65 research outputs found

    Special issue on remote sensing of ocean color : Theory and applications

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    The editorial team are delighted to present this Special Issue of Sensors focused on Remote Sensing of Ocean Color: Theory and Applications. We believe that this is a timely opportunity to showcase current developments across a broad range of topics in ocean color remote sensing (OCRS). Although the field is well-established, in this Special Issue we are able to highlight advances in the applications of the technology, our understanding of the underpinning science, and its relevance in the context of monitoring climate change and engaging public participation

    Different Observational Methods and the Detection of Seasonal and Atlantic Influence Upon Phytoplankton Communities in the Western Barents Sea

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    Phytoplankton community composition, and its dependency on environmental variation, are key to understanding marine primary production, processes of trophic transfer and the role of marine phytoplankton in global biogeochemical cycles. Understanding changes in phytoplankton community composition on Arctic shelves is important, because these productive environments are experiencing rapid change. Many different methods have been employed by researchers to quantify phytoplankton community composition. Previous studies have demonstrated that the way in which community composition is quantified can influence the interpretation of environmental dependencies. Researchers must consider both the suitability of the data they collect for monitoring marine ecosystems, as well as the research effort required to collect representative datasets. We therefore seek to understand how the representation of phytoplankton community structure in the western Barents Sea, a rapidly changing Arctic shelf sea, influences the interpretation of environmental dependencies. We compare datasets of cell counts, phytoplankton pigments and bio-optics (absorption spectra), relating them to a suite of environmental conditions with multivariate exploratory analyses. We show that, while cell counts reveal the greatest insight into environmental dependencies, pigment and absorption spectral datasets still provide useful information about seasonal succession and the influence of Atlantic water masses– two key subjects of great research interest in this region. As pigments and optical properties influence remotely-sensed ocean-colour, these findings hold implications for remote detection of phytoplankton community composition

    AI facilitated fluoro-electrochemical phytoplankton classification

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    Marine phytoplankton is extremely diverse. Counting and characterising phytoplankton is essential for understanding climate change and ocean health not least since phytoplankton extensively biomineralize carbon dioxide whilst generating 50% of the planet's oxygen. We report the use of fluoro-electrochemical microscopy to distinguish different taxonomies of phytoplankton by the quenching of their chlorophyll-a fluorescence using chemical species oxidatively electrogenerated in situin seawater. The rate of chlorophyll-a quenching of each cell is characteristic of the species-specific structural composition and cellular content. But with increasing diversity and extent of phytoplankton species under study, human interpretation and distinction of the resulting fluorescence transients becomes increasingly and prohibitively difficult. Thus, we further report a neural network to analyse these fluorescence transients, with an accuracy >95% classifying 29 phytoplankton strains to their taxonomic orders. This method transcends the state-of-the-art. The success of the fluoro-electrochemical microscopy combined with AI provides a novel, flexible and highly granular solution to phytoplankton classification and is adaptable for autonomous ocean monitoring

    Calcifying coccolithophore: an evolutionary advantage against extracellular oxidative damage

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    The evolutionary advantages afforded by phytoplankton calcification remain enigmatic. In this work, fluoroelectrochemical experiments reveal that the presence of a CaCO3 shell of a naturally calcifying coccolithophore, Coccolithus braarudii, offers protection against extracellular oxidants as measured by the time required for the switch-off in their chlorophyll signal, compared to the deshelled equivalents, suggesting the shift toward calcification offers some advantages for survival in the surface of radical-rich seawater

    Isotopic fractionation of carbon during uptake by phytoplankton across the South Atlantic subtropical convergence

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    The stable isotopic composition of particulate organic carbon (δ13CPOC) in the surface waters of the global ocean can vary with the aqueous CO2 concentration ([CO2(aq)]) and affects the trophic transfer of carbon isotopes in the marine food web. Other factors such as cell size, growth rate and carbon concentrating mechanisms decouple this observed correlation. Here, the variability in δ13CPOC is investigated in surface waters across the south subtropical convergence (SSTC) in the Atlantic Ocean, to determine carbon isotope fractionation (ϵp) by phytoplankton and the contrasting mechanisms of carbon uptake in the subantarctic and subtropical water masses. Our results indicate that cell size is the primary determinant of δ13CPOC across the Atlantic SSTC in summer. Combining cell size estimates with CO2 concentrations, we can accurately estimate "p within the varying surface water masses in this region. We further utilize these results to investigate future changes in "p with increased anthropogenic carbon availability. Our results suggest that smaller cells, which are prevalent in the subtropical ocean, will respond less to increased [CO2(aq)] than the larger cells found south of the SSTC and in the wider Southern Ocean. In the subantarctic water masses, isotopic fractionation during carbon uptake will likely increase, both with increasing CO2 availability to the cell, but also if increased stratification leads to decreases in average community cell size. Coupled with decreasing δ13C of [CO2(aq)] due to anthropogenic CO2 emissions, this change in isotopic fractionation and lowering of δ13CPOC may propagate through the marine food web, with implications for the use of δ13CPOC as a tracer of dietary sources in the marine environment

    A novel fluoro-electrochemical technique for classifying diverse marine nanophytoplankton

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    To broaden our understanding of pelagic ecosystem responses to environmental change, it is essential that we improve the spatiotemporal resolution of in situ monitoring of phytoplankton communities. A key challenge for existing methods is in classifying and quantifying cells within the nanophytoplankton size range (2–20 μm). This is particularly difficult when there are similarities in morphology, making visual differentiation difficult for both trained taxonomists and machine learning-based approaches. Here we present a rapid fluoro-electrochemical technique for classifying nanophytoplankton, and using a library of 52 diverse strains of nanophytoplankton we assess the accuracy of this technique based on two measurements at the individual level: charge required to reduce per cell chlorophyll a fluorescence by 50% and cell radius. We demonstrate a high degree of accuracy overall (92%) in categorizing cells belonging to widely recognized key functional groups; however, this is reduced when we consider the broader diversity of “nano-phytoflagellates'.” Notably, we observe that some groups, for example, calcifying Isochrysidales, have much greater resilience to electrochemically driven oxidative conditions relative to others of a similar size, making them more easily categorized by the technique. The findings of this study present a promising step forward in advancing our toolkit for monitoring phytoplankton communities. We highlight that, for improved categorization accuracy, future iterations of the method can be enhanced by measuring additional predictor variables with minimal adjustments to the set-up. In doing so, we foresee this technique being highly applicable, and potentially invaluable, for in situ classification and enumeration of the nanophytoplankton size fraction

    Ecophysiological basis of spatiotemporal patterns in picophytoplankton pigments in the global ocean

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    Information on the intracellular content and functional diversity of phytoplankton pigments can provide valuable insight on the ecophysiological state of primary producers and the flow of energy within aquatic ecosystems. Combined global datasets of analytical flow cytometry (AFC) cell counts and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) pigment concentrations were used to examine vertical and seasonal variability in the ratios of phytoplankton pigments in relation to indices of cellular photoacclimation. Across all open ocean datasets, the weight-to-weight ratio of photoprotective to photosynthetic pigments showed a strong depth dependence that tracked the vertical decline in the relative availability of light. The Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) dataset revealed a general increase in surface values of the relative concentrations of photoprotective carotenoids from the winter-spring phytoplankton communities dominated by low-light acclimated eukaryotic microalgae to the summer and early autumn communities dominated by high-light acclimated picocyanobacteria. In Prochlorococcus-dominated waters, the vertical decline in the relative contribution of photoprotective pigments to total pigment concentration could be attributed in large part to changes in the cellular content of photosynthetic pigments (PSP) rather than photoprotective pigments (PPP), as evidenced by a depth-dependent increase of the intracellular concentration of the divinyl chlorophyll-a (DVChl-a) whilst the intracellular concentration of the PPP zeaxanthin remained relatively uniform with depth. The ability of Prochlorococcus cells to adjust their DVChl-a cell-1 over a large gradient in light intensity was reflected in more highly variable estimates of carbon-to-Chl-a ratio compared to those reported for other phytoplankton groups. This cellular property is likely the combined result of photoacclimatory changes at the cellular level and a shift in dominant ecotypes. Developing a mechanistic understanding of sources of variability in pigmentation of picocyanobacteria is critical if the pigment markers and bio-optical properties of these cells are to be used to map their biogeography and serve as indicators of photoacclimatory state of subtropical phytoplankton communities more broadly. It would also allow better assessment of effects on, and adaptability of phytoplankton communities in the tropical/subtropical ocean due to climate change

    What do we need to know to safely store CO2 beneath our shelf seas? Stakeholder workshop report

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    This report summarises the content and discussion of an Agile Initiative workshop held at the University of Oxford on March 1st 2024, discussing “what do we need to know to safely store CO2 in our UK continental shelf seas?