879 research outputs found

    Active Galactic Nuclei in Void Regions

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    We present a comprehensive study of accretion activity in the most underdense environments in the universe, the voids, based on the SDSS DR2 data. Based on investigations of multiple void regions, we show that AGN's occurrence rate and properties differ from those in walls. AGN are more common in voids than in walls, but only among moderately luminous and massive galaxies (M_r < -20, log M_*/M_sun < 10.5), and this enhancement is more pronounced for the weakly accreting systems (i.e., L_[O III] < 10^39 erg/s). Void AGN hosted by moderately massive and luminous galaxies are accreting at equal or lower rates than their wall counterparts, show less obscuration than in walls, and similarly aged stellar populations. The very few void AGN in massive bright hosts accrete more strongly, are more obscured, and are associated with younger stellar emission than wall AGN. Thus, accretion strength is probably connected to the availability of fuel supply, and accretion and star-formation co-evolve and rely on the same source of fuel. Nearest neighbor statistics indicate that the weak accretion activity (LINER-like) is not influenced by the local environment. However, H IIs, Seyferts, and Transition objects prefer more grouped small scale structures, indicating that the rate at which galaxies interact with each other affects their activity. These trends support a potential H II -> Seyfert/Transition Object -> LINER evolutionary sequence that we show is apparent in many properties of actively line-emitting galaxies, in both voids and walls. The subtle differences between void and wall AGN might be explained by a longer, less disturbed duty cycle of these systems in voids.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures (1 color); to appear in ApJ, submitted on May 11, 200

    Transient and Highly Polarized Double-Peaked H-alpha Emission in the Seyfert 2 Nucleus of NGC 2110

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    We have discovered an extremely broad, double-peaked H-alpha emission line in the polarized flux spectrum of NGC 2110, establishing that this well-studied Seyfert 2 galaxy contains a disk-like hidden broad-line region (BLR). Several properties of NGC 2110 suggest that it is an obscured twin of Arp 102B, the prototypical double-peaked emission-line active galactic nucleus (AGN). A comparison between our data and previous spectra of NGC 2110 indicates that the double-peaked H-alpha feature is transient. The presence of a disk-like BLR in NGC 2110 has important implications for AGNs: it expands the range of properties exhibited by Seyfert 2 galaxies, and the fact that the BLR is obscured by a torus-like structure provides the first evidence that double-peaked emitters and classical Seyfert nuclei may have the same basic parsec-scale geometry.Comment: 5 pages, including 3 postscript figures. Uses emulateapj. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    HST/WFC3 Observations of an Off-Nuclear Superbubble in Arp 220

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    We present a high spatial resolution optical and infrared study of the circumnuclear region in Arp 220, a late-stage galaxy merger. Narrowband imaging using HST/WFC3 has resolved the previously observed peak in Hα\alpha+[NII] emission into a bubble-shaped feature. This feature measures 1.6" in diameter, or 600 pc, and is only 1" northwest of the western nucleus. The bubble is aligned with the western nucleus and the large-scale outflow axis seen in X-rays. We explore several possibilities for the bubble origin, including a jet or outflow from a hidden active galactic nucleus (AGN), outflows from high levels of star formation within the few hundred pc nuclear gas disk, or an ultraluminous X-ray source. An obscured AGN or high levels of star formation within the inner ∌\sim100 pc of the nuclei are favored based on the alignment of the bubble and energetics arguments.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 12 pages, 10 figure

    The Narrow-Line Regions of LINERs as Resolved with the Hubble Space Telescope

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    LINERs exist in the nuclei of a large fraction of luminous galaxies, but their connection with the AGN phenomenon has remained elusive. We present Hubble Space Telescope narrowband [O III]5007 and H-alpha+[N II] emission-line images of the central regions of 14 galaxies with LINER nuclei. The compact, ~1 arcsec-scale, unresolved emission that dominates the line flux in ground-based observations is mostly resolved by HST. The bulk of this emission comes from regions with sizes of tens to hundreds of parsecs that are resolved into knots, filaments, and diffuse gas whose morphology differs from galaxy to galaxy. Most of the galaxies do not show clear linear structures or ionization cones analogous to those often seen in Seyfert galaxies. An exception is NGC 1052, the prototypical LINER, in which we find a 3 arcsec-long (~ 250 pc) biconical structure that is oriented on the sky along the galaxy's radio jet axis. Seven of the galaxies have been shown in previously published HST images to have a bright compact ultraviolet nuclear source, while the other seven do not have a central UV source. Our images find evidence of dust in the nuclear regions of all 14 galaxies, with clear indications of nuclear obscuration in most of the "UV-dark" cases. The data suggest that the line-emitting gas in most LINERs is photoionized by a central source (which may be stellar, nonstellar, or a combination thereof) but that this source is often hidden from direct view. We find no obvious morphological differences between LINERs with detected weak broad H-alpha wings in their spectra and those with only narrow lines. Likewise, there is no clear morphological distinction between objects whose UV spectra are dominated by hot stars (e.g., NGC 4569) and those that are AGN-like (e.g., NGC 4579).Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ. 25 pages, 3 tables, 9 JPEG Figure

    HST morphologies of local Lyman break galaxy analogs I: Evidence for starbursts triggered by merging

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    Heckman et al. (2005) used the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) UV imaging survey to show that there exists a rare population of nearby compact UV-luminous galaxies (UVLGs) that closely resembles high redshift Lyman break galaxies (LBGs). We present HST images in the UV, optical, and Ha, and resimulate them at the depth and resolution of the GOODS/UDF fields to show that the morphologies of UVLGs are also similar to those of LBGs. Our sample of 8 LBG analogs thus provides detailed insight into the connection between star formation and LBG morphology. Faint tidal features or companions can be seen in all of the rest-frame optical images, suggesting that the starbursts are the result of a merger or interaction. The UV/optical light is dominated by unresolved (~100-300 pc) super starburst regions (SSBs). A detailed comparison with the galaxies Haro 11 and VV 114 at z=0.02 indicates that the SSBs themselves consist of diffuse stars and (super) star clusters. The structural features revealed by the new HST images occur on very small physical scales and are thus not detectable in images of high redshift LBGs, except in a few cases where they are magnified by gravitational lensing. We propose, therefore, that LBGs are mergers of gas-rich, relatively low-mass (~10^10 Msun) systems, and that the mergers trigger the formation of SSBs. If galaxies at high redshifts are dominated by SSBs, then the faint end slope of the luminosity function is predicted to have slope alpha~2. Our results are the most direct confirmation to date of models that predict that the main mode of star formation in the early universe was highly collisional.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures. ApJ In pres

    Faint AGN and the Ionizing Background

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    We determine the evolution of the faint, high-redshift, optical luminosity function (LF) of AGN implied by several observationally-motivated models of the ionizing background. Our results depend crucially on whether we use the total ionizing rate measured by the proximity effect technique or the lower determination from the flux decrement distribution of Ly alpha forest lines. Assuming a faint-end LF slope of 1.58 and the SDSS estimates of the bright-end slope and normalization, we find that the LF must break at M_B*=-24.2,-22.3, -20.8 at z=3,4, 5 if we adopt the lower ionization rate and assume no stellar contribution to the background. The break must occur at M_B*=-20.6,-18.7, -18.7 for the proximity effect background estimate. These values brighten by as much as ~2 mag if high-z galaxies contribute to the background with an escape fraction of ionizing photons consistent with recent estimates: f_e=0.16. By comparing to faint AGN searches, we find that the typically-quoted proximity effect estimates of the background imply an over-abundance of faint AGN (even with f_e=1). Even adopting the lower bound on proximity effect measurements, the stellar escape fraction must be high: f_e>0.2. Conversely, the lower flux- decrement-derived background requires a limited stellar contribution: f_e<0.05. Our derived LFs together with the locally-estimated black hole density suggest that the efficiency of converting mass to light in optically-unobscured AGN is somewhat lower than expected, <0.05. Comparison with similar estimates based on X-ray counts suggests that more than half of all AGN are obscured in the UV/optical. We also derive lower limits on typical AGN lifetimes and obtain >10^7 yrs for favored cases.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures. Accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    Ongoing Formation of Bulges and Black Holes in the Local Universe: New Insights from GALEX

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    We analyze a volume-limited sample of massive bulge-dominated galaxies with data from both the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) satellite. The galaxies have central velocity dispersions greater than 100 km/s and stellar surface mass densities that lie above the value where galaxies transition from actively star forming to passive systems. The sample is limited to redshifts 0.03<z<0.07. At these distances, the SDSS spectra sample the light from the bulge-dominated central regions of the galaxies. The GALEX NUV data provide high sensitivity to low rates of global star formation in these systems. Our sample of bulge-dominated galaxies exhibits a much larger dispersion in NUV-r colour than in optical g-r colour. Nearly all of the galaxies with bluer NUV-r colours are AGN. Both GALEX images and SDSS colour profiles demonstrate that the excess UV light is associated with an extended disk. We find that galaxies with red outer regions almost never have a young bulge or a strong AGN. Galaxies with blue outer regions have bulges and black holes that span a wide range in age and accretion rate. Galaxies with young bulges and strongly accreting black holes almost always have blue outer disks. Our suggested scenario is one in which the source of gas that builds the bulge and black hole is a low mass reservoir of cold gas in the disk.The presence of this gas is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for bulge and black hole growth. Some mechanism must transport this gas inwards in a time variable way. As the gas in the disk is converted into stars, the galaxies will turn red, but further gas infall can bring them back into the blue NUV-r sequence.(Abridged)Comment: 34 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for the GALEX special issue of ApJ

    The UV-Optical Galaxy Color-Magnitude Diagram. I. Basic Properties

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    We have analyzed the bivariate distribution of galaxies as a function of ultraviolet-optical colors and absolute magnitudes in the local universe. The sample consists of galaxies with redshifts and optical photometry from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) main galaxy sample matched with detections in the near-ultraviolet (NUV) and far-ultraviolet (FUV) bands in the Medium Imaging Survey being carried out by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) satellite. In the (NUV − r)_(0.1) versus M_(r,0.1) galaxy color-magnitude diagram, the galaxies separate into two well-defined blue and red sequences. The (NUV − r)_(0.1) color distribution at each M_(r,0.1) is not well fit by the sum of two Gaussians due to an excess of galaxies in between the two sequences. The peaks of both sequences become redder with increasing luminosity, with a distinct blue peak visible up to M_(r,0.1) ~ − 23. The r_(0.1)-band luminosity functions vary systematically with color, with the faint-end slope and characteristic luminosity gradually increasing with color. After correcting for attenuation due to dust, we find that approximately one-quarter of the color variation along the blue sequence is due to dust, with the remainder due to star formation history and metallicity. Finally, we present the distribution of galaxies as a function of specific star formation rate and stellar mass. The specific star formation rates imply that galaxies along the blue sequence progress from low-mass galaxies with star formation rates that increase somewhat with time to more massive galaxies with a more or less constant star formation rate. Above a stellar mass of ~10^(10.5) M_☉, galaxies with low ratios of current to past averaged star formation rate begin to dominate
