672 research outputs found

    Der Rest vom Fest. Eine spätbronzezeitliche Grube voller Scherben vom Seckeberg in Frick

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    Gegenstand der Arbeit ist eine bronzezeitliche Grube von Frick-Seckeberg, die ein umfangreiches keramisches Fundinventar geliefert hat. Der hohe Anteil feinkeramischer Gefäße, die starke Fragmentierung und Hitzeüberprägung der Funde sowie die Anordnung der dicht gepackten Scherben in der Grube führten schon während der Grabung zu der Einschätzung, dass es sich um einen außergewöhnlichen Befund mit einem sehr speziellen Fundspektrum handelt. Es stellte sich daher die Frage, ob Funde und Befund im Kontext von rituellen Praktiken zu sehen sind und es sich um ein Phänomen handelt, das in der Bronzezeitforschung mit dem Begriff «Kultgrube» umrissen wird.Mit ihrer Analyse liefert Miriam Hauser eine plausible Deutung dieses eigenartigen Befundes als Überreste eines Festmahls. Nach dem Mahl wurde das Geschirr zertrümmert, die Scherben wurden in ein heftig loderndes Feuer geworfen, um anschließend wieder ausgelesen und in einer eigens dafür ausgehobenen Grube deponiert und mit Erde überdeckt zu werden. Diesen Handlungsablauf konnte Miriam Hauser anhand unscheinbarer Spuren am Fundmaterial rekonstruieren. Die herangezogenen Vergleiche stützen diese Interpretation und machen auf ein Phänomen aufmerksam, das in der Schweizer Bronzezeitforschung bisher noch wenig Beachtung fand. Mit ihrer Arbeit eröffnet Miriam Hauser jedoch nicht nur einen Einblick in die bislang kaum bekannten bronzezeitlichen Festpraktiken, sondern leistet zudem einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Typochronologie der Keramik aus der Mittel- und beginnenden Spätbronzezeit, deren Präzisierung weit über die Landesgrenzen hinaus ein dringendes Desiderat ist.Eine Masterarbeit der Universität Basel, Departement Altertumswissenschaften Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Provinzialrömische Archäologie

    Biological Consequences of Ancient Gene Acquisition and Duplication in the Large Genome of Candidatus Solibacter usitatus Ellin6076

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    Members of the bacterial phylum Acidobacteria are widespread in soils and sediments worldwide, and are abundant in many soils. Acidobacteria are challenging to culture in vitro, and many basic features of their biology and functional roles in the soil have not been determined. Candidatus Solibacter usitatus strain Ellin6076 has a 9.9 Mb genome that is approximately 2–5 times as large as the other sequenced Acidobacteria genomes. Bacterial genome sizes typically range from 0.5 to 10 Mb and are influenced by gene duplication, horizontal gene transfer, gene loss and other evolutionary processes. Our comparative genome analyses indicate that the Ellin6076 large genome has arisen by horizontal gene transfer via ancient bacteriophage and/or plasmid-mediated transduction, and widespread small-scale gene duplications, resulting in an increased number of paralogs. Low amino acid sequence identities among functional group members, and lack of conserved gene order and orientation in regions containing similar groups of paralogs, suggest that most of the paralogs are not the result of recent duplication events. The genome sizes of additional cultured Acidobacteria strains were estimated using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to determine the prevalence of the large genome trait within the phylum. Members of subdivision 3 had larger genomes than those of subdivision 1, but none were as large as the Ellin6076 genome. The large genome of Ellin6076 may not be typical of the phylum, and encodes traits that could provide a selective metabolic, defensive and regulatory advantage in the soil environment

    Identification of two new recessive MC1R alleles in red-coloured Evolèner cattle and other breeds

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    Sequence variations in the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) gene are associated with melanism in different animal species. Six functionally relevant alleles have been described in cattle to date. In a hypothesis-free approach we performed a genome-wide allelic association study with black, red and wild-coloured cattle of three Alpine cattle breeds (Eringer, Evolèner and Valdostana), revealing a single significant association signal close to the MC1R gene. We searched for candidate causative variants by sequencing the entire coding sequence and identified two novel protein-changing variants. We propose designating the mutant alleles at MC1R:c.424C>T as ev1 and at MC1R:c.263G>A as ev2. Both affect conserved amino acid residues in functionally important transmembrane domains (p.Arg142Cys and p.Ser88Asn). Both alleles segregate predominantly in the Swiss Evolèner breed. They occur in other European cattle breeds such as Abondance and Rotes Höhenvieh as well. We observed almost perfect association between the MC1R genotypes and the coat colour phenotype in a cohort of 513 black, red and wild-coloured cattle. Animals carrying two copies of MC1R loss-of-function alleles or that were compound heterozygous for e, ev1, or ev2 have a red to dark red (chestnut-like red) coat colour. These findings expand the spectrum of causal MC1R variants causing recessive red in cattle

    Genomics of an extreme psychrophile, Psychromonas ingrahamii

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    © 2008 Riley et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The definitive version was published in BMC Genomics 9 (2008): 210, doi:10.1186/1471-2164-9-210.The genome sequence of the sea-ice bacterium Psychromonas ingrahamii 37, which grows exponentially at -12C, may reveal features that help to explain how this extreme psychrophile is able to grow at such low temperatures. Determination of the whole genome sequence allows comparison with genes of other psychrophiles and mesophiles. Correspondence analysis of the composition of all P. ingrahamii proteins showed that (1) there are 6 classes of proteins, at least one more than other bacteria, (2) integral inner membrane proteins are not sharply separated from bulk proteins suggesting that, overall, they may have a lower hydrophobic character, and (3) there is strong opposition between asparagine and the oxygen-sensitive amino acids methionine, arginine, cysteine and histidine and (4) one of the previously unseen clusters of proteins has a high proportion of "orphan" hypothetical proteins, raising the possibility these are cold-specific proteins. Based on annotation of proteins by sequence similarity, (1) P. ingrahamii has a large number (61) of regulators of cyclic GDP, suggesting that this bacterium produces an extracellular polysaccharide that may help sequester water or lower the freezing point in the vicinity of the cell. (2) P. ingrahamii has genes for production of the osmolyte, betaine choline, which may balance the osmotic pressure as sea ice freezes. (3) P. ingrahamii has a large number (11) of three-subunit TRAP systems that may play an important role in the transport of nutrients into the cell at low temperatures. (4) Chaperones and stress proteins may play a critical role in transforming nascent polypeptides into 3-dimensional configurations that permit low temperature growth. (5) Metabolic properties of P. ingrahamii were deduced. Finally, a few small sets of proteins of unknown function which may play a role in psychrophily have been singled out as worthy of future study. The results of this genomic analysis provide a springboard for further investigations into mechanisms of psychrophily. Focus on the role of asparagine excess in proteins, targeted phenotypic characterizations and gene expression investigations are needed to ascertain if and how the organism regulates various proteins in response to growth at lower temperatures.MR acknowledges support from DE-FG02-04ER63940. JTS acknowledges the support from the University of Washington NASA NAI program and the NSF Astrobiology IGERT program. TZW acknowledges support from a grant from the Fondation Fourmentin-Guilbert and AD acknowledges support from the European Union BioSapiens Network of Excellence, Grant LSHG CT-2003-50326

    Complete genome sequence of Granulicella tundricola type strain MP5ACTX9T, an Acidobacteria from tundra soil

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    Granulicella tundricola strain MP5ACTX9(T) is a novel species of the genus Granulicella in subdivision 1 Acidobacteria. G. tundricola is a predominant member of soil bacterial communities, active at low temperatures and nutrient limiting conditions in Arctic alpine tundra. The organism is a cold-adapted acidophile and a versatile heterotroph that hydrolyzes a suite of sugars and complex polysaccharides. Genome analysis revealed metabolic versatility with genes involved in metabolism and transport of carbohydrates, including gene modules encoding for the carbohydrate-active enzyme (CAZy) families for the breakdown, utilization and biosynthesis of diverse structural and storage polysaccharides such as plant based carbon polymers. The genome of G. tundricola strain MP5ACTX9(T) consists of 4,309,151 bp of a circular chromosome and five mega plasmids with a total genome content of 5,503,984 bp. The genome comprises 4,705 protein-coding genes and 52 RNA genes

    Complete genome sequence of Allochromatium vinosum DSM 180T

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    Allochromatium vinosum formerly Chromatium vinosum is a mesophilic purple sulfur bacterium belonging to the family Chromatiaceae in the bacterial class Gammaproteobacteria. The genus Allochromatium contains currently five species. All members were isolated from freshwater, brackish water or marine habitats and are predominately obligate phototrophs. Here we describe the features of the organism, together with the complete genome sequence and annotation. This is the first completed genome sequence of a member of the Chromatiaceae within the purple sulfur bacteria thriving in globally occurring habitats. The 3,669,074 bp genome with its 3,302 protein-coding and 64 RNA genes was sequenced within the Joint Genome Institute Community Sequencing Program