78 research outputs found

    The Use of a Blended Learning Environment by Primary School Student Teachers to Study Music Theory

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    The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences aon arvioitu uudestaan ja sen JUFO luokka onnyt 1. Lehden julkaisun kohdalla on siis vanhentunutta tietoa, joka pitÀÀ korjata (The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences 2301-2218 JUFO (2014): JÀrjestys (Rating) Ei luokitusta (on arvioitu))Peer reviewe

    Ajatuksia linnoitusalan tehtÀvÀkentÀstÀ ja alalla tapahtuvasta kehitystyöstÀ

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    Kirjoittaja mÀÀrittelee johdannossa kÀsitteen linnoitusala, jonka hÀn toteaa olevan linnoittamiseen liittyvÀ ylÀkÀsite. "Toimialan piiriin kuuluu Linnoittamisen lisÀksi sellaiset passiivisen suojaamisen muodot kuin maastouttaminen ja valerakenteet." EnsimmÀisessÀ luvussa tarkastellaan suojaamisen periaatteita, kÀsitellen passiivisen suojaamisen menetelmiÀ kuten liikkuvuutta, hajauttamista ja maastouttamista. Toinen luku kÀsittelee linnoitusalaa ja sen tehtÀvÀkenttÀÀ. EsittelyssÀ ovat kehitysvaiheet ja linnoitusalan osa-alueet.Kolmas luku, "Vaatimukset linnoitusalan tehtÀvien toteuttamiselle", tarkastelee vaatimusten muodostumista sekÀ tiedustelutekniikan ja asevaikutuksen asettamia vaatimuksia. AsejÀrjestelmistÀ esittelyssÀ ovat mukana muun muassa monikÀrkiprojektiilit ja aerosolipommit. Seuraavassa luvussa kÀsitellÀÀn linnoitusalan osuutta passiivisen suojaamisen toteuttamisessa. EnsimmÀisenÀ tarkastelussa on linnoittaminen vaiheineen ja rakenteellisine suojan osatekijöineen, kuten paine-, kaasun-, tÀrinÀ- ja EMP-suojaus. LisÀksi kÀsitellÀÀn rakenteiden suunnittelua, maastouttamista, valelaitteita ja koulutusta. ViimeisessÀ luvussa kÀsitellÀÀn kehitystyöhön vaikuttavia tekijöitÀ, kuten teknisen kehitystyön tarvetta ja koulutuksen sekÀ organisaation kehittÀmistÀ

    Ankle blood pressure as a predictor of total and cardiovascular mortality

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ankle blood pressure is commonly used as a ratio to the brachial blood pressure, called ankle-brachial index (ABI). Very few studies have considered the independent value of the ankle blood pressure without indexing it to the brachial blood pressure. We examined the value of ankle blood pressure, together with the exercise blood pressure, as a predictor of cardiovascular (CVD) and total mortality.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective follow-up study of 3,858 consecutive ambulatory patients (mean age 51 years, 65,9% male) referred to a symptom-limited exercise test between August 1989 and December 1995. The cohort was followed up for all-cause and CVD mortality until December 31, 2004, by record linkage with the National Causes-of-Death Register. The independent value of ankle blood pressure as a predictor of cardiovascular and total mortality was assessed using Cox proportional hazards modelling.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The average follow-up time was 14 years, during which 346 persons died, 108 of them due to CVD. Persons with normal (<140 mmHg) resting brachial blood pressure, ankle blood pressure < 175 mmHg and exercise blood pressure at moderate exercise level ≀215 mmHg at baseline investigation, had the best prognosis and were taken as the reference category. Among persons with elevated ankle blood pressure (≄175 mmHg) but normal or borderline resting brachial pressure and normal exercise blood pressure (≀215 mmHg) at moderate exercise level the multivariate-adjusted hazard ratios (HR, 95% confidence interval) for CVD and total mortality were 2.70 (1.52 – 4.80) and 2.13 (1.58 – 2.85), respectively. Similar and equally significant HRs were observed in persons with both elevated ankle blood pressure and elevated exercise blood pressure, as well as in those persons with elevated exercise blood pressure but ankle blood pressure < 175 mmHg.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest that the ankle blood pressure has an independent value as a marker of arterial stiffness or subclinical atherosclerosis and a risk of future mortality in middle-aged, asymptomatic persons.</p

    Ankle Blood Pressure and Pulse Pressure as Predictors of Cerebrovascular Morbidity and Mortality in a Prospective Follow-Up Study

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    Background and Objective. We examined the association of elevated ankle blood pressure (ABP), together with exercise blood pressure, with incident cerebrovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality in a prospective follow-up study of 3,808 patients. The results were compared with pulse pressure, another indicator of arterial stiffness. Methods. Patients with normal ankle and exercise brachial blood pressures were taken as the reference group. Pulse pressure was considered as quartiles with the lowest quartile as the reference category. Results. A total of 170 subjects had a CV event during the follow-up. Multivariate adjusted hazard ratio of a CV event was 2.24 (95% CI 1.43–3.52, P < .0001) in patients with abnormal ABP. The pulse pressure was significant only in the model adjusted for age and sex. Conclusion. The risk of a future CV event was elevated already in those patients among whom elevated ABP was the only abnormal finding. As a risk marker, ABP is superior to the pulse pressure

    Student Teachers’ Guided Autonomous Learning : Challenges and Possibilities in Music Education

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    Conference: Future Academy Multidisciplinary Conference ICEEPSY / CPSYC / icPSIRS / BE-ci Location: Istanbul, TURKEY Date: OCT 13-17, 2015Peer reviewe

    Student teachers’ needs in blended piano studies for clinic style face-to-face guidance

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    In recent years, technological development has remarkably widened possibilities for students’ autonomous learning. This paper reports the findings of a study based on primary school student teachers’ piano studies as a part of their compulsory music studies in one Finnish university. The student teachers’ piano studies at the university in question, are organized using blended learning possibilities, which enable the students to study autonomously online, but which allows for some individual face-to-face guiding as well. During the academic year 2016-2017, one part of the face-to-face support was offered as a ‘clinic’ by one of the authors who was also the lecturer for groups of about 10 students. These same students studied piano every other week with another author/lecturer who used the community of inquiry as a framework (Enbuska, Tuisku & Hietanen, 2018, in print) to organize the learning for the students. The clinic was conducted in the lecturer’s office for the students who were studying piano playing in small training rooms and who wanted to ask some special questions to clarify their own needs. In present study, the students were asked if they had utilized the clinic and if they found it beneficial besides the other blended learning opportunities. The findings revealed that students found it important to discuss piano playing in the clinic with the lecturer. However, many students wanted the lecturer to come and meet the students and answer their questions while they were training in small groups in the training rooms. The students’ disclosed needs about the content focused on clarifying the music concepts at the beginning of the studies, and clearer connections with the online studying possibilities as well as with pedagogical applications for them as future teachers.Peer reviewe

    Smart Forest @ Future Home : ÄlykkÀÀsti kotona pidempÀÀn (ÄLYKOP) -hankkeen tulevaisuusprosessin loppuraportti

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    Turun kauppakorkeakoulun Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskus toteutti osana ÄLYKOP-hankekokonaisuutta hyvinvointi-, ICT- ja metsĂ€sektorin rajapintoja kartoittaneen tulevaisuusprosessin. Tulevaisuusprosessin tarkoituksena oli ennakoinnin ja visionÀÀrisen verkostotyöskentelyn keinoin osaltaan edistÀÀ hankekokonaisuuden tavoitteiden eli ”metsĂ€teollisuuden osaamisella uusia hyvinvointituotteita ja -palveluja” toteutumista. ErityisenĂ€ nĂ€kökulmana tulevaisuustyöskentelyssĂ€ oli ikÀÀntyvien ihmisten kotihoidon (kotona selviytymisen) tukeminen. Tulevaisuusverstaissa pohdittiin sitĂ€, mitĂ€ on autonomia ja Ă€lykkyys tuotteissa (esimerkiksi pakkauksissa ja asunnoissa) sekĂ€ myös nykyisen innovaatioprosessin vahvuuksia ja heikkouksia
