7 research outputs found

    Development of a Hospital-based Massage Therapy Course at an Academic Medical Center

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    Background: Massage therapy is offered increasingly in US medical facilities. Although the United States has many massage schools, their education differs, along with licensure and standards. As massage therapy in hospitals expands and proves its value, massage therapists need increased training and skills in working with patients who have various complex medical concerns, to provide safe and effective treatment. These services for hospitalized patients can impact patient experience substantially and provide additional treatment options for pain and anxiety, among other symptoms. The present article summarizes the initial development and description of a hospital-based massage therapy course at a Midwest medical center.Methods: A hospital-based massage therapy course was developed on the basis of clinical experience and knowledge from massage therapists working in the complex medical environment. This massage therapy course had three components in its educational experience: online learning, classroom study, and a 25-hr shadowing experience. The in-classroom study portion included an entire day in the simulation center.Results: The hospital-based massage therapy course addressed the educational needs of therapists transitioning to work with interdisciplinary medical teams and with patients who have complicated medical conditions. Feedback from students in the course indicated key learning opportunities and additional content that are needed to address the knowledge and skills necessary when providing massage therapy in a complex medical environment.Conclusions: The complexity of care in medical settings is increasing while the length of hospital stay is decreasing. For this reason, massage provided in the hospital requires more specialized training to work in these environments. This course provides an example initial step in how to address some of the educational needs of therapists who are transitioning to working in the complex medical environment

    Solar Thermal Processing to Disinfect Human Waste

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    Almost half of the world’s population is living without access to sanitation services that are safe, reliable, and minimize public health risk of human waste exposure. Modern flush-based sanitation networks are unsustainable: substantial resources, namely water and fuel, are required to bring human waste to centralized treatment facilities. Moving toward sustainable sanitation requires the implementation of innovative renewable energy technologies for stabilization and disinfection of waste, at the local or household scale, where minimal inputs of water, electricity or chemicals are required. A novel solar thermal disinfection toilet prototype has been constructed and is assessed for overall solar to receiver efficiency in treating waste without electrical, chemical, or water inputs from municipal supply. The measured solar to receiver efficiency is 28%, incorporating the capturing and concentration of sunlight and transmission of the energy to the receiver. For a typical sunny day, the current system can achieve thermal treatment of 0.8 kg human waste in roughly 100 min. The novel toilet is available for any location in the world with sufficient sunlight and irradiance data, and is scalable by adding solar collectors for sizes from single dwellings to communities

    Auswertung von Luftverunreinigungs-Messungen

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