26 research outputs found

    Trajectories of principal directions of growth, natural coordinate system in growing plant organ

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    In symplasticly growing organs the principal directions of growth, which are indicated by the eigenvectors of the symmetric part of the growth tensor, can be associated with each positional point and joined up to form a network of orthogonal trajectories, uolcss the growth is isotropic. The trajectories represent a natura( coordinate system suitable for description of growing orgaos. These trajectories often can be recognized in patterns of nonrandom aligoments in the cell wali network: these alignmeots are norma\ to anticlinal and periclinal walls. Coordioate systems that fit the trajectories in different types of growiog organ are listed

    Modeling of spatial variations of growth within apical domes by means of the growth tensor. Pt. 1. Growth specified on dome axis

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    By using the growth tensor and a natural curvilinear coordinate system for description of the distribution of growth in plant organs, three geometrie types of shoot apical domes (parabolic, clliptical and hyperbolic) were modcled. It was assumed that apical dome geometry remains unchanged during growth and that the natural coordinate systems are paraboloidal and prolate spheroidal. Two variants of the displacement yelocity fields V were considered. One yariant is specified by a constant relative elemental rat臋 of growth along the axis of the dome. The second is specified by a rat臋 inereasing proportionally with distance from the geometrie focus of the coordinate systems (and the apical dome). The growth tensor was used to calculate spatial yariations of growth rates for each yariant of each dome type. There is in both yariants a elear tendency toward lower growth rates in the distal region of the dome. A basie condition for the existence of a tunica is met

    Perception of gravity expressed by production of cambial callus in ash (Fraxinus excelsior l.) internodes

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    In ash internodes isolated from vertical stems during winter dormancy, cambial activity was stimulated by applying an aqueous solution of auxin to the apical end and water to the basal end. The internodes maintained nearly horizontally produced cambial callus at the apical cut surface with more callus on the upper half although both halves were in contact with the same concentration of auxin. A differential response to auxin of the cambium in the upper and lower halves of the horizontally oriented internodes is postulated

    Occurrence of circular vessels above axillary buds in stems of woody plants

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    The circular vcsscls gencrally occur in intact wood stems just above the axillary buds. In this region the cell arrangement with vortices occurs. We interprete the circular vessels as the result or circular polarity in the cambial zone or the region above the axillary bud. The stability or circular polarity in this region is based on the vorticity or the cambium cells arrangement

    A remembrance of Professor Henryk Tele偶y艅ski (1908-1989)

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    Min臋艂o 12 lat od 艣mierci Profesora Henryka Tele颅偶y艅skiego. Mia艂em szcz臋艣cie by膰 Jego bliskim ucz颅niem i pragn臋 utrwali膰 w tym wspomnieniu cz膮stk臋 wiedzy jak膮 o Nim posiad艂em. Tu偶 po pogrzebie Profesora zobowi膮za艂em si臋 do napisania artyku艂u o Nim do Wiadomo艣ci Botanicznych. Po kilku pr贸bach realizacji tego zobowi膮zania musia艂em si臋 wycofa膰, bo zwyczajna miarka przyk艂a颅dana do osi膮gni臋膰 naukowca - publikowany dorobek. zawodzi艂a w usi艂owaniu przedstawienia wielko艣ci Profesora. Cho膰 mo偶na wymieni膰 kilkana艣cie prac H. Tele偶y艅skiego, to nale偶y stwierdzi膰. 偶e dorobek Profesora to nie publikacje, ale przede wszystkim s艂u颅偶enie sprawie rozwoju botaniki w Polsce[...

    Pulsations of domain lenght as support for the hypothesis of morphogenetic waves in the cambium

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    Wiadomo z poprzednich bada艅, 偶e w kambium drzew wyst臋puj膮 domeny czyli obszary ukierunkowywania na prawo (Z) albo na lewo (S) takich zdarze艅 kom贸rkowych jak: sko艣ne podzia艂y antyklinalne, zachodzenie na siebie przeciwnie skierowanych ko艅c贸w kom贸rkowych rosn膮cych intruzywnie, rozszczepianie i 艂膮czenie promieni. Wz贸r domenowy przesuwa si臋 wzgl臋dem kom贸rek w zwi膮zku z czym typ domeny w danym miejscu kambium zmienia si臋 cyklicznie. Zaproponowano hipotez臋, 偶e w kambium wyst臋puj膮 fale ukierunkowywania zdarze艅, czyli fale morfogenetyczne. Hipoteza ta wyja艣nia wz贸r domenowy jako przestrzenny przejaw fali, za艣 jego przesuwanie i zmian臋 typu domeny w danym miejscu kambium jako czasowy przejaw fali. Na podstawie tej hipotezy mo偶na przewidzie膰 pewien typ zachowania si臋 wzoru domenowego w przypadku gdy kilka fal o r贸偶nej d艂ugo艣ci i pr臋dko艣ci wsp贸艂istnieje w tym samym kambium. W niniejszej pracy odtworzono wz贸r domenowy w kambium Fraxinus kt贸re produkowa艂o podw贸jnie faliste drewno. Stwierdzono, 偶e w kambium tym wyst臋puj膮 pulsacje d艂ugo艣ci domen, takie jakich mo偶na by艂o oczekiwa膰 na podstawie interferencji dwu fal morfogenetycznych o r贸偶nej d艂ugo艣ci i pr臋dko艣ci. Wyst臋powanie zjawiska interferencji wskazuje na s艂uszno艣膰 hipotezy o istnieniu fal morfogenetycznych w kambium

    Trajectories of principal directions of growth, natural coordinate system in growing plant organ

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    An oscillatory component of propagated fluctuation electric potential in lupine shoot

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    Application of a drop of auxin solution to a cut surface on the petiole in lupine shoot elicits a travelling pulse of electric potentia) decrease. This pulse was simulta颅neously recorded by means of a DC amplifier and band-pass amplifier 0.1-100 Hz, both connccted to the same exploring AgCI electrode driven into the stem. The DC record shows a pulse 20-80 mV in height of about 30 s duration at its height with smooth slopes. The band-pass amplifier shows one to a few pairs of spikes (negative and positive) whose amplitude is at least of an order lower than that of the DC pulse. Thcse spikcs are interpretcd as the action potentia) of certain excitable cclls rccorded in a --volume conductor"路. The pulse is interpreted as a wave of cooperative depolarization of excitable and a mass of inexcitable cells

    Localized spontaneous fluctuations of electric potential in shoots of differentplants

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    Sharp short-lasting voltage nuctuation is one of the components of plant electric activity. Common appearance of such fast signals (FS) in the stems of severa) species has been found. Obscrved spatial distribution of its amplitude excludes the possibilit} of an artefact. deriving from the electrode surface --- plant tissue interaction. The hypothesis that FS are due to action potentia) of a single cell or a small group of cells observed in a volume conductor is considered

    Modeling of spatial variations of growth within apical domes by means of the growth tensor. Pt. 2. Growth specified on dome axis

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    Variations of the elemental relative rate of growth are modeled for parabolic, elliptic and hyperbolic domes of shoot apices by using the growth tensor in a suitable curvilinear coordinate system when the mode of area growth on the dome surface is known. Variations of growth rates within the domes arc obtained in forms of computer-made maps for the following variants of growth on the dome surface: (I) constant meridional growth rate, (2) isotropic area growth, (3) anisotropy of area growth which becomes more intensive with increasing distance from the vertex. In variants I and 2 a maximum of volumetric growth rate appears in the center of the dome. Such a distribution of growth seems to be unrealistic, However, the corresponding growth tensors are interesting because they can be used in combination with other growth tensors to get the expected minimum volumetric growth rate in the dome center