Uwagi o rosyjskim paragradancie "skoree"


The author undertakes to analyse semantic and syntactic functions of Russian comparative CKopee on the basis of the theory of gradants and paragradants formulated by Polish linguists. The analysis of linguistic material coming from Russian belles-lettres allows one to conclude that on the one hand cxopee functions a comparative from of adjective and adverb (acopbtu, cKopo) and on the other hand it is used in standerd comparative constructions, in which it loses its lexical affinity to the gradable word and expesses a degree of intensity of a feature and certain modal meanings connected with emotional and intellectual reactions of the speaker. First it expresses volitional initiative of the speaker and the whole utterance conveys a meaning of preference (I'd rather; I would prefer; it would be better to). Secondly, in the contexts in which CKopee is used there can be noticed subjective commentary and evaluation or modification of credibility of a proposition (it is probable that...; it seems that...; strictly speaking). Finally in the contexts with the phrase acopee ecezo there is expressed a critical evaluation of cognitive acts and recognising a proposition as a highly probable one (the probability of truth comes close to absolute certainty)

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