1,127 research outputs found

    Squeezed pulsed light from a fiber ring interferometer

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    Observation of squeezed noise, 5 +/- 0.3 dB below the shot noise level, generated with pulses in a fiber ring interferometer is reported. The interferometric geometry is used to separate the pump pulse from the squeezed vacuum radiation. A portion of the pump is reused as the local oscillator in a homodyne detection. The pump fluctuations are successfully subtracted and shot noise limited performance is achieved at low frequencies (35-85 KHz). A possible utilization of the generated squeezed vacuum in improving a fiber gyro's signal to noise ratio is discussed

    PT-symmetric laser-absorber

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    In a recent work, Y.D. Chong et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 105}, 053901 (2010)] proposed the idea of a coherent perfect absorber (CPA) as the time-reversed counterpart of a laser, in which a purely incoming radiation pattern is completely absorbed by a lossy medium. The optical medium that realizes CPA is obtained by reversing the gain with absorption, and thus it generally differs from the lasing medium. Here it is shown that a laser with an optical medium that satisfies the parity-time (PT)(\mathcal{PT}) symmetry condition ϵ(r)=ϵ(r)\epsilon(-\mathbf{r})=\epsilon^*(\mathbf{r}) for the dielectric constant behaves simultaneously as a laser oscillator (i.e. it can emit outgoing coherent waves) and as a CPA (i.e. it can fully absorb incoming coherent waves with appropriate amplitudes and phases). Such a device can be thus referred to as a PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric CPA-laser. The general amplification/absorption features of the PT\mathcal{PT} CPA-laser below lasing threshold driven by two fields are determined.Comment: 5 pages; to be published in Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communications

    Non-exponential decay via tunneling in tight-binding lattices and the optical Zeno effect

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    An exactly-solvable model for the decay of a metastable state coupled to a semi-infinite tight-binding lattice, showing large deviations from exponential decay in the strong coupling regime, is presented. An optical realization of the lattice model, based on discrete diffraction in a semi-infinite array of tunneling-coupled optical waveguides, is proposed to test non-exponential decay and for the observation of an optical analog of the quantum Zeno effect

    Optical Lenses for Atomic Beams

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    Superpositions of paraxial laser beam modes to generate atom-optical lenses based on the optical dipole force are investigated theoretically. Thin, wide, parabolic, cylindrical and circular atom lenses with numerical apertures much greater than those reported in the literature to date can be synthesized. This superposition approach promises to make high quality atom beam imaging and nano-deposition feasible.Comment: 10 figure

    Generation and manipulation of squeezed states of light in optical networks for quantum communication and computation

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    We analyze a fiber-optic component which could find multiple uses in novel information-processing systems utilizing squeezed states of light. Our approach is based on the phenomenon of photon-number squeezing of soliton noise after the soliton has propagated through a nonlinear optical fiber. Applications of this component in optical networks for quantum computation and quantum cryptography are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; submitted to Journal of Optics

    On the attenuation coefficient of monomode periodic waveguides

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    It is widely accepted that, on ensemble average, the transmission T of guided modes decays exponentially with the waveguide length L due to small imperfections, leading to the important figure of merit defined as the attenuation-rate coefficient alpha = -/L. In this letter, we evidence that the exponential-damping law is not valid in general for periodic monomode waveguides, especially as the group velocity decreases. This result that contradicts common beliefs and experimental practices aiming at measuring alpha is supported by a theoretical study of light transport in the limit of very small imperfections, and by numerical results obtained for two waveguide geometries that offer contrasted damping behaviours

    Capacity of nonlinear bosonic systems

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    We analyze the role of nonlinear Hamiltonians in bosonic channels. We show that the information capacity as a function of the channel energy is increased with respect to the corresponding linear case, although only when the energy used for driving the nonlinearity is not considered as part of the energetic cost and when dispersive effects are negligible.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Decoherence of Quantum-Enhanced Timing Accuracy

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    Quantum enhancement of optical pulse timing accuracy is investigated in the Heisenberg picture. Effects of optical loss, group-velocity dispersion, and Kerr nonlinearity on the position and momentum of an optical pulse are studied via Heisenberg equations of motion. Using the developed formalism, the impact of decoherence by optical loss on the use of adiabatic soliton control for beating the timing standard quantum limit [Tsang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 023902 (2006)] is analyzed theoretically and numerically. The analysis shows that an appreciable enhancement can be achieved using current technology, despite an increase in timing jitter mainly due to the Gordon-Haus effect. The decoherence effect of optical loss on the transmission of quantum-enhanced timing information is also studied, in order to identify situations in which the enhancement is able to survive.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    Information rate of waveguide

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    We calculate the communication capacity of a broadband electromagnetic waveguide as a function of its spatial dimensions and input power. We analyze the two cases in which either all the available modes or only a single directional mode are employed. The results are compared with those for the free space bosonic channel.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Revised version (minor changes

    Counterposition and negative phase velocity in uniformly moving dissipative materials

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    The Lorentz transformations of electric and magnetic fields were implemented to study (i) the refraction of linearly polarized plane waves into a half-space occupied by a uniformly moving material, and (ii) the traversal of linearly polarized Gaussian beams through a uniformly moving slab. Motion was taken to occur tangentially to the interface(s) and in the plane of incidence. The moving materials were assumed to be isotropic, homogeneous, dissipative dielectric materials from the perspective of a co-moving observer. Two different moving materials were considered: from the perspective of a co-moving observer, material A supports planewave propagation with only positive phase velocity, whereas material B supports planewave propagation with both positive and negative phase velocity, depending on the polarization state. For both materials A and B, the sense of the phase velocity and whether or not counterposition occurred, as perceived by a nonco-moving observer, could be altered by varying the observer's velocity. Furthermore, the lateral position of a beam upon propagating through a uniformly moving slab made of material A, as perceived by a nonco-moving observer, could be controlled by varying the observer's velocity. In particular, at certain velocities, the transmitted beam emerged from the slab laterally displaced in the direction opposite to the direction of incident beam. The transmittances of a uniformly moving slab made of material B were very small and the energy density of the transmitted beam was largely concentrated in the direction normal to the slab, regardless of the observer's velocity