2,774 research outputs found

    Some examples of the degradation of properties of materials in space

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    The space environment effects on the silver teflon covering (solar panels) of two SOLRAD SATELLITES AND NTS-Z are examined to analyze the design requirements for the Shuttle Launch Dispenser (SLD)

    Anti-CD20 therapy depletes activated myelin-specific CD8+ T cells in multiple sclerosis.

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    CD8+ T cells are believed to play an important role in multiple sclerosis (MS), yet their role in MS pathogenesis remains poorly defined. Although myelin proteins are considered potential autoantigenic targets, prior studies of myelin-reactive CD8+ T cells in MS have relied on in vitro stimulation, thereby limiting accurate measurement of their ex vivo precursor frequencies and phenotypes. Peptide:MHC I tetramers were used to identify and validate 5 myelin CD8+ T cell epitopes, including 2 newly described determinants in humans. The validated tetramers were used to measure the ex vivo precursor frequencies and phenotypes of myelin-specific CD8+ T cells in the peripheral blood of untreated MS patients and HLA allele-matched healthy controls. In parallel, CD8+ T cell responses against immunodominant influenza epitopes were also measured. There were no differences in ex vivo frequencies of tetramer-positive myelin-specific CD8+ T cells between MS patients and control subjects. An increased proportion of myelin-specific CD8+ T cells in MS patients exhibited a memory phenotype and expressed CD20 compared to control subjects, while there were no phenotypic differences observed among influenza-specific CD8+ T cells. Longitudinal assessments were also measured in a subset of MS patients subsequently treated with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy. The proportion of memory and CD20+ CD8+ T cells specific for certain myelin but not influenza epitopes was significantly reduced following anti-CD20 treatment. This study, representing a characterization of unmanipulated myelin-reactive CD8+ T cells in MS, indicates these cells may be attractive targets in MS therapy

    Reading Others’ Emotions: The Role of Intuitive Judgments in Predicting Marital Satisfaction, Quality and Stability

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    This study examined links between emotion expression in couple interactions and marital quality and stability. Core aspects of emotion expression in marital interactions were identified using naïve observational coding by multiple raters. Judges rated 47 marital discussions using 15 emotion descriptors. Coders’ pooled ratings yielded good reliability on four types of emotion expression: hostility, distress, empathy, and affection. These four types were linked with concurrent marital satisfaction and interviewer ratings of marital adjustment, as well as with marital stability at 5-year follow-up. The study also examined the extent to which naïve judges’ ratings of emotion expression correspond to “expert” ratings using the Specific Affect Coding System (SPAFF). The unique advantages of naïve coding of emotion expression in marital interaction are discussed

    Prospective Associations from Family-of-Origin Interactions to Adult Marital Interactions and Relationship Adjustment

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    To test the social learning-based hypothesis that marital conflict resolution patterns are learned in the family-of-origin, we used longitudinal, observational data to assess prospective associations between family conflict interaction patterns during adolescence and offspring’s later marital conflict interaction patterns. Forty-seven participants completed an observed family conflict resolution task with their parents at age 14. Seventeen years later, they completed an observed marital conflict interaction task with their spouse, as well as a measure of marital adjustment. As predicted, levels of hostility and positive engagement expressed by parents and adolescents during family interactions were prospectively linked with levels of hostility and positive engagement expressed by offspring and their spouses during marital interactions. Family-of-origin hostility was a particularly robust predictor of marital interaction behaviors; it predicted later marital hostility and engagement controlling for psychopathology and positive family-of-origin engagement. For men, family-of-origin hostility also predicted poorer marital adjustment, an effect that was mediated through hostility in marital interactions. These findings suggest a long-lasting influence of family communication patterns, particularly hostility, on offspring’s intimate communication and relationship functioning

    Prospective Associations from Family-of-Origin Interactions to Adult Marital Interactions and Relationship Adjustment

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    To test the social learning-based hypothesis that marital conflict resolution patterns are learned in the family-of-origin, we used longitudinal, observational data to assess prospective associations between family conflict interaction patterns during adolescence and offspring’s later marital conflict interaction patterns. Forty-seven participants completed an observed family conflict resolution task with their parents at age 14. Seventeen years later, they completed an observed marital conflict interaction task with their spouse, as well as a measure of marital adjustment. As predicted, levels of hostility and positive engagement expressed by parents and adolescents during family interactions were prospectively linked with levels of hostility and positive engagement expressed by offspring and their spouses during marital interactions. Family-of-origin hostility was a particularly robust predictor of marital interaction behaviors; it predicted later marital hostility and engagement controlling for psychopathology and positive family-of-origin engagement. For men, family-of-origin hostility also predicted poorer marital adjustment, an effect that was mediated through hostility in marital interactions. These findings suggest a long-lasting influence of family communication patterns, particularly hostility, on offspring’s intimate communication and relationship functioning

    Pratt & Whitney/Boeing Engine Validation of Noise Reduction Concepts Final Report for NASA Contract NAS3-97144, Phase 2

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    This report presents results of the work completed in Phase 2 of the Engine Validation of Noise Reduction Concepts (EVNRC) contract. The purpose of the program is to validate, through engine testing, advanced noise reduction concepts aimed at reducing engine noise up to 6 EPNdB and improving nacelle suppression by 50 percent relative to 1992 technology. Phase 1 of the program is completed and is summarized in NASA/CR-2014-218088

    Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2015

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    The goal of the Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Decathlon 2015 project is to design, build, and operate a zero-net energy solar-photovoltaic (solar-PV) powered residence. It is an international competition taking place in the fall of 2015 in Irvine, California. The design needs to be attractive, energy-efficient, innovative, and affordable. The Cal Poly team includes students from a variety of majors, including Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and many more. The different disciplines need to work together to create a functional and cohesive design. For our senior project, we have designed the electrical systems in the home, including the power, lighting, solar-PV systems, and energy monitoring. The design flow has four stages, Schematic Design (SD), Design Documents (DD), Construction Documents (CD), and Construction Administration (CA). Models were created using the AutoDesk software Revit, which is a building information modeling program with real-time 3D rendering. Our electrical design must comply with state and national building codes, such as the California Electrical Code (CEC) and National Electrical Code (NEC)

    Development and validation of a 30-day mortality index based on pre-existing medical administrative data from 13,323 COVID-19 patients: The Veterans Health Administration COVID-19 (VACO) Index.

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    BACKGROUND: Available COVID-19 mortality indices are limited to acute inpatient data. Using nationwide medical administrative data available prior to SARS-CoV-2 infection from the US Veterans Health Administration (VA), we developed the VA COVID-19 (VACO) 30-day mortality index and validated the index in two independent, prospective samples. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We reviewed SARS-CoV-2 testing results within the VA between February 8 and August 18, 2020. The sample was split into a development cohort (test positive between March 2 and April 15, 2020), an early validation cohort (test positive between April 16 and May 18, 2020), and a late validation cohort (test positive between May 19 and July 19, 2020). Our logistic regression model in the development cohort considered demographics (age, sex, race/ethnicity), and pre-existing medical conditions and the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) derived from ICD-10 diagnosis codes. Weights were fixed to create the VACO Index that was then validated by comparing area under receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC) in the early and late validation cohorts and among important validation cohort subgroups defined by sex, race/ethnicity, and geographic region. We also evaluated calibration curves and the range of predictions generated within age categories. 13,323 individuals tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (median age: 63 years; 91% male; 42% non-Hispanic Black). We observed 480/3,681 (13%) deaths in development, 253/2,151 (12%) deaths in the early validation cohort, and 403/7,491 (5%) deaths in the late validation cohort. Age, multimorbidity described with CCI, and a history of myocardial infarction or peripheral vascular disease were independently associated with mortality-no other individual comorbid diagnosis provided additional information. The VACO Index discriminated mortality in development (AUC = 0.79, 95% CI: 0.77-0.81), and in early (AUC = 0.81 95% CI: 0.78-0.83) and late (AUC = 0.84, 95% CI: 0.78-0.86) validation. The VACO Index allows personalized estimates of 30-day mortality after COVID-19 infection. For example, among those aged 60-64 years, overall mortality was estimated at 9% (95% CI: 6-11%). The Index further discriminated risk in this age stratum from 4% (95% CI: 3-7%) to 21% (95% CI: 12-31%), depending on sex and comorbid disease. CONCLUSION: Prior to infection, demographics and comorbid conditions can discriminate COVID-19 mortality risk overall and within age strata. The VACO Index reproducibly identified individuals at substantial risk of COVID-19 mortality who might consider continuing social distancing, despite relaxed state and local guidelines
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