236 research outputs found

    Hydro-Thermal Vent Mapping with Multiple AUV's AZORES-2001

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    LONG TERM GOAL: The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and the Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon (IST) have a long standing memorandum of agreement dating back to 1994 for the exchange of scientific ideas, visits of faculty and students, and to perform collaborative work. In the past we have collaborated on joint papers, the shared supervision of doctoral work, and a shared effort on the evaluation of AUV control system methodology. This is a NICOP project aimed at developing the technology of multiple cooperating AUV's in a shallow water vent-mapping mission. The missions to be conducted in the AZORES Islands will develop multi-vehicle cooperative strategies and control using radio and acoustic communications. Results of both sonar and video images will be obtained in which the Portuguese vehicle – INFANTE, and a surface catamaran (DELFIM) will perform broad area survey to identify vent clusters, while the NPS vehicle – ARIES, will be used to reacquire vent cluster locations, and perform local area searches with close in video data gathering.Award # N0001400AF0000

    Human MAIT cells endowed with HBV specificity are cytotoxic and migrate towards HBV-HCC while retaining antimicrobial functions

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    Background & Aims: Virus-specific T cell dysfunction is a common feature of HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HBV-HCC). Conventional T (ConT) cells can be redirected towards viral antigens in HBV-HCC when they express an HBV-specific receptor; however, their efficacy can be impaired by liver-specific physical and metabolic features. Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells are the most abundant innate-like T cells in the liver and can elicit potent intrahepatic effector functions. Here, we engineered ConT and MAIT cells to kill HBV expressing hepatoma cells and compared their functional properties. Methods: Donor-matched ConT and MAIT cells were engineered to express an HBV-specific T cell receptor (TCR). Cytotoxicity and hepatocyte homing potential were investigated using flow cytometry, real-time killing assays, and confocal microscopy in 2D and 3D HBV-HCC cell models. Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-related molecule (MR1)-dependent and MR1-independent activation was evaluated in an Escherichia coli THP-1 cell model and by IL-12/IL-18 stimulation, respectively. Results: HBV TCR-MAIT cells demonstrated polyfunctional properties (CD107a, interferon [IFN] γ, tumour necrosis factor [TNF], and IL-17A) with strong HBV target sensitivity and liver-homing chemokine receptor expression when compared with HBV TCR-ConT cells. TCR-mediated lysis of hepatoma cells was comparable between the cell types and augmented in the presence of inflammation. Coculturing with HBV+ target cells in a 3D microdevice mimicking aspects of the liver microenvironment demonstrated that TCR-MAIT cells migrate readily towards hepatoma targets. Expression of an ectopic TCR did not affect the ability of the MAIT cells to be activated via MR1-presented bacterial antigens or IL-12/IL-18 stimulation. Conclusions: HBV TCR-MAIT cells demonstrate anti-HBV functions without losing their endogenous antimicrobial mechanisms or hepatotropic features. Our results support future exploitations of MAIT cells for liver-directed immunotherapies. Lay summary: Chronic HBV infection is a leading cause of liver cancer. T cell receptor (TCR)-engineered T cells are patients’ immune cells that have been modified to recognise virus-infected and/or cancer cells. Herein, we evaluated whether mucosal-associated invariant T cells, a large population of unconventional T cells in the liver, could recognise and kill HBV infected hepatocytes when engineered with an HBV-specific TCR. We show that their effector functions may exceed those of conventional T cells currently used in the clinic, including antimicrobial properties and chemokine receptor profiles better suited for targeting liver tumours

    Plantar forefoot pressures in psoriatic arthritis-related dactylitis: an exploratory study

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    Dactylitis is a common feature of psoriatic arthritis (PsA); local physical trauma has been identified as a possible contributing factor. The aim of this study was to explore differences in forefoot plantar pressures in patients with PsA with and without dactylitis and compare to healthy controls. Thirty-six participants were recruited into three groups: group A PsA plus a history of dactylitis; group B PsA, no dactylitis; group C control participants. Forefoot plantar pressures were measured barefoot and in-shoe at the left second and fourth toes and corresponding metatarsophalangeal joints. Temporal and spatial parameters were measured and data from the foot impact scale for rheumatoid arthritis (FIS-RA), EQ5D and health assessment questionnaire (HAQ) were collected. Pressure time integral peak plantar pressure, and contact time barefoot and in-shoe were not significantly different between groups. Temporal and spatial parameters reported no significant differences between groups. ANOVA analysis and subsequent post hoc testing using Games-Howell test yielded significance in FIS-RA scores between both PsA groups versus controls, A p ≤ 0.0001 and PsA group B p < 0.0001 in the FIS-RA impairment and footwear domain, PsA group A p < 0.03 and PsA group B p ≤ 0.05 in the FIS-RA activity and participation domain compared to controls. This is the first exploratory study to investigate forefoot plantar pressures in patients with and without historical dactylitis in PsA. FIS-RA scores indicate PsA patients have significant limitations compared to controls, although a history of dactylitis does not appear to worsen patient reported outcomes

    Transcriptomic analysis of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma reveals a multi-gene prognostic signature associated with metastasis

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    Background: Metastasis of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is uncommon. Current staging methods are reported to have sub-optimal performances in metastasis prediction. Accurate identification of patients with tumours at high risk of metastasis would have a significant impact on management.Objective: To develop a robust and validated gene expression profile (GEP) signature for predicting primary cSCC metastatic risk using an unbiased whole transcriptome discovery-driven approach.Methods: Archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded primary cSCC with perilesional normal tissue from 237 immunocompetent patients (151 non-metastasising and 86 metastasising) were collected retrospectively from four centres. TempO-seq was used to probe the whole transcriptome and machine learning algorithms were applied to derive predictive signatures, with a 3:1 split for training and testing datasets.Results: A 20-gene prognostic model was developed and validated, with an accuracy of 86.0%, sensitivity of 85.7%, specificity of 86.1%, and positive predictive value of 78.3% in the testing set, providing more stable, accurate prediction than pathological staging systems. A linear predictor was also developed, significantly correlating with metastatic risk.Limitations: This was a retrospective 4-centre study and larger prospective multicentre studies are now required.Conclusion: The 20-gene signature prediction is accurate, with the potential to be incorporated into clinical workflows for cSCC

    Using the split squat to potentiate bilateral and unilateral jump performance

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    The purpose of this study was to examine if a split squat conditioning exercise with no or light loads could potentiate unilateral and bilateral jump performance. Twelve semi-professional rugby players (age: 22.3 +/- 1.4 years; height: 1.84 +/- 0.05 m, mass: 92.4 +/- 9.6 kg) from the English National League 1 performed a series of unilateral and bilateral countermovement jumps (CMJ) and broad jumps (BJ) over the course of two testing days. Both testing days involved performing baseline jumps before completing two sets of ten repetitions of a split squat, this completed with either bodyweight (testing session 1) or a 30kg weighted vest (testing session 2). A five-minute recovery period was permitted both following the warm up and following the completion of the split squat exercise. Significantly larger bilateral jump scores were reported following completion of the bodyweight split squat: CMJ (p = 0.001, ES = 0.44, [mean difference 2.517]), BJ (p = 0.001, ES = 0.37, [mean difference 3.817]), and the weighted vest split squat; CMJ (p = 0.001, ES = 0.8, [mean difference 4.383]), BJ (p = 0.001, ES = 0.68, [mean difference 6.817]). The findings of this study demonstrate that no or light loads of a split squat conditioning exercise are able to potentiate bilateral jump performance in semi-professional rugby players without the need for expensive weight room equipment. As such, this may provide coaches with a viable option of enhancing bilateral jump performance as part of a warm up or on-field conditioning practice

    CMIP5 Historical Simulations (1850-2012) with GISS ModelE2

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    Observations of climate change during the CMIP5 extended historical period (1850-2012) are compared to trends simulated by six versions of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies ModelE2 Earth System Model. The six models are constructed from three versions of the ModelE2 atmospheric general circulation model, distinguished by their treatment of atmospheric composition and the aerosol indirect effect, combined with two ocean general circulation models, HYCOM and Russell. Forcings that perturb the model climate during the historical period are described. Five-member ensemble averages from each of the six versions of ModelE2 simulate trends of surface air temperature, atmospheric temperature, sea ice and ocean heat content that are in general agreement with observed trends, although simulated warming is slightly excessive within the past decade. Only simulations that include increasing concentrations of long-lived greenhouse gases match the warming observed during the twentieth century. Differences in twentieth-century warming among the six model versions can be attributed to differences in climate sensitivity, aerosol and ozone forcing, and heat uptake by the deep ocean. Coupled models with HYCOM export less heat to the deep ocean, associated with reduced surface warming in regions of deepwater formation, but greater warming elsewhere at high latitudes along with reduced sea ice. All ensembles show twentieth-century annular trends toward reduced surface pressure at southern high latitudes and a poleward shift of the midlatitude westerlies, consistent with observations
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