1,699 research outputs found

    A high resolution solar atlas for fluorescence calculations

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    The characteristics required of a solar atlas to be used for studying the fluorescence process in comets are examined. Several sources of low resolution data were combined to provide an absolutely calibrated spectrum from 2250 A to 7000A. Three different sources of high resolution data were also used to cover this same spectral range. The low resolution data were then used to put each high resolution spectrum on an absolute scale. The three high resolution spectra were then combined in their overlap regions to produce a single, absolutely calibrated high resolution spectrum over the entire spectral range

    Pre-hospital pain management patterns and triage nurse documentation

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    Introduction: Little is known about the public's preferences for pain management prior to attending an Emergency Department (ED). Therefore, the aim of the study was to explore (i) triage documentation of pre-hospital analgesic patterns for patients presenting in pain; (ii) patient documented explanations for not self administering an analgesic in the pre-hospital setting; (iii) triage nurse documentation of pain descriptors and or pain scores; and (iv) the disposition of ED patients presenting in pain. Method: A 2-week retrospective exploratory review was conducted. Results: There were 2142 ED presentations during the 2-week study and 52% of patients had documented evidence of arriving with a painful condition. Of the 1113 patients 60% were documented to be in pain on arrival. Of the group documented to have arrived in pain only 28% self-administered or received an analgesic in the pre-hospital/community setting. Patients provided a variety of reasons for not self-administering a pre-hospital analgesic. Conclusion: Unnecessary suffering may be avoided if the public had a better understanding of pain and the benefits of pain management. Further research is required to better understand the beliefs and attitudes towards pain and pain management by clinicians and the public. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd

    Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Token Jumping on Planar Graphs

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    Suppose that we are given two independent sets I0I_0 and IrI_r of a graph such that ∣I0∣=∣Ir∣|I_0| = |I_r|, and imagine that a token is placed on each vertex in I0I_0. The token jumping problem is to determine whether there exists a sequence of independent sets which transforms I0I_0 into IrI_r so that each independent set in the sequence results from the previous one by moving exactly one token to another vertex. This problem is known to be PSPACE-complete even for planar graphs of maximum degree three, and W[1]-hard for general graphs when parameterized by the number of tokens. In this paper, we present a fixed-parameter algorithm for the token jumping problem on planar graphs, where the parameter is only the number of tokens. Furthermore, the algorithm can be modified so that it finds a shortest sequence for a yes-instance. The same scheme of the algorithms can be applied to a wider class of graphs, K3,tK_{3,t}-free graphs for any fixed integer t≥3t \ge 3, and it yields fixed-parameter algorithms

    The complexity of dominating set reconfiguration

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    Suppose that we are given two dominating sets DsD_s and DtD_t of a graph GG whose cardinalities are at most a given threshold kk. Then, we are asked whether there exists a sequence of dominating sets of GG between DsD_s and DtD_t such that each dominating set in the sequence is of cardinality at most kk and can be obtained from the previous one by either adding or deleting exactly one vertex. This problem is known to be PSPACE-complete in general. In this paper, we study the complexity of this decision problem from the viewpoint of graph classes. We first prove that the problem remains PSPACE-complete even for planar graphs, bounded bandwidth graphs, split graphs, and bipartite graphs. We then give a general scheme to construct linear-time algorithms and show that the problem can be solved in linear time for cographs, trees, and interval graphs. Furthermore, for these tractable cases, we can obtain a desired sequence such that the number of additions and deletions is bounded by O(n)O(n), where nn is the number of vertices in the input graph

    Reconfiguring Independent Sets in Claw-Free Graphs

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    We present a polynomial-time algorithm that, given two independent sets in a claw-free graph GG, decides whether one can be transformed into the other by a sequence of elementary steps. Each elementary step is to remove a vertex vv from the current independent set SS and to add a new vertex ww (not in SS) such that the result is again an independent set. We also consider the more restricted model where vv and ww have to be adjacent

    Reconfiguration of Dominating Sets

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    We explore a reconfiguration version of the dominating set problem, where a dominating set in a graph GG is a set SS of vertices such that each vertex is either in SS or has a neighbour in SS. In a reconfiguration problem, the goal is to determine whether there exists a sequence of feasible solutions connecting given feasible solutions ss and tt such that each pair of consecutive solutions is adjacent according to a specified adjacency relation. Two dominating sets are adjacent if one can be formed from the other by the addition or deletion of a single vertex. For various values of kk, we consider properties of Dk(G)D_k(G), the graph consisting of a vertex for each dominating set of size at most kk and edges specified by the adjacency relation. Addressing an open question posed by Haas and Seyffarth, we demonstrate that DΓ(G)+1(G)D_{\Gamma(G)+1}(G) is not necessarily connected, for Γ(G)\Gamma(G) the maximum cardinality of a minimal dominating set in GG. The result holds even when graphs are constrained to be planar, of bounded tree-width, or bb-partite for b≥3b \ge 3. Moreover, we construct an infinite family of graphs such that Dγ(G)+1(G)D_{\gamma(G)+1}(G) has exponential diameter, for γ(G)\gamma(G) the minimum size of a dominating set. On the positive side, we show that Dn−m(G)D_{n-m}(G) is connected and of linear diameter for any graph GG on nn vertices having at least m+1m+1 independent edges.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Token Jumping in minor-closed classes

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    Given two kk-independent sets II and JJ of a graph GG, one can ask if it is possible to transform the one into the other in such a way that, at any step, we replace one vertex of the current independent set by another while keeping the property of being independent. Deciding this problem, known as the Token Jumping (TJ) reconfiguration problem, is PSPACE-complete even on planar graphs. Ito et al. proved in 2014 that the problem is FPT parameterized by kk if the input graph is K3,â„“K_{3,\ell}-free. We prove that the result of Ito et al. can be extended to any Kâ„“,â„“K_{\ell,\ell}-free graphs. In other words, if GG is a Kâ„“,â„“K_{\ell,\ell}-free graph, then it is possible to decide in FPT-time if II can be transformed into JJ. As a by product, the TJ-reconfiguration problem is FPT in many well-known classes of graphs such as any minor-free class

    New Complexity Results and Algorithms for the Minimum Tollbooth Problem

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    The inefficiency of the Wardrop equilibrium of nonatomic routing games can be eliminated by placing tolls on the edges of a network so that the socially optimal flow is induced as an equilibrium flow. A solution where the minimum number of edges are tolled may be preferable over others due to its ease of implementation in real networks. In this paper we consider the minimum tollbooth (MINTB) problem, which seeks social optimum inducing tolls with minimum support. We prove for single commodity networks with linear latencies that the problem is NP-hard to approximate within a factor of 1.13771.1377 through a reduction from the minimum vertex cover problem. Insights from network design motivate us to formulate a new variation of the problem where, in addition to placing tolls, it is allowed to remove unused edges by the social optimum. We prove that this new problem remains NP-hard even for single commodity networks with linear latencies, using a reduction from the partition problem. On the positive side, we give the first exact polynomial solution to the MINTB problem in an important class of graphs---series-parallel graphs. Our algorithm solves MINTB by first tabulating the candidate solutions for subgraphs of the series-parallel network and then combining them optimally

    Microbiome: The impact of the microbiota–gut–brain axis on endometriosis-associated symptoms:mechanisms and opportunities for personalised management strategies

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    Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting one in ten women and those assigned female at birth, defined by the presence of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus. It is commonly associated with pain, infertility, and mood disorders, and is often comorbid with other chronic pain conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome. Recent research has identified a key role for the microbiota–gut–brain axis in health and a range of inflammatory and neurological disorders, prompting an exploration of its potential mechanistic role in endometriosis. Increased awareness of the impact of the gut microbiota within the patient community, combined with the often-detrimental side effects of current therapies, has motivated many to utilise self-management strategies, such as dietary modification and supplements, despite a lack of robust clinical evidence. Current research has characterised the gut microbiota in endometriosis patients and animal models. However, small cohorts and differing methodology have resulted in little consensus on the data. In this narrative review, we summarise research studies that have investigated the role of gut microbiota and their metabolic products in the development and progression of endometriosis lesions, before summarising insights from research into co-morbid conditions and discussing the reported impact of self-management strategies on symptoms of endometriosis. Finally, we suggest ways in which this promising field of research could be expanded to explore the role of specific bacteria, improve access to ‘microbial’ phenotyping, and develop personalised patient advice for reduction of symptoms such as chronic pain and bloating

    Confidentiality and public protection: ethical dilemmas in qualitative research with adult male sex offenders

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    This paper considers the ethical tensions present when engaging in in-depth interviews with convicted sex offenders. Many of the issues described below are similar to those found in other sensitive areas of research. However, confidentiality and public protection are matters that require detailed consideration when the desire to know more about men who have committed serious and harmful offences is set against the possibility of a researcher not disclosing previously unknown sensitive information that relates to the risk of someone being harmed.</p
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