57 research outputs found

    A 3D solution for a web-based building information system

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    This paper presents an information system for the documentation of research results in building archaeology as applied to the example of “Domus Severiana” palace on the Palatine Hill in Rome. In connection with the development of CISAR – a modular open-source web-based information system for archaeological field work and building archaeology – a special solution with the focus on 3D building documentation was created. There are many commercial and non-commercial software products for 2D web-based information systems, whereas few solutions for 3D GIS are available. Therefore, an independent product was developed based mainly on open source components. The use of open source technology allows for the optimal adaptation to user requirements and a standardised data exchange. The information system is an effective working tool that facilitates the documentation of building characteristics and related data analysis; users do not need to have special knowledge of computer science or graphics

    Vergleichende Querschnittsuntersuchungen zum Vorkommen von MRSA (Methicillin-resistente Staphylococcus aureus) in ökologisch wirtschaftenden und konventionell wirtschaftenden Schweinebetrieben in Deutschland

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    Occurrence of MRSA was assessed on 42 organic and 88 conventional pig herds in different regions of Germany by taking dust samples and nasal swabs. The number of nasal swabs was adapted to the herd size so that a MRSA-prevalence of 5 % could be detected. All samples were selectively enriched and cultured on MRSA-selective chromagar. All cultured isolates were confirmed by PCR. In addition, the spa-types were identified. The results of this cross-sectional study showed that 11 of the 42 (26%) examined organic pig herds were identified as MRSA-positive, whereas 92 % of the conventional pig herds were identified as MRSA-positive. In both husbandry systems, similar spa-types (t011, t034) were identified, which are associated with the MRSA ST398. To find out the specific risk factors for the occurrence of MRSA in pig herds questionnaires were used in both husbandry systems and will be evaluated in the second part of this ongoing study

    Aktuelle Tiergesundheitssituation in ausgewählten Betrieben der ökologischen Schweinehaltung

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    Die Tiergesundheitssituation in der ökologischen Schweinehaltung ist seit Jahren als problematisch zu betrachten. Bei 42 Mastbetrieben, Ferkelerzeugern und geschlossenen Systemen wurde die Lage erneut untersucht. Ausgewählte Managementkriterien wurden erfasst und mit Ergebnissen vorhergehender Studien verglichen. Ferkelverluste in einer Größenordnung von 18 % (Spanne von 5-26,6%) wurden beobachtet. Obwohl etwa 80% der Betriebe ihre Ställe reinigen wird eine Desinfektion auf nur 50% der Betriebe durchgeführt. . Es besteht nach wie vor erheblicher Bedarf an der Umsetzung zielführender Managementmaßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Tiergesundheit und Reduzierung von Tierverlusten. Betriebe, die nicht in der Lage sind, ein tolerables Gesundheitsniveau zu realisieren, fügen auf lange Sicht der ökologischen Landwirtschaft einen beträchtlichen Imageschaden zu

    Entry Into Afferent Lymphatics and Maturation In Situ of Migrating Murine Cutaneous Dendritic Cells

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    An important property of dendritic cells (DC), which contributes crucially to their strong immunogenic function, is their capacity to migrate from sites of antigen capture to the draining lymphoid organs. Here we studied in detail the migratory pathway and the differentiation of DC during migration in a skin organ culture model and, for comparison, in the conventional contact hypersensitivity system. We report several observations on the capacity of cutaneous DC to migrate in mouse ear skin. (i) Upon application of contact allergens in vivo the density of Langerhans cells in epidermal sheets decreased, as determined by immunostaining for major histocompatibility complex class II, ADPase, F4/80, CD11b, CD32, NLDC-145/DEC-205, and the cytoskeleton protein vimentin. Evaluation was performed by computer assisted morphometry. (ii) Chemically related nonsensitizing or tolerizing compounds left the density of Langerhans cells unchanged. (iii) Immunohistochemical double-staining of dermal sheets from skin organ cultures for major histocompatibility complex class II and CD54 excluded blood vessels as a cutaneous pathway of DC migration. (iv) Electron microscopy of organ cultures revealed dermal accumulations of DC (including Birbeck granule containing Langerhans cells) within typical lymphatic vessels. (v) Populations of migrating DC in organ cultures upregulated markers of maturity (the antigen recognized by monoclonal antibody 2A1, CD86), but retained indicators of immaturity (invariant chain, residual antigen processing function). These data provide additional evidence that during both the induction of contact hypersensitivity and in skin organ culture, Langerhans cells physically leave the epidermis. Both Langerhans cells and dermal DC enter lymphatic vessels. DC mature while they migrate through the skin

    Synapse Geometry and Receptor Dynamics Modulate Synaptic Strength

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    Synaptic transmission relies on several processes, such as the location of a released vesicle, the number and type of receptors, trafficking between the postsynaptic density (PSD) and extrasynaptic compartment, as well as the synapse organization. To study the impact of these parameters on excitatory synaptic transmission, we present a computational model for the fast AMPA-receptor mediated synaptic current. We show that in addition to the vesicular release probability, due to variations in their release locations and the AMPAR distribution, the postsynaptic current amplitude has a large variance, making a synapse an intrinsic unreliable device. We use our model to examine our experimental data recorded from CA1 mice hippocampal slices to study the differences between mEPSC and evoked EPSC variance. The synaptic current but not the coefficient of variation is maximal when the active zone where vesicles are released is apposed to the PSD. Moreover, we find that for certain type of synapses, receptor trafficking can affect the magnitude of synaptic depression. Finally, we demonstrate that perisynaptic microdomains located outside the PSD impacts synaptic transmission by regulating the number of desensitized receptors and their trafficking to the PSD. We conclude that geometrical modifications, reorganization of the PSD or perisynaptic microdomains modulate synaptic strength, as the mechanisms underlying long-term plasticity
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