123 research outputs found

    Role of P-selectin in platelet sequestration in pulmonary capillaries during endotoxemia

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    Background: There is growing evidence that platelets accumulate in the lung and contribute to the pathogenesis of acute lung injury during endotoxemia. The aims of the present study were to localize platelet sequestration in the pulmonary microcirculation and to investigate the role of P-selectin as a molecular mechanism of platelet endothelial cell interaction. Methods: We used in vivo fluorescence microscopy to quantify the kinetics of fluorescently labeled erythrocytes and platelets in alveolar capillary networks in rabbit lungs. Results: Six hours after onset of endotoxin infusion we observed a massive rolling along and firm adherence of platelets to lung capillary endothelial cells whereas under control conditions no platelet sequestration was detected. P-selectin was expressed on the surface of separated platelets which were incubated with endotoxin and in lung tissue. Pretreatment of platelets with fucoidin, a P-selectin antagonist, significantly attenuated the endotoxin-induced platelet rolling and adherence. In contrast, intravenous infusion of fucoidin in endotoxin-treated rabbits did not inhibit platelet sequestration in pulmonary capillaries. Conclusion: We conclude that platelets accumulate in alveolar capillaries following endotoxemia. P-selectin expressed on the surface of platelets seems to play an important role in mediating this platelet-endothelial cell interaction. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Is albumin gradient or fluid to serum albumin ratio better than the pleural fluid lactate dehydroginase in the diagnostic of separation of pleural effusion?

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    BACKGROUND: To determine the accuracy of serum-effusion albumin gradient (SEAG) and pleural fluid to serum albumin ratio (ALBR) in the diagnostic separation of pleural effusion into transudate and exudate and to compare SEAG and ALBR with pleural fluid LDH (FLDH) the most widely used test. METHODS: Data collected from 200 consecutive patients with a known cause of pleural effusion in a United Kingdom district general hospital. RESULTS: The median and inter quartile ranges (IQR) for SEAG 93.5 (33.8 to 122.5) g/dl, ALBR 0.49 (0.42 to 0.62) and FLDH 98.5 IU/L(76.8 to 127.5) in transudates were significantly lower than the corresponding values for exudates 308.5 (171 to 692), 0.77 (0.63 to 0.85), 344 (216 to 695) all p < 0.0001. The Area Under the Curve (AUC) with 95% confidence intervals (Cl) for SEAG, ALBR and FLDH were 0.81 (0.75 to 0.87), 0.79 (0.72 to 0.86) and 0.9 (0.87 to 0.96) respectively. The positive likelihood ratios with 95%CI for FLDH, SEAG, and ALBR were: 7.3(3.5–17), 6.3(3–15) 6.2(3–14) respectively. There was a significant negative correlation between SEAG and ALBR (r= -0.89, p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: The discriminative value for SEAG and ALBR appears to be similar in the diagnostic separation of transudates and exudates. FLDH is a superior test compared to SEAG and ALBR

    Swedish high school students' knowledge and attitudes regarding fertility and family building

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Infertility is a serious problem for those who suffer. Some of the risks for infertility are preventable and the individual should therefore have knowledge of them. The purposes of this study were to investigate high-school students' knowledge about fertility, plans for family building and to compare views and knowledge between female and male students.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A questionnaire containing 34 items was answered by 274 students. Answers from male and female students were compared using student's <it>t</it>-test for normally distributed variables and Mann-Whitney <it>U</it>-test for non-normal distributions. The chi-square test was used to compare proportions of male and female students who answered questions on nominal and ordinal scales. Differences were considered as statistically significant at a <it>p</it>-value of 0.05.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Analyses showed that 234 (85%) intended to have children. Female students felt parenthood to be significantly more important than male students: <it>p </it>= <it><</it>0.01. The mean age at which the respondents thought they would like to start to build their family was 26 (± 2.9) years. Men believed that women's fertility declined significantly later than women did: <it>p </it>= <it><</it>0.01. Women answered that 30.7% couples were involuntarily infertile and men answered 22.5%: <it>p </it>= <it><</it>0.01. Females thought it significantly more likely that they would consider IVF or adoption than men, <it>p = </it>0.01. Men felt they were more likely to abstain from having children than women: <it>p = <</it>0.01. Women believed that body weight influenced fertility significantly more often than men: <it>p = <</it>0.01 and men believed significantly more often that smoking influenced fertility: <it>p </it>= 0.03. Both female and male students answered that they would like to have more knowledge about the area of fertility.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Young people plan to start their families when the woman's fertility is already in decline. Improving young people's knowledge about these issues would give them more opportunity to take responsibility for their sexual health and to take an active role in shaping political change to improve conditions for earlier parenthood.</p

    Multidimensional Proteomics Analysis of Amniotic Fluid to Provide Insight into the Mechanisms of Idiopathic Preterm Birth

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    Though recent advancement in proteomics has provided a novel perspective on several distinct pathogenetic mechanisms leading to preterm birth (inflammation, bleeding), the etiology of most preterm births still remains elusive. We conducted a multidimensional proteomic analysis of the amniotic fluid to identify pathways related to preterm birth in the absence of inflammation or bleeding.A proteomic fingerprint was generated from fresh amniotic fluid using surface-enhanced laser desorbtion ionization time of flight (SELDI-TOF) mass spectrometry in a total of 286 consecutive samples retrieved from women who presented with signs or symptoms of preterm labor or preterm premature rupture of the membranes. Inflammation and/or bleeding proteomic patterns were detected in 32% (92/286) of the SELDI tracings. In the remaining tracings, a hierarchical algorithm was applied based on descriptors quantifying similarity/dissimilarity among proteomic fingerprints. This allowed identification of a novel profile (Q-profile) based on the presence of 5 SELDI peaks in the 10-12.5 kDa mass area. Women displaying the Q-profile (mean+/-SD, gestational age: 25+/-4 weeks, n = 40) were more likely to deliver preterm despite expectant management in the context of intact membranes and normal amniotic fluid clinical results. Utilizing identification-centered proteomics techniques (fluorescence two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis, robotic tryptic digestion and mass spectrometry) coupled with Protein ANalysis THrough Evolutionary Relationships (PANTHER) ontological classifications, we determined that in amniotic fluids with Q-profile the differentially expressed proteins are primarily involved in non-inflammatory biological processes such as protein metabolism, signal transduction and transport.Proteomic profiling of amniotic fluid coupled with non-hierarchical bioinformatics algorithms identified a subgroup of patients at risk for preterm birth in the absence of intra-amniotic inflammation or bleeding, suggesting a novel pathogenetic pathway leading to preterm birth. The altered proteins may offer opportunities for therapeutical intervention and future drug development to prevent prematurity

    Frequency-Invariant Representation of Interaural Time Differences in Mammals

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    Interaural time differences (ITDs) are the major cue for localizing low-frequency sounds. The activity of neuronal populations in the brainstem encodes ITDs with an exquisite temporal acuity of about . The response of single neurons, however, also changes with other stimulus properties like the spectral composition of sound. The influence of stimulus frequency is very different across neurons and thus it is unclear how ITDs are encoded independently of stimulus frequency by populations of neurons. Here we fitted a statistical model to single-cell rate responses of the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. The model was used to evaluate the impact of single-cell response characteristics on the frequency-invariant mutual information between rate response and ITD. We found a rough correspondence between the measured cell characteristics and those predicted by computing mutual information. Furthermore, we studied two readout mechanisms, a linear classifier and a two-channel rate difference decoder. The latter turned out to be better suited to decode the population patterns obtained from the fitted model

    Chronic Exposure to Low Frequency Noise at Moderate Levels Causes Impaired Balance in Mice

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    We are routinely exposed to low frequency noise (LFN; below 0.5 kHz) at moderate levels of 60–70 dB sound pressure level (SPL) generated from various sources in occupational and daily environments. LFN has been reported to affect balance in humans. However, there is limited information about the influence of chronic exposure to LFN at moderate levels for balance. In this study, we investigated whether chronic exposure to LFN at a moderate level of 70 dB SPL affects the vestibule, which is one of the organs responsible for balance in mice. Wild-type ICR mice were exposed for 1 month to LFN (0.1 kHz) and high frequency noise (HFN; 16 kHz) at 70 dB SPL at a distance of approximately 10–20 cm. Behavior analyses including rotarod, beam-crossing and footprint analyses showed impairments of balance in LFN-exposed mice but not in non-exposed mice or HFN-exposed mice. Immunohistochemical analysis showed a decreased number of vestibular hair cells and increased levels of oxidative stress in LFN-exposed mice compared to those in non-exposed mice. Our results suggest that chronic exposure to LFN at moderate levels causes impaired balance involving morphological impairments of the vestibule with enhanced levels of oxidative stress. Thus, the results of this study indicate the importance of considering the risk of chronic exposure to LFN at a moderate level for imbalance

    Red Is Not a Proxy Signal for Female Genitalia in Humans

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    Red is a colour that induces physiological and psychological effects in humans, affecting competitive and sporting success, signalling and enhancing male social dominance. The colour is also associated with increased sexual attractiveness, such that women associated with red objects or contexts are regarded as more desirable. It has been proposed that human males have a biological predisposition towards the colour red such that it is ‘sexually salient’. This hypothesis argues that women use the colour red to announce impending ovulation and sexual proceptivity, with this functioning as a proxy signal for genital colour, and that men show increased attraction in consequence. In the first test of this hypothesis, we show that contrary to the hypothesis, heterosexual men did not prefer redder female genitalia and, by extension, that red is not a proxy signal for genital colour. We found a relative preference for pinker genital images with redder genitalia rated significantly less sexually attractive. This effect was independent of raters' prior sexual experience and variation in female genital morphology. Our results refute the hypothesis that men's attraction to red is linked to an implied relationship to genital colour and women's signalling of fertility and sexual proceptivity

    Radio & Optical Interferometry: Basic Observing Techniques and Data Analysis

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    Astronomers usually need the highest angular resolution possible, but the blurring effect of diffraction imposes a fundamental limit on the image quality from any single telescope. Interferometry allows light collected at widely-separated telescopes to be combined in order to synthesize an aperture much larger than an individual telescope thereby improving angular resolution by orders of magnitude. Radio and millimeter wave astronomers depend on interferometry to achieve image quality on par with conventional visible and infrared telescopes. Interferometers at visible and infrared wavelengths extend angular resolution below the milli-arcsecond level to open up unique research areas in imaging stellar surfaces and circumstellar environments. In this chapter the basic principles of interferometry are reviewed with an emphasis on the common features for radio and optical observing. While many techniques are common to interferometers of all wavelengths, crucial differences are identified that will help new practitioners avoid unnecessary confusion and common pitfalls. Concepts essential for writing observing proposals and for planning observations are described, depending on the science wavelength, angular resolution, and field of view required. Atmospheric and ionospheric turbulence degrades the longest-baseline observations by significantly reducing the stability of interference fringes. Such instabilities represent a persistent challenge, and the basic techniques of phase-referencing and phase closure have been developed to deal with them. Synthesis imaging with large observing datasets has become a routine and straightforward process at radio observatories, but remains challenging for optical facilities. In this context the commonly-used image reconstruction algorithms CLEAN and MEM are presented. Lastly, a concise overview of current facilities is included as an appendix.Comment: 45 pages, 14 Figures; an abridged version of a chapter to appear in Volume 2 of Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems, to be published in 2011 by Springe

    Resultados perinatais em gestações tardias

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    O objetivo do estudo foi comparar resultados perinatais de mulheres com idade igual ou superior a 35 anos com os de mulheres entre 20 e 34 anos. O estudo é retrospectivo e foi realizado a partir da consulta às fichas obstétricas de 1.255 puérperas que tiveram partos no único hospital de Sarandi-PR, no período de janeiro de 2007 a dezembro de 2008. As variáveis analisadas foram: estado civil, escolaridade, idade gestacional, tipo de parto, peso ao nascer, índice de Apgar no 1º e 5º minutos e óbitos fetais. Na regressão logística, a idade materna avançada esteve associada significativamente à cesariana (OR 1,23, IC 95% 0,19-0,44) e a um índice de Apgar menor que 7 no 5º minuto de vida (OR 5,78, IC 95% 0,74-2,76). Esses resultados evidenciam os riscos de complicações em gestantes com idade igual ou superior a 35 anos e a necessidade de que o aconselhamento às mulheres que pretendam postergar a gestação seja realizado