain orientation effects, as we observe a decline in intensity of this band from our averaged reference olivine spectra of our IRIS database (diffuse reflectance measurement) down to spectra of grains showing mosaicism and recrystallized areas. We also report the presence of a weak band in some of the olivine spectra located at ≈ 1100 cm−1 (9.1 μm) that has an influence on the position of the CF when spectral data of olivine are averaged.Peer reviewe

    The Venus Emissivity Mapper Concept

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    Based on experience gained from using the VIRTIS instrument on Venus Express to observe the surface of Venus and the new high temperature laboratory experiments, we have developed the multispectral Venus Emissivity Mapper (VEM) to study the surface of Venus. VEM imposes minimal requirements on the spacecraft and mission design and can therefore be added to any future Venus mission. Ideally, the VEM instrument will be combined with a high-resolution radar mapper to provide accurate topographic information, as it will be the case for the NASA Discovery VERITAS mission or the ESA EnVision M5 proposal

    Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (MIRORES)

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    Sulfide ores are a major source of noble (Au, Ag, and Pt) and base (Cu, Pb, Zn, Sn, Co, Ni, etc.) metals and will, therefore, be vital for the self-sustainment of future Mars colonies. Martian meteorites are rich in sulfides, which is reflected in recent findings for surface Martian rocks analyzed by the Spirit and Curiosity rovers. However, the only high-resolution (18 m/pixel) infrared (IR) spectrometer orbiting Mars, the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM), onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), is not well-suited for detecting sulfides on the Martian surface. Spectral interference with silicates impedes sulfide detection in the 0.4–3.9 μm CRISM range. In contrast, at least three common hydrothermal sulfides on Earth and Mars (pyrite, chalcopyrite, marcasite) have prominent absorption peaks in a narrow far-IR (FIR) wavelength range of 23–28 μm. Identifying the global distribution and chemical composition of sulfide ore deposits would help in choosing useful targets for future Mars exploration missions. Therefore, we have designed a new instrument suitable for measuring sulfides in the FIR range called the Martian far-IR Ore Spectrometer (MIRORES). MIRORES will measure radiation in six narrow bands (~0.3 µm in width), including three bands centered on the sulfide absorption bands (23.2, 24.3 and 27.6 µm), two reference bands (21.5 and 26.1) and one band for clinopyroxene interference (29.0 µm). Focusing on sulfides only will make it possible to adapt the instrument size (32 × 32 × 42 cm) and mass (<10 kg) to common microsatellite requirements. The biggest challenges related to this design are: (1) the small field of view conditioned by the high resolution required for such a study (<20 m/pixel), which, in limited space, can only be achieved by the use of the Cassegrain optical system; and (2) a relatively stable measurement temperature to maintain radiometric accuracy and enable precise calibration

    Rationale for BepiColombo Studies of Mercury's Surface and Composition

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    BepiColombo has a larger and in many ways more capable suite of instruments relevant for determination of the topographic, physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of Mercury's surface than the suite carried by NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft. Moreover, BepiColombo's data rate is substantially higher. This equips it to confirm, elaborate upon, and go beyond many of MESSENGER's remarkable achievements. Furthermore, the geometry of BepiColombo's orbital science campaign, beginning in 2026, will enable it to make uniformly resolved observations of both northern and southern hemispheres. This will offer more detailed and complete imaging and topographic mapping, element mapping with better sensitivity and improved spatial resolution, and totally new mineralogical mapping. We discuss MESSENGER data in the context of preparing for BepiColombo, and describe the contributions that we expect BepiColombo to make towards increased knowledge and understanding of Mercury's surface and its composition. Much current work, including analysis of analogue materials, is directed towards better preparing ourselves to understand what BepiColombo might reveal. Some of MESSENGER's more remarkable observations were obtained under unique or extreme conditions. BepiColombo should be able to confirm the validity of these observations and reveal the extent to which they are representative of the planet as a whole. It will also make new observations to clarify geological processes governing and reflecting crustal origin and evolution. We anticipate that the insights gained into Mercury's geological history and its current space weathering environment will enable us to better understand the relationships of surface chemistry, morphologies and structures with the composition of crustal types, including the nature and mobility of volatile species. This will enable estimation of the composition of the mantle from which the crust was derived, and lead to tighter constraints on models for Mercury's origin including the nature and original heliocentric distance of the material from which it formed.Peer reviewe

    An Overview of the Planetary Emissivity Laboratory (PEL) at DLR in Berlin

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    The PEL provide the planetary community already today with emissivity measurements highly complementary to existing spectral databases. With the recently completed upgrade the PEL allows unique measurements with a strong focus on airless bodies and extreme conditions as the ones BepiColombo and MESSENGER will encounter at Mercury, over the ex-tremely wide spectral range from 1-100 μm for fine grained samples. Two accessories permit complemen-tary measurements of reflectance and transmission in the same large spectral range, that can be easily ex-tended to until 300 µm. A second instrument is used to measure emissivity at low/moderate temperatures, and bi-directional reflectance spectra at room temperature of samples, under purged air conditions

    Spectral Reflectance Measurements of Sulfides at the Planetary Emissivity Laboratory — Analogs for Hollow-Forming Material on Mercury?

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    We present spectral reflectance measurements at visible and near-infrared wavelengths of fresh and heated samples of MnS, CaS, and MgS, as well as elemental sulfur. We infer that sulfides display a diagnostic feature at or near 0.6 µm