1,412 research outputs found

    Inference Rules for Binary Predicates in a Multigranular Framework

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    In a multigranular framework, the two most important binary predicates are those for subsumption and disjointness. In the first part of this work, a sound and complete inference system for assertions using these predicates is developed. It is customized for the granular framework; particularly, it models both bottom and top granules correctly, and it requires all granules other then the bottom to be nonempty. Furthermore, it is single use, in the sense that no assertion is used more than once as an antecedent in a proof. In the second part of this work, a method is developed for extending a sound and complete inference system on a framework which admits Armstrong models to one which provides sound and complete inference on all assertions, both positive and negative. This method is then applied to the binary granule predicates, to obtain a sound and complete inference system for subsumption and disjointness, as well as their negations

    Does trust play a role when it comes to donations? A comparison of Italian and US higher education institutions

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    Higher education institutions (HEIs) have experienced severe cutbacks in funding over the past few years, with universities examining options for alternative funding streams, such as alumni funding. Identifying the factors influencing their alumni's intentions to invest in their alma mater can be of significant importance when establishing a sustainable revenue stream. Within this context, empirical research on the potential role of trust is scarce. This paper aims to deepen the analysis of the relationship between alumni trust and engagement as well as three outcomes, namely support, commitment, and attitude toward donation. A structural equation model was tested on two samples of US (  = 318) and Italian (  = 314) alumni. Although both countries are affluent and developed countries, the USA has an established tradition of alumni donations, which is not such a developed practice in Italy. For both countries, results confirm that engagement is an antecedent of trust, which in turn leads to the three investigated outcomes (support, commitment, and attitude toward donations). In contrast, the effect of commitment on attitude toward donations is significant only for the USA universities. The paper has interesting theoretical and managerial implications. From a theoretical point of view, the study aims to address a gap concerning the role of trust in the HE context. Managerially, the study has significant implications for universities that want to change alumni attitude toward donations. [Abstract copyright: © Springer Nature B.V. 2020.

    Signal-to-Noise Measurements on Irradiated CMS Tracker Detector Modules in an Electron Testbeam

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    The CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN is in the last phase of its construction. The harsh radiation environment at LHC will put strong demands in radiation hardness to the innermost parts of the detector. To assess the performance of irradiated microstrip detector modules, a testbeam was conducted at the Testbeam 22 facility of the DESY research center. The primary objective was the signal-to-noise measurement of irradiated CMS Tracker modules to ensure their functionality up to 10 years of LHC operation. The paper briefly summarises the basic setup at the facility and the hardware and software used to collect and analyse the data. Some interesting subsidiary results are shown, which confirm the expected behaviour of the detector with respect to the signal-to-noise performance over the active detector area and for different electron energies. The main focus of the paper are the results of the signal-to-noise measurements for CMS Tracker Modules which were exposed to different radiation doses

    Theory of High-Force DNA Stretching and Overstretching

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    Single molecule experiments on single- and double stranded DNA have sparked a renewed interest in the force-extension of polymers. The extensible Freely Jointed Chain (FJC) model is frequently invoked to explain the observed behavior of single-stranded DNA. We demonstrate that this model does not satisfactorily describe recent high-force stretching data. We instead propose a model (the Discrete Persistent Chain, or ``DPC'') that borrows features from both the FJC and the Wormlike Chain, and show that it resembles the data more closely. We find that most of the high-force behavior previously attributed to stretch elasticity is really a feature of the corrected entropic elasticity; the true stretch compliance of single-stranded DNA is several times smaller than that found by previous authors. Next we elaborate our model to allow coexistence of two conformational states of DNA, each with its own stretch and bend elastic constants. Our model is computationally simple, and gives an excellent fit through the entire overstretching transition of nicked, double-stranded DNA. The fit gives the first values for the elastic constants of the stretched state. In particular we find the effective bend stiffness for DNA in this state to be about 10 nm*kbt, a value quite different from either B-form or single-stranded DNAComment: 33 pages, 11 figures. High-quality figures available upon reques

    17ß-Estradiol Regulates mTORC2 Sensitivity to Rapamycin in Adaptive Cardiac Remodeling

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    Adaptive cardiac remodeling is characterized by enhanced signaling of mTORC2 downstream kinase Akt. In females, 17ß-estradiol (E2), as well as Akt contribute essentially to sex-related premenopausal cardioprotection. Pharmacologic mTOR targeting with rapamycin is increasingly used for various clinical indications, yet burdened with clinical heterogeneity in therapy responses. The drug inhibits mTORC1 and less-so mTORC2. In male rodents, rapamycin decreases maladaptive cardiac hypertrophy whereas it leads to detrimental dilative cardiomyopathy in females. We hypothesized that mTOR inhibition could interfere with 17β-estradiol (E2)-mediated sexual dimorphism and adaptive cell growth and tested responses in murine female hearts and cultured female cardiomyocytes. Under physiological in vivo conditions, rapamycin compromised mTORC2 function only in female, but not in male murine hearts. In cultured female cardiomyocytes, rapamycin impaired simultaneously IGF-1 induced activation of both mTOR signaling branches, mTORC1 and mTORC2 only in presence of E2. Use of specific estrogen receptor (ER)α- and ERβ-agonists indicated involvement of both estrogen receptors (ER) in rapamycin effects on mTORC1 and mTORC2. Classical feedback mechanisms common in tumour cells with upregulation of PI3K signaling were not involved. E2 effect on Akt-pS473 downregulation by rapamycin was independent of ERK as shown by sequential mTOR and MEK-inhibition. Furthermore, regulatory mTORC2 complex defining component rictor phosphorylation at Ser1235, known to interfere with Akt-substrate binding to mTORC2, was not altered. Functionally, rapamycin significantly reduced trophic effect of E2 on cell size. In addition, cardiomyocytes with reduced Akt-pS473 under rapamycin treatment displayed decreased SERCA2A mRNA and protein expression suggesting negative functional consequences on cardiomyocyte contractility. Rictor silencing confirmed regulation of SERCA2A expression by mTORC2 in E2-cultured female cardiomyocytes. These data highlight a novel modulatory function of E2 on rapamycin effect on mTORC2 in female cardiomyocytes and regulation of SERCA2A expression by mTORC2. Conceivably, rapamycin abrogates the premenopausal “female advantage”

    Super liquid repellent surfaces for anti-foaming and froth management

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    Wet and dry foams are prevalent in many industries, ranging from the food processing and commercial cosmetic sectors to industries such as chemical and oil-refining. Uncontrolled foaming results in product losses, equipment downtime or damage and cleanup costs. To speed up defoaming or enable anti-foaming, liquid oil or hydrophobic particles are usually added. However, such additives may need to be later separated and removed for environmental reasons and product quality. Here, we show that passive defoaming or active anti-foaming is possible simply by the interaction of foam with chemically or morphologically modified surfaces, of which the superamphiphobic variant exhibits superior performance. They significantly improve retraction of highly stable wet foams and prevention of growing dry foams, as quantified for beer and aqueous soap solution as model systems. Microscopic imaging reveals that amphiphobic nano-protrusions directly destabilize contacting foam bubbles, which can favorably vent through air gaps warranted by a Cassie wetting state. This mode of interfacial destabilization offers untapped potential for developing efficient, low-power and sustainable foam and froth management

    Au-Ag template stripped pattern for scanning probe investigations of DNA arrays produced by Dip Pen Nanolithography

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    We report on DNA arrays produced by Dip Pen Nanolithography (DPN) on a novel Au-Ag micro patterned template stripped surface. DNA arrays have been investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) showing that the patterned template stripped substrate enables easy retrieval of the DPN-functionalized zone with a standard optical microscope permitting a multi-instrument and multi-technique local detection and analysis. Moreover the smooth surface of the Au squares (abput 5-10 angstrom roughness) allows to be sensitive to the hybridization of the oligonucleotide array with label-free target DNA. Our Au-Ag substrates, combining the retrieving capabilities of the patterned surface with the smoothness of the template stripped technique, are candidates for the investigation of DPN nanostructures and for the development of label free detection methods for DNA nanoarrays based on the use of scanning probes.Comment: Langmuir (accepted