16 research outputs found

    Rekrutteringen til industristedet Glomfjord i Meløy kommune 1946-1960 med særlig blikk på kompetanseutfordringen

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    Masteroppgave i historie - Universitetet i Nordland, 201

    Næringsutvikling i regionen Nordhordland : Kva er det kommunale næringsutviklingsarbeidet og kva slags rollar har kommunane?

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    Formålet med denne oppgåva har vore å sjå på næringsutviklinga i regionen Nordhordland. Kva som er det kommunale næringsutviklingsarbeidet og kva slags roller kommunane har. Med utgangspunkt i utvalde kommunar i Nordhordlandsregionen har studien fokusert på korleis dei arbeider med næringsutvikling og kva for roller dei har. Regionens kjenneteikn omfattar styrker og svakheiter ved næringsutviklinga i kommunane i Nordhordland. Det vises ved tal frå Statistisk Sentralbyrå. Teorigrunnlaget for oppgåva er litteratur omkring næringsutvikling. Det er delt opp i tre delar. Første del handlar om næringsutviklingsarbeid og omfattar kommunanes arbeid med ressursutnytting, fremming av entreprenørskap og organisering rundt utviklingsarbeidet. Andre del handlar om kommunanes roller og omfattar kommunale roller i eit institusjonelt perspektiv, utviklarrollar innanfor kyst og havbruk og om kommunar har ei minimalistisk eller ei offensiv utviklarrolle. Den tredje og siste del i teorien handlar om kommunalt og interkommunalt samarbeid samt klynger og nettverk innanfor næringsutvikling. Problemstillinga har blitt svart på gjennom ein kvalitativ studie der det blei gjennomført intervju med konkrete representantar for kommunens arbeid omkring næringsutvikling. Datamaterialet frå studien blei analysert og funna er presentert ut i frå næringsutviklingsarbeidet i kvar kommune og ulike rollar som kommunane har omkring det. Resultata frå studien viste at det er stort fokus omkring næringsutviklingsarbeid i alle kommunane og at dei arbeider ut ifrå kva slags ressursar dei har. Hovudfokuset i næringsutviklingsarbeidet er tilrettelegging av næringsareal og fremming av entreprenørskap. Den viktigaste rolla til kommunane er rolla som tenesteleverandør, elles var rolla som tilretteleggar den viktigaste omkring næringsutviklingsarbeidet. Man kunne og sjå at kommunane har meir eller mindre offensive utviklarroller. Elles kunne man sjå i studien at kommunalt og interkommunalt samarbeid kan styrke næringsutviklingsarbeidet i regionen og at framtida har tre alternativ for kommunane i Nordhordlandsregionen. Dette er å halde fram med interkommunale samarbeid eller samanslåing av alle eller nokre kommunar i regionen

    Pancreatic metastatic neuroendocrine neoplasm — what we could offer the patient?

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    Przedstawiono przypadek 46-letniej chorej z rozpoznaniem wysokozróżnicowanego nowotworu neuroendokryn­nego trzustki w stadium rozsiewu, z naciekaniem ściany żołądka, z obecnością przerzutów do węzłów chłonnych, wątroby i kości. U chorej zastosowano różne formy terapii (leczenie analogiem somatostatyny o przedłużonym działaniu, leczenie operacyjne, radioizotopowe), uzyskując zadowalający efekt pod postacią ustąpienia objawów klinicznych, regresję biochemiczną i radiologiczną choroby nowotworowej.Forty six years old patient was diagnosed with metastatic well differented pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor, infiltrating the gastric wall, with metastases to the lymph nodes, liver and bones. Various forms of therapy were applied such as long-acting somatostatin analogue therapy, surgery, radionuclide therapy. After adjusted therapy the patient outcome was satisaftory

    Rapporter Nr. 4 - 1993

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    Children with Type 1 Diabetes in Tajikistan : A qualitative study assessing perceptions of type 1 diabetes and the need for information and education among affected families in Tajikistan

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    Introduction: Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) is among the most common chronic childhood illnesses. Broad knowledge on complex daily management regimens including insulin injections, blood glucose monitoring, regular carbohydrate containing meals and exercise are required, to achieve normal growth and development, to prevent complications, and to promote and sustain optimal functioning for the child. If untreated, severe fluid, electrolyte and acid-base disturbances lead to dehydration, coma and death within a week. Accordingly, patient education is essential and needs to be addressed if T1DM is to be tackled, especially in developing countries. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess children's and parents' perceptions of T1DM and their need for information and education in Tajikistan. Study design: Qualitative. Methods: In-depth interviews with-, and focused observation of 18 diabetic children/adolescents (¡Ü18yrs: n=15; ¡Ý18yrs: n=3; age variation: 3-23yrs, duration of disease: 20d- 14yrs), their parents and endocrinologists (n=4) provided qualitative data from three out of four regions in Tajikistan (Region of Republican Subordination, Khatlon Region, Sughd Region). Purposive- and snowball sampling were used. One focus group discussion with diabetic children and descriptive observation from three diabetes days were used to triangulate the data provided in the interviews. Data was analyzed according to Malterud¡¯s systematic text condensation. Findings: From discussions and observations three pertinent themes were identified: (1) Finding out the child has diabetes, (2) Life with T1DM (Responses related to (a) emotions, (b) biomedical knowledge and (c) the health system) and (3) I would like to know more about/ I would suggest. (1) Emotional stress and the "evil eye" were perceived to cause T1DM. Most families had no knowledge about T1DM prior to diagnosis and medical personnel lacked awareness that diabetes could occur in children. Almost all children were severely sick at diagnosis and 11 out of 18 children had been in a coma at least once from diagnosis and onwards. (2)(a) Responses related to emotions were characterized by an ambiguous relationship between living with a chronic illness in reality and the uncertainty whether there was a cure that was yet unknown to them. Families experienced chronic sorrow, where coping was felt as an ongoing and spiral process by parents, whereas diabetic children struggled emotionally and showed few adaptive coping strategies. Mocking and stigmatization, due to impaired growth and delayed pubertal development generated inordinate stress, where 8 of 16 school-aged children stopped attending school. (b) Responses related to biomedical knowledge included diet, where sweets, bread and "oily food" were perceived as the worst foods for diabetic children. Only a few used glucometers as they believed to sense their blood glucose level. Further they were not able to read the English instructions and could not afford the expenses. Insulin injections were frequently left out as mothers had compassion and did not want to hurt their child. All children had experiences with hyperglycemia, but few were aware of its causality and long-term complications. Symptoms of hypoglycemia were not easily recognized. (c) Responses related to the health system were that families experienced insulin procurement as a main challenge. In addition, unofficial private payments often hindered families to seek professional help. (3) Diabetic children, their parents and medical doctors desired more written information targeting children with T1DM in Tajikistan. Further the value of diabetes camps was emphasized. Conclusions: In conclusion, this study has shown that 90 years after insulin saved the life of the first diabetic child, where the uniformly fatal disorder became a chronic illness with potential long-term survival, not much has changed for children with T1DM in Tajikistan. In this study it was found that little was known about T1DM and its treatment and that the health system had limited capacity to meet the needs of diabetic children in Tajikistan. With a globally estimated rise in incidence of T1DM, advocacy and allocation of financial resources are essential to improve diabetes care in resource constrained countries, so that children with T1DM can be empowered, preserve life quality and emotional health, and have a prolonged life expectancy