33 research outputs found

    Broadening Exposure to Socio-Political Opinions via a Pushy Smart Home Device

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    Motivated by the effects of the filter bubble and echo chamber phenomena on social media, we developed a smart home device, Spkr, that unpredictably “pushes” socio-political discussion topics into the home. The device utilised trending Twitter discussions, categorised by their socio-political alignment, to present people with a purposefully assorted range of viewpoints. We deployed Spkr in 10 homes for 28 days with a diverse range of participants and interviewed them about their experiences. Our results show that Spkr presents a novel means of combating selective exposure to socio-political issues, providing participants with identifiably diverse viewpoints. Moreover, Spkr acted as a conversational prompt for discussion within the home, initiating collective processes and engaging those who would not often be involved in political discussions. We demonstrate how smart home assistants can be used as a catalyst for provocation by altering and pluralising political discussions within households

    Overview of the Rocket Experiment for NeutralUpwelling Sounding Rocket 2 (RENU2)

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    The Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2) rocket was launched on 13 December 2015 at 07:34 UT. The payload transited the cusp region during a neutral upwelling event, supported by a comprehensive set of onboard and ground‐based instrumentation. RENU2 data highlight two important processes. One is that a proper understanding of neutral upwelling by Poleward Moving Auroral Forms (PMAFs) requires a treatment that mimics the quasiperiodic passage of a sequence of PMAFs. As a PMAF reaches a flux tube, its physical consequences must be determined including the residual history of effects from previous passages, implying that understanding such a process requires an accounting of the system hysteresis. Second, RENU2 observations suggest that neutral density enhancements driven by precipitation and/or Joule heating can be highly structured in altitude and latitude. In addition, timescales involving neutral dynamics suggest that the structuring must be slowly changing, for example, over the course of 10 to tens of minutes