3,758 research outputs found

    Effects of substrate and ambient gas on epitaxial growth indium oxide thin films

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    Indium oxide thin films were grown by pulsed electron beam deposition method at 500 °C on c-cut sapphire and (0 0 1) oriented LaAlO3 single crystal substrates in oxygen or argon gas. The effects of ambient gas and substrate symmetry on the growth of indium oxide thin films were studied. Stoichiometric In2O3 films are formed in oxygen, while oxygen deficient In2O2.5 films are grown in argon, with In metallic nanoclusters embedded in a In2O3 matrix (nanocomposite films). In both cases, epitaxial In2O3 films having the bixbyite phase were grown with various orientation relationships, depending upon the substrate symmetry and gas ambient (oxygen or argon). Domain matching epitaxy was used to describe the precise in-plane epitaxial film-substrate relationships. The differences in film texture were correlated to the differences in growth conditions, while the differences in the film properties were correlated to the film oxygen composition

    First results in terrain mapping for a roving planetary explorer

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    To perform planetary exploration without human supervision, a complete autonomous rover must be able to model its environment while exploring its surroundings. Researchers present a new algorithm to construct a geometric terrain representation from a single range image. The form of the representation is an elevation map that includes uncertainty, unknown areas, and local features. By virtue of working in spherical-polar space, the algorithm is independent of the desired map resolution and the orientation of the sensor, unlike other algorithms that work in Cartesian space. They also describe new methods to evaluate regions of the constructed elevation maps to support legged locomotion over rough terrain

    On the relevance of large scale pulsed-laser deposition: Evidence of structural heterogeneities in ZnO thin films

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    Pulsed-laser deposition is known as a well-suited method for growing thin films of oxide compounds presenting a wide range of functional properties. A limitation of this method for industrial process is the very anisotropic expansion dynamics of the plasma plume, which induces difficulties to grow on large scale films with homogeneous thickness and composition. The specific aspect of the crystalline or orientation uniformity has not been investigated, despite its important role on oxide films properties. In this work, the crystalline parameters and the texture of zinc oxide films are studied as a function of position with respect to the central axis of the plasma plume. We demonstrate the existence of large non-uniformities in the films. The stoichiometry, the lattice parameter, and the distribution of crystallites orientations drastically depend on the position with respect to the plume axis, i.e., on the oblique incidence of the ablated species. The origin of these non-uniformities, in particular, the unexpected tilted orientation of the ZnO c-axis may be attributed to the combined effects of the oblique incidence and of the ratio between oxygen and zinc fluxes reaching the surface of the growing film

    Childhood motor performance is increased by participation in organized sport: the CHAMPS Study-DK

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    Evidence suggests that motor performance in children is declining globally. We tested whether participation in organized sport is associated with motor performance, and estimate the effect of 30 months participation in organized sport on motor performance. Study participants were 1067 primary school students, enrolled in the Danish Childhood Health, Activity, and Motor Performance School study. Participation in organized sport was reported via text messaging. Coordination-related motor performance composite, fitness-related motor performance composite, and total motor performance composite were calculated. Data were analyzed using Generalized Estimating Equations. Participation in organized sport was positively associated with motor performance (all composites) in models that did and did not control for baseline motor performance. For models that did not control for baseline motor performance, this equated to 2–6% increases in motor performance per weekly sport session; for models that did control for baseline motor performance, this equated to 1–5% increases in motor performance per weekly sport session. Positive associations between participation in organized sport and motor performance identify participation in organized sport as a way to improve motor performance in children. These results might provide the basis to determine whether participation in organized sport could be beneficial for children with developmental movement disorders

    Lifetime physical activity and breast cancer risk in the Shanghai Breast Cancer Study

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    Overall physical activity in adolescence and adulthood, and changes in activity over the lifespan were analysed by in-person interviews among 1459 women newly diagnosed with breast cancer and 1556 age-matched controls in urban Shanghai. Physical activity from exercise and sports, household, and transportation (walking and cycling) was assessed in adolescence (13–19 y) and adulthood (last 10 y), as was lifetime occupational activity. Logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence limits (OR (95% CL)) while controlling for confounders. Risk was reduced for exercise only in adolescence (OR = 0.84 (0.70–1.00)); exercise only in adulthood (OR = 0.68 (0.53–0.88)), and was further reduced for exercise in both adolescence and adulthood (OR = 0.47 (0.36–0.62)). Graded reductions in risk were noted with increasing years of exercise participation (OR 1–5 yrs= 0.81 (0.67–0.94); OR 6–10 yrs= 0.74 (0.59–0.93); OR 11–15 yrs= 0.55 (0.38–0.79); OR 16 + yrs= 0.40 (0.27–0.60);Ptrend,< 0.01). Lifetime occupational activity also was inversely related to risk (Ptrend< 0.01). These findings demonstrate that consistently high activity levels throughout life reduce breast cancer risk. Furthermore, they suggest that women may reduce their risk by increasing their activity levels in adulthood. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaignhttp://www.bjcancer.co

    Early Components of the Complement Classical Activation Pathway in Human Systemic Autoimmune Diseases

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    The complement system consists of effector proteins, regulators, and receptors that participate in host defense against pathogens. Activation of the complement system, via the classical pathway (CP), has long been recognized in immune complex-mediated tissue injury, most notably systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Paradoxically, a complete deficiency of an early component of the CP, as evidenced by homozygous genetic deficiencies reported in human, are strongly associated with the risk of developing SLE or a lupus-like disease. Similarly, isotype deficiency attributable to a gene copy number variation, and/or the presence of autoantibodies directed against a CP component or a regulatory protein that result in an acquired deficiency are relatively common in SLE patients. Applying accurate assay methodologies with rigorous data validations, low gene copy numbers of total C4, heterozygous and homozygous deficiencies of C4A have been shown as medium to large effect size risk factors, while high copy numbers of total C4 or C4A as prevalent protective factors, of European and East-Asian SLE. Here, we summarize the current knowledge related to genetic deficiency and insufficiency, and acquired protein alterations for C1q, C1r, C1s, C4A/C4B, and C2 in disease pathogenesis and prognosis of SLE, and, briefly, for other systemic autoimmune diseases. As the complement system is increasingly found to be associated with autoimmune diseases, it has become an attractive therapeutic target. We highlight the recent developments and offer a balanced perspective concerning future investigations and therapeutic applications with a focus on early components of the CP in human systemic autoimmune diseases

    Observations of Microwave Continuum Emission from Air Shower Plasmas

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    We investigate a possible new technique for microwave measurements of ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) extensive air showers which relies on detection of expected continuum radiation in the microwave range, caused by free-electron collisions with neutrals in the tenuous plasma left after the passage of the shower. We performed an initial experiment at the AWA (Argonne Wakefield Accelerator) laboratory in 2003 and measured broadband microwave emission from air ionized via high energy electrons and photons. A follow-up experiment at SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) in summer of 2004 confirmed the major features of the previous AWA observations with better precision and made additional measurements relevant to the calorimetric capabilities of the method. Prompted by these results we built a prototype detector using satellite television technology, and have made measurements indicating possible detection of cosmic ray extensive air showers. The method, if confirmed by experiments now in progress, could provide a high-duty cycle complement to current nitrogen fluorescence observations of UHECR, which are limited to dark, clear nights. By contrast, decimeter microwave observations can be made both night and day, in clear or cloudy weather, or even in the presence of moderate precipitation.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    Hormony tarczycy i otyłość: znana, lecz słabo rozpoznana relacja

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    Hormony tarczycy (thyroid hormones, TH) są zaangażowane w wiele różnych procesów biologicznych, wliczając rozwój układu nerwowego, regulację metabolizmu pośredniego oraz zużycie energii. Aktywnie uczestniczą w podstawowym zużyciu energii i termogenezie adaptacyjnej i z tego względu mogą mieć wpływ na masę ciała w przebiegu chorób tarczycy. Otyłość to niezakaźna, przewlekła, zapalna choroba metaboliczna, która implikuje dodatni bilans energetyczny. Tkanka tłuszczowa produkuje szereg hormonów i adipocytokin, takich jak leptyna, które mogą wpływać na stan tarczycy na różnych poziomach. Istnieją dowody na to, że dysfunkcja tarczycy może predysponować do otyłości i odwrotnie, istnieją dowody sugerujące, że otyłość powoduje zmiany dotyczące tarczycy. Celem tej pracy było opisanie związku między układem tarczycy a otyłością. Ponadto w pracy zaprezentowano hipotetyczny model podkreślający znaczenie obwodowej dejodynacji hormonów tarczycy i jego rolę w ustanowieniu dodatniego bilansu energetycznego. Podsumowując, możemy stwierdzić, że relacja między układem tarczycy a otyłością i nadwagą jest złożona i obejmuje wiele poziomów interakcji. Ponadto, poddając ocenie otyłego pacjenta, powinno się rozważyć ocenę funkcji tarczycy, aby uzyskać lepsze i spersonalizowane efekty leczenia