16 research outputs found

    Preserving axosomatic spiking features despite diverse dendritic morphology

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    Throughout the nervous system, cells belonging to a certain electrical class (e-class)-sharing high similarity in firing response properties-may nevertheless have widely variable dendritic morphologies. To quantify the effect of this morphological variability on the firing of layer 5 thick-tufted pyramidal cells (TTCs), a detailed conductance-based model was constructed for a three-dimensional reconstructed exemplar TTC. The model exhibited spike initiation in the axon and reproduced the characteristic features of individual spikes, as well as of the firing properties at the soma, as recorded in a population of TTCs in young Wistar rats. When using these model parameters over the population of 28 three-dimensional reconstructed TTCs, both axonal and somatic ion channel densities had to be scaled linearly with the conductance load imposed on each of these compartments. Otherwise, the firing of model cells deviated, sometimes very significantly, from the experimental variability of the TTC e-class. The study provides experimentally testable predictions regarding the coregulation of axosomatic membrane ion channels density for cells with different dendritic conductance load, together with a simple and systematic method for generating reliable conductance-based models for the whole population of modeled neurons belonging to a particular e-class, with variable morphology as found experimentally

    Models of Neocortical Layer 5b Pyramidal Cells Capturing a Wide Range of Dendritic and Perisomatic Active Properties

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    The thick-tufted layer 5b pyramidal cell extends its dendritic tree to all six layers of the mammalian neocortex and serves as a major building block for the cortical column. L5b pyramidal cells have been the subject of extensive experimental and modeling studies, yet conductance-based models of these cells that faithfully reproduce both their perisomatic Na+-spiking behavior as well as key dendritic active properties, including Ca2+ spikes and back-propagating action potentials, are still lacking. Based on a large body of experimental recordings from both the soma and dendrites of L5b pyramidal cells in adult rats, we characterized key features of the somatic and dendritic firing and quantified their statistics. We used these features to constrain the density of a set of ion channels over the soma and dendritic surface via multi-objective optimization with an evolutionary algorithm, thus generating a set of detailed conductance-based models that faithfully replicate the back-propagating action potential activated Ca2+ spike firing and the perisomatic firing response to current steps, as well as the experimental variability of the properties. Furthermore, we show a useful way to analyze model parameters with our sets of models, which enabled us to identify some of the mechanisms responsible for the dynamic properties of L5b pyramidal cells as well as mechanisms that are sensitive to morphological changes. This automated framework can be used to develop a database of faithful models for other neuron types. The models we present provide several experimentally-testable predictions and can serve as a powerful tool for theoretical investigations of the contribution of single-cell dynamics to network activity and its computational capabilities

    Reconstruction and simulation of neocortical microcircuitry

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    We present a first-draft digital reconstruction of the microcircuitry of somatosensory cortex of juvenile rat. The reconstruction uses cellular and synaptic organizing principles to algorithmically reconstruct detailed anatomy and physiology from sparse experimental data. An objective anatomical method defines a neocortical volume of 0.29 ± 0.01 mm3 containing ∼31,000 neurons, and patch-clamp studies identify 55 layer-specific morphological and 207 morpho-electrical neuron subtypes. When digitally reconstructed neurons are positioned in the volume and synapse formation is restricted to biological bouton densities and numbers of synapses per connection, their overlapping arbors form ∼8 million connections with ∼37 million synapses. Simulations reproduce an array of in vitro and in vivo experiments without parameter tuning. Additionally, we find a spectrum of network states with a sharp transition from synchronous to asynchronous activity, modulated by physiological mechanisms. The spectrum of network states, dynamically reconfigured around this transition, supports diverse information processing strategies

    Orientation processing by synaptic integration across first-order tactile neurons

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    Our ability to manipulate objects relies on tactile inputs from first-order tactile neurons that innervate the glabrous skin of the hand. The distal axon of these neurons branches in the skin and innervates many mechanoreceptors, yielding spatially-complex receptive fields. Here we show that synaptic integration across the complex signals from the first-order neuronal population could underlie human ability to accurately (\u3c 3°) and rapidly process the orientation of edges moving across the fingertip. We first derive spiking models of human firstorder tactile neurons that fit and predict responses to moving edges with high accuracy. We then use the model neurons in simulating the peripheral neuronal population that innervates a fingertip. We train classifiers performing synaptic integration across the neuronal population activity, and show that synaptic integration across first-order neurons can process edge orientations with high acuity and speed. In particular, our models suggest that integration of fast-decaying (AMPA-like) synaptic inputs within short timescales is critical for discriminating fine orientations, whereas integration of slow-decaying (NMDA-like) synaptic inputs supports discrimination of coarser orientations and maintains robustness over longer timescales. Taken together, our results provide new insight into the computations occurring in the earliest stages of the human tactile processing pathway and how they may be critical for supporting hand function

    Dendritic Excitability and Gain Control in Recurrent Cortical Microcircuits

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    In-silico EEG biomarkers of reduced inhibition in human cortical microcircuits in depression.

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    Reduced cortical inhibition by somatostatin-expressing (SST) interneurons has been strongly associated with treatment-resistant depression. However, due to technical limitations it is impossible to establish experimentally in humans whether the effects of reduced SST interneuron inhibition on microcircuit activity have signatures detectable in clinically-relevant brain signals such as electroencephalography (EEG). To overcome these limitations, we simulated resting-state activity and EEG using detailed models of human cortical microcircuits with normal (healthy) or reduced SST interneuron inhibition (depression), and found that depression microcircuits exhibited increased theta, alpha and low beta power (4-16 Hz). The changes in depression involved a combination of an aperiodic broadband and periodic theta components. We then demonstrated the specificity of the EEG signatures of reduced SST interneuron inhibition by showing they were distinct from those corresponding to reduced parvalbumin-expressing (PV) interneuron inhibition. Our study thus links SST interneuron inhibition level to distinct features in EEG simulated from detailed human microcircuits, which can serve to better identify mechanistic subtypes of depression using EEG, and non-invasively monitor modulation of cortical inhibition

    Key predictor ROIs reveal integration networks during resting-state activity.

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    <p><b>A.</b> The weight of key predictor ROIs for models of right inferior parietal cortex<sub>2</sub> (bootstrapping estimated mean and 95% confidence intervals). Bottom–lateral and medial views of left/right hemispheres, showing right inferior parietal cortex<sub>2</sub> (magenta) and the weight of its key predictor ROIs. <b>B.</b> Integrator ROIs (with large multiregional prediction gain) and their key predictor ROIs formed interconnected integration networks. Short-distance dependencies (distance < 50 mm) are shown in blue, and long-distance dependencies (> 50 mm) are shown in red. Dashed lines are inter-hemispheric. Homotopic ROIs were often among the key predictors of integrator ROIs but their dependencies are not shown in this figure.</p

    Multiregional prediction gain across ROIs.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Observed activity (black) of right inferior parietal cortex<sub>2</sub> (the middle ROI of inferior parietal cortex, see <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005410#sec004" target="_blank">Methods</a>) in an example subject, and predicted activity of a model using 5 predictor ROIs selected by RFE (blue). <b>B.</b> Observed (black) and predicted (red) activity for the same ROI, but with a model using 1 predictor ROI, the one most correlated with the ROI in the training data. The difference in prediction error of the two models for the ROI (the “multiregional prediction gain”) was 49% (<i>p</i> < 10<sup>−15</sup>). <b>C.</b> Lateral and medial views of both hemispheres, showing the average prediction gain in the 49 cortical ROIs that were well-modeled (prediction error 13–23% as in <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005410#pcbi.1005410.g003" target="_blank">Fig 3</a>). Other ROIs with larger prediction error are colored in gray.</p