378 research outputs found

    Design and Settings of Communication between Digital Electrical Protection and Control System

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací průmyslové komunikační sítě za účelem výměny dat mezi IED ochranou a řídicím systémem. Záměrem práce bylo vytvoření kompaktní a přehledné úlohy, která bude následně využita jako praktická podpora pro práci s použitými zařízeními a komunikačním protokolem. V teoretické části se nachází rozbor elektrických ochran, průmyslové automatizace a prostředků pro realizaci komunikačních sítí v průmyslu. Výsledkem této práce je komunikační systém založený na protokolu IEC 61850, který zprostředkovává výměnu dat mezi ochranou REF615 a PLC AC800M, v obou případech se jedná o zařízení výrobce ABB. Systém obsahuje navíc i operátorské pracoviště pro vzdálené monitorování, ovládání a archivaci naměrených dat skrze OPC Server.This work deals with a design and an implementation of the industrial communications network for a purpose of data exchange between the IED protection and the control system. The aim of the work was to create a compact and well-arranged task, which will be subsequently used as a practical support for work with used devices and communication protocol. In the theoretical part there is an analysis of electrical protections, industrial automation and means for implementation of communication networks in industry. The result of this work is a communication system based on the IEC 61850 protocol, which provides data exchange between feeder protection REF615 and PLC AC800M, both equipment is manufactured by ABB. In addition, the system also includes an operator station for remote monitoring, control and archiving of measured data through OPC Server.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Rewaskularyzacja mięśnia sercowego

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    Uwagi o rosyjskim paragradancie "skoree"

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    The author undertakes to analyse semantic and syntactic functions of Russian comparative CKopee on the basis of the theory of gradants and paragradants formulated by Polish linguists. The analysis of linguistic material coming from Russian belles-lettres allows one to conclude that on the one hand cxopee functions a comparative from of adjective and adverb (acopbtu, cKopo) and on the other hand it is used in standerd comparative constructions, in which it loses its lexical affinity to the gradable word and expesses a degree of intensity of a feature and certain modal meanings connected with emotional and intellectual reactions of the speaker. First it expresses volitional initiative of the speaker and the whole utterance conveys a meaning of preference (I'd rather; I would prefer; it would be better to). Secondly, in the contexts in which CKopee is used there can be noticed subjective commentary and evaluation or modification of credibility of a proposition (it is probable that...; it seems that...; strictly speaking). Finally in the contexts with the phrase acopee ecezo there is expressed a critical evaluation of cognitive acts and recognising a proposition as a highly probable one (the probability of truth comes close to absolute certainty)

    Modernisation of Laboratory Experiment for Vibration and Rotation Measurement

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    Tato práce popisující modernizaci úlohy pro měření otáček nahrazuje původní úlohu novějšími prvky a technologiemi pro řízení motoru a sběr dat. Cílem práce je návrh a realizace mechanické konstrukce pro měření otáček a vibrací, dále návrh měření a implementace virtuálního přístroje pro sběr a zpracování naměřených dat. Výsledkem měření jsou data z měření polohy a rychlosti motoru, vibrací mechanické konstrukce a hystereze snímačů. Tato data jsou pro další zpracování exportována a archivována v počítači. Koncepce měřící úlohy má pomoct studentům pochopit vybrané způsoby měření otáček a také sběr a zpracování dat.This modernisation of speed measurement exercise replaces the original exercise with a new elements and technologies for motor control and data acquisition. The aim of this task is to design and realize mechanical construction for position and vibration measurement, and further design and implementation of virtual instrument for data acquisition and processing. Measurement results are data of motor position and speed, vibrations of mechanical construction and sensors hysteresis. These data are exported and archived into computer. The concept of the entire exercise helps the students to understand predominantly the chosen methods of speed measurement and data acquisition including their processing.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    The Distributional Effect of Commuting Subsidies - Evidence from Geo-Referenced Data and Large-Scale Policy Reform

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    Tax legislation in virtually all OECD countries foresees tax breaks for commuters. Such commuting allowances are implemented with the aim to raise matching efficiency in the labor market and / or to promote an equalization of net wages for workers independent of the length of their commute. Despite the fiscal magnitude of these subsidies (e.g. in Germany the sum of foregone tax income from commuting tax breaks amounts to 6 billion Euros annually) little is known about their effects on worker and firm behavior. In this paper we use the unexpected repeal of commuting subsidies in Germany between 2007 and 2009, which has affected different groups of workers to a different extent, as a natural experiment. Drawing on a large data set of geo-referenced employer-employee data and applying a difference-in-difference approach, we estimate the effect of commuting subsidies on wages and employment. Beyond the direct effect of the commuting tax break our results allow to draw inference on three key variables in labor economics: wage elasticity of labor supply, bargaining power of workers, and the wage elasticity of locational choice. We find that workers who lose some of their net wage as a result of the reform experience increases in gross wages of .6 per cent. Adjustments in gross wages differ, however, substantially across industries and across educational status, which can be taken as evidence for differential bargaining power across worker groups

    Prawnokarne aspekty przemytu fauny i flory w świetle międzynarodowego i polskiego ustawodawstwa

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    This paper presents issues relating to the protection of species of wild fauna. The author discusser the acts of international law as well as the provision of Polish regulations concerning transport of animals under the protection. Mainly refers to Washington Convention, regulations of European Union and the Polish act of Nature Conservation. Author emphasize the need to share of the knowledge discussed in the article

    Analiza wpływu Dyrektywy MIFID II na rynek energii elektrycznej w Europie

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    W artykule poruszono kwestię wpływu Dyrektywy MiFID II na rynek energii oraz na strukturę przedsiębiorstw elektroenergetycznych. Omówiono także cele tej regulacji, a także wskazano, które z instrumentów szeroko rozumianego rynku energii zostaną objęte nową regulacją oraz przedstawiono wątpliwości i konsekwencje skutków tak ukształtowanego zakresu przedmiotowego regulacji. Poruszono również kwestię zakresu podmiotowego nowej dyrektywy, jej relację do zakresu stosowania rozporządzenia EMIR oraz wynikające z tego konsekwencję dla przedsiębiorstw elektroenergetycznych. Zasygnalizowano także zagadnienia związane z planowanym harmonogramem wdrażania dyrektywy i związane z tym wyzwania dla podmiotów działających na rynku energii

    Ostre Zespoły Wieńcowe

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    Implementation of anaphylaxis management guidelines

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    Anaphylaxis management guidelines recommend the use of intramuscular adrenaline in severe reactions, complemented by antihistamines and corticoids; secondary prevention includes allergen avoidance and provision of self-applicable first aid drugs. Gaps between recommendations and their implementation have been reported, but only in confined settings. Hence, we analysed nation-wide data on the management of anaphylaxis, evaluating the implementation of guidelines. Within the anaphylaxis registry, allergy referral centres across Germany, Austria and Switzerland provided data on severe anaphylaxis cases. Based on patient records, details on reaction circumstances, diagnostic workup and treatment were collected via online questionnaire. Report of anaphylaxis through emergency physicians allowed for validation of registry data. 2114 severe anaphylaxis patients from 58 centres were included. 8% received adrenaline intravenously, 4% intramuscularly; 50% antihistamines, and 51% corticoids. Validation data indicated moderate underreporting of first aid drugs in the Registry. 20% received specific instructions at the time of the reaction; 81% were provided with prophylactic first aid drugs at any time. There is a distinct discrepancy between current anaphylaxis management guidelines and their implementation. To improve patient care, a revised approach for medical education and training on the management of severe anaphylaxis is warranted

    Long-term outcomes of patients with multivessel coronary artery disease presenting non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes

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    Background: There is paucity of data concerning the optimal revascularization in patients with mul- tivessel coronary artery disease (CAD) presenting non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS). The aim was to evaluate long-term outcomes of patients with multivessel CAD presenting NSTE-ACS depending on the management after coronary angiography. Methods: 3,166 patients with NSTE-ACS hospitalized between 2006 and 2014 were screened. After ex- clusions, 1,342 patients were enrolled with multivessel CAD and were divided depending on their man- agement after coronary angiography; the medical-only therapy group (n = 91), the percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) group (n = 1,122), the coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) group (n = 129). Propensity scores matching was used to adjust for differences in patient baseline characteristics.  Results: After propensity score analysis, 273 well-matched patients were chosen. Both before and after matching, patients treated with a medical-only therapy were burdened with the highest percentage of 24-month all-cause death and non-fatal MI in comparison to PCI and CABG groups, respectively. In the CABG group, ACS-driven revascularization rate was lowest. In the overall population, PCI (HR 0.33; 95% CI 0.20–0.53; p < 0.0001) and CABG (HR 0.54; 95% CI 0.31–0.93; p = 0.028) were independent factors associated with favorable 24-month prognosis. However, in a matched population only PCI was an independent predictor of long-term prognosis with a 63% decrease of 24-month mortal- ity (HR 0.37; 95% CI 0.19–0.69; p = 0.0020). Conclusions: In patients with multivessel CAD presenting with NSTE-ACS, medical-only man- agement is related with adverse long-term prognosis in contrast to revascularization, which reduces 24-month mortality, especially among patients undergoing percutaneous intervention. Performance of PCI is an independent factor for improving long-term prognosis.