891 research outputs found

    Anomalies on orbifolds with gauge symmetry breaking

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    We embed two 4D chiral multiplets of opposite representations in the 5D N=2 SU(N+K)SU(N+K) gauge theory compactified on an orbifold S1/(Z2×Z2)S^1/(Z_2\times Z'_2). There are two types of orbifold boundary conditions in the extra dimension to obtain the 4D N=1 SU(N)×SU(K)×U(1)SU(N)\times SU(K)\times U(1) gauge theory from the bulk: in Type I, one has the bulk gauge group at y=0y=0 and the unbroken gauge group at y=πR/2y=\pi R/2 while in Type II, one has the unbroken gauge group at both fixed points. In both types of orbifold boundary conditions, we consider the zero mode(s) as coming from a bulk (K+N)(K+N)-plet and brane fields at the fixed point(s) with the unbroken gauge group. We check the consistency of this embedding of fields by the localized anomalies and the localized FI terms. We show that the localized anomalies in Type I are cancelled exactly by the introduction of a bulk Chern-Simons term. On the other hand, in some class of Type II, the Chern-Simons term is not enough to cancel all localized anomalies even if they are globally vanishing. We also find that for the consistent embedding of brane fields, there appear only the localized log FI terms at the fixed point(s) with a U(1) factor.Comment: LaTeX file of 19 pages with no figure, published versio

    Can Gravitational Instantons Really Constrain Axion Inflation?

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    Axions play a central role in inflationary model building and other cosmological applications. This is mainly due to their flat potential, which is protected by a global shift symmetry. However, quantum gravity is known to break global symmetries, the crucial effect in the present context being gravitational instantons or Giddings-Strominger wormholes. We attempt to quantify, as model-independently as possible, how large a scalar potential is induced by this general quantum gravity effect. We pay particular attention to the crucial issue which solutions can or cannot be trusted in the presence of a moduli-stabilisation and a Kaluza-Klein scale. An important conclusion is that, due to specific numerical prefactors, the effect is surprisingly small even in UV-completions with the highest possible scale offered by string theory. As we go along, we discuss in detail Euclidean wormholes, cored and extremal instantons, and how the latter arise from 5d Reissner-Nordstrom black holes. We attempt to dispel possible doubts that wormholes contribute to the scalar potential by an explicit calculation. We analyse the role of stabilised dilaton-like moduli. Finally, we argue that Euclidean wormholes may be the objects satisfying the Weak Gravity Conjecture extended to instantons

    Proton Decay in Supersymmetric GUT Models

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    The instability of protons is a crucial prediction of supersymmetric GUTs. We review the decay in minimal supersymmetric SU(5), which is dominated by dimension-five operators, and discuss the implications of the failure of Yukawa unification for the decay rate. In a consistent SU(5) model, where SU(5) relations among Yukawa couplings hold, the proton decay rate can be several orders of magnitude smaller than the present experimental bound. Finally, we discuss orbifold GUTs, where proton decay via dimension-five operators is absent. The branching ratios of dimension-six decay can significantly differ from those in four dimensions.Comment: DESY report number correcte

    Energy Transfer between Throats from a 10d Perspective

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    Strongly warped regions, also known as throats, are a common feature of the type IIB string theory landscape. If one of the throats is heated during cosmological evolution, the energy is subsequently transferred to other throats or to massless fields in the unwarped bulk of the Calabi-Yau orientifold. This energy transfer proceeds either by Hawking radiation from the black hole horizon in the heated throat or, at later times, by the decay of throat-localized Kaluza-Klein states. In both cases, we calculate in a 10d setup the energy transfer rate (respectively decay rate) as a function of the AdS scales of the throats and of their relative distance. Compared to existing results based on 5d models, we find a significant suppression of the energy transfer rates if the size of the embedding Calabi-Yau orientifold is much larger than the AdS radii of the throats. This effect can be partially compensated by a small distance between the throats. These results are relevant, e.g., for the analysis of reheating after brane inflation. Our calculation employs the dual gauge theory picture in which each throat is described by a strongly coupled 4d gauge theory, the degrees of freedom of which are localized at a certain position in the compact space.Comment: 25 pages; a comment adde

    Finite Temperature Effective Potential for the Abelian Higgs Model to the Order e4,λ2e^4,\lambda^2

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    A complete calculation of the finite temperature effective potential for the abelian Higgs model to the order e4,λ2e^4,\lambda^2 is presented and the result is expressed in terms of physical parameters defined at zero temperature. The absence of a linear term is verified explicitly to the given order and proven to survive to all orders. The first order phase transition has weakened in comparison with lower order calculation, which shows up in a considerable decrease of the surface tension. The only difference from the original version is the splitting of some overlong lines causing problems with certain mailers.Comment: 13 pages LaTex ( figures not included , hardcopy available on request : [email protected] or t00heb@dhhdesy3 ) , DESY 93-08

    Running Coupling with Minimal Length

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    In models with large additional dimensions, the GUT scale can be lowered to values accessible by future colliders. Due to modification of the loop corrections from particles propagating into the extra dimensions, the logarithmic running of the couplings of the Standard Model is turned into a power law. These loop-correction are divergent and the standard way to achieve finiteness is the introduction of a cut-off. The question remains, whether the results are reliable as they depend on an unphysical parameter. In this paper, we show that this running of the coupling can be calculated within a model including the existence of a minimal length scale. The minimal length acts as a natural regulator and allows us to confirm cut-off computations.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, typos corrected, replaced with published versio

    Neutrino Democracy, Fermion Mass Hierarchies And Proton Decay From 5D SU(5)

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    The explanation of various observed phenomena such as large angle neutrino oscillations, hierarchies of charged fermion masses and CKM mixings, and apparent baryon number conservation may have a common origin. We show how this could occur in 5D SUSY SU(5) supplemented by a U(1){\cal U}(1) flavor symmetry and additional matter supermultiplets called 'copies'. In addition, the proton decays into pKνp\to K\nu , with an estimated lifetime of order 1033103610^{33}-10^{36} yrs. Other decay channels include KeKe and KμK\mu with comparable rates. We also expect that BR(μeγ)(\mu \to e\gamma)\sim BR(τμγ)(\tau \to \mu \gamma)

    Multifield Dynamics in Higgs-otic Inflation

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    In Higgs-otic inflation a complex neutral scalar combination of the h0h^0 and H0H^0 MSSM Higgs fields plays the role of inflaton in a chaotic fashion. The potential is protected from large trans-Planckian corrections at large inflaton if the system is embedded in string theory so that the Higgs fields parametrize a D-brane position. The inflaton potential is then given by a DBI+CS D-brane action yielding an approximate linear behaviour at large field. The inflaton scalar potential is a 2-field model with specific non-canonical kinetic terms. Previous computations of the cosmological parameters (i.e. scalar and tensor perturbations) did not take into account the full 2-field character of the model, ignoring in particular the presence of isocurvature perturbations and their coupling to the adiabatic modes. It is well known that for generic 2-field potentials such effects may significantly alter the observational signatures of a given model. We perform a full analysis of adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations in the Higgs-otic 2-field model. We show that the predictivity of the model is increased compared to the adiabatic approximation. Isocurvature perturbations moderately feed back into adiabatic fluctuations. However, the isocurvature component is exponentially damped by the end of inflation. The tensor to scalar ratio varies in a region r=0.080.12r=0.08-0.12, consistent with combined Planck/BICEP results.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figure

    Unifying flipped SU(5) in five dimensions

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    It is shown that embedding a four-dimensional flipped SU(5) model in a five-dimensional SO(10) model, preserves the best features of both flipped SU(5) and SO(10). The missing partner mechanism, which naturally achieves both doublet-triplet splitting and suppression of d=5 proton decay operators, is realized as in flipped SU(5), while the gauge couplings are unified as in SO(10). The masses of down quarks and charged leptons, which are independent in flipped SU(5), are related by the SO(10). Distinctive patterns of quark and lepton masses can result. The gaugino mass M_1 is independent of M_3 and M_2, which are predicted to be equal.Comment: revised version-to appear in PRD, 23 pages, 3 figures, ReVTeX