12,187 research outputs found

    Free radical propulsion concept

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    A free radical propulsion concept utilizing the recombination energy of dissociated low molecular weight gases to produce thrust was examined. The concept offered promise of a propulsion system operating at a theoretical impulse, with hydrogen, as high as 2200 seconds at high thrust to power ratio, thus filling the gas existing between chemical and electrostatic propulsion capabilities. Microwave energy used to dissociate a continuously flowing gas was transferred to the propellant via three body recombination for conversion to propellant kinetic energy. Power absorption by the microwave plasma discharge was in excess of 90 percent over a broad range of pressures. Gas temperatures inferred from gas dynamic equations showed much higher temperatures from microwave heating than from electrothermal heating. Spectroscopic analysis appeared to corroborate the inferred temperatures of one of the gases tested

    Increased capabilities of the 30-cm diameter Hg ion thruster

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    Some space flight missions require advanced ion thrusters which operate at conditions much different than those for which the baseline 30-cm Hg thruster was developed. Results of initial tests of a 30-cm Hg thruster with two and three grid ion accelerating systems, operated at higher values of both thrust and power and over a greater range of specific impulse than the baseline conditions are presented. Thruster lifetime at increased input power was evaluated both by extended tests and real time spectroscopic measurements

    Making a Global Impact One Vaccine at a Time

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    (First paragraph) Did you know that, worldwide, almost one third of deaths among children under age 5 can be prevented by vaccines? It\u27s stunning to think that one child dies every 20 seconds from an immunization-preventable disease. That equates to 12 lives that could be saved in the time it takes to read this brief article

    Causal structure of the entanglement renormalization ansatz

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    We show that the multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA) can be reformulated in terms of a causality constraint on discrete quantum dynamics. This causal structure is that of de Sitter space with a flat spacelike boundary, where the volume of a spacetime region corresponds to the number of variational parameters it contains. This result clarifies the nature of the ansatz, and suggests a generalization to quantum field theory. It also constitutes an independent justification of the connection between MERA and hyperbolic geometry which was proposed as a concrete implementation of the AdS-CFT correspondence

    Postcard: Hand Written Message Requesting a Poultry Catalog

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    This black and white printed postcard contains correspondence from a man to the company that sells poultry. Handwriting is on the front and back of the card.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/tj_postcards/2165/thumbnail.jp

    The semantic effects of verb raising and its consequences in second language grammars

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    This article considers whether highly proficient second language speakers of English can distinguish meaning contrasts associated with constructions where there is a raising be, and constructions where there is a non-raising thematic verb, as illustrated in the difference between (1a) and (1b): 1a. Kim is reading a novel (`event-in-progress/existential ? interpretation

    A Technique for the Nondestructive Detection of Voids and Composition Anomalies in Metal Matrix Composite Wires Using X or γ Rays

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    An initial study of a technique proposed for the nondestructive testing of metal matrix composites is the subject of this paper. These composites are manufactured in the form of approximately 1/2-mm-diameter “precursor” wires. Larger structures are fabricated by diffusion bonding of lay-ups. Reliable nondestructive quality control indicators of wire integrity have not yet been developed although a number of possibilities are being examined.1 Testing of the precursor wires is difficult because current manufacturing processes produce wires that may be entirely satisfactory but that vary in cross-sectional geometry, in surface properties, and sometimes in the amount of matrix material that is present. Techniques based on observations of wire resistance, surface emissivity, and sound emission signatures are difficult to interpret because of these characteristics. Wire imaging using x-ray or neutron techniques is also difficult because large lengths of wire must be examined with a resolution in the plane of the wire exceeding 50 line pairs per millimeter