19 research outputs found

    The Sun as a planet-host star : proxies from SDO images for HARPS radial-velocity variations

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    RDH gratefully acknowledges STFC studentship grant number ST/J500744/1, and a grant from the John Templeton Foundation. ACC and RF acknowledge support from STFC consolidated grants numbers ST/J001651/1 and ST/M001296/1. JL acknowledges support from NASA Origins of the Solar System grant No. NNX13AH79G and from STFC grant ST/M001296/1.The Sun is the only star whose surface can be directly resolved at high resolution, and therefore constitutes an excellent test case to explore the physical origin of stellar radial-velocity (RV) variability. We present HARPS observations of sunlight scattered off the bright asteroid 4/Vesta, from which we deduced the Sun's activity-driven RV variations. In parallel, the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager instrument on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory provided us with simultaneous high spatial resolution magnetograms, Dopplergrams and continuum images of the Sun in the Fe i 6173 Å line. We determine the RV modulation arising from the suppression of granular blueshift in magnetized regions and the flux imbalance induced by dark spots and bright faculae. The rms velocity amplitudes of these contributions are 2.40 and 0.41 m s−1, respectively, which confirms that the inhibition of convection is the dominant source of activity-induced RV variations at play, in accordance with previous studies. We find the Doppler imbalances of spot and plage regions to be only weakly anticorrelated. Light curves can thus only give incomplete predictions of convective blueshift suppression. We must instead seek proxies that track the plage coverage on the visible stellar hemisphere directly. The chromospheric flux index R′HK derived from the HARPS spectra performs poorly in this respect, possibly because of the differences in limb brightening/darkening in the chromosphere and photosphere. We also find that the activity-driven RV variations of the Sun are strongly correlated with its full-disc magnetic flux density, which may become a useful proxy for activity-related RV noise.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Leveraging Space-based Data from the Nearest Solar-type Star to Better Understand Stellar Activity Signatures in Radial Velocity Data

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    Stellar variability is a key obstacle in reaching the sensitivity required to recover Earth-like exoplanetary signals using the radial velocity (RV) detection method. To explore activity signatures in Sun-like stars, we present SolAster, a publicly distributed analysis pipeline10 that allows for comparison of space-based measurements with ground-based disk-integrated RVs. Using high-spatial-resolution Dopplergrams, magnetograms, and continuum filtergrams from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), we estimate "Sun-as-a-star" disk-integrated RVs due to rotationally modulated flux imbalances and convective blueshift suppression, as well as other observables such as unsigned magnetic flux. Comparing these measurements with ground-based RVs from the NEID instrument, which observes the Sun daily using an automated solar telescope, we find a strong relationship between magnetic activity indicators and RV variation, supporting efforts to examine unsigned magnetic flux as a proxy for stellar activity in slowly rotating stars. Detrending against measured unsigned magnetic flux allows us to improve the NEID RV measurements by ∼20% (∼50 cm s−1 in a quadrature sum), yielding an rms scatter of ∼60 cm s−1 over five months. We also explore correlations between individual and averaged spectral line shapes in the NEID spectra and SDO-derived magnetic activity indicators, motivating future studies of these observables. Finally, applying SolAster to archival planetary transits of Venus and Mercury, we demonstrate the ability to recover small amplitude (<50 cm s−1) RV variations in the SDO data by directly measuring the Rossiter–McLaughlin signals

    Leveraging Space-based Data from the Nearest Solar-type Star to Better Understand Stellar Activity Signatures in Radial Velocity Data

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    Stellar variability is a key obstacle in reaching the sensitivity required to recover Earth-like exoplanetary signals using the radial velocity (RV) detection method. To explore activity signatures in Sun-like stars, we present SolAster, a publicly distributed analysis pipeline10 that allows for comparison of space-based measurements with ground-based disk-integrated RVs. Using high-spatial-resolution Dopplergrams, magnetograms, and continuum filtergrams from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), we estimate "Sun-as-a-star" disk-integrated RVs due to rotationally modulated flux imbalances and convective blueshift suppression, as well as other observables such as unsigned magnetic flux. Comparing these measurements with ground-based RVs from the NEID instrument, which observes the Sun daily using an automated solar telescope, we find a strong relationship between magnetic activity indicators and RV variation, supporting efforts to examine unsigned magnetic flux as a proxy for stellar activity in slowly rotating stars. Detrending against measured unsigned magnetic flux allows us to improve the NEID RV measurements by ∼20% (∼50 cm s−1 in a quadrature sum), yielding an rms scatter of ∼60 cm s−1 over five months. We also explore correlations between individual and averaged spectral line shapes in the NEID spectra and SDO-derived magnetic activity indicators, motivating future studies of these observables. Finally, applying SolAster to archival planetary transits of Venus and Mercury, we demonstrate the ability to recover small amplitude (<50 cm s−1) RV variations in the SDO data by directly measuring the Rossiter–McLaughlin signals

    Using HARPS-N to characterise the long-period planets in the PH-2 and Kepler-103 systems

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    We present confirmation of the planetary nature of PH-2b, as well as the first mass estimates for the two planets in the Kepler-103 system. PH-2b and Kepler-103c are both long-period and transiting, a sparsely-populated category of exoplanet. We use {\it Kepler} light-curve data to estimate a radius, and then use HARPS-N radial velocities to determine the semi-amplitude of the stellar reflex motion and, hence, the planet mass. For PH-2b we recover a 3.5-σ\sigma mass estimate of Mp=109−32+30M_p = 109^{+30}_{-32} M⊕_\oplus and a radius of Rp=9.49±0.16R_p = 9.49\pm0.16 R⊕_\oplus. This means that PH-2b has a Saturn-like bulk density and is the only planet of this type with an orbital period P>200P > 200 days that orbits a single star. We find that Kepler-103b has a mass of Mp,b=11.7−4.72+4.31M_{\text{p,b}} = 11.7^{+4.31}_{-4.72} M⊕_{\oplus} and Kepler-103c has a mass of Mp,c=58.5−11.4+11.2M_{\text{p,c}} = 58.5^{+11.2}_{-11.4} M⊕_{\oplus}. These are 2.5σ\sigma and 5σ\sigma results, respectively. With radii of Rp,b=3.49−0.05+0.06R_{\text{p,b}} = 3.49^{+0.06}_{-0.05} R⊕_\oplus, and Rp,c=5.45−0.17+0.18R_{\text{p,c}} = 5.45^{+0.18}_{-0.17} R⊕_\oplus, these results suggest that Kepler-103b has a Neptune-like density, while Kepler-103c is one of the highest density planets with a period P>100P > 100 days. By providing high-precision estimates for the masses of the long-period, intermediate-mass planets PH-2b and Kepler-103c, we increase the sample of long-period planets with known masses and radii, which will improve our understanding of the mass-radius relation across the full range of exoplanet masses and radii.The HARPS-N project has been funded by the Prodex Program of the Swiss Space Office (SSO), the Harvard University Origins of Life Initiative (HUOLI), the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA), the University of Geneva, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO), and the Italian National Astrophysical Institute (INAF), the University of St Andrews, Queen’s University Belfast, and the University of Edinburgh. AM acknowledges support from Senior Kavli Institute Fellowships at the University of Cambridge. ACC acknowledges support from the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) consolidated grant number ST/R000824/1. AV’s and RDH’s work was performed under contract with the California Institute of Technology/Jet Propulsion Laboratory funded by NASA through the Sagan Fellowship Program executed by the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute. LM acknowledges support from PLATO ASI-INAF agreement n.2015-019-R.1-2018 This publication was made possible through the support of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the John Templeton Foundation. This material is partly based upon work supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under grants No. NNX15AC90G and NNX17AB59G issued through the Exoplanets Research Program. Some of this work has been carried out in the frame of the National Centre for Competence in Research ‘PlanetS’ supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

    Three years of Sun-as-a-star radial-velocity observations on the approach to solar minimum

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    The time-variable velocity fields of solar-type stars limit the precision of radial-velocity determinations of their planets’ masses, obstructing detection of Earth twins. Since 2015 July, we have been monitoring disc-integrated sunlight in daytime using a purpose-built solar telescope and fibre feed to the HARPS-N stellar radial-velocity spectrometer. We present and analyse the solar radial-velocity measurements and cross-correlation function (CCF) parameters obtained in the first 3 yr of observation, interpreting them in the context of spatially resolved solar observations. We describe a Bayesian mixture-model approach to automated data-quality monitoring. We provide dynamical and daily differential-extinction corrections to place the radial velocities in the heliocentric reference frame, and the CCF shape parameters in the sidereal frame. We achieve a photon-noise-limited radial-velocity precision better than 0.43 m s−1 per 5-min observation. The day-to-day precision is limited by zero-point calibration uncertainty with an RMS scatter of about 0.4 m s−1. We find significant signals from granulation and solar activity. Within a day, granulation noise dominates, with an amplitude of about 0.4 m s−1 and an autocorrelation half-life of 15 min. On longer time-scales, activity dominates. Sunspot groups broaden the CCF as they cross the solar disc. Facular regions temporarily reduce the intrinsic asymmetry of the CCF. The radial-velocity increase that accompanies an active-region passage has a typical amplitude of 5 m s−1 and is correlated with the line asymmetry, but leads it by 3 d. Spectral line-shape variability thus shows promise as a proxy for recovering the true radial velocity.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    An astro-comb calibrated solar telescope to search for the radial velocity signature of Venus

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    We recently demonstrated sub-m/s sensitivity in measuring the radial velocity (RV) between the Earth and Sun using a simple solar telescope feeding the HARPS-N spectrograph at the Italian National Telescope, which is calibrated with a green astro-comb. We are using the solar telescope to characterize the effects of stellar (solar) RV jitter due to activity on the solar surface with the goal of detecting the solar RV signal from Venus, thereby demonstrating the sensitivity of these instruments to detect true Earth-twin exoplanets.Physic

    The HARPS-N Rocky Planet Search:I. A transiting rocky planet in a 4 planet system at 6.5 pc from the Sun

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    We know now from radial velocity surveys and transit space missions that planets only a few times more massive than our Earth are frequent around solar-type stars. Fundamental questions about their formation history, physical properties, internal structure, and atmosphere composition are, however, still to be solved. We present here the detection of a system of four low-mass planets around the bright (V = 5.5) and close-by (6.5 pc) star HD 219134. This is the first result of the Rocky Planet Search programme with HARPS-N on the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo in La Palma. The inner planet orbits the star in 3.0935 ± 0.0003 days, on a quasi-circular orbit with a semi-major axis of 0.0382 ± 0.0003 AU. Spitzer observations allowed us to detect the transit of the planet in front of the star making HD 219134 b the nearest known transiting planet to date. From the amplitude of the radial velocity variation (2.25 ± 0.22 ms-1) and observed depth of the transit (359 ± 38 ppm), the planet mass and radius are estimated to be 4.36 ± 0.44 M⊕ and 1.606 ± 0.086 R⊕, leading to a mean density of 5.76 ± 1.09 g cm-3, suggesting a rocky composition. One additional planet with minimum-mass of 2.78 ± 0.65 M⊕ moves on a close-in, quasi-circular orbit with a period of 6.767 ± 0.004 days. The third planet in the system has a period of 46.66 ± 0.08 days and a minimum-mass of 8.94 ± 1.13 M⊕, at 0.233 ± 0.002 AU from the star. Its eccentricity is 0.46 ± 0.11. The period of this planet is close to the rotational period of the star estimated from variations of activity indicators (42.3 ± 0.1 days). The planetary origin of the signal is, however, thepreferred solution as no indication of variation at the corresponding frequency is observed for activity-sensitive parameters. Finally, a fourth additional longer-period planet of mass of 71 M⊕ orbits the star in 1842 days, on an eccentric orbit (e = 0.34 ± 0.17) at a distance of 2.56 AU