213 research outputs found

    Output constraints in multimedia database systems

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    Zusammenfassung Semantische Fehler treten bei jeder Art von Datenverwaltung auf. Herkömmliche Datenbanksysteme verwenden eine Integritätskontrolle, um semantische Fehler zu vermeiden. Um die Integrität der Daten zu gewährleisten werden Integritätsregeln benutzt. Diese Regeln können allerdings nur die Konsistenz einfach strukturierter Daten überprüfen. Multimedia Datenbanksystem verwalten neben einfachen alphanumerischen Daten auch komplexe Mediendaten wie Videos. Um die Konsistenz dieser Daten zu sichern, bedarf es einer erheblichen Erweiterung des bestehenden Integritätskonzeptes. Dabei muss besonders auf die konsistente Datenausgabe geachtet werden. Im Gegensatz zu alphanumerischen Daten können Mediendaten während der Ausgabe verfälscht werden. Dieser Fall kann eintreten, wenn eine geforderte Datenqualität bei der Ausgabe nicht erreicht werden kann oder wenn Synchronisationsbedingungen zwischen Medienobjekten nicht eingehalten werden können. Es besteht daher die Notwendigkeit, Ouptut Constraints einzuführen. Mit ihrer Hilfe kann definiert werden, wann die Ausgabe von Mediendaten semantisch korrekt ist. Das Datenbanksystem kann diese Bedingungen überprüfen und so gewährleisten, dass der Nutzer semantisch einwandfreie Daten erhält. In dieser Arbeit werden alle Aspekte betrachtet, die notwendig sind, um Ausgabebedingungen in ein Multimedia Datenbanksystem zu integrieren. Im einzelnen werden die Modellierung der Bedingungen, deren datenbankinterne Repräsentation sowie die Bedingungsüberprüfung betrachtet. Für die Bedingungsmodellierung wird eine Constraint Language auf Basis der Prädikatenlogik eingeführt. Um die Definition von zeitlichen und räumlichen Synchronisationen zu ermöglichen, verwenden wir Allen-Relationen. Für die effiziente Überprüfung der Ausgabebedingungen müssen diese aus der Spezifikationssprache in eine datenbankinterne Darstellung überführt werden. Für die datenbankinterne Darstellung werden Difference Constraints verwendet. Diese erlauben eine sehr effiziente Bedingungsüberprüfung. Wir haben Algorithmen entwickelt, die eine effiziente Überprüfung von Ausgabebedingungen erlauben und dies anhand von Experimenten nachgewiesen. Neben der Überprüfung der Bedingungen müssen Mediendaten so synchronisiert werden, dass dies den Ausgabebedingungen entspricht. Wir haben dazu das Konzept des Output Schedules entwickelt. Dieser wird aufgrund der definierten Ausgabebedingungen generiert. Durch die Ausgabebedingungen, die in dieser Arbeit eingeführt werden, werden semantische Fehler bei der Verwaltung von Mediendaten erheblich reduziert. Die Arbeit stellt daher einen Beitrag zur qualitativen Verbesserung der Verwaltung von Mediendaten dar.Semantic errors exist as long as data are managed. Traditional database systems try to prevent this errors by proposing integrity concepts for stored data. Integrity constraints are used to implement these integrity concepts. However, integrity constraints can only detect semantic errors in elementary data. Multimedia database systems manage elementary data as well as complex media data, like videos. Considering these media data we need a much wider consistency concept as traditional database systems provide. Especially, data output of media data must be taken into account. In contrast to alphanumeric data the semantics of media data can be falsified during data output if data quality or synchronization of data are not suitable. Thus, we need a concept for output constraints that allow for preventing semantic errors in case of data output. For integrating output constraints into a multimedia database system we have to consider modelling, representation and checking of output constraints. For modelling output constraints we have introduced a constraint language which uses the same principles as traditional constraint languages. Our constraint specification language must support temporal and spatial synchronization constraints. However, it is desired to support both kinds of synchronization in almost the same manner. Therefore, we use Allen-Relations for defining temporal synchronization constraints as well as for defining spatial synchronization constraints. We need a database internal representation of output constraints that makes efficient constraint checking possible. The Allen-Relations used in the constraint language cannot be checked efficiently. However, difference constraints are a class of constraints that allows an very efficient checking. Therefore, we use difference constraints as database internal representation of output constraints. As methods for checking consistency of output constraints we use an approach based on graph theory as well as an analytical approach. Both approaches require a constraint graph as data structure. For data output we need an output order that is adequate to the defined output constraints. This output schedule can be produced based on the output constraints. With output constraints, proposed in this thesis, semantical correctness of media data considering the data output can be supported.Thus, the contribution of this work is an qualitative improvement of managing media data by database systems

    Investigative Designing: usage-oriented research in and through designing

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    In this paper, we discuss the practice of investigative designing. The notion is currently being used to denote a variety of ideas in design research, and we first seek to clarify some of them. We then present our own, specific take on this notion, while acknowledging that it is being used broadly. We adopted the notion as an umbrella term for our combined research and design activities: as investigative designers. We use it for the exploration of how designers can integrate designing and researching within a design process. The two main concerns we are pursuing within this are to clarify the role of a designer with research skills, and to explore the implications of a usage orientation in design. We present two studies in this paper in which we investigated how usage research for design can be specifically geared to the needs of design, and what helps designers (and what does not) in designing with usage information. In the first study, we ourselves conducted usage research, developed design ideas on the basis of that, and reflected on this process. In the second study, we observed how three other designers engaged with the same user data and developed design ideas. Our findings include that the designers tended to prefer to develop their own design ideas independently from the data, only checking or adapting the ideas to the data. Furthermore, the capacity of designers for dealing with data needs to be taken into consideration. Lastly, the form of data presentation influences how well designers can engage with it in designing. Keywords: Investigative Design; Designing; Designer; Product Usage; User Research</p

    Ne bis in idem in the context of an Interpol red notice: Effective law enforcement versus fundamental right (case note on C-505/19 WS)

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    This case note examines the Court of Justice of the European Union’s decision in WS (C-505/19) concerning the application of the ne bis in idem principle enshrined in Article 54 CISA and Article 50 Charter in the context of an Interpol red notice. It examines whether a person may be provisionally detained on the basis of a red notice in cases where investigation proceedings have previously been closed by a judicial decision. The case note closes with a commentary on the decision as well as an outlook for legal practitioners in the field

    What Determines That Older Adults Feel Younger Than They Are? Results From a Nationally Representative Study in Germany

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    Background There is increasing evidence that subjective age is an important predictor of beneficial health outcomes besides chronological age. However, little is known about the factors associated with younger subjective age. This study aimed to identify which factors are predictive of feeling younger in old age. In this context, feeling younger was defined as an individual&#39;s perception of being younger than their current chronological age. Methods Data from 4,665 community-dwelling older people were drawn from wave 7 (2020) of the German Aging Survey (DEAS), a nationally representative study in Germany. Network, mediation, and binomial logistic regression analyses were performed to reveal the associations between feeling younger and biopsychosocial factors. Results A total of 4,039 participants reported feeling younger, while 626 did not. Older chronological age, engaging in sports more frequently, a better standard of living, a better state of health, higher satisfaction with life, more positive attitudes toward one&#39;s aging, and fewer depressive symptoms are associated with feeling younger in older people. Conclusion The present study provides novel and consistent evidence regarding the association between feeling younger and biopsychosocial factors. Further research is needed to confirm these factors and identify how they can be adapted in potential intervention studies to generate the life and health circumstances that allow older people the benefit of feeling younger

    Analyse comparative de cas de rupture de barrage avec les logiciels NWS FLDWAV et HEC RAS

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    Most dam break studies require complex numerical simulations and advanced knowledge in hydraulics. A number of programs are available to perform these simulations and the choice regarding the software to be used must be done within the resources available and the complexity of the problem to be addressed. It remains that this choice is also influenced by the experience and by the knowledge of the analyst. This study reports the simulations results of a comparative study performed for three (3) cases of varying complexity with the software NWS FLDWAV and HEC RAS. Thus, the rupture of a dam in a rectangular channel with uniform characteristics showed that both of the software allows obtaining almost identical results. The other two cases associated with the historical failure of Teton Dam (Idaho, United States) and the combined failure of Drummond and Rock Forest dams (Québec, Canada) showed significant differences in dam breach flow rates and maximum tailwater levels. A comparative analysis of the results leads to recommendations intended for users of these softwares

    High resolution neurochemical gold staining method for myelin in peripheral and central nervous system at the light- and electron-microscopic level

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    Myelin is a multilamellar membrane structure primarily composed of lipids and myelin proteins essential for proper neuronal function. Since myelin is a target structure involved in many pathophysiological conditions such as metabolic, viral, and autoimmune diseases and genetic myelin disorders, a reliable myelin detection technique is required that is equally suitable for light- and electron-microscopic analysis. Here, we report that single myelinated fibers are specifically stained by the gold phosphate complex, Black gold, which stains myelin in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerve fibers in a reliable manner. Electron-microscopic and morphometric analyses have revealed that gold particles are equally distributed in the inner, compact, and outer myelin layers. In contrast to Luxol fast blue, the gold dye stains proteinase-sensitive myelin structures, indicating its selective labeling of myelin-specific proteins. Aiming at defining the target of gold staining, we performed staining in several mouse myelin mutants. Gold complex distribution and myelin staining in MBP−/−/shiverer mouse mutants was comparable with that seen in wild-type mice but revealed a more clustered Black gold distribution. This gold staining method thus provides a sensitive and specific high-resolution marker for both central and peripheral myelin sheaths; it also allows the quantitative analysis of myelinated fibers at the light- and electron-microscopic level suitable for investigations of myelin and axonal disorder

    Erweiterte ECA-Regeln für verteilte aktive Datenbanksysteme

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    Zentrale ECA-Regeln wurden für zentrale aktive Datenbanksysteme entwickelt. In verteilten aktiven Datenbanksystemen tritt zusätzlich das Prob-lem der Unerreichbarkeit von Teilsystemen auf und damit die Unentscheidbarkeit von ECA-Bedingungen, die sich auf entfernte Systeme beziehen. In diesem Papier wird daher eine entsprechende Erweiterung der ECA-Regeln für verteilte aktive Datenbanksysteme vorgeschlagen, um auch bei Unerreichbarkeit und Unentscheidbarkeit der ECA-Bedingungen reagieren zu können. Dazu wird zunächst die ECA-Auswertung zu einer strikten Funktion mit dem Unerreichbar-keitszustand Ω erweitert und dann die ECA-Regeln um Alternative Aktionen AA angereichert. Der Einsatz und Vorteil dieser erweiterten ECA-Regeln wird am Beispiel der Erhaltung der Datenkonsistenz in verteilten aktiven Datenbank-systemen gezeigt

    Struktur-, Verhaltens- und Ausgabeschemata für Multimedia-Daten in objektrelationalen Datenbanksystemen

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    Objektrelationale Datenbanken bieten sich heute für die Speicherung von unabhängigen Multimedia-Daten an. Die formalen Konzepte objektrelatio-naler Datenbanken berücksichtigen aber bisher keine spezielle Beziehungen (Substitutionsbeziehung, Synchronisationsbeziehung) zwischen Multimedia-Objekten. Wir stellen daher eine formale Erweiterung der Struktur- und Verhal-tensvererbung vor, die auch die Substitutionsbeziehung berücksichtigt. Weiter-hin wird ein Ausgabeschema als neues Konzept eingeführt, um die Synchroni-sationsbeziehungen für die Datenausgabe zu modellieren

    Prospective associations between hand grip strength and subsequent depressive symptoms in men and women aged 50 years and older: insights from the Survey of Health, Aging, and Retirement in Europe

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    IntroductionIn previous cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, depressive symptoms have been associated with lower hand grip strength (HGS), which is a convenient measure of overall muscular strength and serves as a marker of poor health. Most studies have considered low sample sizes or highly selective patient cohorts.MethodsWe studied the association between depressive symptoms (EURO-D) and HGS in three waves from the cross-national panel dataset Survey of Health, Aging, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Linear regressions and Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) were conducted to determine factors associated with depressive symptoms and investigate whether HGS predicts future depressive symptoms.ResultsCross-sectional HGS explained 7.0% (Wave 4), 5.7% (Wave 5), and 6.4% (Wave 6) of the EURO-D variance. In the GEE, we analyzed people without depression in Wave 4 (N = 39,572). HGS predicted future EURO-D (B = −0.21, OR = 0.979, 95%CI (0.979, 0.980), p &lt; 0.001) and remained a significant predictor of future depressive symptoms after adjustment for age, sex, psychosocial and physical covariates.DiscussionMuscle strength is a known marker for physical health, but a relation with mental health has also been proposed previously. This study confirmed the link between HGS and depressive symptoms in men and women aged ≥50 years in a large longitudinal dataset. Further research is required to understand the mechanisms behind this link to determine whether HGS can serve as a specific marker of depressive symptomology, or whether they coexist due to common underlying disease processes

    Longitudinal analysis of the Non-Motor Symptoms Scale in Parkinson's Disease (NMSS): An exploratory network analysis approach

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    Introduction Parkinson's disease (PD) is a multisystem neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor and non-motor symptoms. In particular, non-motor symptoms have become increasingly relevant to disease progression. This study aimed to reveal which non-motor symptoms have the highest impact on the complex interacting system of various non-motor symptoms and to determine the progression of these interactions over time. Methods We performed exploratory network analyses of 499 patients with PD from the Cohort of Patients with Parkinson's Disease in Spain study, who had Non-Motor Symptoms Scale in Parkinson's Disease ratings obtained at baseline and a 2-year follow-up. Patients were aged between 30 and 75 years and had no dementia. The strength centrality measures were determined using the extended Bayesian information criterion and the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator. A network comparison test was conducted for the longitudinal analyses. Results Our study revealed that the depressive symptoms anhedonia and feeling sad had the strongest impact on the overall pattern of non-motor symptoms in PD. Although several non-motor symptoms increase in intensity over time, their complex interacting networks remain stable. Conclusion Our results suggest that anhedonia and feeling sad are influential non-motor symptoms in the network and, thus, are promising targets for interventions as they are closely linked to other non-motor symptoms
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