155 research outputs found

    Formas elementales de la democracia municipal en américa latina: Cundinamarca, México y Miranda

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    La tendencia mundial por la democracia política representativa y electoral dejó sentir sus efectos en una buena cantidad de países del mundo occidental, sobre todo de Europa, incluyendo a la parte oriental, y de América, pero su influencia fue limitada en Asia y África e incluso rechazada en los países islámicos, donde “la política y la religión, lo espiritual y lo temporal, son una sola cosaLa tercera ola de democratización mundial y la caída del socialismo real pusieron a la democracia en el centro de la atención internacional. Los seguidores de las ideas socialistas tomaron a la democracia como una estrategia viable para contraponerla al capitalismo deshumanizante que ganó la guerra fría. Por su parte, las naciones imperialistas, ya sin la amenaza de los países comunistas, pugnaron por la implantación de sistemas democráticos donde aún sobrevivían regímenes autoritarios

    Mechanical and physical characterization of composite bamboo-guadua products: Plastiguadua

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    The bamboo species Guadua angustifolia Kunth (Guadua) was subjected to different fibre extraction processes, chemically treated and used in combination with a set range of polymers to form various composite materials. Novel technologies and artisan methods for veneer production and fibre extraction were explored. Extensive experimental work was undertaken on the composites manufacture, mixes and arrangements to form flat sheets. Physical and mechanical properties of these sheets were assessed on two material configurations: Plastiguadua-L and Plastiguadua-P. The former was a laminated material with 70% by weight of thin veneers of Guadua and 30% thermoset polyester resin. The latter had a 1:1 ratio by weight of short fibre bundles and resin content respectively. For the mechanical characterization, bending, tensile and impact-Izod tests were undertaken. Rockwell hardness, UV, condensation and water absorption were carried out to assess their physical properties. Values obtained for the elastic properties of Plastiguadua-L were lower than those of Plastiguadua-P, whilst strength values showed the opposite response for both bending, tension and impact. Bending and tensile modulus of elasticity for the former were 3.96 GPa and 2.21 GPa respectively, and 4.61 GPa and 2.38 GPa respectively for the latter. Tensile and impact strength values obtained were 38.3 MPa and 20.73 MPa respectively for Plastiguadua-L and 157 J/m and 55 J/m respectively for Plastiguadua-P. Improved resistance to degradation was observed through the UV/condensation test on samples embedded on resin when compared to those with none or slight preservation treatments. Overall, the research project showcased a range of products manufactured by mixing different forms of Guadua fibres and mats with polymers and assessed the mechanical and physical features of two of them. The project focused on a holistic approach to the use and manufacture of bamboo products for engineering applications and as potential substitutes for wood applications


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    The Perceptions of Adults 35 and Older On Online Learning

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    This qualitative case study examined the level of satisfaction among a group of adults ages 35 years and older enrolled in an online education program (OLEP) in a university in Puerto Rico. Although the current literature revealed that adult students 35 years and older are the fastest growing population enrolling in online college education programs in Puerto Rico, prior satisfaction studies conducted by this institution did not focus on this population. The theoretical framework of this study was guided by Holsapple and Lee\u27s Post e-learning success model. The goal of this study was to understand students\u27 satisfaction with the online program and determine if the program was helping them accomplish their goals. Data were collected through semi-structured individual interviews with 8 adult students, 35 years of age or older, who were currently enrolled at the institution. Data were analyzed using the category construction approach, open coding, and thematic analysis. Results indicated that the participants had a positive perception of the online program and its impact on their academic development and educational success. The data also revealed issues related to faculty-student communication and course design, which the participants believed needed to improve. The study\u27s findings helped in the development of a best practice manual for the OLEP faculty. The manual will provide OLEP faculty with the tools needed to improve faculty-student communication and online course design, thereby increasing the student satisfaction among the fastest growing online student population. Improving its OLEP shows promise for the university to continue to be an agent of social change for Puerto Rico\u27s economic growth and social progress


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