48 research outputs found

    Brest-Litowsk 1918 : Zwei FriedensschlĂĽsse und zwei Historiographien

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    Die Nationalitätenfrage im Russischen Reich: Auswertung der Volkszählung von 1897

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    Zu den grundlegenden Vorrausetzungen nationaler Konflikte gehört die Verbindung nationaler mit sozialen Faktoren. Die Analyse der sozio-ethnischen Struktur des Russischen Reiches ist deshalb ein Desiderat historischer Forschung. Die einzige übergreifende Quelle für eine solche Untersuchung ist die russische Volkszählung von 1897. Der vorliegende Beitrag berichtet über ein Forschungsprojekt des Seminars für osteuropäische Geschichte der Universität Köln, das aus den 89 Bänden der Volkszählung eine Datenbank angelegt hat und auf dieser Basis die Nationalitätenfrage im Russischen Reich studiert. Über 130 ethnische Gruppen sind (aufgrund ihrer Muttersprache) registriert, und diese Daten sind mit einer Anzahl anderer Kategorien (Alter, Religion/Konfession, Beruf, Stand, Bildung, Krankheiten usw.) korreliert und in Tabellen zusammengefaßt. (pmb)'One of the basic preconditions for national conflicts is the connection and interdependancy of national and social factors. The analysis of the socio-ethnic structure of the late Russian Empire, the complex network of social strata and ethnic composure of the population was the main purpose of a research project which was carried out by A. Kappeler and his team at the Seminar for East-European History of the University of Cologne. As an outstanding source for this objective, the first Russian census of 1897 was evaluated which contains a wide variety of information. More than 130 ethnic groups have been registered with additional aggregated information about age, denomination, occupation, social position etc. All this data have been integrated after intensive operations concerning source criticism into a database which is now available at the Center for Historical Social Research for further research.' (author's abstract

    Sub-threshold depression and antidepressants use in a community sample: searching anxiety and finding bipolar disorder

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To determine the use of antidepressants (ADs) in people with sub-threshold depression (SD); the lifetime prevalence of mania and hypomania in SD and the link between ADs use, bipolarity and anxiety disorders in SD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Study design: community survey. Study population: samples randomly drawn, after stratification from the adult population of municipal records. Sample size: 4999 people from seven areas within six Italian regions. Tools: Questionnaire on psychotropic drug consumption, prescription; Structured Clinical Interview NP for DSM-IV modified (ANTAS); Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D); Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ); Short Form Health Survey (SF-12). SD definition: HAM-D > 10 without lifetime diagnosis of Depressive Episode (DE).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>SD point prevalence is 5.0%. The lifetime prevalence of mania and hypomania episodes in SD is 7.3%. Benzodiazepines (BDZ) consumption in SD is 24.1%, followed by ADs (19.7%). In SD, positive for MDQ and comorbidity with Panic Disorder (PD) or Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD) are associated with ADs use, whereas the association between a positive MDQ and ADs use, without a diagnosis of PD or GAD, is not significant. Only in people with DE the well-being (SF-12) is higher among those using first-line antidepressants compared to those not using any medication. In people with SD no significant differences were found in terms of SF-12 score according to drug use.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study suggests caution in prescribing ADs to people with SD. In people with concomitant anxiety disorders and SD, it should be mandatory to perform a well-designed assessment and evaluate the presence of previous manic or hypomanic symptoms prior to prescribing ADs.</p

    The dialect dictionary

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    In this chapter, the making of dialect dictionaries is discussed. We dwell on the user-oriented metalexicographical considerations, and on the ensuing macrostructural and microstructural options. Special attention is devoted to fieldwork procedures for unwritten language varieties. We try and answer the basic questions of field work: What?, Where?, Who?, How? And How much

    Geschichtspolitik unter der Präsidentschaft von Wolodymyr Selenskyj

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    Die Geschichtspolitik in der Ukraine ist in den vergangenen Jahren wichtiger Teil der gesellschaftlichen Debatte geworden. Petro Poroschenko setzte in seiner Präsidentschaft auf eine sehr prononcierte Geschichtspolitik, die geprägt war vom Krieg im Osten der Ukraine, der Dekommunisierung sowie der Schaffung einer von Moskau unabhängigen Orthodoxen Kirche. Wie lässt sich die Geschichtspolitik unter Wolodymyr Selenskyj charakterisieren? Welche Akzente und Impulse konnte er im ersten Jahr seiner Präsidentschaft setzen, wo setzte er den Kurs seines Vorgängers fort und wo setzt er sich von seinem Vorgänger ab

    Instrumentalisiert, verdrängt, ignoriert

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    Germany was well informed about the famine in Ukraine in 1932/33. Diplomats sent reports of what was happening, and church organisations began collecting aid for the victims. German engineers and labourers working on installations in the country were eye witnesses to what occurred. The first academic study of the catastrophe was conducted in 1941 under German occupation, and the results were extensively exploited for propaganda purposes. The Germans had quite a large amount of information. Yet the instrumentalisation of the Holodomor by the National Socialists and unease within Germany about the country's own crimes during the war of annihilation and the Holocaust made it difficult to engage with the issue during the postwar years. The Holodomor in Ukraine was also suppressed, forgotten and ignored as a result of the Russia-centric nature of German historical Eastern European research. Today, those who demand that the Holodomor be recognised as genocide also hope to integrate it into the European and global culture of remembrance