286 research outputs found

    Editorial Remarks: Youth at Risk

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    Youth must always be analysed with respect to two aspects: Firstly, as a societally shaped phase of life that varies socially and culturally across countries and regions, characterized by different chances of social integration and dangers of disintegration. Secondly, as individual biographies playing out in a specific societal dynamic of integration/disintegration, where experiences with violence as perpetrators or victims play an important role. Life in particular societal constellations presents risks for certain parts of the young generation, just as the behavior of youth may itself pose risks in some societal situations. The way the general relationship varies across different national and cultural contexts is the question we have chosen to home in on in this issue of the journal. Post-war, post-dictatorial, developing, transformative, and precarious societal contexts form consistent points of reference for the contributions, which include both country-specific case studies and comparative investigations

    Thematic focus: Social and ethnicized conflicts in cities

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    Rechte Gewalt erforschen: Wilhelm Heitmeyer im Gespräch mit Thomas Hoebel

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    Dilemma Demokratieschutz

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    Kontrolle der Gewalt – Ein Blick auf das Konzept der Kontrolle

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    Haupt H-G, Heitmeyer W, Kaletta B, Kirschner A. Control of violence - a view on the concept of control. ZiF-Mitteilungen. 2008;2008(3):4-13


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    This issue of the International Journal of Conflict and Violence focuses on the topic of anomie/anomia. We would like to thank the guest editors, Steven F. Messner (University of Albany, New York) and Helmut Thome (Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg) for the very fruitful and productive collaboration, and the impressive collection of papers they have put together

    Editorial: Letter from the Editors

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    Dear Reader,This time our focus section features work from the first conference hosted by IJCV. In 2011 Donatella della Porta and Gary LaFree, both members of the journal’s advisory board, brought together in Bielefeld experts from around the world to thoroughly debate the question of radicalization and de-radicalization. In contrast to prior approaches that mostly focused on the context of terrorism, the aim of this focus section is to present work employing new theoretical and methodological approaches to generate findings that go well beyond terrorism and related phenomena and thus contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the processes, dynamics, and mechanisms of radicalization and de-radicalization. Our heartfelt thanks go to the two guest editors – as well as the entire conference team – for realising this ambitious project and for putting together this collection of papers.The open section contains two articles of additional interest. Rafi Nets-Zehngut uses the example of the 1948 Palestinian exodus to describe the characteristics of internal and external collective memories in Israeli society. The section closes with a contribution by Claudia Diehl and Jan-Philipp Steinmann who explore the impact of the release and public discussion of Thilo Sarrazin’s book Deutschland schafft sich ab (Germany abolishes itself) on public perception of immigrants in Germany.May 2012Wilhelm HeitmeyerDouglas S. MasseySteven F. MessnerJames SidaniusMichel Wieviork

    Letter from the Editors

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    Editorial 5(1)201


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    This time the focus section of the International Journal of Conflict and Violence deals with the topic of ethnic and racial violence and conflict. We are grateful to our guest editors Robert D. Crutchfield (University of Washington, United States) and Werner Bergmann (TU Berlin, Germany) for putting together an appealing collection of contributions addressing this important field. As usual, our Open Section reflects the enormous breadth of our field, with articles on the theories of Clausewitz and the media’s treatment of rape incidents in kibbutzim
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