124 research outputs found

    No Time to Think

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    This article reports on a study of how Canadian academics use on-line technologies to deal with increasing demands and time pressures. The results suggest that, in struggling to manage conflicting organizational and temporal priorities, academics are adopting practices to manage these conflicts which adversely affect the quality and content of their teaching and research. Moreover, these changes in practice are integral to reconstituting the temporal and organizational order of universities so they can function as nodes in the wired global economy. Academics are urged to vigorously champion temporal practices which allow time for reflection and the ‘deep presence’ required for creative intellectual work


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    Effekt av, og erfaringer med tiltak for unge som er blitt utsatt for tvangsekteskap eller æresrelatert vold: Systematisk litteratursøk med sortering

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    Source at https://www.fhi.no/The unit for Social Welfare Services in the Division for Health Ser-vices at the Norwegian Institute for Public Health was commis-sioned by The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Fam-ily Affairs to identify empirical research on the effect of and experi-ences of interventions for young people exposed to forced mar-riage or honour-based violence.Seksjon for velferdstjenester iområde for helsetjenester i Folkehel-seinstituttet fikk i oppdrag av Barne-, ungdoms-og familiedirektora-tet å identifisere forskning om effekt av og erfaring med tiltak for unge som er blitt utsatt for tvangsekteskap eller æresrelatert vold

    Do the nearby BHB stars belong to the Thick Disk or the Halo?

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    We study the Milky Way region Z<3.0 kpc, where the thick disk and inner halo overlap, by using the kinematics of local blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars (within 1 kpc) and new samples of BHB stars and A-type stars from the Century Survey. We derive Galactic U,V,W velocities for these BHB and A-type star samples using proper motions from the NOMAD catalog. The mean velocities and the velocity dispersions of the BHB samples (Z<3 kpc) are characteristic of the halo, while those of the Century Survey A-type stars are characteristic of the thick disk. There is no evidence from our samples that the BHB stars rotate with the thick disk in the region Z<3 kpc. Nearly a third of the nearby local RR Lyrae stars have disk kinematics and are more metal-rich than [Fe/H]~-1. Only a few percent of the Century Survey BHB stars have these properties. Only one nearby BHB star (HD 130201) is likely to be such a disk star but selection based on high proper motions will have tended to exclude such stars from the local sample. The scale height derived from a sample of local RR Lyrae stars agrees with that of the Century Survey BHB stars. The local samples of BHB stars and metal-weak red giants are too incomplete for a similar comparison.Comment: 14 pages, accepted to A

    Quality care in residential childcare institutions: a systematic scoping review

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    Source at https://www.fhi.no/publ/2020/gode-barnevernsinstitusjoner/Vi undersøkte hva forskning fra 2010-2019 sier om tiltak, metoder og strategier som skal legge til rette for god omsorg for barn og unge i barnevernsinstitusjoner

    Children and youths’ involvement in child welfare services: a systematic mapping review

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    Barn har rett til å medvirke i alle saker som vedrører dem. Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet (Bufdir) ønsket en oversikt over forskning som har undersøkt barn og unges medvirkning i barnevernet: 1) hvordan barn og unge involveres i barnevernet, 2) barn og unges opplevelser med og preferanser for medvirkning, 3) dilemmaer knyttet til medvirkning, og 4) effektene av medvirkning. Metode - Vi utførte en systematisk kartleggingsoversikt, dvs. en presentasjon av studiene sortert etter forskningsspørsmål. Vi inkluderte studier publisert i 2000-2020, utført i de nordiske land, Irland, Storbritannia, Nederland eller Belgia. Resultater - Vi inkluderte 77 studier. De fleste av studiene var utført i Storbritannia eller Norge og var kvalitative studier. De fleste av studiene hadde høy (41 %) eller middels (46 %) metodisk kvalitet. Mange av studiene besvarte to eller flere av forskningsspørsmålene. Resultatene var i korte trekk: Involvering: 52 studier beskrev spesifikke tiltak for å fremme barn og unges medvirkning, samt situasjoner/settinger hvor barn og unge blir involvert Erfaringer: 55 studier undersøkte barn og unges opplevelser med og preferanser for medvirkning Dilemmaer: 22 studier undersøkte barrierer, dilemmaer og tilretteleggere knyttet til barn og unges medvirking Effekt: én studie undersøkte effekt av barn og unges medvirkning</ul

    Embedding clinical research in pre-registration nursing and midwifery programmes

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    Background: Within the UK, there is a goal that research is embedded into everyday healthcare practice. Currently education provided to students at pre-registration level is theoretical, with little focus on clinical research delivery. Aims: The paper’s aim is to report on the development and evaluation of a pre-registration clinical research resource for nursing and midwifery students with direct application to clinical settings and patient care outcomes. Methods: An initial survey assessed whether the learning resource was useful for nursing pre-registration students. Based on the findings, alongside expert stakeholder input, adaptations were made to the learning resources and a second survey re-evaluated the learning resources. Survey findings were analysed using descriptive statistics. Free text responses were thematically grouped. Results: Ninety-seven pre-registration nursing students responded. Most students agreed that they had enjoyed using the resources, had improved understanding of clinical research, anticipated being actively involved in research and would consider a future clinical research role. Conclusions: The learning resources can help overcome barriers to research engagement by nurses and midwives. The results demonstrate that research can be incorporated into clinical, educational and academic roles, highlighting their worth in supporting the clinical research workforce

    The Future of Comparative and International Education in a Globalised World

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    Abstract – This article examines the history and future prospects of comparative and international education with particular reference to the impact of globalisation and Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs). Connections and interactions between comparative educationists and the technologies of printing and electronic communications are examined in a historical context. The global nature of commu-nications in comparative and international education is demonstrated both spatially and historically, using information from all regions of the world. The changing nature of technologies is noted to have broadened the audience for comparative insights. The development of textbooks, journals, conferences, international agencies, the Internet, web-based communications, and professional comparative education soci-eties is related to the themes of communications and globalisation. Zusammenfassung – In diesem Artikel werden die Geschichte und die künftigen Aussichten der vergleichenden und internationalen Bildung untersucht mit besonderem Augenmerk auf den Einfluss von Globalisierung und Informations- und Kom-munikationstechnologien. Verbindungen und Interaktionen zwischen vergleichende