89 research outputs found

    Decrease of psychomotor performance in subjects with latent 'asymptomatic' toxoplasmosis

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    Toxoplasma gondii is known to induce specific behavioural changes in its intermediate hosts. This is usually considered to be an evolutionary adaptation aimed to increase the probability of transmission of the parasite into its definitive host, the cat, by predation. In rodents an increase of reaction time as well as many other specific behavioural patterns have been observed. Here we report the results of our double blind study showing the significantly longer reaction times of 60 subjects with latent toxoplasmosis in comparison with those of 56 controls. Moreover, the existence of a positive correlation between length of infection and mean reaction time suggested that slow and cumulative effects of latent toxoplasmosis rather than a one-step (and possibly transient) effect of acute toxoplasmosis disease are responsible for the decrease of psychomotor performance of infected subjects. To our knowledge, this is the first study confirming the existence of such parasite-induced changes in human behaviour that could be considered in evolutionary history of the human species as adaptive from the point of view of parasite transmission

    Increased incidence of traffic accidents in Toxoplasma-infected military drivers and protective effect RhD molecule revealed by a large-scale prospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Latent toxoplasmosis, protozoan parasitosis with prevalence rates from 20 to 60% in most populations, is known to impair reaction times in infected subjects, which results, for example, in a higher risk of traffic accidents in subjects with this life-long infection. Two recent studies have reported that RhD-positive subjects, especially RhD heterozygotes, are protected against latent toxoplasmosis-induced impairment of reaction times. In the present study we searched for increased incidence of traffic accidents and for protective effect of RhD positivity in 3890 military drivers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Male draftees who attended the Central Military Hospital in Prague for regular entrance psychological examinations between 2000 and 2003 were tested for <it>Toxoplasma </it>infection and RhD phenotype at the beginning of their 1 to1.5-year compulsory military service. Subsequently, the data on <it>Toxoplasma </it>infection and RhD phenotype were matched with those on traffic accidents from military police records and the effects of RhD phenotype and <it>Toxoplasma </it>infection on probability of traffic accident was estimated with logistic regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We confirmed, using for the first time a prospective cohort study design, increased risk of traffic accidents in <it>Toxoplasma</it>-infected subjects and demonstrated a strong protective effect of RhD positivity against the risk of traffic accidents posed by latent toxoplasmosis. Our results show that RhD-negative subjects with high titers of anti-<it>Toxoplasma </it>antibodies had a probability of a traffic accident of about 16.7%, i.e. a more than six times higher rate than <it>Toxoplasma</it>-free or RhD-positive subjects.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results showed that a common infection by <it>Toxoplasma gondii </it>could have strong impact on the probability of traffic accident in RhD negative subjects. The observed effects could provide not only a clue to the long-standing evolutionary enigma of the origin of RhD polymorphism in humans (the effect of balancing selection), but might also be the missing piece in the puzzle of the physiological function of the RhD molecule.</p

    Psychology of Fragrance Use: Perception of Individual Odor and Perfume Blends Reveals a Mechanism for Idiosyncratic Effects on Fragrance Choice

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    Cross-culturally, fragrances are used to modulate body odor, but the psychology of fragrance choice has been largely overlooked. The prevalent view is that fragrances mask an individual's body odor and improve its pleasantness. In two experiments, we found positive effects of perfume on body odor perception. Importantly, however, this was modulated by significant interactions with individual odor donors. Fragrances thus appear to interact with body odor, creating an individually-specific odor mixture. In a third experiment, the odor mixture of an individual's body odor and their preferred perfume was perceived as more pleasant than a blend of the same body odor with a randomly-allocated perfume, even when there was no difference in pleasantness between the perfumes. This indicates that fragrance use extends beyond simple masking effects and that people choose perfumes that interact well with their own odor. Our results provide an explanation for the highly individual nature of perfume choice

    The Born supremacy: quantum advantage and training of an Ising Born machine

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    The search for an application of near-term quantum devices is widespread. Quantum Machine Learning is touted as a potential utilisation of such devices, particularly those which are out of the reach of the simulation capabilities of classical computers. In this work, we propose a generative Quantum Machine Learning Model, called the Ising Born Machine (IBM), which we show cannot, in the worst case, and up to suitable notions of error, be simulated efficiently by a classical device. We also show this holds for all the circuit families encountered during training. In particular, we explore quantum circuit learning using non-universal circuits derived from Ising Model Hamiltonians, which are implementable on near term quantum devices. We propose two novel training methods for the IBM by utilising the Stein Discrepancy and the Sinkhorn Divergence cost functions. We show numerically, both using a simulator within Rigetti's Forest platform and on the Aspen-1 16Q chip, that the cost functions we suggest outperform the more commonly used Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) for differentiable training. We also propose an improvement to the MMD by proposing a novel utilisation of quantum kernels which we demonstrate provides improvements over its classical counterpart. We discuss the potential of these methods to learn `hard' quantum distributions, a feat which would demonstrate the advantage of quantum over classical computers, and provide the first formal definitions for what we call `Quantum Learning Supremacy'. Finally, we propose a novel view on the area of quantum circuit compilation by using the IBM to `mimic' target quantum circuits using classical output data only.Comment: v3 : Close to journal published version - significant text structure change, split into main text & appendices. See v2 for unsplit version; v2 : Typos corrected, figures altered slightly; v1 : 68 pages, 39 Figures. Comments welcome. Implementation at https://github.com/BrianCoyle/IsingBornMachin

    Differential Patterns of Food Appreciation during Consumption of a Simple Food in Congenitally Anosmic Individuals: An Explorative Study

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    Food is evaluated for various attributes. One of the key food evaluation domains is hedonicity. As food is consumed, its hedonic valence decreases (due to prolonged sensory stimulation) and hedonic habituation results. The aim of the present study was to investigate changes in food pleasantness ratings during consumption of a simple food by individuals without olfactory experience with food as compared to normosmics. 15 congenital anosmics and 15 normosmic controls were each presented with ten 10 g banana slices. Each was visually inspected, then smelled and chewed for ten seconds and subsequently rated for hedonicity on a 21-point scale. There was a significant difference in pleasantness ratings between congenital anosmics and controls (F(1, 26) = 6.71, p = .02) with the anosmics exhibiting higher ratings than the controls, a significant main repeated-measures effect on the ratings (F(1.85, 48) = 12.15, p<.001), which showed a decreasing trend over the course of consumption, as well as a significant portion*group interaction (F(1.85, 48) = 3.54, p = .04), with the anosmic participants experiencing a less pronounced decline. The results of the present explorative study suggest that over the course of consumption of a simple food, congenitally anosmic individuals experience differential patterns of appreciation of food as compared to normosmics. In this particular case, the decrease of hedonic valence was less pronounced in congenital anosmics

    The Distribution of Toxoplasma gondii Cysts in the Brain of a Mouse with Latent Toxoplasmosis: Implications for the Behavioral Manipulation Hypothesis

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    reportedly manipulates rodent behavior to enhance the likelihood of transmission to its definitive cat host. The proximate mechanisms underlying this adaptive manipulation remain largely unclear, though a growing body of evidence suggests that the parasite-entrained dysregulation of dopamine metabolism plays a central role. Paradoxically, the distribution of the parasite in the brain has received only scant attention. at six months of age and examined 18 weeks later. The cysts were distributed throughout the brain and selective tropism of the parasite toward a particular functional system was not observed. Importantly, the cysts were not preferentially associated with the dopaminergic system and absent from the hypothalamic defensive system. The striking interindividual differences in the total parasite load and cyst distribution indicate a probabilistic nature of brain infestation. Still, some brain regions were consistently more infected than others. These included the olfactory bulb, the entorhinal, somatosensory, motor and orbital, frontal association and visual cortices, and, importantly, the hippocampus and the amygdala. By contrast, a consistently low incidence of tissue cysts was recorded in the cerebellum, the pontine nuclei, the caudate putamen and virtually all compact masses of myelinated axons. Numerous perivascular and leptomeningeal infiltrations of inflammatory cells were observed, but they were not associated with intracellular cysts. distribution stems from uneven brain colonization during acute infection and explains numerous behavioral abnormalities observed in the chronically infected rodents. Thus, the parasite can effectively change behavioral phenotype of infected hosts despite the absence of well targeted tropism

    Distract yourself: prediction of salient distractors by own actions and external cues.

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    Distracting sensory events can capture attention, interfering with the performance of the task at hand. We asked: is our attention captured by such events if we cause them ourselves? To examine this, we employed a visual search task with an additional salient singleton distractor, where the distractor was predictable either by the participant's own (motor) action or by an endogenous cue; accordingly, the task was designed to isolate the influence of motor and non-motor predictive processes. We found both types of prediction, cue- and action-based, to attenuate the interference of the distractor-which is at odds with the "attentional white bear" hypothesis, which states that prediction of distracting stimuli mandatorily directs attention towards them. Further, there was no difference between the two types of prediction. We suggest this pattern of results may be better explained by theories postulating general predictive mechanisms, such as the framework of predictive processing, as compared to accounts proposing a special role of action-effect prediction, such as theories based on optimal motor control. However, rather than permitting a definitive decision between competing theories, our study highlights a number of open questions, to be answered by these theories, with regard to how exogenous attention is influenced by predictions deriving from the environment versus our own actions

    Особенности ценообразования и контроля за ценами на продукцию малых и средних семейных предприятий

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    It is estimated that family enterprises participate in the entire global business by 80% share, while in the Czech Republic, family enterprises participate only by 20 to 30% in the gross domestic product, with the reason being the disruption of tradition of family businesses as a result of centrally planned economy. In case of small and medium family business the price is given exogenously, specifically by the situation on the market. Was found that the selection of the price calculation method is one of the critical controlling decisions. Thus, it can be said that consistent controlling management of small and medium-sized family businesses result in their increased competitiveness, it timely eliminates external risks, improves their stability and extends the life cycle and has a positive effects on the overall economic climate.Визначено, що у світовій економіці частка сімейних підприємств становить 80%, у той самий час у Чехії частка сімейних підприємств є рівною 20-30%, що є результатом централізованої планової економіки. Встановлено, що на малих і середніх підприємствах ціни встановлюються екзогенно, зокрема, на основі врахування ситуації, що склалася на ринку. У ході дослідження було з’ясовано, що вибір методу розрахунку цін є одним із найважливіших управлінських рішень на малих і середніх сімейних підприємствах. Також визначено, що послідовне управління малими та середніми сімейними підприємствами дозволяє підвищити їх конкурентоспроможність, своєчасно усунути зовнішні ризики, підвищити їх стабільність, подовжити життєвий цикл, а також чинить позитивний вплив на загальний економічний клімат у країні.Определено, что в мировой экономике доля семейных предприятий составляет 80%, в то же время в Чехии доля семейных предприятий является равной 20-30%, что является результатом централизованной плановой экономики. Установлено, что на малых и средних предприятиях цены устанавливаются экзогенно, в частности, на основе учета ситуации на рынке. В ходе исследования было выяснено, что выбор метода расчета цен является одним из важнейших управленческих решений на малых и средних семейных предприятиях. Также определено, что последовательное управление малыми и средними семейными предприятиями позволяет повысить их конкурентоспособность, своевременно устранить внешние риски, повысить их стабильность, удлинить жизненный цикл, а также оказывает положительное влияние на общий экономический климат в стране

    Optimální řízení inverzního kyvadla založené na fyzikálním modelu

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    This paper describes the design procedure of nonlinear dynamical model of a real system-inverted pendulum-cart with pendulum. The aim of the paper is to create a mathematical model based on known constructional, mechanical and electrical characteristics of the physical system. Such a model is linearized into standard linear time-invariant state-space model where the input is motor power voltage and the outputs are cart position and pendulum angle. A linear model is used for discrete-time LQ controller design-state variables are estimated and the cart position is controlled with pendulum in upright metastable position.Příspěvek se zabývá návrhem řízení nelineárního dynamického modelu inverzního kyvadla s vozíkem. Cílem je vytvořit matematický model reálného zařízení včetně motoru, linearizovat jej a aplikovat diskrétní LQ regulátor s odhadem stavů