549 research outputs found

    Street Gangs and Coercive Control: The Gendered Exploitation of Young Women and Girls in County Lines

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    This paper explores young women and girls’ participation in gangs and ‘county lines’ drug sales. Qualitative interviews and focus groups with criminal justice and social service professionals found that women and girls in gangs often are judged according to androcentric, stereotypical norms that deny gender-specific risks of exploitation. Gangs capitalise on the relative ‘invisibility’ of young women to advance their economic interests in county lines and stay below police radar. The research shows gangs maintain control over women and girls in both physical and digital spaces via a combination of threatened and actual (sexual) violence and a form of economic abuse known as debt bondage; tactics readily documented in the field of domestic abuse. This paper argues that coercive control offers a new way of understanding and responding to these gendered experiences of gang life, with important implications for policy and practic

    HCV epidemiology in high-risk groups and the risk of reinfection

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    Injecting risk behaviours among people who inject drugs (PWID) and high-risk sexual practices among men who have sex with men (MSM) are important routes of hepatitis C virus (HCV) transmission. Current direct-acting antiviral treatment offers unique opportunities for reductions in HCV-related liver disease burden and epidemic control in high-risk groups, but these prospects could be counteracted by HCV reinfection due to on-going risk behaviours after successful treatment. Based on existing data from small and heterogeneous studies of interferon-based treatment, the incidence of reinfection after sustained virological response range from 2-6/100 person years among PWID to 10-15/100 person years among human immunodeficiency virus-infected MSM. These differences mainly reflect heterogeneity in study populations with regards to risk behaviours, but also reflect variations in study designs and applied virological methods. Increasing levels of reinfection are to be expected as we enter the interferon-free treatment era. Individual- and population-level efforts to address and prevent reinfection should therefore be undertaken when providing HCV care for people with on-going risk behaviour. Constructive strategies include acknowledgement, education and counselling, harm reduction optimization, scaled-up treatment including treatment of injecting networks, post-treatment screening, and rapid retreatment of reinfections

    Metalheads: the influence of personality and individual differences on preference for heavy metal

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    Previous studies have reported reliable associations between personality and music preferences, but have tended to rely on cross-genre preferences at the expense of preferences within a single subgenre. We sought to overcome this limitation by examining associations between individual differences and preferences for a specific subgenre of music, namely, contemporary heavy metal. A total of 414 individuals from Britain were presented with clips of 10 tracks of contemporary heavy metal and asked to rate each for liking. Participants also completed measures of the Big Five personality traits, attitudes toward authority, self-esteem, need for uniqueness, and religiosity. A multiple regression showed that stronger composite preference for the heavy metal tracks was associated with higher Openness to Experience, more negative attitudes toward authority, lower self-esteem, greater need for uniqueness, and lower religiosity. In addition, men showed a significantly stronger preference for the tracks than women (d = 0.54). These results are discussed in terms of the psychological needs that contemporary heavy metal fills for some individuals

    When the magic closes: Examining how Disney fans coped with theme park and resort closures amid the COVID-19 pandemic

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    This essay discusses a qualitative investigation we conducted with fans of the Disney parks and resorts during the summer of 2020 regarding the company’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, 22 people responded to open-ended questions from an online survey to discuss their views of the closures and planned reopenings of the Disney parks and resorts amid the early days of the pandemic. Using social identity theory (Tajfel, 1978) and the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991), we discuss how fans react to and cope with the temporary loss of a favorite activity and how companies in the themed entertainment industry can work to engage customers during such times. Along with implications for practitioners working in themed entertainment, we also introduce areas of future investigation important to further understanding of fan behavior amid uncertainty

    Evaluation of the Kent Serious Youth Violence Project

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    This report summarises the findings in relation to the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness over a period of two years and began in September 2020

    Reluctant gangsters revisited: the evolution of gangs from postcodes to profits

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    The aim of the current study was to understand how gangs have changed in the past 10 years since Pitts’ (2008) study in the London Borough of Waltham Forest. The study undertook interviews with 21 practitioners working on gang-related issues and 10 young people affected by gangs or formerly embedded in them. Two focus groups involving 37 participants from key agencies then explored the preliminary findings and contributed to a conceptualization of a new operating model of gangs. The study found that local gangs had evolved into more organized and profit-oriented entities than a decade earlier. The new operating model rejected visible signs of gang membership as ‘bad for business’ because they attracted unwanted attention from law enforcement agencies. Faced with a saturated drugs market in London, gangs moved out to capture drugs markets in smaller UK towns in ‘county lines’ activities. This more business-oriented ethos has changed the meaning of both territory and violence. While gang members in the original study described an emotional connection with their postcode, territory is increasingly regarded as a marketplace to be protected. Similarly, violence has moved from an expressive means of reinforcing gang identity to being increasingly used as an instrumental means of protecting business interests. The current study offers a rare opportunity to gain a picture of gangs at two time periods and contributes to work on the contested nature of UK gangs and renewed interest in gang evolution. These findings have important implications for local authorities and criminal justice agencies who need to address the profit motive of gang activity directly

    The perception and management of risk in UK office property development

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    Risk is an ever-present aspect of business, and risk taking is necessary for profit and economic progress. Speculative property development is popularly perceived as a 'risky business' yet, like other entrepreneurs, developers have opportunities to manage the risks they face; techniques include phasing and joint ventures. The associated areas of investment portfolio risk, development risk analysis and construction risk management have all been addressed by research. This article presents new knowledge about how developers perceive risks and the means they subsequently adopt to manage them. The developers of office projects across the UK were sent questionnaires by post. Respondents were asked about their perceptions of risks at the first appraisal stage and currently and about the risk management techniques that they had adopted. In-depth interviews with a selection of respondents were then used to discuss and augment the findings. Developers were most concerned about market-based risks at both stages. Concern about production-orientated risks was lower and fell significantly between the two stages. A fixed price contract was the most common risk management technique. Risk management techniques were used more often outside London and the South East. Developer type affects both the perception and management of risk. While developers do manage risk, decisions are made on the basis of professional and business experience. These findings should help development companies manage risk in a more objective and analytical way

    Validity of algorithms for identifying five chronic conditions in MedicineInsight, an Australian national general practice database.

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    Background MedicineInsight is a database containing de-identified electronic health records (EHRs) from over 700 Australian general practices. It is one of the largest and most widely used primary health care EHR databases in Australia. This study examined the validity of algorithms that use information from various fields in the MedicineInsight data to indicate whether patients have specific health conditions. This study examined the validity of MedicineInsight algorithms for five common chronic conditions: anxiety, asthma, depression, osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes. Methods Patients’ disease status according to MedicineInsight algorithms was benchmarked against the recording of diagnoses in the original EHRs. Fifty general practices contributing data to MedicineInsight met the eligibility criteria regarding patient load and location. Five were randomly selected and four agreed to participate. Within each practice, 250 patients aged ≥ 40 years were randomly selected from the MedicineInsight database. Trained staff reviewed the original EHR for as many of the selected patients as possible within the time available for data collection in each practice. Results A total of 475 patients were included in the analysis. All the evaluated MedicineInsight algorithms had excellent specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value (above 0.9) when benchmarked against the recording of diagnoses in the original EHR. The asthma and osteoporosis algorithms also had excellent sensitivity, while the algorithms for anxiety, depression and type 2 diabetes yielded sensitivities of 0.85, 0.89 and 0.89 respectively. Conclusions The MedicineInsight algorithms for asthma and osteoporosis have excellent accuracy and the algorithms for anxiety, depression and type 2 diabetes have good accuracy. This study provides support for the use of these algorithms when using MedicineInsight data for primary health care quality improvement activities, research and health system policymaking and planning

    Integration agriculture elevage dans les exploitations agropastorales au Nord de la Cote d’Ivoire

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    Dans la région de Korhogo au nord de la Côte d’Ivoire, les systèmes agropastoraux et l’intégration agriculture-élevage sont de plus en plus privilégiés par les paysans afin de faire face à la croissance démographique, à la cherté des intrants chimiques, aux problèmes fonciers, etc.). Cette étude vise à analyser la diversité des exploitations agropastorales (EAP) selon les zones agro-écologiques, avec un focus sur l‘intégration agriculture-élevage au sein de l’unité de production. La méthodologie s’appuie sur la méthode active de recherche participative (MARP), des interviews et des enquêtes approfondies sur un échantillon de 82 EAP dans deux villages. Le zonage agro-écologique a été actualisé à dire d’acteurs du fait de la croissance démographique, et la diversification des activités. Cinq types (structurels et fonctionnels) d’EAP ont été définis. Les grandes et très grandes EAP (1/4 des EAP) intensifient sur coton et maïs (quantité élevée de fumure organique (FO) sur le coton et quantité élevée de NPK sur le maïs) ; elles sont plus représentées en zone moins dense (Tiébila). Les moyennes EAP mixtes agriculture-élevage (20 % des EAP) et les petites et moyennes EAP d’agriculteurs (55 % des EAP), plus représentées en zone dense (Moroviné), combinent des fertilisants organiques et minéraux sur coton et céréales. Cette étude conclue sur la nécessité de prendre en compte la saturation croissante de l’espace, les changements de pratiques agropastorales et la diversité des EAP pour mieux cibler et rendre plus pertinentes et efficaces les actions d’accompagnement des EAP. Un accent particulier doit être mis sur la gestion de la fertilité des sols et l’amélioration de la productivité des EAP dans une optique de conservation des ressources naturelles.Mots clés: Analyse, diversité, système agropastoral, Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire, Intégration AgricultureélevageEnglish Title: Crop-livestock integration in the north of Ivory CostEnglish AbstractIn the area of Korhogo in the north of Ivory Coast, the agropastoral systems and the integration of crop and livestock are more and more privileged by the farmers to face population growth, high input cost, land problem, etc. This study aims at analyzing the diversity of agropastoral exploitations (EAP) according to agro-ecological zones, with an emphasis on the relations between crop and livestock. Methodology is based on the active participative research method (MARP), interviews and comprehensive investigations on a sample of 82 EAP in two villages. Agro-ecological zoning has been updated with the sayings of agropastoral actors according to population growth, and diversification of  activities. Five types (structural and functional) of EAP have been defined. Large and very large EAP (1/4 of the EAP) specialize on cotton and maize (more organic manure on the cotton and more mineral one on the maize); they are more represented in less dense zone (Tiébila). Average mixed crop and livestock EAP (20 % of the EAP) and the small and average of farmers (55 % of the EAP), more represented in dense zone (Moroviné), use on the same basis organic and mineral fertilizers on cotton and cereals. This study concluded on the need for taking into account the growing saturation of area and the diversity of EAP for better targeting the interventions of development, and making them more relevant and more effective, to reinforce the management of the fertility of the grounds and to ensure a greater productivity of the EAP, to accompany the EAP by taking into account their diversity for the conservation by the natural resources.Keywords: Analyze, diversity, agropastoral system, Korhogo, Ivory Coast, Crop-livestock Integratio

    Selfish learning:the impact of self-referential encoding on children's literacy attainment

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    Self-referencing (i.e., thinking about oneself during encoding) can increase attention toward to-be-encoded material, and support memory for information in adults and children. The current inquiry tested an educational application of this 'self reference effect' (SRE) on memory. A selfreferential modification of literacy tasks (vocabulary spelling) was tested in two experiments. In Experiment 1, seven- to nine-year-old children (N = 47) were asked to learn the spelling of four nonsense words by copying the vocabulary and generating sentences. Half of the children were asked to include themselves as a subject in each sentence. Results showed that children in this self-referent condition produced longer sentences and increased spelling accuracy by more than 20%, relative to those in an other-referent condition. Experiment 2 (N = 32) replicated this pattern in real-word learning. These findings demonstrate the significant potential advantages of utilizing self-referential encoding in the classroom
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