2,152 research outputs found

    Gravitational Effects of Rotating Bodies

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    We study two type effects of gravitational field on mechanical gyroscopes (i.e. rotating extended bodies). The first depends on special relativity and equivalence principle. The second is related to the coupling (i.e. a new force) between the spins of mechanical gyroscopes, which would violate the equivalent principle. In order to give a theoretical prediction to the second we suggest a spin-spin coupling model for two mechanical gyroscopes. An upper limit on the coupling strength is then determined by using the observed perihelion precession of the planet's orbits in solar system. We also give predictions violating the equivalence principle for free-fall gyroscopes .Comment: LaTex, 6 page

    Deterministic cavity quantum electrodynamics with trapped ions

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    We have employed radio-frequency trapping to localize a single 40Ca+-ion in a high-finesse optical cavity. By means of laser Doppler cooling, the position spread of the ion's wavefunction along the cavity axis was reduced to 42 nm, a fraction of the resonance wavelength of ionized calcium (λ = 397 nm). By controlling the position of the ion in the optical field, continuous and completely deterministic coupling of ion and field was realized. The precise three-dimensional location of the ion in the cavity was measured by observing the fluorescent light emitted upon excitation in the cavity field. The single-ion system is ideally suited to implement cavity quantum electrodynamics under cw conditions. To this end we operate the cavity on the D3/2–P1/2 transition of 40Ca+ (λ = 866 nm). Applications include the controlled generation of single-photon pulses with high efficiency and two-ion quantum gates

    A calcium ion in a cavity as a controlled single-photon source

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    We present a single calcium ion, coupled to a high-finesse cavity, as an almost ideal system for the controlled generation of single photons. Photons from a pump beam are Raman-scattered by the ion into the cavity mode, which subsequently emits the photon into a well-defined output channel. In contrast with comparable atomic systems, the ion is localized at a fixed position in the cavity mode for indefinite times, enabling truly continuous operation of the device. We have performed numeric calculations to assess the performance of the system and present the first experimental indication of single-photon emission in our set-up

    An Asian emission inventory of anthropogenic emission sources for the period 1980?2020

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    International audienceWe developed a new emission inventory for Asia (Regional Emission inventory in ASia (REAS) Version 1.1) for the period 1980?2020. REAS is the first inventory to integrate historical, present, and future emissions in Asia on the basis of a consistent methodology. We present here emissions in 2000, historical emissions for 1980?2003, and projected emissions for 2010 and 2020 of SO2, NOx, CO, NMVOC, black carbon (BC), and organic carbon (OC) from fuel combustion and industrial sources. Total energy consumption in Asia more than doubled between 1980 and 2003, causing a rapid growth in Asian emissions, by 28% for BC, 30% for OC, 64% for CO, 108% for NMVOC, 119% for SO2, and 176% for NOx. In particular, Chinese NOx emissions showed a marked increase of 280% over 1980 levels, and growth in emissions since 2000 has been extremely high. These increases in China were mainly caused by increases in coal combustion in the power plants and industrial sectors. NMVOC emissions also rapidly increased because of growth in the use of automobiles, solvents, and paints. By contrast, BC, OC, and CO emissions in China showed decreasing trends from 1996 to 2000 because of a reduction in the use of biofuels and coal in the domestic and industry sectors. However, since 2000, Chinese emissions of these species have begun to increase. Thus, the emissions of air pollutants in Asian countries (especially China) showed large temporal variations from 1980?2003. Future emissions in 2010 and 2020 in Asian countries were projected by emission scenarios and from emissions in 2000. For China, we developed three emission scenarios: PSC (policy success case), REF (reference case), and PFC (policy failure case). In the 2020 REF scenario, Asian total emissions of SO2, NOx, and NMVOC were projected to increase substantially by 22%, 44%, and 99%, respectively, over 2000 levels. The 2020 REF scenario showed a modest increase in CO (12%), a lesser increase in BC (1%), and a slight decrease in OC (?5%) compared with 2000 levels. However, it should be noted that Asian total emissions are strongly influenced by the emission scenarios for China

    Imaging mass spectrometry detects dynamic changes of phosphatidylcholine in rat hippocampal CA1 after transient global ischemia

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    AbstractBackground and purpose: The initial steps in the cascade leading to cell death are still unknown because of the limitations of the existing methodology, strategy, and modalities used. Methods: Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) was used to measure dynamic molecular changes of phosphatidylcholine (PC) species in the rat hippocampus after transient global ischemia (TGI) for 6min. Fresh frozen sections were obtained after euthanizing the rats on Days 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 14, and 21. Histopathology and IMS of adjacent sections compared morphological and molecular changes, respectively. Results: Histopathological changes were absent immediately after TGI (at Day 1, superacute phase). At Days 2–21 after TGI (from subacute to chronic phases), histopathology revealed neuronal death associated with gliosis, inflammation, and accumulation of activated microglia in CA1. IMS detected significant molecular changes after TGI in the same CA1 domain: increase of PC (diacyl-16:0/22:6) in the superacute phase and increase of PC (diacyl-16:0/18:1) in the subacute to chronic phases. Conclusions: Histopathology and IMS can provide comprehensive and complementary information on cell death mechanisms in the hippocampal CA1 after global ischemia. IMS provided novel data on molecular changes in phospholipids immediately after TGI. Increased level of PC (diacyl-16:0/22:6) in the pyramidal cell layer of hippocampal CA1 prior to the histopathological change may represent an early step in delayed neuronal death mechanisms

    Universal fractal scaling of self-organized networks

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    There is an abundance of literature on complex networks describing a variety of relationships among units in social, biological, and technological systems. Such networks, consisting of interconnected nodes, are often self-organized, naturally emerging without any overarching designs on topological structure yet enabling efficient interactions among nodes. Here we show that the number of nodes and the density of connections in such self-organized networks exhibit a power law relationship. We examined the size and connection density of 46 self-organizing networks of various biological, social, and technological origins, and found that the size-density relationship follows a fractal relationship spanning over 6 orders of magnitude. This finding indicates that there is an optimal connection density in self-organized networks following fractal scaling regardless of their sizes

    Investigation of the crystallization process of CSD-ErBCO on IBAD-substrate via DSD approach

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    REBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O7−δ_{7-δ} (REBCO, RE: rare earth, such as Y and Gd) compounds have been extensively studied as a superconducting layer in coated conductors. Although ErBCO potentially has better superconducting properties than YBCO and GdBCO, little research has been made on it, especially in chemical solution deposition (CSD). In this work, ErBCO films were deposited on IBAD (ion-beam-assisted-deposition) substrates by CSD with low-fluorine solutions. The crystallization process was optimized to achieve the highest self-field critical current density (Jc_{c}) at 77 K. Commonly, for the investigation of a CSD process involving numerous process factors, one factor is changed keeping the others constant, requiring much time and cost. For more efficient investigation, this study adopted a novel design-of-experiment technique, definitive screening design (DSD), for the first time in CSD process. Two different types of solutions containing Er-propionate or Er-acetate were used to make two types of samples, Er-P and Er-A, respectively. Within the investigated range, we found that crystallization temperature, dew point, and oxygen partial pressure play a key role in Er-P, while the former two factors are significant for Er-A. DSD revealed these significant factors among six process factors with only 14 trials. Moreover, the DSD approach allowed us to create models that predict Jc_{c} accurately. These models revealed the optimum conditions giving the highest Jc_{c} values of 3.6 MA/cm2^{2} for Er-P and 3.0 MA/cm2^{2} for Er-A. These results indicate that DSD is an attractive approach to optimize CSD process

    Regulation of CCR7-dependent cell migration through CCR7 homodimer formation

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    The chemokine receptor CCR7 contributes to various physiological and pathological processes including T cell maturation, T cell migration from the blood into secondary lymphoid tissues, and tumor cell metastasis to lymph nodes. Although a previous study suggested that the efficacy of CCR7 ligand-dependent T cell migration correlates with CCR7 homo- and heterodimer formation, the exact extent of contribution of the CCR7 dimerization remains unclear. Here, by inducing or disrupting CCR7 dimers, we demonstrated a direct contribution of CCR7 homodimerization to CCR7-dependent cell migration and signaling. Induction of stable CCR7 homodimerization resulted in enhanced CCR7-dependent cell migration and CCL19 binding, whereas induction of CXCR4/CCR7 heterodimerization did not. In contrast, dissociation of CCR7 homodimerization by a novel CCR7-derived synthetic peptide attenuated CCR7-dependent cell migration, ligand-dependent CCR7 internalization, ligand-induced actin rearrangement, and Akt and Erk signaling in CCR7-expressing cells. Our study indicates that CCR7 homodimerization critically regulates CCR7 ligand- dependent cell migration and intracellular signaling in multiple cell types
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