54 research outputs found

    Customer premises services market demand assessment 1980 - 2000. Volume 1: Executive summary

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    Estimates of market demand for domestic civilian telecommunications services for the years 1980 to 2000 are provided. Overall demand, demand or satellite services, demand for satellite delivered Customer Premises Service (CPS), and demand for 30/20 GHz Customer Premises Services are covered. Emphasis is placed on the CPS market and demand is segmented by market, by service, by user class and by geographic region. Prices for competing services are discussed and the distribution of traffic with respect to distance is estimated. A nationwide traffic distribution model for CPS in terms of demand for CPS traffic and earth stations for each of the major SMSAs in the United States are provided

    The Real Role of β-Blockers in Daily Cardiovascular Therapy

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    Die Ă–konomie der Unsicherheit

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    Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit beschreibt die grundlegenden ökonomischen Probleme die aus Unsicherheit hervorgehen. Zu diesem Zweck wird zunächst eine Einführung in die Entscheidungstheorie gegeben, um grundlegende Konzepte und Theorien zu verdeutlichen. Diese dienen dann als Basis für weiterführende Diskussionen. Anschließend folgt ein Überblick über aktuelle Entwicklungen aus dem Bereich der Informationsökonomie. Diese beginnen mit einem allgemeinen Modellrahmen und grundsätzlichen Optimierungsfragen. Anschließend sollen diese Ideen in dem Kontext der Institutionenökonomie zu einem schlüssigen Gesamtbild verbunden werden, Am Ende sollen die entwickelten Modelle exemplarisch verwendet werden, um die Entstehung von Finanzmarktblasen zu erklären. Alle Diskussionen werden als Einführung in das Thema gesehen. Auf weiterführende Literatur wird hingewiesen.This thesis points out the main economic issues which result from uncertainty. Therefore, it begins with an introduction into decision theory to show basic concepts and theories and to lay a foundation for more advanced discussions. Afterwards, there will be an overview about recent models and ideas in the economics of information. This part starts with basic definitions and a set up for optimization problems. After dealing with the general model and it’s assumptions there will be first tries to put those ideas into a context of theories of institutional economics. At the end, an application of the developed theories to bubbles in financial markets shall illustrate the usage of models with respect to information. In general all points are treated as an introduction, but literature for further reading will be mentioned

    Prostate Cancer : the Role of Lymph Node Dissection in 2013

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    Comparative study of TERT

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    Land Tenure Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa: Interventions in Benin, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Zimbabwe

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    Since 2000, many African countries have introduced programs aimed at providing smallholder farmers with low-cost certificates for land held un-der customary tenure. Yet there are many contending views and debates on the impact of these land policies and this book reveals how tenure security, agricultural productivity, and social inclusion were affected by the interven-tions. It analyses the results of carefully selected, authoritative studies on in-terventions in Benin, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Zimbabwe and applies a realist synthesis methodology to explore the socio-political and economic contexts. Drawing on these results, the book argues that inadequate attention paid to the core characteristics of rural social systems obscures the benefits of customary tenure while overlooking the scope for reforms to reduce the gaps in social status among members of customary communities. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of land manage-ment and use, land and property law, tenure security, agrarian studies, political economy, and sustainable development. It will also appeal to development professionals and policymakers involved in land governance and land policy in Africa

    Analyse des textes juridiques et de la littérature sur les systèmes de tenure vivante à Madagascar

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    Le manque d’informations sur les systèmes coutumiers vivants qui gèrent les biens communs à Madagascar entrave les efforts visant à identifier les niveaux auxquels les collectivités chargées d’attribuer les terres et de faire respecter les revendications foncières devraient recevoir une reconnaissance légale. Pour aider à combler ce manque de connaissances et éclairer les réformes juridiques en cours visant à reconnaître la tenure collective, nous avons examiné les textes juridiques pertinents et les études de terrain des systèmes fonciers malgaches. Notre revue des textes juridiques a révélé que l’absence d’une définition juridique claire des collectivités situées au plus près des villageois ruraux est un obstacle majeur face aux efforts visant à reconnaître les droits d’attribution des terres et de gouvernance des institutions locales existantes. En même temps, notre revue des études de terrain sur les systèmes fonciers coutumiers démontre que ces systèmes continuent à fonctionner plus ou moins efficacement dans de nombreuses zones rurales de Madagascar. Les preuves suggèrent également que l’effet positif des systèmes de tenure coutumière sur les résultats de la conservation dépend du degré de légitimité perçue de ceux qui établissent et appliquent les règles, ainsi que du degré auquel les règles reflètent les réalités et les valeurs locales. Cela plaide en faveur d’une reconnaissance légale claire des institutions coutumières au niveau local, et de leur autorité pour établir et réglementer l’utilisation des terres et des forêts

    An exploratory review of legal texts and literature on living tenure systems in Madagascar

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    A lack of information about the living customary systems that manage commons in Madagascar hampers efforts to identify the levels at which collectivities charged with allocating land and enforcing land claims should receive legal recognition. To help address this knowledge gap and inform ongoing legal reforms aimed at recognizing collective tenure, we reviewed relevant legal texts and field studies of Malagasy tenure systems. Our review of legal texts revealed that the lack of a clear legal definition of the collectivities located closest to rural villagers is a major obstacle to efforts aimed at recognizing the land allocation and governance rights of existing local institutions. At the same time, our review of field research of customary tenure systems demonstrates that these systems continue to function more or less effectively in many parts of rural Madagascar. The evidence also suggests that the positive effect of customary tenure systems on conservation outcomes is contingent upon the degree to which those making and enforcing the rules are perceived to have legitimacy, as well as the degree to which the rules reflect local realities and values. This argues in favour of providing clear statutory recognition of local-level customary institutions, and their authority to establish and regulate use of land and forests
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