28 research outputs found

    Experiences of Women Who Seek Recovery Assistance Following an Elective Abortion: A Grounded Theory Approach

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    This study, using grounded theory method, was conducted to describe the basic social processes experienced by 17 women who recognized the need for recovery and sought recovery assistance following an elective abortion. Nursing research in the area of women’s experiences seeking post-abortion recovery assistance is warranted because to date abortion is reported to be the second most common surgery performed in the United States. The study was conducted in the southern and west coast regions of the United States. Utilizing a grounded theory chronological approach, interview data was analyzed in three main stage s: Life Before Abortion, Life After Abortion and Life With Recovery. The basic social processes that explained the experience of these post-abortive women were: searching for love and acceptance, understanding the need for help, seeking help, accepting God’s forgiveness, forgiving self/others and life-long recovery. Based on the findings of this study and the literature seven conclusion are presented

    State of Knowledge: Post-Abortion Outcomes

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    A critical analysis of research regarding post-abortion outcomes is presented. The studies reviewed include those following the U.S. legalization of abortion in 1973 and other countries where abortion is legal. Research is examined from the view point of only minimal negative outcomes are experienced and that significant negative outcomes are experienced by women following and elective abortion an elective abortion are discussed

    State of Knowledge: Post-abortion Outcomes

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    A critical analysis of research regarding post-abortion outcomes is presented. The studies reviewed include those following the U.S. legalization of abortion in 1973 and other countries where abortion is legal. Research is examined from the view point of only minimal negative outcomes are experienced and that significant negative outcomes are experienced by women following and elective abortion an elective abortion are discussed

    Experiences of Women Who Seek Recovery Assistance Following an Elective Abortion: A Grounded Theory Approach

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    This study, using grounded theory method, was conducted to describe the basic social processes experienced by 17 women who recognized the need for recovery and sought recovery assistance following an elective abortion. Nursing research in the area of women’s experiences seeking post-abortion recovery assistance is warranted because to date abortion is reported to be the second most common surgery performed in the United States. The study was conducted in the southern and west coast regions of the United States. Utilizing a grounded theory chronological approach, interview data was analyzed in three main stages: Life Before Abortion, Life After Abortion and Life With Recovery. The basic social processes that explained the experience of these post-abortive women were: searching for love and acceptance, understanding the need for help, seeking help, accepting God’s forgiveness, forgiving self/others and life-long recovery. Based on the findings of this study and the literature seven conclusion are presented

    Parasitic Disease Surveillance, Mississippi, USA

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    Surveillance for soil-transmitted helminths, strongyloidiasis, cryptosporidiosis, and giardiasis was conducted in Mississippi, USA. PCR performed on 224 fecal samples for all soil-transmitted helminths and on 370 samples for only Necator americanus and Strongyloides stercoralis identified 1 S. stercoralis infection. Seroprevalences were 8.8% for Toxocara, 27.4% for Cryptosporidium, 5.7% for Giardia, and 0.2% for Strongyloides parasites

    Parasitic Infection Surveillance in Mississippi Delta Children

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    Some recent studies suggest ongoing transmission of parasitic diseases in the American South; however, surveys in Mississippi children are lacking. We enrolled 166 children (median age 8 years, range 4–13 years) from the Mississippi Delta region and carried out multi-parallel real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Necator americanus, Ascaris lumbricoides, and Strongyloides stercoralis on their stool samples. Dried blood spots were obtained for multiplex serology antibody detection. Of 166 children, all reported having flushable toilets, 11% had soil exposure, and 34% had a pet dog or cat. None had prior diagnosis or treatment of parasitic disease. Multi-parallel real-time PCRs were negative on the 89 stool DNA extracts available for testing. Dried blood spot testing of all 166 children determined the seroprevalence of IgG antibodies to Toxocara spp. (3.6%), Cryptosporidium (2.4%), S. stercoralis, Fasciola hepatica, and Giardia duodenalis (all 0%). In conclusion, parasitic infections and exposure were scarce in this population. Larger studies of at-risk populations are needed

    Female mice may have exacerbated catabolic signalling response compared to male mice during development and progression of disuse atrophy

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    Background: Muscle atrophy is a common pathology associated with disuse, such as prolonged bed rest or spaceflight, and is associated with detrimental health outcomes. There is emerging evidence that disuse atrophy may differentially affect males and females. Cellular mechanisms contributing to the development and progression of disuse remain elusive, particularly protein turnover cascades. The purpose of this study was to investigate the initial development and progression of disuse muscle atrophy in male and female mice using the well-established model of hindlimb unloading (HU). Methods: One hundred C57BL/6J mice (50 male and 50 female) were hindlimb suspended for 0 (control), 24, 48, 72, or 168 h to induce disuse atrophy (10 animals per group). At designated time points, animals were euthanized, and tissues (extensor digitorum longus, gastrocnemius, and soleus for mRNA analysis, gastrocnemius and extensor digitorum longus for protein synthesis rates, and tibialis anterior for histology) were collected for analysis of protein turnover mechanisms (protein anabolism and catabolism). Results: Both males and females lost ~30% of tibialis anterior cross-sectional area after 168 h of disuse. Males had no statistical difference in MHCIIB fibre area, whereas unloaded females had ~33% lower MHCIIB cross-sectional area by 168 h of unloading. Both males and females had lower fractional protein synthesis rates (FSRs) within 24-48 h of HU, and females appeared to have a greater reduction compared with males within 24 h of HU (~23% lower FSRs in males vs. 40% lower FSRs in females). Males and females exhibited differential patterns and responses in multiple markers of protein anabolism, catabolism, and myogenic capacity during the development and progression of disuse atrophy. Specifically, females had greater mRNA inductions of catabolic factors Ubc and Gadd45a (~4-fold greater content in females compared with ~2-fold greater content in males) and greater inductions of anabolic inhibitors Redd1 and Deptor with disuse across multiple muscle tissues exhibiting different fibre phenotypes. Conclusions: These results suggest that the aetiology of disuse muscle atrophy is more complicated and nuanced than previously thought, with different responses based on muscle phenotypes and between males and females, with females having greater inductions of atrophic markers early in the development of disuse atrophy

    Workshop on Stakeholder Engagement Strategy (WKSHOES)

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    The ICES Workshop on Stakeholder Engagement Strategy (WKSHOES) met online 22-24 June 2021 with the objective to organize the background information needed for SCICOM and ACOM to develop a formal ICES Stakeholder Engagement Strategy. Stakeholder engagement has taken an increasingly important role in ICES. There was a strong consensus in the workshop that stakeholder engagement is essential to ICES’ work, as has been captured by the most recent ICES Strategic, Science, and Advisory Plans. The question is how to do it best. While WKSHOES recognized the essential nature of stakeholder engagement for addressing environmental challenges, understanding human impacts and values, the group discussed the valid concern that if stakeholder engagement is done incorrectly, it could compromise the perceived objectivity of ICES science and its independence. Workshop participants challenged the idea of objective or “pure” science, but also recognized the practical need to have ICES advice be transparent and science-based. Participants also understand that when providing advice, tradeoffs have to be made that are informed by the different weights that stakeholders place on various management objectives. A key question related to a potential stakeholder engagement strategy is “Who is a stakeholder?” This report discusses several definitions and roles. A central challenge for ICES is recognizing that the network of stakeholders is a subset of the people impacted by ICES science and advice. The Stakeholder Engagement Strategy should therefore primarily focus on ensuring that people who are part of the ICES network have clear roles and responsibilities and that ICES performs its work fairly and transparently. However, participants also recognize the need to increase opportunities for diverse resource users and citizens to have clear avenues to engage with the different aspects of the ICES network. Considering and promoting diversity and inclusion and avoiding implicit bias are crucial in this process. It is also essential to define clear goals for stakeholder engagement in general, and tangible objectives for each engagement activity in particular. Engagement objectives already formulated in various ICES documents are outlined in this report, as well as recommendations for guiding principles that provide the overarching frame of reference for engagement. This Report serves as the primary output from WKSHOES, and represents the knowledge and opinions of workshop participants. WKSHOES recommends that in order to both complete the development of the strategy and conduct successful stakeholder engagement about it, a suite of communication activities is needed that should best be coordinated from a central contact point within ICES. WKSHOES recommends that after ACOM and SCICOM draft the strategy and obtain input from the ICES Council, a diversity of stakeholders should be invited to provide input on the WKSHOES report and the development of the Engagement Strategy. ICES should solicit input from stakeholders by early 2022 to agree on the contents of the Strategy and how it will be implemented. WKSHOES also recommends that a future Expert Group address the ongoing need to develop and communicate effective stakeholder engagement methods within the ICES network.Peer reviewe

    Correlates of bullying behaviors among a sample of North American Indigenous adolescents

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between familial, educational, and psychosocial factors and bullying among 702 North American Indigenous adolescents aged 11-14 years. The study used multinomial logistic regression models to differentiate correlates of bully perpetration and victimization versus being neither and between being a perpetrator versus being a victim. Analyses reveal that being a bully victim had different correlates than being a perpetrator. Perceived discrimination was associated with increased odds of being either a victim or a perpetrator, relative to being neither. Several factors differentiated being a bully perpetrator from being a bully victim: adolescent age, parental warmth and support, depressive symptoms, anger, and school adjustment. These findings expand upon the limited understanding of the factors associated with bullying among North American Indigenous youth. Bullying intervention and prevention programs that target Indigenous adolescents should be culturally grounded and begin early within the family.Peer reviewedSociolog