509 research outputs found

    Strawberry production in Ohio

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    Some factors which influence the fruiting habit of Henderson's Bush Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus)

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    Ramularia leaf spot of barley

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    The Underrepresentation of Black Students in Advanced Placement Courses: Student Perceptions of Peers, Teachers and School

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    In its annual Advanced Placement Report to the Nation, the College Board highlights increasing the participation rates of minorities in AP classes. Despite this emphasis, Blacks continue to be the most underrepresented students in AP courses. The research on the reasons for this underrepresentation from the perspective of Black students is limited. The purpose of this study is to determine to what extent, if any, peers, teachers or school influences the enrollment practices of Blacks in AP. Chapter 1 examines the history of AP and Black students, as well as existing literature with respect to peer pressure, teacher expectations and school practices. Using qualitative research, chapter 2 asks Black students to describe their experiences with AP as related to their peers, teachers, and school as influences on their AP course enrollment through Invitational Theory to determine if the environment is intentionally inviting them to enroll in these courses. The findings suggest that the students’ interest in the course, parental influence, and eventual college selection were the dominant influences in enrollment decisions. Their experiences can provide insight on academic choices and actions. This study may have implications for the recruitment of Black students in AP


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan Legitimasi tindakan intervensi menurut Hukum Internasional. Serta menganalisis apakah tindakan intervensi yang dilakukan oleh Rusia terhadap Ukraina legal menurut hukum internasional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif atau doktrinal yang bersifat preskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kasus dan pendekatan konsep. Bahan hukum primer yang digunakan yakni Piagam PBB, adapun bahan hukum sekunder terdiri dari buku-buku referensi, pendapat para ahli, dan jurnal-jurnal hukum serta makalah yang berkaitan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Teknik pengumpulan bahan hukum menggunakan studi kepustakaan yang dianalisis secara deduktif dan secara kualitatif serta dengan interpretasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intervensi memperoleh legitimasi menurut hukum internasional denganmengacu pada 5 kriteria yakni : intervensi secara kolektif yang ditentukan piagam PBB, intervensi untuk melindungi kepentingan dan hak warga negara yang berada di negara lain, intervensi atas dasar pembelaan diri, intervensi negaraprotektorat atas dominionnya, serta intervensi yang dilakukan apabila suatu negara melakukan pelanggaran berat. Tindakan intervensi yang dilakukan Rusia atas wilayah Krimea di Ukrainatelah melanggar ketentuan hukum internasional,karena tindakan intervensi tersebut tidak memenuhi 5 kriteria intervensi yang diperbolehkan dalam hukum internasional. Kata kunci : Legitimasi, Intervensi, Konflik Internasional, Intervensi Rusia di Krime

    Asuransi dalam Perspektif Islam

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    This article discusses how insurance aplikable in Islam perspective. The results of discussion is that insurance as Islamic Economic (muamalah) practice today, is not known at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, so that the legal basis textually not found in the Quran and hadith, the results of previous scholars and ijtihad in codes of Islamic Law. Islamic insurance which is being developed today, can essentially reduce the burden and narrowness, and bring benefits in people's lives. Therefore, the community should begin to see the prospect of such insurance as the media to protect themselves from the various possibilities of unwanted later, while participating together help each other in goodness and piety

    Difference In Self-Esteem Between Two Religious Groups

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    This study was a preliminary endeavor concerned with an investigation of self-esteem difference between fundamental religious groups and other religious groups in the Pittsburg, Kansas area for the year 1969. On the basis of religious doctrines 161 volunteer church members were divided into two religious groups: fundamental religious groups and other religious groups. Of the 161 volunteers, 85 church members were classified as members of other religious groups and 76 church members were classified as members of fundamental religious groups. After numbering subjects in each classification, thirty subjects were chosen from each classification by the use of a table of random numbers. The randomly chosen subjects were administered Maslow\u27s (1952) Security-Insecurity Inventory. Self-esteem was operationally defined by the use of Maslow\u27s (1952) Security-Insecurity Inventory (SII). Low scores on the SII indicated high self-esteem. High scores on the SII indicated low self-esteem. A significant difference in self-esteem was found at the .05 Level of Confidence between the two religious groups. The other religious groups SII mean was significantly lower than the fundamental religious groups SII mean, thus, on the basis of SII scores, the other religious groups self-esteem was significantly higher than the fundamental religious groups self-esteem. Because of possible sampling biases, it was suggested that generalizations based on the results of this study, are severely restricted
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