17 research outputs found

    Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars.VIII

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    Radial-velocity measurements and sine-curve fits to the orbital velocity variations are presented for the seventh set of ten close binary systems: V410 Aur, V523 Cas, QW Gem, V921 Her, V2357 Oph, V1130 Tau, HN UMa, HX UMa, HD 93917, NSV 223. All systems, but three (V523 Cas, HD 93917, NSV 223), were discovered photometrically by the Hipparcos mission. All systems are double-lined (SB2) binaries and all, but the detached, very close system V1130 Tau, are contact binaries. The broadening-function permitted improvement of the orbital elements for V523 Cas, which was the only system observed before for radial velocity variations. Spectroscopic/visual companions were detected for V410 Aur and HX UMa.Comment: AASTeX5, 4 figures, 3 tables, to appear AJ, June 200

    Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars.XIII

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    Radial-velocity measurements and sine-curve fits to the orbital radial velocity variations are presented for ten close binary systems: EG Cep,V1191 Cyg, V1003 Her, BD+7_3142, V357 Peg, V407 Peg, V1123 Tau, V1128 Tau, HH UMa, and PY Vir. While most of the studied eclipsing systems are contact binaries, EG Cep is a detached or a semi-detached double-lined binary and V1003 Her is a close binary of an uncertain type seen at a very low inclination angle. We discovered two previously unknown triple systems, BD+7_3142 and PY Vir, both with late spectral-type (K2V) binaries. Of interest is the low-mass ratio (q = 0.106) close binary V1191 Cyg showing an extremely fast period increase; the system has a very short period for its spectral type and shows a W-type light curve, a feature rather unexpected for such a low mass-ratio system.Comment: Accepted by AJ. 19 pages including 5 figure

    Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars. IX

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    Radial-velocity measurements and sine-curve fits to the orbital velocity variations are presented for the eighth set of ten close binary systems: AB And, V402 Aur, V445 Cep, V2082 Cyg, BX Dra, V918 Her, V502 Oph, V1363 Ori, KP Peg, V335 Peg. Half of the systems (V445 Cep, V2082 Cyg, V918 Her, V1363 Ori, V335 Peg) were discovered photometrically by the Hipparcos mission and all systems are double-lined (SB2) contact binaries. The broadening function method permitted improvement of the orbital elements for AB And and V502 Oph. The other systems have been observed for radial velocity variations for the first time; in this group are five bright (V<7.5) binaries: V445 Cep, V2082 Cyg, V918 Her, KP Peg and V335 Peg. Several of the studied systems are prime candidates for combined light and radial-velocity synthesis solutions.Comment: 17+ pages, 2 tables, 4 figure

    Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars. XV

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    Radial-velocity measurements and sine-curve fits to the orbital radial velocity variations are presented for the last eight close binary systems analyzed the same way as in the previous papers of this series: QX And, DY Cet, MR Del, HI Dra, DD Mon, V868 Mon, ER Ori, and Y Sex. For another seven systems (TT Cet, AA Cet, CW Lyn, V563 Lyr, CW Sge, LV Vir and MW Vir) phase coverage is insufficient to provide reliable orbits but radial velocities of individual components were measured. Observations of a few complicated systems observed throughout the DDO close-binary program are also presented; among them an especially interesting is the multiple system V857 Her which - in addition to the contact binary - very probably contains one or more sub-dwarf components of much earlier spectral type. All suspected binaries which were found to be most probably pulsating stars are briefly discussed in terms of mean radial velocities and projected rotation velocities (v sin i) as well as spectral type estimates. In two of them, CU CVn and V752 Mon, the broadening functions show a clear presence of non-radial pulsations. The previously missing spectral types for the DDO I paper are given here in addition to such estimates for most of the program stars of this paper.Comment: submitted to A

    Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars. XI

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    Radial-velocity measurements and sine-curve fits to the orbital radial velocity variations are presented for ten close binary systems: DU Boo, ET Boo, TX Cnc, V1073 Cyg, HL Dra, AK Her, VW LMi, V566 Oph, TV UMi and AG Vir. By this contribution, the DDO program has reached the point of 100 published radial velocity orbits. The radial velocities have been determined using an improved fitting technique which uses rotational profiles to approximate individual peaks in broadening functions. Three systems, ET Boo, VW LMi and TV UMi, were found to be quadruple while AG Vir appears to be a spectroscopic triple. ET Boo, a member of a close visual binary with Pvis=113P_{vis} = 113 years, was previously known to be a multiple system, but we show that the second component is actually a close, non-eclipsing binary. The new observations enabled us to determine the spectroscopic orbits of the companion, non-eclipsing pairs in ET Boo and VW LMi. The particularly interesting case is VW LMi, where the period of the mutual revolution of the two spectroscopic binaries is only 355 days. While most of the studied eclipsing pairs are contact binaries, ET Boo is composed of two double-lined detached binaries and HL Dra is single-lined detached or semi-detached system. Five systems of this group were observed spectroscopically before: TX Cnc, V1073 Cyg, AK Her (as a single-lined binary), V566 Oph, AG Vir, but our new data are of much higher quality than the previous studies.Comment: Accepted by AJ, August 2006, 10 figures, 3 table

    Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars

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    ABSTRACT Radial velocity measurements and sine-curve fits to orbital velocity variations are presented for the ninth set of 10 close binary systems: V395 And, HS Aqr, V449 Aur, FP Boo, SW Lac, KS Peg, IW Per, V592 Per, TU UMi, and FO Vir. The first three are very close, possibly detached, early-type binaries, and all three require further investigation. Particularly interesting is V395 And, whose spectral type is as early as B7/8 for a 0.685 day orbit binary. KS Peg and IW Per are single-line binaries, with the former probably hosting a very low mass star. We have detected a low-mass secondary in an important semidetached system, FO Vir, at q ÂĽ 0:125 AE 0:005. The contact binary FP Boo is also a very small mass ratio system, q ÂĽ 0:106 AE 0:005. The other contact binaries in this group are V592 Per, TU UMi, and the wellknown SW Lac. V592 Per and TU UMi have bright tertiary companions; for these binaries, and for V395 And, we used a novel technique of arranging the broadening functions into a two-dimensional image in phase. The case of TU UMi turned out to be intractable even using this approach, and we have not been able to derive a firm radial velocity orbit for this binary. Three systems of this group were observed spectroscopically before: HS Aqr, SW Lac, and KS Peg