14 research outputs found

    Use of old and new media by ethnic minority youth in Europe with a special emphasis on Switzerland

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    The first part of this article summarizes research carried out during the last decade in the field of media use of ethnic minorities throughout Europe. Guiding research questions, underlying paradigms, and empirical evidence will be critically discussed in a comparative way. In the second part, empirical data of a Swiss survey among 1,600 adolescents aged 12 to 17 with migrant and Swiss backgrounds are presented. The comparative study points at similarities and differences in access to and use of old and new media such as the Internet as well as with the link between media use and social integration or cultural identity. Special emphasis is given to ethnic versus social factors as underlying explanatory factors. The results of the Swiss study are placed in the context of European research evidenc

    Impact of the matching algorithm on the treatment effect estimate: A neutral comparison study

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    Propensity score matching is increasingly being used in the medical literature. Choice of matching algorithms, reporting quality, and estimands are oftentimes not discussed. We evaluated the impact of propensity score matching algorithms, based on a recent clinical dataset, with three commonly used outcomes. The resulting estimands for different strengths of treatment effects were compared in a neutral comparison study and based on a thoroughly designed simulation study. Different algorithms yielded different levels of balance after matching. Along with full matching and genetic matching with replacement, good balance was achieved with nearest neighbor matching with caliper but thereby more than one fifth of the treated units were discarded. Average marginal treatment effect estimates were least biased with genetic or nearest neighbor matching, both with replacement and full matching. Double adjustment yielded conditional treatment effects that were closer to the true values, throughout. The choice of the matching algorithm had an impact on covariate balance after matching as well as treatment effect estimates. In comparison, genetic matching with replacement yielded better covariate balance than all other matching algorithms. A literature review in the British Medical Journal including its subjournals revealed frequent use of propensity score matching; however, the use of different matching algorithms before treatment effect estimation was only reported in one out of 21 studies. Propensity score matching is a methodology for causal treatment effect estimation from observational data; however, the methodological difficulties and low reporting quality in applied medical research need to be addressed

    Lesen im Medienensemble von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund in der Schweiz

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    Der Medienumgang von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund und speziell deren Leseverhalten ist in der Schweiz bislang kaum erforscht. Im Rahmen des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms 52 wurden im Sommer 2004 in der Region ZĂŒrich mit einer schriftlichen Befragung bei 1.468 12- bis 16-jĂ€hrigen SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒlern aus gemischten Klassen Daten zum Medienumgang und zum Leseverhalten, aber ebenso zur personalen IdentitĂ€t und zum soziokulturellen SelbstverstĂ€ndnis von Heranwachsenden mit Migrationshintergrund und von Schweizer Jugendlichen erhoben. Im Vordergrund des vorliegenden Beitrags steht die Frage, ob es tatsĂ€chlich der ethnische Migrationshintergrund oder nicht vielmehr der tiefe sozioökonomische Status und die Bildungsferne in vielen Migrationsfamilien sind, welche fĂŒr den geringen Stellenwert des Buchlesens bei Migrationsjugendlichen verantwortlich gemacht werden mĂŒssen

    Use of old and new media by ethnic minority youth in Europe with a special emphasis on Switzerland

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    The first part of this article summarizes research carried out during the last decade in the field of media use of ethnic minorities throughout Europe. Guiding research questions, underlying paradigms, and empirical evidence will be critically discussed in a comparative way. In the second part, empirical data of a Swiss survey among 1,600 adolescents aged 12 to 17 with migrant and Swiss backgrounds are presented. The comparative study points at similarities and differences in access to and use of old and new media such as the Internet as well as with the link between media use and social integration or cultural identity. Special emphasis is given to ethnic versus social factors as underlying explanatory factors. The results of the Swiss study are placed in the context of European research evidenc

    Rundfunk, Migration und Integration: Schweizerische Befunde zur Integrationsleistung des öffentlichen Rundfunks

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    Im Gefolge von verstĂ€rkter Migration in den meisten LĂ€ndern Europas und der in der Öffentlichkeit kontrovers diskutierten Integrationsproblematik hat die Frage nach der Beziehung zwischen Medien und Migration auch in der Kommunikationswissenschaft an Bedeutung gewonnen. Der Beitrag prĂ€sentiert und diskutiert schwerpunktmĂ€ĂŸig Befunde aus einer schweizerischen Studie fĂŒr das Bundesamt fĂŒr Kommunikation (Bakom) zur Integrationsleistung des öffentlichen und privaten Rundfunks auf der Basis von Inhaltsanalysen und Befragungen. Die Befunde dokumentieren einerseits UnterreprĂ€sentanz, Stereotypisierung und NegativitĂ€t in der Migrationsberichterstattung, andererseits eine ambivalent negative Wahrnehmung der Funktionen und Leistungen der Mehrheitsmedien durch die Migranten selbst. Zudem konnten keine Belege fĂŒr die sog. „Medienghetto-These“ gefunden werden

    Jugend, Medien und Migration. Empirische Ergebnisse und Perspektiven

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    The book summarizes a research project funded by the Swiss National science Foundation, based on a quantitative study, analyzing media use of Swiss adolescents and those with migrant background. The quantitative approach was combined with a qualitative study, based on interviews and ethnographic approaches, with 16 families with Turkish background

    A pilot case-control study of behavioral aspects and risk factors in Swiss climbers

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    Climbing is a popular sport in Switzerland, with approximately 100 000 active participants. There is an inherent risk of falls, overuse and stress-related trauma, with a reported injury rate of 4.2 injuries per 1000 climbing hours

    Table 2: Age information for the analyzed cores

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    Five plankton groups, including diatoms, radiolarians, coccolithophores, foraminifers, and dinoflagellate cysts, were synoptically analyzed in six sediment cores and two sediment traps from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea and the North Atlantic in order to provide more detailed insights into the paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic evolution and the development of plankton assemblages of the northern North Atlantic during the last 15,000 years. Based on Q-mode factor analyses, cold, warm, transitional, and relict assemblages were calculated for each of the plankton groups. Data from the different plankton groups complement one another, although they are not always consistent. However, the multiple plankton-group data set is able to bridge intervals in which single groups lack preservation or the ability to react to changes. Synoptically interpreted, the results provide a detailed picture of the response of plankton assemblages to environmental changes during the time period investigated, which includes the B0lling/Aller0d interstadial, the Younger Dryas cold spell, Termination IB, and, in all likelihood, also the "8,200 Event", and the Hypsithermal (approximately 8-4 14C ky BP)