5,656 research outputs found

    Goethe, sage and poet

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    Die Stauchendmoränen der Rehburger Eisrandlage und ihre Entstehung

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    Anhand morphologischer und struktureller Befunde werden die Glieder der Rehburger Eisrandlage als Stauchendmoränen gedeutet. Die Aufstauchung erfolgte im Zuge eines kontinuierlichen Eisvorstoßes während der Saale-Eiszeit (Drenthe-Stadium) durch sog. Stirnoder Frontalstauchung. Es wird ein Modell dieser Stauchung vorgestellt ("Modell Kellenberg"). Als Steuerungsfaktoren der Stauchungsprozesse werden angenommen: 1. das dynamische Verhalten des Inlandeises (Vorschub, Belastungsdruck); 2. die bodenmechanischen Eigenschaften des gestauchten Substrates (Plastizität, Scherfestigkeit, Permafrost-Zementierung, Schmiermitteleffekt); 3. das präexistente Relief (Widerlager- oder Rampeneffekt). Nach der Aufstauchung wurde die Stau ehzone vom Eis der "Hamelner Phase" überfahren und in unbekanntem Ausmaß erniedrigt (eingerumpft). Im periglaziären Milieu der späten Saale-Eiszeit (Warthe-Stadium) und der Weichsel-Eiszeit erfolgte durch selektive Erosion eine Akzentuierung der Mesoformen (Bildung von Härtlingsrükken); gleichzeitig wurde die Prägnanz der Makroformen durch das gegenläufige Nebeneinander von subaerischer Abtragung auf den Höhenrücken und periglazialablualer Aufschüttung in den Niederungen (Talsande) verringert.The push endmoraines of the "Rehburger Eisrandlage" and their genesis. On the base of morphological and structural evidences the ridges of the "Rehburger Eisrandlage" are interpreted as push endmoraines. The glacial thrusting happened during a continuous advance of the Saalian ice in the Drenthe stage. It was caused by "Stirn-/Frontalstauchung". The supposed sequence of processes Lsintroduced by a model of push endmoraine genesis, "type Kellenberg" . As influencing factors are assumed: 1) ice dynamics (horizontal and vertical pressure of the advancing ice mass); 2) the soilmechanic properties of the substratum (plasticity, shearing strength, cementation by ground-ice/permafrost,lubrication effect); 3) the preglacial morphology (iceward sloping surface, = threshold-/ramp-effect). Following the glacial distortion the push zone was overridden and truncated by the glacier of the "Hameln phase". The quantitative amount of erosion during this event remains uncertain and contradictory . In the Late Saalian (Warthe stage) and the Weichselian the mesorelief was accentuated by selective erosion in a periglacial environment (formation of gravel ridges); at the same time the macrorelief was flattened by subaerial denudation on the moraines and by sedimentation of periglacial-ablual sands ("Talsande") in the low Iying foreland

    Potentials of Telemedicine for Green Health Care

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    Neurological facilities are traditionally centered in academic hospitals and often far away from the patients’ living area. Both, the transfer of patients to remote hospitals and inpatient treatment are associated with high energy consumption. Numbers of patients with neurological diseases are expected to increase along with the demographical changes and the environmental impact of neurological treatment should become a target for health policy, therefore. Positive effects have been demonstrated for the use of telemedicine by improving inpatient treatment in local community hospitals or avoiding hospital admissions via monitoring of complex diseases in outpatient settings. We discuss the potentials of telemedicine in the field of in- and outpatient neurological care as well as the need for more scientific evaluation on environmental impacts

    Identification of archaeal rDNA from subgingival dental plaque by PCR amplification and sequence analysis

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    A PCR assay for the amplification of small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) of Euryarchaea was developed and used to detect archaeal rDNA in 37 (77%) out of 48 pooled subgingival plaque samples from 48 patients suffering from periodontal disease. One major group of cloned periodontal sequences was identical to Methanobrevibacter oralis and a second minor group to Methanobrevibacter smithii. These two groups and a third novel group were found to be more than 98% similar to each other over an 0.65-kb segment of the 16S rRNA gene sequenced. M. oralis was found to be the predominant archaeon in the subgingival dental plaque. Phylogenetic analysis of partial SSU rDNA sequences revealed evidence for a distinct cluster for human and animal Methanobrevibacter sp. within the Methanobacteriaceae famil

    Damping by slow relaxing rare earth impurities in Ni80Fe20

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    Doping NiFe by heavy rare earth atoms alters the magnetic relaxation properties of this material drastically. We show that this effect can be well explained by the slow relaxing impurity mechanism. This process is a consequence of the anisotropy of the on site exchange interaction between the 4f magnetic moments and the conduction band. As expected from this model the magnitude of the damping effect scales with the anisotropy of the exchange interaction and increases by an order of magnitude at low temperatures. In addition our measurements allow us to determine the relaxation time of the 4f electrons as a function of temperature

    The land use - land degradation nexus in Mediterranean landscapes - drivers of changes and key processes at selected Natura 2000 sites of Crete, Greece

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    The land use–land degradation nexus in Cretan landscapes in regions with Natura 2000 sites was analyzed by an explorative expert driven study based on literature, field work and photo documentation methods with the aim of determining status, drivers and key processes of change. Drivers of current land use changes have been worked out by (1) general tourism developments and tourism related land uses; (2) irrigated olive yard developments; (3) fenced large-scale goat pastures and (4) large scale greenhouses. Key processes of change have been identified and qualitatively assessed for 5 regions with NATURA 2000 areas based on a non-ranked set of 11 descriptive indicators. The analysis includes the status-description and the importance assessment of land degradation processes in selected NATURA 2000 sites. Threats and pressures taken from the NATURA 2000 documentation and the land use – land degradation nexus and the analysis are a suitable basis for future land management in order to reach land degradation neutrality. The result of our analysis opens a new research field for a better integration of the normally thematically isolated analysis in geography, biology/nature conservation and agricultural policy analysis about the drivers and processes in landscape systems towards a better understanding the trends in land cover change (e.g. vegetation/soil degradation), the trends in productivity or functioning changes caused by land uses and as well for the trends in carbon stock change

    The Land Use - Land Degradation Nexus in Mediterranean Landscapes: – Drivers of Changes And Key Processes at Selected Natura 2000 Sites of Crete, Greece

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    The land use–land degradation nexus in Cretan landscapes in regions with Natura 2000 sites was analyzed by an explorative expert driven study based on literature, field work and photo documentation methods with the aim of determining status, drivers and key processes of change. Drivers of current land use changes have been worked out by (1) general tourism developments and tourism related land uses; (2) irrigated olive yard developments; (3) fenced large-scale goat pastures and (4) large scale greenhouses. Key processes of change have been identified and qualitatively assessed for 5 regions with NATURA 2000 areas based on a non-ranked set of 11 descriptive indicators. The analysis includes the status-description and the importance assessment of land degradation processes in selected NATURA 2000 sites. Threats and pressures taken from the NATURA 2000 documentation and the land use – land degradation nexus and the analysis are a suitable basis for future land management in order to reach land degradation neutrality. The result of our analysis opens a new research field for a better integration of the normally thematically isolated analysis in geography, biology/nature conservation and agricultural policy analysis about the drivers and processes in landscape systems towards a better understanding the trends in land cover change (e.g. vegetation/soil degradation), the trends in productivity or functioning changes caused by land uses and as well for the trends in carbon stock change

    The Problem of Evil in the Anti-Manichean Works of Saint Augustine

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