26 research outputs found

    New insights from an eight-year study on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in an urban terrestrial ecosystem

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    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) were analysed in a high number of terrestrial samples of soil, earthworm, bird eggs and liver from red fox and brown rat in an urban area in Norway from 2013 to 2020. PFOS and the long chain PFCAs were the most dominating compounds in all samples, proving their ubiquitous distribution. Other less studied compounds such as 6:2 FTS were first and foremost detected in earthworm. 8:2 FTS was found in many samples of fieldfare egg, sparrowhawk egg and earthworm, where the eggs had highest concentrations. Highest concentrations for both 6:2 FTS and 8:2 FTS were detected at present and former industry areas. FOSA was detected in many samples of the species with highest concentrations in red fox liver and brown rat liver of 3.3 and 5.5 ng/g ww. PFAS concentrations from the urban area were significantly higher than from background areas indicating that some of the species can be suitable as markers for PFAS emissions in an urban environment. Fieldfare eggs had surprisingly high concentrations of PFOS and PFCA concentrations from areas known to be or have been influenced by industry. Biota-soil-accumulation factor and magnification calculations indicate accumulation and magnification potential for several PFAS. Earthworm and fieldfare egg had average concentrations above the Canadian and European thresholds in diet for avian wildlife and predators. For earthworms, 18 % of the samples exceeded the European threshold (33 ng/g ww) of PFOS in prey for predators, and for fieldfare eggs, 35 % of the samples were above the same threshold. None of the soil samples exceeded a proposed PNEC of PFOS for soil living organisms of 373 ng/g dw

    Climate Performance, Environmental Toxins and Nutrient Density of the Underutilized Norwegian Orange-Footed Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa)

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    Low trophic species are often mentioned as additional food sources to achieve broader and more sustainable utilisation of the ocean. The aim of this study was to map the food potential of Norwegian orange-footed sea cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa). C. frondosa contained 7% protein, 1% lipids with a high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and a variety of micronutrients. The nutrient density scores (NDS) of C. frondosa were above average compared towards daily recommended intakes (DRI) for men and women (age 31–60) but below when capped at 100% of DRI. The concentrations of persistent organic pollutants and trace elements were in general low, except for inorganic arsenic (iAs) (0.73 mg per kg) which exceeded the limits deemed safe by food authorities. However, the small number of samples analysed for iAs lowers the ability to draw a firm conclusion. The carbon footprint from a value chain with a dredge fishery, processing in Norway and retail in Asia was assessed to 8 kg carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq.) per kg C. frondosa, the fishery causing 90%. Although, C. frondosa has some nutritional benefits, the carbon footprint or possible content of iAs may restrict the consumption.Climate Performance, Environmental Toxins and Nutrient Density of the Underutilized Norwegian Orange-Footed Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa)publishedVersio

    Health and environmental impacts in the Norwegian border area related to local Russian industrial emissions. Knowledge status.

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    © NILU – Norsk institutt for luftforskning. Publikasjonen kan siteres fritt med kildeangivelse.The contaminant situation in the Norwegian-Russian border has caused concern for several decades and considerable amount of data has been gathered during the Pasvik programme (Stebel et al., 2007; Pasvik programme, 2008) for the environmental pollution, but not in this extent for food safety and potential human health risks in this region. Through the compiling of the available literature the authors of this report have identified a number of issues that need further attention

    Forurensning i de norske havområdene - Barentshavet, Norskehavet og Nordsjøen - Rapport fra Overvåkingsgruppen 2021

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    Denne rapporten sammenstiller kunnskap om forurensningstilstanden i forvaltningsplanområdene Barentshavet, Norskehavet og Nordsjøen/Skagerrak, med hovedvekt på miljøgifter og radioaktiv forurensning. Rapporten oppsummerer resultater fra overvåkning av Overvåkingsgruppens indikatorsett, som publiseres på miljostatus.no, det vil si 43 indikatorer for forurensning og fire indikatorer for potensielt forurensende menneskelig aktivitet i havområdene. Rapporten inneholder også annen relevant kunnskap. Det er også gjort en evaluering av indikatorsettet og de ulike indikatorenes egnethet til å vurdere tilstand, utvikling og effekter på mattrygghet og miljøkvalitet.publishedVersio

    Status for miljøet i norske havområder - Rapport fra Overvåkingsgruppen 2023

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    I denne rapporten gir Overvåkingsgruppen, for første gang, en felles vurdering av miljøtilstanden i Barentshavet og havområdene utenfor Lofoten, Norskehavet og Nordsjøen med Skagerrak. Det er også første rapport som bruker resultater fra det nylig utviklede fagsystemet for vurdering av økologisk tilstand. I denne rapporten dekkes to hovedtemaer: (1) Dominerende trekk i status og utvikling i økosystemet i alle tre havområdene, basert på vurderingene av økologisk tilstand, Overvåkingsgruppens rapport om forurensning fra 2022, indikatorer fra Overvåkingsgruppen som ikke er dekket under vurdering av økologisk tilstand, samt rapporter og annen relevant informasjon fra forskning, og (2) en vurdering av karbonbinding i marint plankton, marine vegetasjonstyper og marine sedimenter. I tillegg er det gitt en oppsummering for endringer i ytre påvirkning, vurdering av kunnskapsbehov samt en vurdering av indikatorverdier i forhold til referanseverdier og tiltaksgrenser. Vurderingen av dominerende trekk i utvikling og tilstand av miljøet som er gitt i kapittel 2, utgjør Overvåkingsgruppens bidrag til Faglig forums samlerapport om det faglige grunnlaget for revisjon og oppdatering av de helhetlige forvaltningsplanene for norske havområder.Status for miljøet i norske havområder - Rapport fra Overvåkingsgruppen 2023publishedVersio

    Environmental pollutants in the terrestrial and urban environment 2016

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    We analysed biological samples from the terrestrial and urban environment for various inorganic and organic contaminants in the Oslo area. A foodchain approach was used, in order to detect bioaccumulation of the different compounds. The species analysed were earthworms, fieldfare, sparrowhawk, brown rat, tawny owl and red fox. Air and soil samples were also included in the study to increase the understanding on sources and uptake of pollutants. (Norwegian Environment Agency, M-752/2017

    Environmental pollutants in the terrestrial and urban environment 2014.

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    On an assignment from the Norwegian Environmental Agency, the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) in collaboration with the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) collected and analysed biological samples from terrestrial and urban regions for various inorganic and organic contaminants. The purpose of this report is to provide an updated assessment of pollution present within an urban environment in Norway, compared with that of more rural sites. The selected species were sparrowhawk and fieldfare (eggs), red fox (liver) and earthworms. Of all the organisms and tissues measured in the study, sparrowhawk eggs had the highest average concentration of the sum of all organic pollutants measured, followed by fieldfare, earthworm and red fox on a wet weight basis. Higher concentrations in the urban site, Oslo, compared to the rural site were observed for sparrowhawk and earthworms

    Maximum limit values for selected hazardous organic contaminants (HOCs) in secondary raw materials used in fertilisers and soil products

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    Klima- og miljødepartementet og Landbruks- og matdepartement ga 27. juni 2016 Landbruksdirektoratet, Miljødirektoratet og Mattilsynet i oppdrag å revidere forskrift om gjødselvarer mv. av organisk opphav. I oppdraget ble det lagt vekt på tilrettelegging for økt ressursutnyttelse av restmaterialer i gjødselvarer og at nyttiggjøringen skjer på måter som minimerer forurensning til vann, jord og luft..

    Environmental pollutants in the terrestrial and urban environment 2018

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    Samples from the urban terrestrial environment in the Oslo area were analysed for various inorganic and organic environmental pollutants. The selected species were earthworm, fieldfare, sparrowhawk, brown rat, red fox and badger. Air and soil samples were also included in the study to further the understanding on sources and uptake of pollutants. A foodchain approach was used to investigate trophic magnification of the different compounds

    Environmental pollutants in the terrestrial and urban environment 2017

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    Abiotic and biotic samples from the terrestrial and urban environment were analysed for inorganic and various organic contaminants in the Oslo area. The species analysed were earthworms, fieldfare, sparrowhawk, brown rat, tawny owl, red fox and badger. Air and soil samples were also included in the study to increase the understanding on sources and uptake of pollutants. A foodchain approach was used, in order to detect trophic magnification of the different compounds